• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 585 Views, 15 Comments

The snow mare - pegasis23

In this story,Snowdrop and her husband,Thunder Wave have a baby. A baby with special powers.

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Chapter 6 ~Silver Moon~

"Auntie Luna?"Winter was overwhelmed by a cocktail of emotions as she saw her aunt in her dreams,"Is that really you?"

"Yes,my little filly.My dearest Winter Snow,how have you been after all this time?My,I believe you had grown since our last meeting."Luna hugged her niece before looking at her carefully.

Winter buried herself in her aunt's coat before pulling back,"Auntie Luna?Where were you?What happened to you?Am I just seeing some kind of vision or-I assure you,my dearest niece,I am not dead.I am simply here because you had called out for me."Luna replied,smiling down at her niece,"As you are always there for me,I will always be there for you,even if I am currently stuck in the moon."

"Wait,what?You're banished in the moon?But how are you here in my dreams?How long you will stay that way?Will you come back?"Winter asked,the dam holding back all of her questions starting to leak as Luna lingered in her dreams.

"Hush now,Winter,one question at a time."Luna looked at her niece warningly before continuing to answer all of her questions.

"No,my little star,I am merely sent to the moon,just as how you were sent to your room when you broke the rules. I do not know when will I ever return,it will probably take some time for me to be released. I am here because of binding contract I had to go through when I was your age."Luna,while answering Winter's questions,had used her magic to morph the dreamscape in to a valley of flowers,where a picnic basket sat on a flowery picnic mat that matched the vibrant colors all around.

"What binding contract?"Winter asked,glad to sit down and have something to eat,after all of the fighting and the roller coaster of emotions she had been through,Winter was famished.

"It is known as a dream contract.It is an ancient contract that needs a huge amount of planning,magic and not to mention,time. It binds the contractee to a lifetime of defending Drearelmia or Dream Scape,if you will, from nightmare forces.When I earned my cutie mark from raising the moon,it proved that I was the prophesied child that would keep this land safe. Although I'm not one of this realm,I had put a lot of work into it.The contract binds me even when I'm not in Equestria..."Luna explained,helping herself to a cupcake,sighing heavily.

"Oh..."Winter put down her muffin sadly,"I shouldn't have bothered you with my silly nightmare... If I hadn't,you wouldn't be like this -And you wouldn't be the filly who could dream whatever she wants. I gave up my freedom just for you,Winter Snow,just so as you could live your life to the fullest. Don't you dare cry or ever mourn for me or Sweet Tea,Winter Snow. You would know that that both me and Sweet Tea wouldn't want you to cry. Don't stick in the past,Winter,instead,let it go."Luna interrupted Winter,looking at her niece in the eye.

"Repeat after me,Winter.Let it go."Luna said slowly to allow Winter to repeat her words.

"Let it go."Winter echoed before feeling chills traveling up and down her spine,making her glow in a faint,sky blue light fleetingly and fading as quickly as it had appeared.

"There we go Winter. Feel better?"Luna smiled at her niece.

Winter nodded and as she agreed,she felt the tension ebb away from her mind.

"That's what I needed to hear... Good bye,and good luck,Winter Snow."Luna smiled down at Winter.

"Auntie Luna?What's going on?Auntie Luna?Auntie!" Winter shouted as everything seemed to be absorbed into the sun that was right in the middle.And then,Winter woke up.

"AUNTIE LUNA!"Winter screamed,her hoof grasping at the air as she woke up. Her new butler,Silver Tray,jumped back in fright ,nearly toppling his silver tray in fright.

Under the covers,icicles had formed below her. Winter stared at the ice before realizing that she must've awoken. A tear escaped her eyes. She was so close,yet so far in saving her aunt. If she could've gripped her aunt's hoof a little harder,maybe Luna would still be with her.

'Not a single tear,Winter!'A voice alike her aunt's voice resounded in her mind. Winter sniffled before wiping her tear away.

"P..P..Princess Winter?W..Would you like y..your breakfast I mean,lunch now?"Her butler asked nervously as he lowered the tray with his magic on to her bed side table.

"Sure..Thanks,Silver..."Winter yawned before tucking into her breakfast and dismissing Silver away,much to the butler's relief.

Winter swallowed her honey toast in sombre silence. How had it been since Sweet Tea went away?It seemed as years had passed,even if it were just a matter of days since Sweet's body been cremated due to her hitting Sweet's heart.

"Get over it,Winter..."Winter said to herself,shutting her eyes and taking a few deep breaths.

"1..."Winter silently counted to herself. As quick as one second passed,Winter remembered the terrible sound of her magic hitting Sweet's heart...

"2...."Winter kept her eyes shut as she let her memories go,as her aunt had told her to.

The terrible sight of Sweet's body burning flashed through her mind as she counted the second she was supposed to open her eyes,"3..." Winter felt the weight of pain and depression lift that had accumulated from over the losses of Luna and Sweet as the memories float out of her glowing body,taking up the form of white mist that floated in front of her. Winter opened her eyes and gingerly held the fragile mist with her magic and made her way to her balcony.

Winter glanced at the mist,taking a moment to position the mist correctly before throwing it out,watching as the mist converged for what looked like some kind of forest that was relatively near the castle.

"Go..Be Ever Free from my heart."Winter said,a small smile of relief showing as the pain had finally dulled in her at last.

Slamming the door,Winter smiled,her hope of a happier life beginning to shimmer brighter as she finally got past her losses.

Author's Note:

Yeah,that sums up this chapter. I decided to add what I think of how the Ever Free Forest came to be as well. Hopefully it wasn't too badly done though. O.O So super duper sorry I took a long time. I'm still having school and I may take time to do the next one as well. It is also a bit hard for me to come across chapter ideas too...So,apology accepted? *hopefully squees*