• Published 2nd Dec 2013
  • 1,077 Views, 7 Comments

Academy Wars: Season 1 - JP Jackson

Two Schools, Canterlot Arcane Academy and Wonderbolt Military School, Have been rivals for centuries. When two genius students join their ranks, each school will not stop untill the other is in complete humiliation

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Twilight: 2

“Hand me those Bramer Crystals.” Celestia said, gesturing to a pile of small glowing gems. Twilight grabbed a handful and handed them to the Archmage.

It had been only four days since her apprenticeship with the headmistress had started, and already she had learned more than she had in all her years at Sentinel. The Archmage’s office proved just how much she knew, the walls were covered in bookshelves full of books Twilight had never even heard of before. the floor was covered in maps and charts covered in arcane symbols.

Celestia took the crystals and added them to the bizarre contraption that was sitting on her desk. It looked like a small mechanical man, with a sword and a shield instead of hands. Apparently it was a commission from the king, it was called an Automaton. Ever since her first day Celestia had retreated up into her study late at night to work on the machine, tonight was the first time Twilight was allowed to help.

“With any luck, this thing should be up and running by the end of the week,” Celestia said, running a hand threw her long flowing hair to keep it out of her eyes.

Twilight examined her Mistress careful, Celestia had apparently Ran the academy since it had been founded 20 years ago at the end of the Dragon War, but the Headmistress didn’t look more than 5 years older than her!

The Archmage rested back in her chair and looked up at her student.

“Hungry?” She asked.

Twilight nodded, dinner had been five hours ago.
Celestia sighed and dug a stone disc out of a mess of papers. The disc was engraved with a multitude of crisscrossing lines and runes, Twilight had never seen this kind of Magic Circle before. Celestia raised her hands above the circle and began chanting under her breath. The runes glowed with an unearthly light, smoke began to rise from the lines in the stone letting out an early hiss. The smoke moved on it’s own will and began to from into familiar shapes. A bowl of soup and a hunk of dark bread. Celestia fell back in her chair, apparently exhausted by the effort of the ritual she just performed. Twilight took the warm bowl of soup, murmuring her thanks.

“How in the world did you do that?” she asked.

“It’s complicated but basically I moved the parts of the air into parts of soup and bread.”

Twilight still didn’t understand. But she quickly forgot her concerns at the warm rich taste of the soup.

Twilight examined the Mechanical contraption on the table. She opened her mouth to ask her question but snapped it shut again, fearing a reprimand.

Celestia looked over her and gave a knowing smile.

“I expect my apprentice to ask questions if she has them, and not to make the mistake of guessing.”

“W-Well, I was wondering,” she gulped. “Why does the king want this… thing?”

Celestia let out a deep sigh, she suddenly looked much older.

“When the Dragon War was won 20 years ago it was not without cost, many soldiers and students died, to many. The king commissioned me to build this, to end the need for death, in the event of another war.”

Celestia looked out the window, a faraway look in her eye, like she was remembering the world 20 years ago.

“Partis…” she muttered.


Celestia turned toward Twilight and then stepped out from behind the desk. The moment ended

“You’ve, helped me a great deal tonight Twilight, get some rest, it’s almost dawn.” With that the Archmage stepped out of the room and vanished from sight, leaving Twilight alone.

Twilight shook her head, there was no way she was going to bed NOW, not after that conversation. She needed answers! She rested the empty soup bowl on her lap and looked around her and realised, she had all the answers she could ask for standing silently around her. She stood up, it had been a while since she had gone on an all night study binge, the thought gave her a sense of comfort. She would not rest until she had answers!

Four hours later she sat barely awake in the study, mountains of unhelpful books lay around her dejectedly. Not one book gave a mention to Partis! She looked out the window and saw the sun begin to peek over the rim of the wall of the school. The door opened and Celestia entered, breakfast in hand.

“I thought you’d be up here,” she said closing the door with a flick of her wrist. she walked behind the desk and set the plate down on the table, moving aside the disc and Automaton from last night’s work. “Were you up all night?”

Twilight nodded slowly and looked down at the food presented to her. Toast with jam, eggs a banana and two sausage links. Ignoring the other parts of the meal she took the toast and began munching on it solemnly. Not one description Partis in those books, was Celestia making up the whole thing? She looked up at her Mistress, wondering what knowledge was stored in her head.

The Headmistress sorted through some papers and rested one in front of Twilight.

“I need you to buy me these,” she took the banana from the plate and began to peal it. “Don’t worry about money, just tell them I sent you.”

Celestia looked down at the plate that Twilight had left nearly untouched.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Celestia asked.

“Unikai don’t eat meat,” she replied.