• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 3,744 Views, 79 Comments

My Little Ponies - JP Jackson

When you find six baby ponies on your door step what do you do? Adopt them of course! Inspired by ROBCakeran53's My Little Dashie: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1888/

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Chapter 7

“The gentleman always pays for dinner on the first date,” Rarity pipes helpfully from her position on the toilet seat, reading from a fashion magazine.

“It’s not a date Rarity,” I say whacking at my hair fruitlessly with a comb. “I’m just meeting with Janice to discuss A.J.’s curriculum.”

“Is that why you’ve been playing with your hair all evening?” She quips.

“Don’t you have a art project to work on?” I snap back. She sighs dramatically and exits the bathroom with her head held high and her tail swinging like the pendulum of a clock. As she does I throw up my hands in surrender, this is as good as my hair will get.

I exit the bathroom and am immediately assaulted by confetti. Balloons tumble from an unknown crevice in the ceiling and something heavy lands on my head.

“Yay! Party!” A high pitched voice squeals. I casually take the tiny pink assailant off my head and place her back onto the ground.

“It’s not a party, Pinkie, daddy’s just meeting with a friend.”

Unfrazzled the pony dances up and down the hall giggling excitedly.

“And there'll be balloons, and dancing, and cake and-”

“Who gave Pinkie sugar!?” I call out into the house angrily. A snicker sounds from around a corner and I see a blue and an orange flank retreat into the bedroom. I groan and take pinkie into the kitchen. Taking down a glass I fill it with water and hand it to the babbling pink pony. She drinks heavily from it and passes out like a light. I learned this trick from Jon. I picked up the pooped out party animal and plop her into her bed. She smiles and hugs her ragged little stuffed elephant.

I turn and glare at the two offending ponies. Rainbow Dash and A.J. hide on the top bunk of the middle bed, barely controlling their laughter.

“That wasn’t funny you guys,” I lie. At this Rainbow completely loses face and rolls on her back with uncontrollable laughter. I glare at Rainbow Dash and she freezes, a look of terror on her face. Unable to hold it in any longer I let out a laugh and the two join in.

Later the five remaining ponies line up to send me off.

“Uncle Jon will be coming over to check on you guys, don’t watch too much TV, don’t use the oven, don’t touch my computer-.”

“Daddy! We’ll be fiiiiiiine!” Pipes Twilight from the middle of the group. Always the leader.

“Yeah!” Agrees Rainbow Dash swooping up into the air. “We’re not foals!”

I sigh.

“You sure aren't.”


I sit alone at the table, the coffee shop has only a few other patrons at this hour. The door swings open and a frantic Janice careens toward me.

“I am SO sorry!” She pants “I completely lost track of time!”

“Not a problem,” I reply, pulling a chair out for her. She thanks me and sits down.

“Shall we get started?” She asks, getting right to business. I nod and we begin. Janice pulls out a folder in which she has all of A.J.’s work written out.

“She’s a smart kid,” she says “…or horse, rather.”

“I want to know that she’ll get a good education until I can find a school for her to go to.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” she reassures me, showing me all the plans that she has for the year. The amount of detail and organization….

“You’re amazing!” I say.

“Thank you,” she replied smiling. “I’m studying to become a teacher, so when Jon said he had a student that I could tutor, I thought it would be a great opportunity.”

“Little did you know, it was a talking horse.”

She nodded.

“Admittedly I was a little put off at first, but after a while I got used to it.”

“Believe me, living with them, you never get used to it.” She let out a laugh at my little joke.

We talk for a bit more about the ponies and their daily schedule. Honestly I think I could talk about the six all night and into the morning, but Janice has other plans.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Jacob?” She asked, abruptly changing the subject.

I blush, admittedly my last girlfriend had been in middle school but i still had female friends.

“Well no….” I awkwardly admitted.

“Do you want one?” she gave me that smile of hers. How could I say no to a face like that?