• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 587 Views, 15 Comments

The snow mare - pegasis23

In this story,Snowdrop and her husband,Thunder Wave have a baby. A baby with special powers.

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Chapter 3 ~The Dream~

Luna's reaction was immediate. She rushed forward and tackled Thunder Wave to the ground. "What is the meaning of this?" She roared at Thunder Wave.

Thunder Wave cowered beneath the angered Princess,his hooves covering his face,"Leave me be,Princess."

"And why would I do that,you criminal scum?After what you did to my..o..only f..friend?" Luna tried repress the tears threatening to show. The loss of her only friend had pained her so much,it was hard to get out of depression.

Thunder Wave uncovered his hooves to see the Princess sitting down, sobbing in spite her attempts of bottling it in. Standing up,he wiped away her tears and finally had the attention of Luna.

"Princess,Snowdrop isn't really all that good. She murdered her father and me. I know she's dead but I know she can hear me talking to you."Thunder Wave said,sitting opposite Luna , getting ready for a long explanation.

"Snowdrop isn't good,cause every night, I see her standing in the moonlight ,practicing magic. Not any kind of magic. Dark magic. I know because I see her eyes red and green and all smoky. That was how Winter here got her winter magic. Snowdrop meddled with ancient magic. She did ancient magic when you took Winter Snow away."Thunder gasped as a figure held his throat.

"Hello ,honey. Did you miss me?" Snowdrop smiled evilly as she held Thunder's throat.

"Leave Thunder Wave be, Snowdrop."Luna growled,her horn glowing in her magical aura.

Snowdrop laughed softly,her eyes in red and green,smoke gushing out in streams,"Oh,why should I let him be when he is attempting to free my Winter Snow?"

Luna ,with a gaping mouth,watched as the figure materialized into her friend with the evil eyes she saw on Sombra's. Snowdrop circled around her friend ,still smiling evilly.

"Snowdrop..Oh Snowdrop Whatever happened to you?" Luna sadly mourned ,making Snowdrop hiss in anger.

"Ponies can be corrupted,my dear little Princess. Noticed any lack in attention from your citizens?"Snowdrop hissed.

Luna flinched as the comment hit home on her popularity. Luna shook her head violently,eliciting a chuckle from her friend.

"You will leave Winter Snow alone!You ..You monster!" Luna spluttered as she spat the words into Snowdrop's surprised face.

The look of surprise soon turned into a cunning smile. "Am I not your friend,Princess? I never thought that you never guessed I was the leader of the cult King Sombra founded. He had blessed me and all was going well until you and your meddling sister Celestia stepped in."Snowdrop grinned.

"Blessed?My hoof!He had you in a mind control spell!I should have known!"Luna cried,at despair at the destruction of her friend.

Snowdrop smiled a little bigger and said,"Tick tock,Princess. A few more minutes before Winter awakes and you lost in this dimension."

Luna awoke from her stupor and loaded her horn with as much magic as she could muster and yelled in the Canterlot Voice ,"Get out of Winter Snow and LEAVE HER ALONE !" However,Luna had forgotten a few things about dreamwalking. When dispelling a nightmare force,you should not use too much magic or else the force will take advantage of you to do terrible things that is indescribable.And this was the opening that Snowdrop was hoping for . As the chains bounding Winter dissipated ,Snowdrop let lose the dark magic within her ghostly form ,engulfing the tired Princess with dark magic and disappearing from the dream.

As Winter fell from the chair,Luna took advantage for the few seconds to escape the dream world.

Luna reappeared on the soft carpet,singed and smoking a little. As she opened her eyes,she was shocked by her appearance in the nearby mirror. Her eyes were green with smoke streaming out. Her irises were red and her coat was considerably darker. The sounds of Winter waking up sent the Princess in a flurry of covering up the traces of dark magic. Using the mirror as a guide,Luna was satisfied of how normal she looked.

Winter yawned from her nap before blinking a little when she saw Luna in a flurry of stopping the last of the weird smoke that was coming out of her eyes.

"A..Auntie?Er,what's with the smoke in your eyes?"Winter asked,curious as Luna tensed a little.

Luna nervously stammered,"I..I er,just pranked C..Celestia!B..But she caught me in the act and placed this um,smoke."

This seemed to satisfy Winter,as she began chatting about tea and alfalfa and leading Luna to the dining room. Luna was weary and mentally snapped in her brain,'Dang it!Why can't she just shut her muzzle?'Luna stopped short at the little voice at the back of her brain. Luna violently shook her head for the second time of the day,sparking a confused look from Winter.

"Are you okay,Auntie?"Winter asked,worried for her aunt.

"Um,no. I'm just tired from,court stuff.What with noble's and citizens keep asking for bits and land."Luna randomly brought up her daily life,eliciting a smile from Winter.

"Aw,I guess you must be tired from all of that work. What about you rest while I ask Sweet to bring tea up?"Winter said,leading Luna back to her bedroom. Luna gently nodded while holding her head in pain from the dark magic threatening to break her apart if she continued to hold it back. Winter raced off, leaving Luna relieved as she shut the door behind the filly.

The dark magic finally broke free,giving back the dark appearance Luna had after dispelling the nightmare. The voice in her head began to get louder and meaner as it picked everything wrong about her. Luna glanced at the window,seeing Celestia being swarmed by loving ponies.

'Those silly sun loving faces of those stupid ponies.' the voice continued on,'They don't love you. You can see it as plain as Celestia's daylight.'

Luna screamed as the dark magic ate away at her sanity,"SHUT UP,YOU STUPID VOICE!" The voice continued on. Luna snapped at last,to the dark magic's joy. Luna then used her magic,her horn aura now dark in color,to make herself look as normal as possible.

"Caster Sugar!"Luna called,suppressing a frown when a scrawny pony rushed up to her,bowing instantly by a mere sight of her.

"I want you to call Princess Celestia to the throne room. I'd like to speak to her. And I want you tell that she must come quickly as she can."Luna flatly continued,making the pony nod and rush off.

Luna,determination in her eyes,set off to the throne room,lying in wait for her sister to come.

In a few minutes,Celestia came in,a little confused and curious,asked,"Luna?You wanted to see me?"

"Not another step." Luna spoke venomously,appearing from behind her throne,the levels of dark magic increasing as the dark magic took control of her mind.

"Luna?What's going on?"Celestia persisted,sensing traces of dark magic she had felt when she met King Sombra.

"Did you expect to me sit idly by while they all bask in your precious light?"Luna said,more venom dripping and the strength of dark magic saturating the air as Luna continued,"There can only be one Princess in Equestria! And that Princess will be me!"

Celestia backed off a little as Luna stomped on the table beside the two thrones. The window cracked,revealing the sun shining brightly. Luna ,mustering the magic left in her body,used it to raise the moon,forming an eclipse. The dark magic left her body,reacting to the eclipse she had formed .

"No..."Luna gasped as the dark magic engulfed her once more,changing her form into a more demonic like pony version of herself. Celestia looked in horror at the transformation of her sister,fear trapping her in its stupor.

Celestia then glanced at the moon,her sense of responsibility taking charge.

"Luna,I will not fight you!You must lower the moon,it is your duty!"Celestia cried,her voice slightly quavering in fear,whom which Luna did not notice.

"Luna?I am Nightmare Moon."Her sister coldly said,"I have but one royal duty now. TO DESTROY YOU!"

Celestia ducked from the cyan beams her sister,no Nightmare Moon unleashed. Celestia,desperate and in fear of her own life, flew away into the clouds above.

"And where do you think you're going?" Nightmare Moon gleefully gave chase to Celestia,shooting beams that went closer and closer until it finally hit her. A terrible scream came from Celestia as she plummeted down to the throne room below. As Nightmare Moon laughed and relished in her victory,a bright shining light flew up from where Celestia had fell to her supposed doom. Nightmare gritted her teeth and prepared her best spell to fire at Celestia. Celestia ,her eye brimming in tears, brought up the Elements before herself,taking a moment to prepare the gems.

As a strong beam of cyan came upon Celestia,a beam of a glorious rainbow retaliated,shoving away Nightmare Moon to the moon,since Celestia didn't really exemplify all of the Elements. Celestia hovered in the sky,lowering the moon ,before returning the Elements to the stand,which they turned into balls of cement,with engravings of the gems on each of the balls.

Celestia stumbled to her room,where she wept over the loss of her sister. Winter,hearing from the guards of the news her beloved aunt was banished to the moon,went back to her quarters and cried.As she cried,the room transformed to a charming,filly's room to a small and cold winter wasteland.

Little did Winter Snow know, Princess Luna was banished to the moon because of her nightmare.