• Published 12th Dec 2013
  • 1,138 Views, 16 Comments

Sisu - Ebony Gryphon

After unleashing the power of an artifact, an Assassin's hold is sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 15 A Canterlot holiday

Winter had finally descended upon Canterlot, a cold and bitter wind blowing snow into piles acros the empty roads. That year it had beem decided that that years Hearths would be cancelled. Of course that did not stop ponies from their own celebration, nor their human friends from their traditions.

Midnight snuggled closer to her mother as Sunbeam read. Like every hearths warming, she had recited the ancient tale.

"And so, with the warmth of their friendship, the windigoes..." Both females jumped as a knocked thud echoed. Glaring at the door, Sunbeam stood, and shaking her legs as she walked, grumbled to herself, and opening the door, glared at the pony who'd... Eyes tilting upward, Sunbeam regarded the hand and the sprig of green in it. David grinned, and leaning down, firmly pressed his lips to the mares. Gagging, Sunbeam jerked away, rubbing her mouth.

"David... what in Equestria..."

Still grinning, the human placed the leaf on her head.

"Mistletoe my dear, and thats your gift. And here..." David took out a stuffed bear, and tossed it to Midnight, who hugged the bear to her chest with a bemused expression.

"Thank you... but..."

Laughing, David pushed past Sunbeam into their tower, and as he did, Sunbeam gaped. His sword...

"David... thy sheath is... empty..."

Turning back, David looked at his side, and pursed his lips.

"Why so it is! Thy powers of sight serve you once again."

Sunbeam rolled her eyes, face hoofing.

"Why is it empty..."

David held his arms out, a huge smile in place.

"Peace on earth, my good mare, good will to all! All other days I bear my blade, but not today!"

Turning back, his smile faded. Walking to their table, he lifted the pots lid, and dipping a finger in, took a taste. Then turning around, shook his head.

"You call this dinner Sunbeam> Porridge> You aren't merely a sinner my dear, you're an out right fool."

Sunbeam glared at the human, and said coldly "Yes yes, I'm thrilled thee have regaled us of thy beliefs..."

David undid a scarf from a hat stand, then tossed it to Midnight, saying jovially "Come my friends! A proper feast is in order!"

As Midnight wrapped the cloth around her, Sunbeam snapped "Good heavens man, what has come upon thee..."

"Its the holy days of my peoples faith Sunbeam! Come, our meal awaits!"

Amal slowly drew back his hood, and gently dusted of the manora he had dragged from his old hold. A gentle smile crossed his as he lit a candle... then paused, looking down. A foal had come in from the cold. Chuckling, Amal knelt down, softly asking "Well, where did thou come from..."

Sniffing, the foal wiped a foreleg across his nose, and replied sadly "Wonely mister. Ma not here. Can I stay here>"

Lifting the foal up, Amal nodded

"Of course."

Looking at the candle and manora, the foal tilted his head.

"Wha' doin."

Amal lifted the candle, his eyes sad and happy at once.

"Something very dear... A tradition as dear to my tribe as any..."

Looking back at the pony in the crook of his arm, he held the candle to him.

"Would you like to do it>"

Nodding, the foal took the candle between both hooves, and began lighting. Gently placing the lighter back in its spot, the wing pup tilted his head.

"Why dear... what does it mean..."

Amal smiled as he looked back at the foal.

"Why my kin, this... this is the light of my people. It tells us to never be ashamed to be ourselves, and of a miracle from days past."

"Whats that..." another voice asked. Turning, both pony and human jerked in surprise. Behind them a bunch of other young ones, pony and human, had gathered, sitting an looking at the two expectantly. Feeling someone pulling on his pantleg, Amal looked down to a impatient blue furred pegasi filly. Huffing, the foal crossed her forelegs.

"Whats a miracle>"

Setting the foal in his arms down, Amal said "A miracle is a work of God. A blessing to his people in times of strife."

"Like magic."

Amal chuckled, and shook his head.

"I suppose... but there's no spell or spirit. Just God's blessing. In this case... my people had just fought a terrible war. Our foes sought to strip our faith and traditions and force theres upon us..."

All the foals gasped.

"After they were beaten, we found our temple in ruins, the only standing item the temple manora. But we had ny candle or oil, and with our holy day coming, we despaired for we could not light it. And it would have taken them eight days just to make more oil... but on the first day... the manora lit anyway... and stayed lit for all of the holiday."

Snapping his fingers, Amal exclaimed "Children, be still. One last prayer..." With that, Amal turned back to the table and folding his hands in front of his, began.

"Hanneirot hallalu anachnu madlikin 'al hannissim ve'al hanniflaot 'al hatteshu'ot ve'al hammilchamot she'asita laavoteinu bayyamim haheim, (u)bazzeman hazeh 'al yedei kohanekha hakkedoshim. Vekhol-shemonat yemei Hanukkah hanneirot hallalu kodesh heim, ve-ein lanu reshut lehishtammesh baheim ella lir'otam bilvad kedei lehodot ul'halleil leshimcha haggadol 'al nissekha ve'al nifleotekha ve'al yeshu'otekha."

The filly tugged on his pant legs again.

"Who art thou speaking with>"

Opening his eyes again, Amal smiled.

"Just an old friend little. Just an old friend."

Gale slid the door open to the humans temple, her body free of armor for once. Gnawing her lip, her eyes traveled up the length of the wooden cross. As she looked further, a man in a robe walked over, a gentle smile in place.

"Welcome my child."

Gale slid further into the church, giving an uncertain smile.

"I'm not of thy faith priest... I have neither bits for tithes or regrets for my sins..."

Chuckling, the human shrugged.

"We're all of God my dear. If thou seek not counsel, then may I ask thy reason to come>"

"I think... I'd just like to stay... may I>"

The human nodded, and a few minutes passed with Gale studying the cross. Sighing, she bowed her head.

I know not if thou exist... or if you'll heed a... a soldiers prayer. I know not if thou art the Maker, or one like it, or if you are real... and I know I deserve no quarter, or even the right to be in this place. But... I ask for naught, I am blessed with more then most. I know of many more deserving and of need. But...

Gale looked up again.

Please... I don't think we can make it alone... And the humans do say this time of the turn is a time for miracles...

Gale pulled away from the bench, and walked from the church.

Shadow sat in the storm regarding the set up in front of her. A number of humans had gathered and set up what looked like a barn, stuffed straw humans placed about. Nearby, three straw people stood, with two others in repose, looking down into a manger. Shadow looked about a moment, then standing up, walked to the manger. Looking down, she regarded the doll inside.

"All this fuss for a birth... So... you came to die, then live again... A feat coveted and desired by all... and you did it all so people needn't perish for their own crimes. Did you know... were you scared that day>"

Looking up at the woman figure, Shadow bumped it with a hoof.

"How about you> A birth from a virgin... and did you have a single notion of what your little colt would do, all the great, wonderful, and terrible deeds he would inspire... and how cruel it is thou had to bury thy own foal..."

Shadow lowered her hoof, regarding the male doll.

"And you... A pegasi at heart... someones else foal, and you take him in... walk beside of him, teaching him to be a stallion of worth... With a sires love, this little boy changed the world..."

Shadow looked back at the manger, smiling sadly.

"I'm ashamed to say thee cannot change mine child. But... if thou art there, remember me once I pass and march into whatever hereafter awaits this old dam."

And with that, Shadow stood, and walked from the setup.

Author's Note:

Where goes man, so goes his faith. It was decided that since they were unsure of when they arrived, that the humans would celebrate their own holidays alongside Hearthswarming. Not trying to say anything here or be moral or anything, though no doubt I'll be down voted.

And Amal was saying a prayer