• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 2,853 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: The Land Downunder - Da Bunnana King

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Chapter Three: Welcome back

The Conversion Bureau: The Land Downunder
By Da Bunnana King

Quick A/N: up to the first === it is the same but edited okay.

Chapter Three: Welcome back

"... Oh sorry you just startled me is all. We haven't had a lot of you military type come to the Bureaus in a long time." said the pony. I still couldn't tell whether it was a male or female since its coat was orange and its mane was golden blond, but it did have a higher pitched voice than most male ponies that I met so I was going with the pony being a female.

"Yeah, I think most of us are either ponies or HLF." I said as the word HLF sent a shiver down my spine, it brought up to many painful memories,


"Put your hands where I can see them and move away from the desk." came a voice and the cold metal feeling at the back of my head, I did as the voice said, "Good now turn around slowly." I complied and turned around until I came face to face with a man with brown eyes and black hair who also had a five o'clock shadow, I recognised him imminently.

"Sup Bruce," I said while putting my arms down and smiling while he was still holding the shotgun to my face, "So are you going to put that thing down or do I have to order you to?"

"Shit... Alex, what the hell are you doing here!" He said lowing in his rifle and giving me a big bear hug,

"Ahhh! Stop it... your killing me!" I managed to cry out as I felt my lungs begin to burn from lack of oxygen, he released his grip on me and I could feel air rushing back into my lungs, "So when did you start working for the Bureaus?" I asked,

"You still haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh yeah, well you know living out in the bush being forced to eat mutant pigs, berries that make you high if you eat a lot, having to drink your own piss and boil all your water... you know the usually I have been running from crazy gun-men who have a price tag on your head that is nearly half a million dollars." I replied smuggle,

"Jesus Christ. Who did you piss off Al?"

"I think the whole of the Queensland HLF and several gang clans. I think I deserve a medal." I said again smuggle as I felt something warm seeping into my left arm, I looked down to see my grey camo uniform was now beginning to take on a red color, "Shit... I am losing my touch." as my face turned pale, "You have doctors here don't you?" I said as I began to unbutton the shirt to see the extant of the damage,

"Oh my... Yes we do please follow me sir." Replied the mare who was next to me supporting my weight if I collapsed,

"Dammit Al, it like we turn our heads for a second and you get shot at, that is it no more AWOL for you." said Bruce jokingly as he lifted my arm over his shoulder and took me off of my feet and dragged me to a door that had the words 'Authorised Personnel only' written on a plaque.

I was dragged into a small doctor’s room that had a single metal operation table in the middle and what seemed to be lab equipment scatter around on benches and cupboards that contained various medicines, needles and flasks. There was also a large red brief case that looked like the armour surrounding it would be able to survive being put under the treads of a tank. They helped me onto the cold operating table.

"Doc! Are you in because we have a patient!" Yelled Bruce as he ripped off my shirt to expose my wound to the air causing scab that had formed to brake off causing more pain to shoot through my arm and shoulder,

"Ouch, Bruce I'm not going to die from one bullet wound... and besides you know I am a stubborn bastard." I said while pushing him off of me,

"Bruce I believe most converties shouldn't be treated like that or do we have to go over regulations again?" said the doctor walking in dressed in a medical gown and large black rubber gloves giving him the appearance of a mad scientist,

"Do I have to go over the no drinking policy with you again?" Bruce replied angrily,

"No since I believe the last time we did I ended up winning." he replied smuggle,

"Not to break up the joyful reunion between two lovers here but I do believe this bullet wound is going to kill me!" I replied getting their attention as the pain had increased ever since my brown undershirt was taken off,

"Ahh yes," he said looking over at me, "Wait why I haven't seen you around here before."

"I just came in and was about to sign up until Bruce over there gave me the hug o' death and reopened the bullet wound from early today." I said as the doctor got his medical equipment and began to examine the wound,

"Okay I see, well I can give you some good news. The most of the shots went straight through but one of them is lodged in their so we are going to have to pull it out," he said whilst getting a pair of sterilised forceps and sticking something rubbery into my mouth, "Bite on this because this is going to hurt."

I nodded and braced myself for the pain biting down on the bit of rubber between my mouth, he placed the forceps in the bullet hole and began to wiggle them around searching for the bullet. The pain was unbearable as he stuck every nerve until he found it.

"Got ya." he said while I felt the forceps clap onto something in my bone, "Three... two... Now." he said as he ripped his arm back bringing the forceps and bullet with it. I recognised the bullet as a 9mm, the only trouble was that I was being fired upon with some form of assault rifle... unless I was wrong and he was firing a sub-machine gun. I spat out the rubbery rod to find out it was a mouth guard.

"Thanks doc, so what now?" I asked as he turned to one of the cabinet searching for bandages,

"Well I put some disinfectant on all your wounds and then bandage them... but I would also like to see you in private to discuss something else." he said as he turned around with bandages and a bottle of dettol in his hands and an expression of 'something is wrong with you.'

"Well I am sure Bruce and miss..." I said staring at the pony attempting to guess her name,

"Caramel Toffee." she replied,

"And Miss Toffee would give us some privacy." I parroted back, they left the room and it was just me and the doctor.

"Well before we get started I think I should introduce myself," I said, "My name is Alejandro Linstrom."

"Pleasure to meet you Alihandro, my name is Doctor Neil Spichemin." he said butchering my name whilst also putting disinfectant on a cotton ball and rubbing it on my wounds that I had acquired over my time surviving in the bush,

"So doc what did you want to speak with me about?" I said,

"Well while I was examining you my Medi-Helper implant picked up several diseases and a high reading on the Geiger counter."

"So that means?"

"Well two of the diseases I can treat but the others are some form of out-dated bio-weapon and the radiation you have absorbed seems to be forming a tumour in the right hemisphere in your frontal lobe. I would have to operate on you but I don’t have the equipment or the proper training in neurology."

"Sorry doc but my knowledge of the human anatomy goes so far, but from what I am hearing is that I am not going to make it till the end of the year."

"Sadly yes, that is why I asked you if you were going to undergo conversion because that would fix all your problems... and that should do it but now comes the needle." he said reaching for something behind him,

"Wait what needle?" I said beginning to panic,

"Just the one that will get rid of some of the diseases and a tiny bit of the radiation." he said bringing his arm violently forward with a large needle in his hand and managed to hit my shoulder with it,

"Sneaky mother f*cker." I said wincing from the small prick,

"Their now that wasn't so bad. Now off you go... and I better not see you in here again unless you are going to convert." he said pulling the needle out of my arm and placing a small ban-aid on it, he waved me out the small room and I was back in the entrance of the bureau.

I walked back up to the front desk where Toffee was typing on her computer; she had a small pile papers printed off and several clipboards with the same paper on them each and a small cup with pens in them.

"So I guess I have to sign something for the conversion thing?" I asked somewhat startling her,

"Yes you do," she said grabbing a clip board with her mouth and placing it on the desk in front of her, "You have to read it and then fill out some details and that is about it."

"Thank you. I'll just grab a seat and fill this out." I said picking up the clip board and a black pen and then walked over to one of the seats that dotted the entrance.

I took a seat in a chair that was surrounded by others and a small wooden table, the table was fake because I could see the subtle diffidence in the surface of it because of some air bubbles and tiny scratches that showed grey underneath it. I look at the clip board and began to read it.

It was the standard 'You are going to sign your life away' writing but this time it seemed to be more so that 'With the signing of this I agree to live a happy life as a pony in Equestria and I shall obey her laws as such.' I had never seen anything like it before. It felt like I was more so just signing up for shore leave than 'turn me into a pony,' it even said I could leave the bureau or leave before being converted at any time I wanted, it didn't feel like I was forced to be suck in the bureau for seven days as a prisoner being forced to learn how to be a pony at all.

At the end of it said 'And upon this I fully agree to abide by the laws of Equestria and the Royal Sisters. I also agree to become an abiding citizen of Equestria after my conversion.' Next to the last words were where I was to place my signature. So I wrote it down and then flipped over to the next page which looked like a quick medical record that just listed what I am allergic to and stuff like that.

After a while I had completed the sheet I walked back over to the main desk and handed back the clip board full filled out. "Thank you Alejandro, now if you could please follow me." Toffee said bouncing off her chair and ushering me towards a pair of double doors.

We walked through them together into a short corridor that branched off into different parts of the building. "On your left we have the main relaxation area, to the left is the sleeping areas with the shower block further down that way and at the end we have the lunch room. Oh and also down the hall and to the right are the class rooms and the indoor garden." she said as we came to a stop outside of the lunch room, "Now if I am not mistaken I believe it is lunch time for most of our residence but after lunch you have your orientation and then basic Equestrian anatomy, any questions?"

"No ma'am and thank you." I said walking into the lunch room,

"Okay and if you do ask me, Bruce or the head of the Bureau Star Dancer." she said trotting back to the main reception,

"Will do and nice meeting you Miss."

"Please Alejandro just call me Caramel."

"Sure thing if you could call me Alex."

"Deal and enjoy your lunch." she said smiling before trotting back to the reception.

Authors Notes: Hehehehe this is fun but please don't forget to comment. Otherwise I don't know if I am doing something wrong or if you are enjoying my work. So comment and stuff but I must leave for my Biology Assignment needs me.
Bunnana King AWWAAAAYYYY!!!
-Bunnana King