• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 796 Views, 50 Comments

Shepherd of Fire - ERich935

Sometime in the distant future, Equestria is at the brink of being erased in time from a paradox on an impossible day. Their only hope belongs to an Earth Pony, who must work together with his closest friends; the Mane Six to save Equestria.

  • ...


FLASHBACK - 2 days before the Present Day

They stood motionless. I knew that looking at them; they didn't want me to forget. She just couldn't do it.

"What are you waiting for? You've kept this place hidden long enough, the largest archive database, containing the largest amount of information of Equestria’s past, present, and future. So go ahead, do it." I said as I opened my eyes.

Twilight struggled to speak, "I… I can’t…"

I stood up and spoke, "Well if you're not going to do it, then tell me what it is you're hiding from me?"

Twilight walked up to the computer and placed her hoof on it as she said, "This machine isn't just a database; it’s also a time machine."

Rainbow Dash continued Twilight's explanation, "A while back before you met us in Ponyville, we met a pony whose name was also Star Blade, saying he was from the future."

"How can you be sure that this pony was me?" I asked.

"Well for starters, he looked a lot like how you are right now. He also had good parkour skills, very good with minor medical conditions, and he had that same cutie mark." said Applejack.

"But that's not all. Before he left back to his time, he..." Rainbow Dash spoke before going silent for a moment.

"What is it?" I asked Rainbow Dash. "Tell me."

Rainbow Dash walked towards me slowly, and spoke very quietly, "Star Blade, you are the only pony I know that has been there to support me, like a brother or..."

"... A father?" I said, finishing her sentence.

She began to cry, and I knew from what I said there caused her to do that. She hugged me as she whispered in my ear, "Star Blade, what I'm about to tell you is something I've never told anypony that I've known. I trust that you will never tell anyone about this unless you really trust him or her... can you do that for me?"

I thought about it for a while. I've known Rainbow Dash for quite some time, and her friends have known her for longer than that. Of all the ponies she could have trusted, why did it have to be me? Was there something in me that other ponies didn't have? I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. But if I was really somepony she could rely on, I would most definitely keep her secret. After all that thinking, I finally whispered my answer in the Pegasus' ear, "Yes." She moved her head towards my ear, and whispered a single word.

"I just told you my middle name." said Rainbow Dash as she moved her head away from my ear. "It was given to me from my father, as a way to remember him."

I could see it in her magenta colored eyes, that she had lost her father. I understood her pain pain, what it was like to lose someone you care about.

"He told us of an important day, a day that would effect Equestria in an impossible way." said Twilight as Rainbow Dash walked back to her friends.

"What was it?" I asked Twilight.

"He called it, The Day of the Descension." said Twilight.

"Did I tell you anything about it?" I said, continuing to question the Mane Six.

Twilight began to explain, "We were told, "On the Garden of Warriors, at the Day of the Decenscion, the ancient realm of The Divided will open the void, forming a paradox where nothing will happen.""

"What we don't understand is what "Nothing will happen" means." said Rarity.

"Well maybe... just maybe we were supposed to find out what happens on this day in particular." I said as I walked up to the computer and pressed the power switch.

"PLEASE STATE YOUR REQUEST" said the computer in a robotic voice.

"Search archives for information on the Day of the Descension" I said.


"What else did I say?" I asked the Mane Six.

"Well, you did say that if were here at this very moment, we would tell you one word... spoilers." said Twilight.

"No, for once I would like to know wha-" I stopped talking after I realized what Twilight was telling me. "Well, I'm a tricky one aren't I?" I said to the computer. "Spoilers."


The article to the Day of the Descension opened on the screen, yet some of the information looked like it was removed. It was most likely edited by someone at another time... and I think I know who that was.

"Well, what's on there?" Applejack asked.

"It has the same description as you gave me. But it also has some other things as well." I said after skimming through the article.

"Is there a date?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"It's... it's in two days..."


PRESENT TIME - 1:15 - The Void is opening

The Void was opening, and the paradox was beginning to spread. We all stood together receiving the power from the Tree of Harmony, ready to use its magic to stabilize the paradox for a short amount of time.

"Your cue Twilight!" I said, giving her the signal.

The Tree of Harmony revealed its power as the Mane Six used the magic of friendship. Once the Mane Six used their Rainbow Powers, it transferred to the Element of Leadership, firing a wave of energy at the Void. The paradox was stabilized for now; this gave us enough time to open the gateway. Just then, Rainbow Dash yelled out to me;

"Wait a minute! It was stated in the prophecy that the Song of the Divider must be played to open the gateway… so who is going to play it?!"

"Rainbow Dash makes a good darn point!" said Applejack.

I began to explain, "Well I've heard this song my whole life, played by some of the best performers of Equestria. Those performers always play that very song every day at the very same time, maybe their ancestors have as well. With that, I’m pretty sure they been given a good reason to keep playing it until this very day."

And just when it couldn't get any better, there it was. The Song of the Divider, with so much meaning that I never even knew about before. Just as soon as the first verse played, we could see the gateway to the ancient realm open.

"So this is it. The prophecy was true." said Twilight.

"Yet why wouldn't it be?" I asked.

"For the paradox to be closed, Harmony must stabilize the void, while one pony enters the realm as the song of The Divider is played." said Twilight, rephrasing the prophecy. "It's time."

She began to walk forward, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack pinned her down.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked her friends. "You don't understand, this has to happen!"

I snapped back at her, "No, you don't understand Twilight! The prophecy did state that one pony must enter the ancient realm to stop the paradox from spreading, but not one random pony."

Twilight looked confused, "What do you mean?"

I explained, "The prophecy meant that one pony in particular must enter."

"But who is it?" she asked.

I remained silent, everyone remained silent until Twilight finally realized what we meant and spoke, "No… NO! I can’t let you do that! I won’t let you!

"Don’t even try; I’m using the Element of Leadership to control your magic. I’m sorry but there’s nothing else you or I can do!" I said as Twilight tried to use her magic to free herself.

"Don’t say that! There must be some other way to do this, there has to be! Applejack, Rainbow Dash, girls, please! Do something!" Twilight begged us.

"I’m sorry Twilight, but there's nothing we can do. It took a lot of talking to understand what had to happen; even Rainbow Dash couldn't accept it." Applejack explained.

"Darling, you must understand that Equestria must continue to go on, and Star Blade is doing this to make that happen." said Rarity, trying her best to have her friend understand.

"You never told us about this before you traveled back all those months ago... why?" Twilight asked, in slight tears.

"I only realized it when I returned. Being the only pony who noticed the song, the one who harnesses the Element of Leadership, Princess Celestia and Luna knowing who I am, all the pieces were put together." I said turning around, looking at Twilight in the eyes.

"Star Blade please… you can’t leave us, not like this… we’re your friends, and friends always stick together till the end." said Twilight, crying almost endlessly.

"I know... But what I'm doing right now, I’m doing without choice. I know it may seem like I’m abandoning you, but I really don’t want to leave you... and I’m sorry… I am very very sorry."

Silence… nopony spoke, not even a single sound was heard but the gateway to the ancient realm still opened, until I heard those words from Twilight that I would never forget before I left,

"I forgive you."

It made my heart smile.

"Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle… I will never forget all of you... don't you forget me..." I said, before I stepped into the gateway.

"We never will..." said Fluttershy, also crying a bit.

As I made my last step, I wasn't sure what I was really feeling; sorrow or forgiveness... because both usually make you cry...