• Published 2nd Dec 2013
  • 1,077 Views, 7 Comments

Academy Wars: Season 1 - JP Jackson

Two Schools, Canterlot Arcane Academy and Wonderbolt Military School, Have been rivals for centuries. When two genius students join their ranks, each school will not stop untill the other is in complete humiliation

  • ...

Vinyl: 2

“I thought Unikai didn’t eat meat,” the drunkard inquired. Vinyl ignored him and continued to tare into the meat. she was so damn hungry, she didn’t care that half her body couldn’t digest the bodies of other animals, the worst that would happen is that she would get a stomach ache.

She had been stuck in this prison for almost a week now and she was to her dismay, getting used to the dank dark cell that she was stuck in. The rapist leaned against the bars of his cell across the hall and turned his head toward her.

“You don’t look like the usual scum that get thrown in here, like myself.”

“Trust me, I’m glad i don’t look like you,” Vinyl quipped through a full mouth. The drunkard laughed and grinned a gap toothed smile. truth be told the man wasn’t hideous, if a little grimy.

“You’re a spirited on, you from that Wonderbolt school?”

“No, I’m from lower Tars.”

“AH! A fellow lowlander,” the drunkard nodded sagely and turned to face her as much as his chains would allow. “I grew up in that part of town as well.”

“Then you can guess what I’m in here for.”

“You look too homely to be a whore, did a guard catch you pick pocketing?”

“Think a little more upscale.”

“Ah, a professional burglar then.”

Vinyl nodded and lay against the wall of her cell. she still had no idea of what happened to Fluttershy, she didn’t care about Top Knot, that greedy brainless nag could rot in the depths of Nessus for all she cared. The memory of the burning inn flashed through her mind and she rested her head in her arms.

A low clanking echoed down the dank hall of the jail and Vinyl looked up to see a guard marching toward her cell. He stopped in front of her and looked down through the bars of the cage.

“Your bail’s been paid,” he said unlocking the cell.


“You heard me!” he opened the door and motioned for her to move. “You’ve been given a special summons.” He gave a evil grin and moved as she stepped out of the cell.

“Fair winds my friend,” said the drunkard “Good luck finding your friends.”

Vinyl turned, how did he know about that. But the guard slammed the but of his spear in between the bars of the cage knocking the man back.

“Shaddup! You lush!”


The guard showed Vinyl up the steps that lead to the guardhouse that rested on top of the underground prison.

“Wait here,” he grumbled and headed back down the steps into the dark dungeon that lay beneath their feet. Vinyl examined her surroundings. The guard house seemed to be deserted except for herself. A thought ran through her mind, she focused her magic, down her arms and into the cuffs that still bound her arms. Immediately she was blocked the magic drained away. She panted, mentally kicking herself. Of course they would use iron chains on a magic user.

“It would do you no good to run,” a voice said. Vinyl turned wildly looking for where the sound had come from. Her eyes met those of a woman, tall and athletic, with wild red hair. dressed in a military uniform. She had must hid herself, or Vinyl’s time in the dungeon had made her extremely absentminded.

“Who are you?”

The woman gestured to a gryphon pin on her chest.

“Colonel Spitfire, military commander in Tars and headmistress of Wonderbolt academy, that’s where you’re going.”

Vinyl knew about Wonderbolt academy, it was supposed to be the most elite military academy in the kingdom. But, Spitfire...where had she heard that name before?

Spitfire turned as footsteps echoed up the steps, Vinyl watched as the same guard led a terrified Fluttershy up the steps. The pink haired girl let out a cry as the man pushed her and she collided with Vinyl. he laughed and saluted Spitfire.

“Delivered unharmed, just as you requested ma’m.”

“You’re dismissed soldier,” Spitfire replied. The man unlocked the girls' cuffs, then Spitfire signaled to the girls to follow her out. They did as requested, but Vinyl leaned over and whispered to Fluttershy.

“Once we’re a good distance from the guard house, I’ll give the signal then we’ll make a break for it.”

“Shouldn't we wait and see what she wants from us?”

“I already know,” Vinyl snapped under her breath, startling Fluttershy. “We’re being drafted into that damn military school!”

“That might not be so bad,” Fluttershy replied “That means steady food and a warm bed, that's more then we could have on the street.”

“Have you already forgotten what the military did to our home? To our family?”

Fluttershy looked down at her feet, she was silent. Vinyl turned and glared at the back of Spitfire’s head then smirked. Did she really think that she could contain the great Vinyl Scratch? This old bird was about to have the chase of her life!


Vinyl dashed away, her Sound magic flowed through her, unhindered now by iron shackles. She stopped suddenly and collapsed to the ground. she looked down at her legs, they were tied together by a bola. She looked up as Spitfire approached, spinning another of the weighted ropes effortlessly.

“I was hoping that we would be able to do this peacefully Scratch,” she said kneeling down next to her prone target. “But if you insist on resisting I’ll have no choice but to drag your bloody and bruised body all the way to the academy, If we’re lucky, maybe you’ll survive the trip.”

“Now I remember where I heard your name,” Vinyl propped herself up on one arm and spat out a glob of spit and blood. “You’re the same Colonel Spitfire who murdered her supporting officer for disobeying orders.”

“Rumors of my past activities have been greatly exaggerated.”

Spitfire united Vinyl’s legs and she sat up. She looked into Spitfire’s eyes, she looked willing to take out the threat she promised.

“So will you comply to my orders?”

Vinyl let out a deep sigh.

“Fine, I’ll join your little academy!” She looked back up at her assailant. “but the moment I feel like it, I’m leaving.”

Spitfire nodded.

“That’s good enough for me, but if you do we’ll hold your friend a sword point until you come back.”

And vinyl could tell, she was dead serious.

Author's Note:

Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been taking a short break, but hopefuly I will be able to get more story to you guys soon.