• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 2,491 Views, 36 Comments

Of Fairies and Ponies - K.C. Ellison

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Chapter 9

“Of Fairies and Ponies”

by K.C. Ellison


The sun was setting under the snow-capped mountains. All of Ponyville were getting ready for the great battle that was surely heading their way. Just then, Ditzy Doo appeared. “They're coming! The Nightmare Army's coming!” she shouted. “Which way did you see them?” asked Mayor Mare. “Uh...They were coming from the north...no wait, the east! They're definitely coming from the east!” replied the lazy-eyed pegasus. “All right everypony, this is the moment we've been waiting for!” said the Mayor.

The militia went towards the eastern limits of town, where they saw an army of Nightmare Moon's monsters. At the front was a blue earth pony with a long black mane. “Who's that pony marching with those monsters?” asked Trixie. Timmy attempted to use his horn to identify the mare. “I don't know; the aura is familiar, but the stench of darkness is throwing it off,” replied Timmy. On the other side, the blue pony looked at the pegasus with envious rage. “So that witch is here...and talking with MY future husband! SHE'S GONNA PAY!” “Army...ATTACK!” the pony shouted.

The Nightmare monsters charged towards the crowd. “Hold your ground, everypony...and...CHARGE!” shouted Mayor Mare. All of Ponyville galloped at full speed as the two sides collided with full force. Trixie flew alongside the battlefield and ran over a line of monsters. “There! That'll make things easier!” she said out loud. “Hey Trixie, let's double-team them!” shouted Rainbow Dash, who zipped through them along with the lavender pegasus. The two of them exchanged lines in a helix manuver while bashing away everything in their way.

Timmy and Applejack were also bucking away the monsters. Applejack had just finished bucking off an imp when she saw one come from behind the pink unicorn. “Hey! Look out!” the earth pony shouted. Timmy charged his horn and whipped the monster into dust. “Thanks for the heads-up!” said Timmy. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was trying to find someplace to hide when she saw a raccoon being chased to death by one of the monsters. “Stop that!” she pleaded, but the monster caught up to the animal and picked it up. “I said stop!” screamed the timid pegasus. Then, the monster threw the harmless raccoon into a tree. Fluttershy flew to the raccoon, only to find it dead. Now she became really mad. “How dare you...” she said. She turned around to the monster that killed the raccoon. “HOW DARE YOU!” she screamed before flying towards the monster and kicking it in midair before snapping the beast's neck. Overhead, Rainbow Dash cheered for the butter yellow pegasus. Fluttershy, however, didn't care about it. She went to the fallen creature and wept.

Nighttime had arrived and the moon shone brightly over the battlefield. The ponies gained an upperhand, even though some of them had been injured in the process. The nightmare monsters had been defeated but the blue pony was still standing there. “Alright you, we can save any further humiliation if you just give up right now!” said Trixie. The pony chuckled darkly. “What's so funny?” asked Timmy. “Why would I give up? I'm having a lot of fun, and I still haven't shown you my new pet!” the mare said while holding a remote in her hoof. “Come on out, big boy!” she said as she pushed the button.

The ground started to rumble. “Is this an earthquake?” asked Trixie. “ No! Something's coming from the Forest!” shouted Twilight as what looked like a giant transparent purple bear started to rise from the trees. “Holy Paul Bryant, what in the world is THAT thing?” asked Timmy. “No way...it's... it's an URSA MAJOR!” stammered Twilight. The ursa raised its head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.
“Look! There's something on the ursa's neck!” cried Fluttershy. Indeed, there was a shock collar on the giant star-bear's neck. “That's right, and with this remote, I can make it do whatever I want!” the mare said as the bear went on a rampage, causing major tremors and snapping trees like they were toothpicks. The ponies were horrified!

“That thing's big...” said Trixie as she and Timmy went to the new clearing the ursa made. “Big? I've fought bigger things than this!” added Timmy. The star-bear went down to the two ponies and roared angrily. “Alright, let's dance!” Twilight and the others couldn't believe the bravado Timmy and Trixie had. “Okay, those two are definitely crazy!” said Twilight, whose eyes were twitching as she said it. The two ponies dodged the ursa's attacks, making the blue mare frustrated. “Hold still so my pet can squash you!” she said while pressing the remote like a channel surfer.

With all the dodging Timmy and Trixie were doing, Twilight was getting worried. “Hey, the ursa may destroy the town if you two keep that up!” she shouted. “She's got a point,” said Timmy. “Hey RD, think you could get me up to that collar?” “Sure thing, kid!” said Rainbow Dash who grabbed Timmy's front hooves and flew him up. Three-quarters of the way up, the ursa began to strike. “Rainbow Dash, look out!” exclaimed Trixie, but it was no use, as the star-bear's claw struck the rainbow-maned pegasus, sending her and Timmy into a death spiral before hitting the ground.

“Okay, that's it!” Trixie said and rammed into the ursa's collar, loosening it up a bit. Then the ursa grabbed the lavender pegasus. “Farewell, my little pony,” the blue mare chuckled derisively before the star-bear flung Trixie away. She was flung for three miles before barell rolling another 20 feet on the ground. “I have to get back to the others as fast as possible!” Trixie thought. “There's only one way to get to them in time, but the question is: can I pull it off?


Back where Timmy and Rainbow Dash landed, Twilight and the others galloped up the scene. “Dashie...Timmy, are you both okay?” asked Pinkie Pie. Timmy was okay; Rainbow Dash on the other hand wasn't so fortunate. “GAH!” she screamed in pain as she tried to move her wings. “Oh my...” said Fluttershy. The rainbow-maned pegasus turned her head to see a sickening sight: her wings were badly bruised and twisted up. “My...my wings...they're...” she tried to say. “It's alright, just calm down,” said Twilight. But Rainbow Dash was inconsolable and went into a state of panic. “MY WINGS ARE BROKEN!” she screamed, putting every pony even more on edge.

The blue mare approached Timmy with remote still in hoof. “And now, my reward!” she said. Just as their muzzles touched, the mare heard a strange sound. It sounded like a huge gust of wind. The ponies began hearing it as it got louder. They all looked to where the sound was coming from when a huge explosion of color followed by a deafening bang. From the clearing, a rainbow colored streak came rushing out it. It was none other than Trixie Tang!

The ponies were amazed at what they saw, even Twilight and her friends. “No way, she pulled it off!” said Rainbow Dash. “Pulled what off?” asked Timmy. “The Sonic Rainboom!” said Twilight. Trixie flew towards the ursa like a jet and rammed into the collar, breaking the second prong and destroying it. The star-bear, now free, turned to the blue mare who held it against its will. “No! This was supposed to be foolproof. FOOLPROOF!” the mare shouted as she dodged the ursa's claws. As she ran off, the ursa gave a low growl, as if it was saying “thank you,” before returning to the mountains. A few seconds later, the ponies went into an uproar! The crowd lifted Timmy and Trixie up like they had just hit the game-winning home run.

“They defeated the Major! Timmy and Trixie beat the Ursa Major!” Fluttershy loudly cheered, which was a rare thing for the timid pegasus to do. “Way to go, Trixie,” said Timmy. Rainbow Dash came up to Trixie. “Oh man, that Sonic Rainboom! That...was...SO AWESOME! I'm so glad to have taught you to fly!” she squealed. “Thanks,” said Trixie. “But this battle isn't over yet!” said Timmy as he looked to where the blue earth pony ran off.

Please read and review!

--Kellen Clay “K.C.” Ellison