> Shepherd of Fire > by ERich935 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ascend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Star Blade, I'm an Earth Pony from Ponyville. I may not look like much, wearing a leather jacket and rusty old watch, but I am full of action and adventure, and the cutie mark shows it. Besides being adventurous, I also had an interest in studying the stars, their constellations, and a lot of their meanings. I may seem like a regular pony, and I thought so too, but as time went on I started being involved in things I never thought possible. And today is the day where all of that has brought me... where it's all been leading me to. FLASHBACK - 2 Days before the Present Day "Wait! Star Blade, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be down there! Come back here!" said the voice of Princess Twilight Sparkle, I walked within the cavern, entering an almost ancient comm. room of sorts. I saw a giant monitor, with a control panel underneath. It looked like a computer, but it was much more than that. This was the largest database archive in Equestria, with information of Equestria's past, present, and "possible" future. As I walked towards the monitor, I reached towards a button on the control panel, until I was knocked down, flat on the floor. I looked up to see the faces of 6 mares. These were the Mane Six, all good friends of mine and were always there for me no matter what. Pinkie Pie, an Earth Pony, and the most cheerful of the Mane 6. She is a very good friend to all the citizens of Ponyville. Any time there was a celebration, holiday, or birthday, Pinkie was there to make a fantastic party, hoping that they leave with a smile on their face. She is also very random at times, which ends up with everypony laughing with her, leaving her as the harnesser to the Element of Laughter. FLASHBACK - 4 months before the Present Day Pinkie Pie was bouncing towards me with a big grin on her face as usual. "Happy Birthday Star Blade! I hope you like it!" she said as I was given a slice of cake. "Thanks Pinkie!" I said, before I took a bite of the cake. "Mm... Wait a minute... is this a Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream cake?" I said as I realized what flavor it was. "Yup! Your favorite!" she said, once again, with a big grin. Of course with my curiosity on Pinkie's almost impossible traits I asked, "But how did you know?" "Just a lucky guess!" she replied, followed by a cheerful giggle. To me, Pinkie's way of guessing, seems more like reading minds. Although that could just be me. We may never know. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Applejack, another Earth Pony, and the most hardworking of the Mane 6. She is in charge of the farm nearby Ponyville with her family members, Big Macintosh, Applebloom, and Granny Smith. I learned from her that being honest gets you in the least amount of trouble, and it turns out… it’s true… because she harnesses the Element of Honesty. FLASHBACK – 4 Months before the Present Day "Look at him go!" Applejack said as she and her family watched me help with getting the apples... my way... "And now, the grand finale... Geronimo!" I said before I launched myself forward, with the help of my parkour skills. I jumped from tree to tree, kicking branch after branch, with more apples falling by the second. "Woohoo! Great job up there Star Blade!" said Applejack as the last tree was free of apples. "Thanks, "partner." I replied with a slight western accent, before I jumped off the tree. "Wow, you sure know how to get those apples Star Blade." said Applebloom with a bright look on her face. "Well thanks Applebloom. Listen if any of you need help with the apples or anything on the farm, just let me know." I said in return. "Eeyup." said Big Macintosh as he gave me a small bag of bits. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluttershy, a very calm, sensitive, yet helpful Pegasus. Unlike any of the other Pegasus kind, she spent most of her time on the land instead of Cloudsdale. She’s always willing to help a lot of the woodland creatures in need, almost like a park ranger, which explains so much why she harnesses the Element of Kindness. FLASHBACK - 3 Months before the Present Day I was running for Fluttershy's house. She rang the bell at her house as loud as she could, which meant that an animal was hurt and she needed help. "Fluttershy, what's going on?" I asked as I opened the door. She replied to me in a worried state, "Oh it's terrible, Angel hurt her arm. I tried to find something to heal it, but I ran out of things to do that." "You came to the right pony! Come here Copper!" I said as I called my dog; Copper, who was carrying medical supplies in a small pack. "I need a cast, pronto!" I told Copper as he searched the bag. He took out a large cast. "That one is a little too large, I need a smaller one." I said, before Copper searched the bag again, with different sets of casts, until I said, "Wait! That one looks perfect. Good job girl!" "My... you and your dog sure know how to take care of animals." said Fluttershy as I placed the cast on Angel. "Well, for me it was easy. Copper needed some training to know what to do. She's pretty big for a beagle, imagine her being small and carrying that many supplies." I explained. "That wouldn't be very good." Fluttershy said with a slightly worried face. "Anyway, thanks for helping you two." she said with a smile on her face. "Ah not a problem. Anyway, I gotta get going. I still have to continue working on the mechanical wings prototype." I said as I gave Copper a treat. "Ok, well good luck with that. Goodbye" said Fluttershy as she waved with Angel. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Rarity, a unicorn that happens to be very good at making dresses. While she enjoys making dresses, she also loves to find jewels that she can collect and use for her dresses. She tends to complain at some times, but don’t let that fool you, as she harnesses the Element of Generosity. FLASHBACK - 3 Months before the Present Day "How do you want your suit to look darling?" asked Rarity as she was grabbing supplies. "Just something casual, nothing too fancy." I replied as I leaned against the wall. The Grand Galloping Gala was coming up, and besides the Mane Six being invited there, I was also invited personally by Princess Celestia herself. "What color do you have in mind for it?" Rarity asked as she looked into a drawer with differently colored threads. "The color that best "suits" me." I replied, pun intended. "Ha ha, very funny." Rarity said sarcastically. "I would like it to be black." I said, actually answering Rarity's question. "Also, do you think you have a light blue necktie?" I asked her afterwards. Rarity took the black thread out, while also grabbing a blue necktie as she replied, "Most certainly, anything else?" I looked at her as I said, "How about a nice hat, maybe a fedora?" "Very well then. I will most likely have it done by tomorrow, see you then darling." Rarity replied as she started her work. "Thank you Rarity, oh and if I don't see you after that, I'll see you at the Gala!" I said just before I walked out, only to stop for a moment as Rarity asked, "Do you plan on taking anypony there with you?" "Maybe... I haven't though about that..." I replied very nervously, before walking out. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash, a Pegasus from Cloudsdale and the closet friend of mine from the Mane 6. She has a lot of potential when it comes to activities such as racing, flying, etc. She’s never appreciated losing to ANYTHING… While she has an attitude at times, she always is willing to help anypony when told, as she harnesses the Element of Loyalty. FLASHBACK - 2 Months before the Present Day "WHOOAH! INCOMING!!!" yelled Rainbow Dash as she was falling, with her wings tied up. "Don't worry, I got you!" I said after catching Rainbow Dash. "Why is it you get the wings here and not me?" asked Rainbow Dash with a bit of an attitude. "Well that's a way to thank someone. Oh and to answer your question, these mechanical wings are the reason I'm up here teaching you, and making sure you don't fall to your doom." I said after she asked the question. "You don't need to worry about me. If I'm ever falling like that, I'll know how to handle myself." said Rainbow Dash as she got back on her hooves. "I hope you're right, because I may not be there to save you one day." I said as I landed. We were both silent for a moment, until Rainbow Dash said, "Thanks..." I looked towards her as I said, "I'm sorry? "Thanks... for saving me back there. I know I was a bit of a jerk back there. But you're right, I should be thankful for you saving me." said Rainbow Dash with a smile. "That's what I like to hear. You know what's best, even if you don't want it to happen at times." I said, also with a smile. "Anyway, lesson's now over. How about a race to Ponyville?" I said as I prepared my wings. "Do you even know how to fly fast with those?" Rainbow Dash asked. "*snicker* BAHAHAHAHA! If you think you do, you can have a head start!" "Very well then!" I said before launching myself, flapping my wings. If there's one thing I know about most ponies, it's that they learn things from experience. Me however, I learn just by watching, and Rainbow Dash just realized that after being friends with her for months. "Alright Mr. Cool, show me what you've got! said Rainbow Dash as she started to fly towards me. "With pleasure, Ms. Awesome!" I said as we began the race. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Lastly, Twilight Sparkle, an Alicorn Princess of Canterlot. Originally, she was a unicorn until she was brought into a Dream World where Princess Celestia used her magic to transform Twilight into an Alicorn, and become a Princess. She's been by Celestia's side for quite a while, and has learned to use her magic for the greater good, which is why she harnesses the Element of Magic. FLASHBACK - 2 Months before the Present Day "So what is it like to be a princess?" I asked Twilight during our stroll through Canterlot. "Well, it's not as easy as it looks. Being a princess requires a lot of training, and I've been taught those things by Princess Celestia when I was her student." said Twilight as she looked at Princess Celestia's tower. "How long have you been her student?" I asked. "Ever since I was a little filly. I remember like it was yesterday, and when I look at myself now, it feels difficult that I've changed so much... but in a good way..." Twilight said, looking in the direction to where Ponyville is. "It must be..." I said. "Must be what?" she asked. "It must feel difficult to realize that you've changed, and when you look back, you think to yourself, how did I become this... but like you said, in a good way." I said, looking at Twilight straight in the eyes. "Indeed. Anyway, I should get going. I have a meeting with Princess Celestia. See you later!" said Twilight as she walked towards the castle. "See you too!" I said as I walked in the opposite direction. _________________________________________________________________________________________ And here they were… my own friends, holding me down, in hopes of preventing me from knowing a fact far worse than any other disaster… my own future… and yet they never even knew what it was yet… Twilight stood in front of me, preparing to use a spell that would make me forget what I saw within the dark caverns. I closed my eyes, waiting for my mind to go blank… _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT DAY - 7:00 - 6 hours and 15 minutes until the Void opens We were called upon by Princess Celestia to discuss what we should do about what was destined to happen today. As the carriage brought us to Canterlot, we made our way, while also talking about the day ahead and what they were told about it. "What were you told of the Day of the Descension before?" I asked the Mane Six as we began walking. Twilight was the first to answer, "All we were told was that this day was supposed to happen at some time after you met us. We were never told specifically what was going to happen, besides, "Nothing will Happen." It’s all he told us. Well, correcting myself, all that you told us." "When we were told that on this very day, nothing will happen, we actually thought you meant nothing was going to happen at all." Rainbow Dash added "Who wouldn't?" "But of course, the proper way of explaining what he meant by nothing will happen, is that everything that once happened or anything that will happen will disappear at one specific moment of one specific day." Twilight said, ending her explanation. "But what about the prophecy?" Applejack asked. "From what the database archive said, was that one pony would enter the gateway to the ancient realm, linked within the Space-Time Continuum from the void and the paradox will close." I said in response to Applejack's question. "But how does the gateway to this realm open?" Rarity asked me. "The prophecy mentioned that the song of "The Divider" must be played to open the gateway." I replied. "But… um… how would we know what the song of The Divider is?" Fluttershy asked me, making me stop walking. I started to see flashbacks of my life, different points, points where I would hear a certain song, no matter where I was, there it was. "It’s hidden in plain sound. Wherever you go, you may just hear it being performed by a number of ponies, yet you just don’t know it." I said just before we continued walking. "Alright everypony. This is it." said Twilight, as we came to a complete halt. After walking for a while, we found ourselves standing at the door to the throne of Princess Celestia. The doors opened, and we walked into the room, to find her awaiting our arrival. Also in the room were Princess Luna; Celestia’s sister, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence; rulers of the Crystal Kingdom. We came to a halt as we were in front of the throne to Princess Celestia, and made our introductions. "Good morning, Princess Celestia. It’s very good to see you." said Twilight, making her introduction to Princess Celestia. "Hello Princess Twilight Sparkle. It’s good to see you too." said Princess Celestia, returning the favor. "Twilight, good to see you!" said Prince Shining Armor as he gave Twilight a hug. "Good to see you too!" said Twilight, doing the same. "Cadence, I can see that you are doing well." said Twilight, to Princess Cadence. "Indeed I am doing well." said Princess Cadence, replying to Twilight. We all bowed towards Princess Celestia after the Mane 6 made their greetings. Afterwards, she made her announcement; "We will be discussing our situation in the meeting. Also Star Blade, a very close friend to Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, will be joining us for this meeting, as he is very involved in this situation as we all are." By then, the Princess looked at me for a good five seconds until I finally spoke, "Well… It’s all been leading to this…" > We All Fall Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHBACK - 4 Months before the Present Day The Mane Six and I were rushing to get to Princess Celestia, after Discord went rogue. "Princess Celestia! It's terrible! Discord has-" Twilight said to Princess Celestia before being interrupted by her, "Yes Twilight, I know what’s going on." "Oh… I’m so sorry Princess Celestia. It’s all my fault. I tried to stop Discord but he just wouldn't listen. He just started attacking Star Blade for no reason." said Fluttershy, feeling guilty. "And I would like to know why he attacked me specifically. He acted like he knew who I was, yet I've never met him personally until this very day." I said as I walked towards Princess Celestia. "That’s probably just his little tricks. He probably knows Star Blade as much as he knows us because he's been watching everypony ever since he was turned into stone." Applejack said in response. "That may be true, as he has watched all of you since you used the Elements of Harmony. Star Blade however, Discord knew from a different time, and never saw him again until this day." said Princess Celestia, as she looked upon her subjects. "But how is that even possible? If Discord knew who Star Blade was a long time ago, wouldn't Star Blade know as well?" Twilight questioned with complete confusion and worry. "Look, there are things I really shouldn't say to any of you." said Princess Celestia. "Then why can't you tell us now? We're at the brink of losing Equestria, and we need to know what's going on!" I said. There was silence, she didn't say anything for at least ten seconds. But before the next blast that Discord fired, we heard her say one word, "Spoilers." That word… the very word that guards my future. It’s been repeated to me time after time with every single question I ask which relates to my own future. It’s the only answer to be given without lying, and without revealing the truth. "What did you say?" I asked with a confused face. There was a loud boom heard from outside the castle. It was Discord, unlike the “chaotic” things he usually did, he was causing true destruction in Canterlot. But why was he doing this now? Throughout his life, he had every opportunity to do it. "We have to move, I don’t have much time to explain." said Princess Celestia as she began to run out of the main hall. We followed Celestia, while also protecting us with a barrier from Discord’s destruction. With every second, we could see, hear, and feel Discord’s power with every blow he made across Canterlot. After countless minutes of running, we finally made it to our destination. "Here we are." said Princess Celestia as we stopped in front of a large vault. "The old vault to the Elements of Harmony?" said Twilight with a tiny bit of confusion. Princess Celestia then used her magic to open the vault. "Princess Celestia, don't you remember? The Elements of Harmony are not here, they're with the Tree of Harmony." said Twilight once the vault door opened. "Yes, I do know that. But that's not why we're here." said Princess Celestia as she used her magic to reveal a small hole, almost big enough for my hoof to fit in. "Star Blade, would you come here please?" "What is it?" I asked as I walked to Princess Celestia. "I need you to place your hoof into here." said Princess Celestia, pointing to the small hole. Confused, uncertain, I questioned her, "Why do I have to do it? Is it something about me? Is there something there that has something to do with me?" She once again replied with the same answer as before, "Spoilers." "That word... what are you not telling me. It's important and I know that, by why are you hiding it?" I asked, giving her a serious look. She came close to me, and whispered three words into my ear, which just made me snap. "How do you… that’s not possible…" I said, struggling to speak, until I focused and spoke, "How do you know that?" "How does she know what?" asked Twilight. Another blast hit the castle, and everyone was defending themselves except for me and Celestia. She spoke again, "Look, there isn't much time. We must stop Discord in the current position he's in right now." "She’s right. We have a more important situation we’re dealing with here. We can discuss all of this later." said Rainbow Dash. We were at the brink of a fight against Discord we possibly had no chance of winning. So, I proceeded to go by Princess Celestia's request. Carefully, I placed my hoof into the hole, as a bright light shined through. I took my hoof out, and the hole closed. Just seconds after, we all saw something rise from the center of the vault. It was a cylinder platform that had what looked like a chest on top. Celestia then placed the chest off the platform and on the ground. "What's inside the chest?" asked Twilight. "Something that I haven’t been able to tell you or anypony for a very long time." said Celestia as she opened the chest. Inside the chest was what appeared to be some sort of crown… it had a dark gray star directly in the middle on the front of it. The star also had what appeared to have two swords behind it. The crown was completely platinum, and it had six tiny stars, each one had their own colors; pink, purple, red, blue, orange, and light purple. "What is this?" I asked, looking at the crown. "The gem within this crown is something I've been protecting for thousands of years…" she replied. "What?" I said, still not understanding. "This is an Element of Harmony, the Element that started it all…" said Celestia as she took out the crown. "WHAT?!" said the Mane Six with surprised looks on their faces. "This is the Element... of Leadership." said Celestia. "But I thought there were only six elements! It says that in all history books to Equestria, even your diary!" said Twilight, looking very confused. Celestia began to explain, "Although most books do say that there are six elements, that is only because I kept the Element of Leadership hidden, I never told anypony, not even my sister knew of it. It was safe with me, and I never mentioned it until the time was right." Twilight then questioned, " But why did you hide it? Why did you keep it a secret until now?" She continued to explain, "I kept this Element hidden so no one else would find it, and use it's power. Unlike the others, this Element of Harmony is connected with all of the others. So if anything were to happen to it, the other Element's power would be in great danger. However, I knew this day would come. I knew that Star Blade would come here. When he did, and Discord went from a being of chaos and disharmony to a being of destruction, I knew the time was right." "But why me? Why am I part of this?" I asked. "I was told this would happen, but it was merely stated as a prophecy, a rumor, legend, things I never believed." said Celestia. "If you were told these things would happen, who told you them?" I asked. "I’m sorry; I don’t have much time to talk about this. You must take the Element, find the others, and you need to stop Discord." said Celestia just before another blast was heard. "How should I trust you that I must do this?" I asked. "I'm just a regular Earth Pony with nothing special in particular at all." "You may think you are like that now... but there is so much more in your future... I know this... please... you have to do this for us... for Equestria... I wish I could tell you more to trust me, but I’m afraid it may affect your future. Please…" Celestia begged. If she knew so much, should I believe her? I wasn’t certain… But I didn’t have a choice. If she says that it may affect my future… I can’t take any risks… I knew that my future was in my hooves, and I knew that I had to protect it… but I never knew that it would affect Equestria in an impossible way... _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT DAY - 10:27, 2 hours and 45 minutes until the Void opens After a couple hours of preparations, the meeting was ready to take place. "We are all gathered here today to discuss what may be the most catastrophic event in Equestria history; The Day of the Descension." said Princess Celestia as she sat down. Prince Shining Armor was the first to speak, "Princess, I would like to ask if I may; what is there to expect on this day?" "I will let Star Blade give us the details about this day, and what will happen." said Celestia, before I stood up. "And who might I ask, are you; Earth Pony?" Shining Armor asked me. "My name is Star Blade, citizen of Ponyville, and harnesser to the Element of Leadership." I replied. "Then let's not waste any time, please begin to explain. What is the Day of the Descension? I know that a phase of catastrophe is supposed to happen, but what is it?" said Shining Armor. "The Day of the Descension isn’t just any day of catastrophe towards Equestria. It's more than that." I said in response to Shining Armor's questioning. "Then what's supposed to happen?" asked Princess Cadence. "Nothing." I replied. "What are you saying?" Shining Armor asked , looking very confused. I began to explain, "At a specific time, a specific moment on this very day, a void will open at the Garden of Warriors, forming a paradox linked within the Space Time Continuum, sucking everything from Equestria’s past, present, and future, thus Nothing happening." "But if it’s sucking everything from different points in time of Equestria, how come it hasn't happened before?" Shining Armor asked . "It hasn’t happened before because during this day there is a fixed point in time, something that has to happen, something that has to stop the paradox from forming." I said, responding to Shining Armor's question. "Young Star Blade, if this paradox has to be stopped, how must it be done?" Princess Luna asked as she stood up. "Not to long I ago, I came across an old database, which contained an archive on all information pertaining Equestria’s past, present, and future. Within the files, I came across a prophecy towards the Day of the Decension." I said, continuing my explanation. "What was the prophecy, exactly?" asked Shining Armor. I stated it word for word, "For the paradox to be closed, Harmony must stabilize the void, while one pony enters the realm as the song of The Divider is played." "Is that all?" Shining Armor asked. "It’s all that's told." "How much longer do we have until it happens?" Celestia asked. "It happens at 1:15, so looking at the time right now, we have about 2 hours and 43 minutes." I said as I looked at my watch. "Then we should prepare." said Shining Armor. "Do you have a plan?" "Well, we've already been prepared." said Twilight. The hoofprint lock to the new safe opened. Placing my hoof in the hole, the platform arose with the Element of Leadership on top. As I put my crown on, I said to Celestia, "I understand everything about this day.But one thing I don’t understand is, why the Garden of Warriors? Why does it happen there?" "I'm not sure." said Princess Celestia. "I guess I'll find out..." I said, also with a smile. "I'm sure you will." Celestia said back to me. "Now, Mares and Stallions, this meeting is now adjourned." As the meeting came to a close, we walked out on our way to the Garden of Warriors. "Princess Celestia, who is that Earth Pony? Is he a friend of yours?" asked Shining Armor as he stood up. "You seem to be very close to him, as if you’ve known him for a long time" said Cadence. "He is a very close friend of mine… the only problem is that I know more about him now... yet he barely knows me at all" said Celestia as we were out of sight from the meeting room. > Rise Above > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHBACK - 8 Months before the Present Day Princess Luna returned to the castle with complete haste after leaving from Ponyville. She knew I was here. "Where are you! I know you’re here! Please… I've waited too long…" said Princess Luna as she entered main hall. She looked around everywhere, but couldn't see where I was until I finally spoke, "Waited too long for what, Luna?" Luna turned her head to see me walking down the stairway. She walked towards me slowly as she asked, "Is it you? Is it really you after all this time?" I continued walking, until the light of the moon shined on me. Luna smiled delightfully as she said, "It is you! Young Shepherd of Fire it is you!" But as she came closer, her smile changed to a frown very slowly as she said, "But... you look so... different... Your scar..." "What scar?" I asked. "It's not there..." said Luna, as she examined my face. "You called me by my nickname..." I said. "Who are you?" Luna asked as she backed away. "I'm not the one to tell you that, Luna." I said, giving her a serious look. The doors to the main hall flung open, as Twilight Sparkle ran in with the rest of the Mane 6 as she asked, "Princess Luna! Is everything okay?" "We saw you looking very worried when you flew back to your tower, and we weren’t quite sure if something bad was happening or something important." said Rarity after Twilight asked her question. "Well, I can assure you that everything is fine, Twilight Sparkle." said Luna, in response to Twilight's question, Twilight took a sigh of relief as she said, "Well that’s good. I mean after all of these things happening, it wouldn’t surprise us that something was happening or going to happen when you left." Luna laughed slightly before she spoke, "Well, I’m glad that you came anyway. It would have been the right thing to do if something did happen." "Oh, I see you met Star Blade!" said Twilight as she noticed me standing by Luna's side. "Oh, yes! He told me about helping you find me." said Luna, a bit nervously. "Well, since everything is alright now that you’re back, we still have to get ready for-" said Twilight before she stopped herself. "I mean we have some important work to do. See you soon!" "Very well then, see you too Princess Twilight." said Luna before the Mane Six walked off. Just as they were leaving, I could see Twilight looking back at me, looking very confused. She immediately stopped to turn around and ask, "How did you know that page in the book would help us find Princess Luna?" "If you want to find the answer to that, you must put the pieces together. This is merely the first piece, but I'm sure you'll find the rest soon." I said, without giving them too much. With that I nodded to Twilight, and she returned the favor as she walked with her friends. Just as the Mane Six was out of sight, Luna looked to me and asked, "Who they called you before, Is that your real name?" I looked back at her as I questioned, "Do you not know what my real name is? Is the Shepherd of Fire the only name you know me by?" "Spoilers..." said Luna before she looked away. "Soon I won't need to be told that word anymore." I said, in response to that word. "Are you coming from... then?" Luna asked, turning her head towards me. "Yes..." I replied, looking towards the direction to Ponyville. "I can't stay for much longer though. I have to be there." "I understand..." said Luna as she looked down upon her subjects in Canterlot from the window. "It's something that must be done without choice." I said, also looking out the window. "My sister was in a situation similar to that... you already know what that is though." said Luna as she looked up at the bright moon. "One thing I must ask, because I know I will feel this way when I make my decision." I said, while looking up at the moon as well. "Did it hurt her?" "So much... she would never forget about it even after all of these years." said Luna with a sad expression, as she continued to look at the moon. "Neither will I." _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT DAY - 1:13 - 2 minutes until the paradox opens With so little time left on the clock, we couldn't help but to think what would happen if we didn't succeed. As we stood into our positions, Twilight came to me and said, "Star Blade, while we were on our way to Canterlot before, you said that the Song of The Divider was very well hidden. right in front of you just when you least expect it. I never understood, but why is it that you were the only pony I know that noticed such a thing?" "It's because I listen very carefully. I've heard the song countless amounts of times wherever I've went. To most ponies, they never suspected that it was the same song played at the same time " I said as I turned my head, looking at Twilight in the eye. "So listen very closely as that clock strikes 1:15." I was looking at my watch, one minute left, it was time. As we all stood up ready to face this very moment, Twilight noticed the looks on everypony’s faces looking sad. I could tell she wasn’t sure why, but that didn’t matter at the time. The past, present, and future of Equestria was now in our hooves… As the clock struck 1:15, we watched as the Void opened. The paradox was beginning to take shape... > Descension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASHBACK - 2 days before the Present Day They stood motionless. I knew that looking at them; they didn't want me to forget. She just couldn't do it. "What are you waiting for? You've kept this place hidden long enough, the largest archive database, containing the largest amount of information of Equestria’s past, present, and future. So go ahead, do it." I said as I opened my eyes. Twilight struggled to speak, "I… I can’t…" I stood up and spoke, "Well if you're not going to do it, then tell me what it is you're hiding from me?" Twilight walked up to the computer and placed her hoof on it as she said, "This machine isn't just a database; it’s also a time machine." Rainbow Dash continued Twilight's explanation, "A while back before you met us in Ponyville, we met a pony whose name was also Star Blade, saying he was from the future." "How can you be sure that this pony was me?" I asked. "Well for starters, he looked a lot like how you are right now. He also had good parkour skills, very good with minor medical conditions, and he had that same cutie mark." said Applejack. "But that's not all. Before he left back to his time, he..." Rainbow Dash spoke before going silent for a moment. "What is it?" I asked Rainbow Dash. "Tell me." Rainbow Dash walked towards me slowly, and spoke very quietly, "Star Blade, you are the only pony I know that has been there to support me, like a brother or..." "... A father?" I said, finishing her sentence. She began to cry, and I knew from what I said there caused her to do that. She hugged me as she whispered in my ear, "Star Blade, what I'm about to tell you is something I've never told anypony that I've known. I trust that you will never tell anyone about this unless you really trust him or her... can you do that for me?" I thought about it for a while. I've known Rainbow Dash for quite some time, and her friends have known her for longer than that. Of all the ponies she could have trusted, why did it have to be me? Was there something in me that other ponies didn't have? I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. But if I was really somepony she could rely on, I would most definitely keep her secret. After all that thinking, I finally whispered my answer in the Pegasus' ear, "Yes." She moved her head towards my ear, and whispered a single word. "I just told you my middle name." said Rainbow Dash as she moved her head away from my ear. "It was given to me from my father, as a way to remember him." I could see it in her magenta colored eyes, that she had lost her father. I understood her pain pain, what it was like to lose someone you care about. "He told us of an important day, a day that would effect Equestria in an impossible way." said Twilight as Rainbow Dash walked back to her friends. "What was it?" I asked Twilight. "He called it, The Day of the Descension." said Twilight. "Did I tell you anything about it?" I said, continuing to question the Mane Six. Twilight began to explain, "We were told, "On the Garden of Warriors, at the Day of the Decenscion, the ancient realm of The Divided will open the void, forming a paradox where nothing will happen."" "What we don't understand is what "Nothing will happen" means." said Rarity. "Well maybe... just maybe we were supposed to find out what happens on this day in particular." I said as I walked up to the computer and pressed the power switch. "PLEASE STATE YOUR REQUEST" said the computer in a robotic voice. "Search archives for information on the Day of the Descension" I said. "SEARCHING… RESULTS FOUND. ERROR, ARCHIVE LOCKED. PLEASE SPEAK THE PASSWORD." said the computer. "What else did I say?" I asked the Mane Six. "Well, you did say that if were here at this very moment, we would tell you one word... spoilers." said Twilight. "No, for once I would like to know wha-" I stopped talking after I realized what Twilight was telling me. "Well, I'm a tricky one aren't I?" I said to the computer. "Spoilers." "PASSWORD ACCEPTED." The article to the Day of the Descension opened on the screen, yet some of the information looked like it was removed. It was most likely edited by someone at another time... and I think I know who that was. "Well, what's on there?" Applejack asked. "It has the same description as you gave me. But it also has some other things as well." I said after skimming through the article. "Is there a date?" asked Rainbow Dash. "It's... it's in two days..." _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT TIME - 1:15 - The Void is opening The Void was opening, and the paradox was beginning to spread. We all stood together receiving the power from the Tree of Harmony, ready to use its magic to stabilize the paradox for a short amount of time. "Your cue Twilight!" I said, giving her the signal. The Tree of Harmony revealed its power as the Mane Six used the magic of friendship. Once the Mane Six used their Rainbow Powers, it transferred to the Element of Leadership, firing a wave of energy at the Void. The paradox was stabilized for now; this gave us enough time to open the gateway. Just then, Rainbow Dash yelled out to me; "Wait a minute! It was stated in the prophecy that the Song of the Divider must be played to open the gateway… so who is going to play it?!" "Rainbow Dash makes a good darn point!" said Applejack. I began to explain, "Well I've heard this song my whole life, played by some of the best performers of Equestria. Those performers always play that very song every day at the very same time, maybe their ancestors have as well. With that, I’m pretty sure they been given a good reason to keep playing it until this very day." And just when it couldn't get any better, there it was. The Song of the Divider, with so much meaning that I never even knew about before. Just as soon as the first verse played, we could see the gateway to the ancient realm open. "So this is it. The prophecy was true." said Twilight. "Yet why wouldn't it be?" I asked. "For the paradox to be closed, Harmony must stabilize the void, while one pony enters the realm as the song of The Divider is played." said Twilight, rephrasing the prophecy. "It's time." She began to walk forward, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack pinned her down. "What are you doing?" Twilight asked her friends. "You don't understand, this has to happen!" I snapped back at her, "No, you don't understand Twilight! The prophecy did state that one pony must enter the ancient realm to stop the paradox from spreading, but not one random pony." Twilight looked confused, "What do you mean?" I explained, "The prophecy meant that one pony in particular must enter." "But who is it?" she asked. I remained silent, everyone remained silent until Twilight finally realized what we meant and spoke, "No… NO! I can’t let you do that! I won’t let you! "Don’t even try; I’m using the Element of Leadership to control your magic. I’m sorry but there’s nothing else you or I can do!" I said as Twilight tried to use her magic to free herself. "Don’t say that! There must be some other way to do this, there has to be! Applejack, Rainbow Dash, girls, please! Do something!" Twilight begged us. "I’m sorry Twilight, but there's nothing we can do. It took a lot of talking to understand what had to happen; even Rainbow Dash couldn't accept it." Applejack explained. "Darling, you must understand that Equestria must continue to go on, and Star Blade is doing this to make that happen." said Rarity, trying her best to have her friend understand. "You never told us about this before you traveled back all those months ago... why?" Twilight asked, in slight tears. "I only realized it when I returned. Being the only pony who noticed the song, the one who harnesses the Element of Leadership, Princess Celestia and Luna knowing who I am, all the pieces were put together." I said turning around, looking at Twilight in the eyes. "Star Blade please… you can’t leave us, not like this… we’re your friends, and friends always stick together till the end." said Twilight, crying almost endlessly. "I know... But what I'm doing right now, I’m doing without choice. I know it may seem like I’m abandoning you, but I really don’t want to leave you... and I’m sorry… I am very very sorry." Silence… nopony spoke, not even a single sound was heard but the gateway to the ancient realm still opened, until I heard those words from Twilight that I would never forget before I left, "I forgive you." It made my heart smile. "Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle… I will never forget all of you... don't you forget me..." I said, before I stepped into the gateway. "We never will..." said Fluttershy, also crying a bit. As I made my last step, I wasn't sure what I was really feeling; sorrow or forgiveness... because both usually make you cry... > Genesis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWILIGHT'S FLASHBACK – 8 Months before the Day of the Descension I gathered everypony at the castle in Ponyville to discuss the next Summer Sun Celebration, which was also celebrating Princess Luna's return to Equestria. However, unlike other celebrations, this one was very special. "So what should we do for this Summer Sun Celebration?" I asked everypony. Pinkie Pie bounced up and down as she stated her suggestion, "Well, first things first! We need a LOT of balloons! No party or celebration is a party or celebration without balloons! How many should we have though? Twenty? Fifty? A hundred? A thousand?" "Pinkie, please. I think we get the idea. I'm sure we can imagine how many balloons we should have when we're setting up." I said while taking out a sheet of paper and quill. "How about something awesome! Maybe have something like those shooting gallery games, and you shoot moons at dark monsters!" said Rainbow Dash, putting a lot of enthusiasm in her explanation. "That sounds like a good idea for entertainment. But we need something more." I said, thinking. As I was continuing to think, Angel was trying to get Fluttershy's attention. "What is it Angel? Is something… wrong?" said Fluttershy before she looked out the window. "EEEK!" We all heard a voice coming from outside the house after Fluttershy shrieked, "Ah crud! GERONIMO!!!" Then there was a loud thud after we heard the voice. "What was that?" asked Applejack, looking outside the window. "Lets go find out. I'm almost certain that somepony was trying to spy on us, and failed." said Rainbow Dash, heading for the door. "Oh nonsense. I'm pretty sure somepony just got in an accident." I said, also heading for the door. I opened the door as the light shined in my eyes. We looked around to see if anypony was around, and we found an Earth Pony lying down. We weren't sure if he was hurt or not, so we walked up to ask, "Um, are you okay there? It sure sounded like you had a big fall." The stallion got back on his hooves as he began to speak, "Ah it's okay. I'm used to falls like these." "Ah, a tough pony eh?" said Rainbow Dash in a mocking voice. "You want to see tough, Rainboom Girl?" the pony asked, getting the dust off of him. "Oh, somepony recognizes me for my Sonic Rainboom." said Rainbow Dash, looking surprised. "Of course, who wouldn't?" he said, shaking off the adrenaline. "It's catches the eyes of sightseers." "That's right! It's just so AWESOME!" said Rainbow Dash. "Kind of like you?" the stallion asked. "You think I'm awesome? Please, where I'm at right now is just the beginning." said Rainbow Dash. "Right. By the way, I don't think you've introduced yourself, have you?" said the stallion. "Don't think so. The name's Rainbow Dash." she said. "Well, nice to meet you Rainbow Dash." said the stallion. "Oh, and you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle. It's an honor to see you." "Well thanks uh... what's your name?" I asked. "My name? It's Star Blade, best parkour athlete in Equestria!" said the stallion, striking a pose. "You do parkour? That usually takes a lot of time to learn?" I said. "That is true, to most ponies. Me however, it's just as simple as watching for a long time and it comes right to you." said Star Blade. "Well that's interesting!" I said, giving a smile. "Princess Twilight, it’s an emergency!" said a Royal Guard as he ran up to me. "What is it? What's wrong?" I asked, very worried. "Princess Luna is…" said the Royal Guard before he paused his sentence, looking at Star Blade for some reason but immediately looked back. "She's missing!" "What do you mean she's missing?" asked Rainbow Dash, giving the guard a serious look. "The last time we checked on her was in her room. After looking at her for at least a second, she was gone." said the guard. "Well keep your search! I’ll also keep a look out, but we can’t continue the celebration without her!" I ordered the guard before giving the message to my friends. "Come on girls! We have to find Princess Luna, she's missing!" "Hey before you go, take this!" said Star Blade as he passed one of my books from the library. "Page 11, paragraph 5. Just as a reference point!" "How will this help us?" I asked before he walked off. "Spoilers..." he said, with a smile on his face as he walked away. _________________________________________________________________________________________ TWILIGHT - PRESENT TIME – 9:35 PM – 8 hours and 20 minutes after the closing of the Void "Twilight? What’s wrong!" asked Princess Celestia as I walked into the castle. "Princess Celestia! I'm so sorry!" I said, bursting into tears. "It's Star Blade... he..." I was struggling to speak. It was too much to handle. "Twilight... Star Blade did the right thing for Equestria. Good things don’t come without sacrifice Twilight, you do know that right?" said Princess Celestia. "I know that… but we’ll never see him." I said, still tearing up. Celestia chuckled before she said, "Oh Twilight, just because he’s in the ancient realm doesn't mean that he’s gone." "What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at Celestia. Celestia began to explain, "Well, when Star Blade entered the ancient realm, he was in the middle of the Space-Time Continuum. The power from the Element of Leadership closed the Void and the paradox was gone, which means he's still in there waiting." "Waiting for what?" I asked. "Maybe I can’t tell you, but the past most certainly can." said Celestia before she took out a large vile. "Wait a minute... that’s Zecora’s potion! The potion I used to find you and Princess Luna in the Everfree Forest with the Tree of Harmony!" I said after taking a close look at the vile. "Star Blade may not be here to tell us who he is, but at least he knew we had to find out sometime…" said Celestia, giving me the potion. "What will I see?" I asked. "Some memories you've seen before, and some things I never saw before." said Celestia. With that said, I drank the potion, and almost immediately felt the effects as I saw the first memory. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 3,000 years ago I opened my eyes to see me at the Tree of Harmony, at the time Princess Luna and Princess Celestia first discovered them. "The Tree of Harmony!" said Princess Luna upon seeing the tree. Princess Celestia began to explain to her sister as she retrieved the Elements of Harmony, "We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria. Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here." "Then we must get going. We have no time to lose." said Princess Luna before departing. Princess Celestia nodded as she followed her sister. However she was stopped by a familiar voice, almost as if it were spoken through telepathy, "It's all been leading to this..." I was shocked with what I was hearing. I looked around, hoping I would see who I was hearing. "That was... Star Blade..." I thought to myself. Princess Celestia went back to the tree, and using her magic, something else came from the base of the tree. "Young Shepherd of Fire… I do hope I see you soon…" said Celestia before she put the object in her bag. "That was the Element of Leadership! Princess Celestia was right before, she did discover it and kept it safe with her!" I said, just before the next memory came into shape. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2,000 years later I looked around where I was this time, it was the old castle of Equestria on the day Princess Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon. "Luna, I will not fight you! You must lower the moon! It is your duty!" said Princess Celestia, standing in front of her own sister, transformed before her very eyes. I could hear Star Blade's voice again, "Celestia, there is nothing you can do about this. She’s changed out of pure greed!" "Luna? I am… Nightmare Moon! I have but one royal duty now; to destroy you!" said Nightmare Moon as she turned against her own sister. "Celestia you can’t save her, and if you try to she will bring you down and take over! You must use the Elements!" said Star Blade, begging to Princess Celestia before she flew away. "And where do you think you're going?" said Nightmare Moon, chasing after Princess Celestia. As I watched the two sisters fight against themselves, I realized what was going on, "Princess Celestia said that she knew Star Blade a long time ago…" Nightmare Moon fired a shot, a direct hit on Princess Celestia as she fell into the main hall of the castle. I flew down, watching, waiting for what would happen next. "He’s been guiding her along the right path…" As I was waiting, I heard the maniacal laughter coming from the greed that was once Princess Luna, until I heard Star Blade again, "Princess… I know that this is a very hard decision to make, but it’s for the greater good. I know she’s your sister but there's no other choice! Celestia please, you can’t just watch your kingdom be conquered by her! Celestia!!!" "Without spoiling her future…" I said, watching Princess Celestia get back on her hooves. "Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these." said Princess Celestia as she used her magic, in which the Elements of Harmony arose. "Our future…" I said as I looked to the left, to see Star Blade standing within the shadows looking up at Princess Celestia. "Equestria’s future…" I watched, once again, as Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony's power, banishing Nightmare Moon, before the memory was over. _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT TIME - 9:40 I looked around to see I was back at the castle with Princess Celestia. "Well, what did you see?" asked Princess Celestia. I began to explain to Princess Celestia, "I heard Star Blade in the memories, he was speaking to you through telepathy. Then I saw him looking up at you in the memory when Luna was banished to the moon… He was guiding you, making sure everything happened. "But there is still one more thing we must know." said Princess Celestia, taking the vile and pouring them into two separate cups. "Where he's going." "I thought you knew. You said you knew who he was, that he was a close friend to you." I said, looking confused. "Yes I did know who he was, but that was only when I met him." said Princess Celestia. "What are you saying?" I asked. "When I met Star Blade, he was seen by many as a hero yet I never understood why. I would like to know where he's gone, and of course, I would like you to see it as well." said Princess Celestia as Princess Luna came in with a box. "Sister, it's time." said Princess Luna as the rest of my friends followed her. Princess Celestia nodded as she called us to sit with her to witness what she wanted to show us. "My subjects, come here. There is something I would like you all to see. "What is it?" I asked as I sat down next to Princess Celestia. She opened the dusty box, to find what appeared to be a book that had the title; Shepherd of Fire. Princess Luna took out the book and placed it on the ground. "I think it is time we all took a look at Star Blade's fate." said Princess Celestia as she opened the book. After a half hour of reading the book, everyone couldn't help but feel happy to know that Star Blade was okay. As the last chapter came to a close, everyone was speaking for our good friend. "Oh my gosh, I didn't think that Star Blade would be awesome enough to have his own book! Not only that, it's history! said Rainbow Dash, before she gasped in realization. "Which means... I'm learning... I really am an egghead aren't I?" "The Shepherd of Fire... this was all meant to be... I said after reading the last paragraph to the book. 'But what's going to happen to him now? How will he come back?" "I am not the one to answer that question Twilight Sparkle." said Princess Celestia. “Wait… there’s something on the back!” Said Twilight as she flipped the last page to the book. The Mane 6 came up to her to see what it was, even the two sisters came to see it. Twilight began to read the text written. “Afterword, by the Shepherd of Fire. Hello old friends, and here we are. I know how much you are all missing me right now, but I just want to let you all know that I’m still alive and kicking. When we will see each other again, I do not know. But when you look up to the stars, think of them as my soul. Don’t fret, when the time comes, I will come back. But until that time comes, you all need to be patient. After all, you all know that time is much more spent living… than waiting. So continue your lives like you usually would… and one day you may see me again. And one more thing. I know for a fact that one day, you; my friends, may not be there to save Equestria. But I know there is still hope… which is why I’ve called upon someone before I left to come in a few months time to be there if anything like that ever happens. I can’t say who… but you’ll find out in due time. I will say this though… he is close… very close to me… He can be someone who protects Equestria… a hero… I could be too… but not there. I am a hero of the past… but he… he… can be a hero of the present… However, if I cannot come back and this is the last time I ever talk to you… I just want to say… thank you for everything… You’ve made me realize who I am… Not just a leader… not just a hero… but a good friend… and I can’t thank you enough for that… So… farewell. Until we meet again.” “F-Farewell Star Blade… my good friend…” said Twilight as a couple tears came from her eyes. Princess Luna then placed her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Do not cry young princess, you should be happy that he is safe.” “Yeah! For all we know, Star Blade may come back! And we’ll all live happily ever after!” said Pinkie Pie, giving Twilight a small hug. “Hey, we all miss him now as much as you do Twilight.” Said Rainbow Dash as she patted Twilight on the back. “If he comes back, we’ll be there to see him.” Twilight stopped crying as she spoke to her friends, “Thank you girls… thanks for being there to support me.” Twilight then looked up at the night sky, and reached her hoof towards the stars. “Star Blade… whoever this pony is… I will help him for whenever we are not here to save Equestria… I promise…” THE END...?