• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 485 Views, 3 Comments

Broken string. - errandar

An adventure of a pony struggling to come to terms with his past.

  • ...

The first note.


The pain was always there. Just like every morning coming in waves to greet me. To kill any chances of getting more than a few hours of rest. Never enough. I have awaken but instead of opening my eyes I laid with my eyes closed. I heard the wind outside of my cave swaying the tree leaves of the Everfree forest. In the distance a timberwolf was howling . That meant it was no later than midnight.

"Ha it isn’t morning after all, well it depends on how You look at things I guess." I thought to myself while grabbing a bottle of pain killing medicine. After chugging down the bitter fluid I opened my eyes. It was dark.

The trees in Everfree forest block most of the sunlight during the day, and made the nights pitch black. After so many years spend here I did not need to see anyway. I memorized the layout of my cave as well as the nearest terrain around it. And there was a reason why I chose this place as my home.
I got up from the rotting straw I used as a bed and made my way deeper inside my cave where I stored my supplies.

“Let’s see… I’m alright for food, no water left though, oh and six bottles of pain killers left. I’ll need to pay Zacora a visit soon. Knowing her she’ll have everything ready for me. First thing first, need to get some water.”

I left my cave and went in the direction of the river. The nights were getting colder. The bushes rustled around me but the creatures which called this forest their home as dangerous as they might be learned not to bother me. The hard way. The smell of the trees soothed my mind as I walked the path known to no other pony. Soon I arrived at the river. The area was illuminated by the moon .

“Hi Luna how are You tonight? I hope You aren’t too lonely. I miss You.” I said looking at the beautiful moon. The accursed prison of my dearest friend.

I sighted than took the bottles and started to fill them with the water from the lake. I looked at myself. I was a blue stallion with a black and red mane and my tail matched it color . I used to be an alicorn but currently only half of a horn was sticking out of my forehead. This cracked horn looked pathetic and caused me a lot of pain. Every day I fought with this head splitting suffering. I will never again be able to use magic.

But this horn is a keepsake. It makes me remember and so does the pain. And it is important not to forget Yourself. At least this time I had something to help me not forget. Not that I ever would. Other than that I was a mess. My once shine mane was covered in dirt. My red, sad eyes looked very tired. But it didn't surprise me. I have been in this forest for years.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see any pony in almost a year. I should visit Zacora more often. She helped me so much since she moved into this place. ” I decided to head back for now. When I got back to my cave a saw a familiar pony standing by the entrance. A pony I have not seen in five hundred years.

“Hello Celestia, It’s been a while. How did You find me? ”
She turned to face me, and smiled in a way only a princess can. It was a smile that could reassure You and melt You away. They were so similar.

“Greetings Silver String , You made Yourself difficult to find , You knew that I can see anything torched by the rays of my sun, so I figured You hid somewhere where I won't be able to see You. But I never would have guessed it would be so close to the castle. ” The expression on her face showed peace , serenity and calmness. The light smile she always wore on her face made me uneasy. I hated that smile.

“Well what did You come here anyway? I thought I made myself clear when I told You I don’t want to see You ever again.” She smiled even wider, her response was calm and soft.

“You are my friend, and I was worried about You. I still remember when You first arrived in Equestria. And I have to say You haven't changed one bit. Still as stubborn and as depressed as always” She chuckled.

“Quite opposite when it comes to You, You banished Luna to the moon and afterwards returned to Your place smiling as carefree as ever. What is it that You want, If it’s about the rising of the moon I told You I’m not interested. ” I nearly shouted, remembering the pain of losing my closest friend.

Celestia looked a bit shocked. I wiped the smile straight off her face. She than give me a serious look.

“You know I didn’t have a choice. She would doom Equestria. ” She said sadly.

“You could have at least let me try reason with her or find another way” I said tears now rolling down my eyes.

“You did and You lost Your horn! I didn’t want her to hurt anypony else as she hurt You. I had to stop her and without her I couldn't use the elements.” She said with sadness and desperation in her voice. I never seen her this emotional before. Tears started to flow from her eyes and I understood how she had to hid her emotion up until now. I was angry at her for not caring about her little sisters banishment. I thought she didn't care

I was wrong.

“I am so sorry, all this time I was so angry at You I didn’t see You were suffering too. I just miss her. I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with something like that after… ” I cut off it was still too painful to talk about it. And here I thought time heals all the wounds. I guess I was mistaken. Celestia nodded her head in understanding and give me a faint smile.

“Don’t worry Silver” She said “You are still my friend and I understand. And as for a reason I’m here… She’s back”

“What how ? When?”

“Almost a Year now and as for how…””

Celestia than told me all about how the new elements of harmony rescued Luna from her darkness and how the princess of the moon came back to palace and took her rightful place beside her as the ruler of Equestria.

“That’s wonderful” I said overcome with joy. “Things are finally as they were meant to be. I need to thank these mares. I’m going to find them. I no longer need to stay here ”

“Why did You in the first place? I know You were angry but You stayed here all alone for all these years. Why?”

“I thought that she must be awfully lonely up there so I banished myself, I felt guilty. She said I betrayed her. And deep inside I felt like I did. So this was my punishment. It's the same reason I can't face her. Seeing how You are here alone I’m guessing she doesn’t want to see me either”

I remembered the last time I saw Luna, but it was not her really, it was Nightmare Moon, the darkness that took over her innocent soul.

‘Come with me Silver String, stand by me as I bathe this world in night eternal and get the glory and respect I deserve. Join me and this whole kingdom will be ours’ Nightmare said looking deep in my eyes.

“Luna, come to Your senses, what You’re doing is wrong. You can’t force this on every pony. They can’t live in the dark” I tried to reason with her. She looked at me with rage and hurt in her eyes.

“So You’re taking Celestia’s side? I thought You were my friend. Traitor. You don’t deserve to live ” She said and fired a wave of energy at me. I tried to block it with my own magic. I heard a crunching sound and instantly felt pain so intense that it made me faint.

Just remembering that made my heart sunk. No I wouldn’t see Luna. At least as long as she did not want to see me.

“You know it was not her speaking, I know she’d be happy to see You ” Celestia said putting her wing around me, trying to reassure me.

“No I can’t, not yet anyway. Just tell her I said hi” I looked at the goodness of the sun and smiled. She smiled back. We stood there for a while looking into each other’s eyes .

“Alright I will need to get going soon, I’ll give You a house. You can stay in Ponyville. It’s a town near here where the six mares live. Just do me one more favor play for me like You used to ” She requested hesitating a bit.

“Sure princess, for You anything” I went into my cave and grabbed my guitar. “Any wishes?”

“Could You play the song You always played for Luna?”

I just smiled as we sat down on the grass. After a few minutes of setting up my guitar I started to play a soft melody.

“Full moon sways…” I began to sing. My voice sailed in the wind. As the song progressed my voice gotten stained by dark spells of depression, my mind focused on the memory of the person this song was written for. The one I have told only Luna about. Celestia just watched me oblivious to the true meaning of this song . I couldn’t blame her, even if I told her all about it she’s still wouldn’t understand. No one could. A single tear ran down my cheek.

“That was beautiful, Thank You” She said softly.

“I am the one who should be thankful You came all the way here to find me” I put my guitar aside.

“I’ll see You soon, oh and You will need this” She said teleporting a piece of paper.”It’s You’re deed for the house in Ponyviel. Just give that to the Mayor. ” After hoofing me the paper she waved me goodbye and vanished in her spells aura .
I was alone again. In silence and darkness of the forest . It was time to move, I returned to the cave and packed little belongings that I had in my saddlepack.

“Farewell Everfree forest it’s time for me to go ” You could almost hear the sigh of relief given by every hostile creature of the forest.
And so filled with new energy and hope I began my journey to meet new friends.


Finally, after a tiring three hour walk I got out of the dreadful forest. It was still fairly early, around six o’clock. Before me was the always breathtaking scenery of Equestria. It was in contrast to the EverFree forest , bright, peaceful and innocent. The first signs of morning could be seen. The sky was changing it’s color to a brighter shade of blue and the first rays of sun hit my eyes. Not used to sunlight I covered my face with my hoof. I adapted to it sooner than I anticipated and took a look around.

I saw a small cottage nearby. Such a cute place to live. It had a little stream and a small bridge over it. It was bathed in greenery with small windows. Gods I'd kill for a place like that. So cute. A bright coated pegasy was attending some birds that sat at the nearby tree. She had a soft pink mane and tail. The feeling of serenity at her sight as well as the raw cuteness made me want snuggle with the creature.

“I don’t really know the way to Ponyville so might as well introduce myself and ask for directions.” I thought to myself and got closer.

“Hello there, I was wondering… ”As soon as I started talking the mare turned around and upon seeing me shrieked, ran to her house in terror and closed her doors and windows.

“Geez I know I don’t look to friendly and I am a complete mess but I have to admit I didn’t saw this coming. ” I sighted and sat down on the grass. I eyed the birds still sitting on the tree branches.

“At least the animals like me.” I grabbed my guitar. “I’m going to play and You can sing along If You want to” I told the birds and proceeded to play. The song always put my heart at ease and made me a tad sad at the same time. So many wonderful memories. The birds chirped happily the melody of the song and acted as my little personal choir.

The sun raised and illuminated the whole scene adding only to my already good mood. It was a good day. I finished my song and to the protest of the birds put my guitar back to my saddlebag.
“It was good jamming with you birdies we need to do this again sometime. See ya” I turned my back on the cottage and started walking in a random direction.

“Umm.. wait please…” A soft voice said very quietly, so quietly in fact that it was hard to make out.
I turned around to see the same mare from before.

“Hi there I didn’t mean to startle You before, I wanted to ask for directions is all.” I said with a warm smile.”My name is Silver String and I’m looking for Ponyville”

“Hello I’m Fluttershy” She said a little bit louder. It still was hard to make out. More like she was mumbling.

“So Fluttershy what made You change Your mind and talk to me ” I asked curious about the change of heart.

“I really liked how You played and the birds seem to trust You” She looked at the ground. “I’m sorry I ran away like that it’s just that You look so... Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean…”

“Ease there, don’t worry I know that I look a bit scary. Besides I was walking from the EverFree so it’s normal You would be frightened, it is a dangerous place ” I said calmly and smiled at the pony.

“Does it hurt…?” She asked looking at my horn.

“Sometimes but it’s not so bad” I didn’t like lying to her but I didn’t want her to worry either.”Plus I have a friend Zebra that makes very good painkillers ”

“You know Zecora?”She looked less nervous now, but I’m still not quite there.

“Yup, we go way back we both lived in the same forest after all” Well maybe not way back but we considered each other as friends. Which was a bit weird as we didn’t spend a lot of time together. I only went to see her once a year or so. At this point my stomach started to growl.

“Oh my, You must be hungry” Fluttershy said with concern in her voice.”Wait right here”
She went inside her cottage and after a few seconds returned carrying a bag. She hesitantly hoofed me the bag filled with what seemed to be food.

“Thank You, that’s really kind of You Fluttershy” I thanked her and said. “If You could point me in the direction of Ponyville I’d be ever so grateful”

“All You need to do is follow that road and You’ll be there in no time ” She replied as she pointed the way.

“I hope to see You again I’ll be living in Ponyville as of today so if You don’t mind I’ll come visit again. See You ” I said and started walking in the direction shown by the shy mare.

“Oh I don’t mind at all. Bye.” She replied and went back to her feathered friends.

“Such nice ponies live here. I just might find myself a home. I hope You see me now. I’m trying my best. I know what You said but, I know what I want as well. I’ll stay here until time comes. “
I headed straight to town, wondering what will come next.


When did all of this happened? Last time I was here there was no town. And now, lots of houses, shops, smiling ponies all around. Even a fountain in the center of town. Just wow. The town itself was bright and colorful. Every house in a different color scheme. At first it hurt my eyes a bit but I soon got used to it. If You ever can get used to something so happy.

This is what I loved in Equestria. It was so unlike my home. It was beautiful and magical. I found myself a bit lost in the crowd of ponies all hurrying about their own business. They still had time to look at me curiously or smile when apologizing when I couth their stare. I needed help so I stopped a purple coated mare with purple main and tail that had pink highlights in them.

“Sorry, but could You please give me some directions, I’m a bit lost as I’m new in town” I said with a soft smile on my face.

“Certainly, what can I help You with?” She said in a friendly tone.

“I’m Silver String and I’m moving in to town, I was looking for the Mayor to take care of the paperwork” She had a certain feeling to her, I couldn’t quite grasp. It was like, no forget it I just can’t figure it out.

“You must have had a rough trip” She said while looking at my dirty appearance and then she saw it. “What happened to Your horn? I never heard of a case in which a unicorn horn would be broken”

“Oh that’s a long story I’ll tell You some other time. But as You could probably guess I can no longer use my magic. ” I hoped to change the topic but apparently curiosity overwhelmed her.

“You’re an alicorn too, that’s rear, I mean the only ones I ever saw where the princesses. I know that there’s just a few of You in all of Equestria” Now I know the feeling was that of a nerd. Um… I mean an knowledge searching kind of pony. It was time to stop this or else I will have to give her my whole life story.

“Sorry, miss?”

“Oh right, Twilight, Twilight Sparkle”

“Sorry miss Twilight but I am a bit tired after my journey and I’d like to move in so I could get some rest ” Second pony I lied to today but, I had no choice. She would talk me to death.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I got a bit carried away there. How about I’ll take You to the Mayor’s and help You with the formalities.” Ok this was a good turn of events. I need to stop judging ponies too quickly. She’s a nice pony.
“I’d love that and don’t worry I’ll gladly answer all You’re questions, there will be enough time. I’m planning to settle here for good.” I might had just signed my death sentence but if such a nice pony is curious about me might as well sign off my free time.

Me and Twilight went to the town hall. I should have figured. It was the biggest building of them all. The mayor was a really nice mare and my forms were filled in rather quickly. I got my keys and the instructions on how to get to my new home. Thank Celestia that she had to approve and sign all the deeds to houses, because otherwise I’d had to explain to everypony where I met the Princess. And this way I could stay hidden. A new, maybe tad weird but harmless, resident of Ponyville. No one special. And that’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want anypony to know just how crazy my life had been. I didn’t want them to judge me or even worse fear me like the ponies of Canterlot once did.

With everything out of the way I said my farewells to Twilight and went into the direction of my new house.

So here I am my own house .It was a long time since I lived in a proper home. I can’t wait to sleep in an actual bed. It looked nice. A wooden two floor house with a front porch and a balcony. It looked sturdy, maybe a bit old but cozy. Celestia sure knew my testes. It was perfect. I went inside and quickly locked the doors.

I felt it coming so instead of unpacking properly I just emptied all my belongings on the floor. I clenched my teeth in pain. Another attack started. The pain began to be unbearable. I tossed my stuff around until I found what I was looking for. I chugged the whole bottle of the painkillers and lied right there on the floor in the mess I previously made. I could no longer think. Everything was replaced with suffering.

I shot off from the outside world and stayed in the fetal position for what seemed like forever. Finally the attack started to pass. I started to get beck my senses and began taking in my surroundings. I heard knocking on the door. Still hazy from the pain I opened them without thinking.

“Are You alright, You seem to be in pain and… Oh my, what happened in this place?”It was Twilight. I just remembered that she said something about dropping by later.

“I’m fine, don’t worry everything is ok” I said in a very weak not convincing voice.

“No You’re not, You have tears in Your eyes. Will You please tell me what’s going on, I want to help You” She said really worried now.

“Fine I’ll tell You but promise to keep it a secret. I don’t like ponies worrying over me and it is somewhat privet. ” I said giving up. I didn’t have strength to argue.

“Of course I’ll even Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She said with a dead serious look. I chuckled.

“That’s one hilarious promise”

“It’s a promise one of my friends uses”

“Ok so the thing is I have a constant headache it’s not bad though and some painkillers take care of the problem but every now and then, usually once every few days I get this migraine. Basically the pain is very sewer and I have to lie down. As for the mess I was looking for my painkillers as they do help a bit. ” I explained everything and I knew what she’s going to ask.

“Is it because of the horn?” She looked me in the eyes.

“Yes it all started when I lost my horn. And to my knowledge and all the doctors that ever tried to help me there is no cure.” It was not bothering me to talk about this with Twilight I just feared she’d be worried about me or even worse pity me.

“So You want to come in I have nothing to offer in line of food or drinks but I can play a song or two.” I gestured at my living room.

“Actually there is something You could help me with” She said with a soft smile, probably glad that the topic changed. ”If You could meet me at the library this evening after You rest and unpack, that is if You’re feeling up for it ”

“Sure I’ll be there, but what is this about?” I asked curious.

“I live there and take care of it and I need some help with catalogs, It’s just easier with two ponies and everyone else is busy” Hmm… That sounded memorized , Miss Twilight is a bad liar. She’s just to nice of a person. I don’t know where this is going but I’ll play along.

“Sure I’ll be there”

“Great See You Silver”


I closed the door. Finally I could check out my new place. I stood in the living room with a big table and a few chairs, a nice grandfather clock and a bookshelf. On the left was the kitchen fully equipped in all a pony could need it also had a small table and a chair. I will probably be using these more often. I picked up my stuff from the floor and went straight upstairs. It consisted of three rooms ( if You don’t count the wardrobe) a bedroom a study and a bathroom. I quickly unpacked my belongings, even making sure mu sketches and trinkets decorated the walls. Then I went to my new bathroom and took a nice relaxing bath. When I Lived in the EverFree I bathed in a ice cold river so hot water was truly a blessing.

I was ready to go. I grabbed my guitar and went to look for the library. The sun was setting and the town looked quiet and peaceful. I was wondering where was every pony and concluded that this town had to be early to go to sleep. Oh well so much for the night life. I arrived at what had to be the library. I knocked on the door but there was no response. As I have been invited I walked in.

“Hello? Twilight?” It was dark inside.

All of a sudden lights went on and everypony jumped out of their hiding place.

“Surprise!” They all shouted in union.

Havoc, pink chaos with a cotton candy mane and tail. That’s the best way to describe her. A big smile on her face. I was a little taken aback by the sheer force of her enthusiasm.


“That’s great!” She shouted and stormed off to talk with some other ponies. Leaving me there mesmerized.
I soon recovered. “Thank You everypony, my name is Silver String. Nice to meet You”

Every one cheered at that and I made my way to the buffet. I sat there next to two familiar mares.

“Hi Twilight, Hi Fluttershy I hoped You could introduce me to Your friends ”

“Hi Silver I didn’t know You’ve met Fluttershy” Twilight said cheerfully.

“I met her on my way to Ponyville, she helped me a lot”

“It wasn’t much…” Fluttershy replied as quiet as ever.

“Yes it was and thank You” At that Fluttershy’s face turned a little red. So cute.

“So these are my friends ” She said and then started the introduction.

“Rarity” A beautiful and elegant unicorn. Her white coat and perfectly styled blue mane and tail were quite a sight. She had a sophisticated air to her.
“Pleased to meet You” I said marking a kiss on her hoof.
“Likewise darling” She smiled and nodded her head slightly.

“Rainbow Dash” A blue coated unicorn with a rainbow tail and mane. Hence the name I presume. I got to admit she looked pretty cool.
“Hi, what’s up” I said giving her a small nod.
“It could be about twenty percent cooler” She replied with a smirk on her face.

“Apple Jack” Bright orange coat, bright yellow mane and tail. A cowboy hat on her head. A coutrypony. I loved her kind. Living the life as it was meant to be lived. Hard work, keeping family close and enjoying every bit of every day.
“Hi” I said cheerfully.
“Howdy partner” She replied in an southern accent.

“And that’s Pinkie Pie, but You already met her.”
“That I did” I smiled towards the pink wonder. And she smiled back.

“And this is Silver String I told You guys about. ” Said Twilight ending the introductions. After that we all kind of hang out together. We talked ,laugh and partied most of the night. Before the night was over I could easily call them my friends. I met a few other ponies too. The music was good, apparently a famous DJ had been spinning her records. Such a warm welcome.

Soon the ponies started to leave. It was pretty late so after saying my goodbyes I went outside and headed towards and got some smokes from the hidden pocket in my bag. I light the cigarette and savored it’s taste. I should quit, she always told me to. Guess it doesn’t matter much now anyway.

And so my first day in Ponyville has ended. The future seems uncertain. First time in Years I’m excited. I fell on the bed put out my cigarette, not sure what the future holds in store for me but I knew I’d be ready for it.

Gods was I wrong.

Comments ( 3 )

hmm, interesting, So, an alicorn with no magic? (if lun- were to findhim it would be 'happy time' for her) guess i should explain, lun- is a friend from a chatroom who has this 'thing' for alicorns... i would know. (i made 2 other chatroomers into alicorns, alone, in a room, with her... i ot some gooooood fottage from that :3) (in the chatrom i an the person who records EVERYTHING, it is rather usefull and since some of the people in that chatroom were planning on getting married (in RP) i thought i could set up a prank on them :3)

342350 yey I got a comment. This is very important as I made a little deal with myself. Basically If at least one person reads, one tracks and one comments than and only than I'll write another chapter. :pinkiehappy: So I'll start working on it. Plus that's kind of freaky.

347130 (IKR!!! plus i recorded it :3) (in RP, not real life)

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