• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 3,736 Views, 79 Comments

My Little Ponies - JP Jackson

When you find six baby ponies on your door step what do you do? Adopt them of course! Inspired by ROBCakeran53's My Little Dashie: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1888/

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Chapter 6

I wave goodbye as Jon’s truck putts along on my gravel driveway, watching as it gets smaller and slowly disappeared around a bend. Jon said that all of the chores should be done by 3:00 later today, then his sister would be getting to his house around 4:00. So I would have the house to myself until the evening.

I go inside, remembering that I still have classes to get to. Inside I am shocked by the silence, I assume that it had been their before, before the ponies arrived, but it feels so much more present now... it’s a little sad. Shaking it off I grab my backpack and keys and head out to the garage.

All during school I thought about the ponies, what are they doing, are they making friends, what kinds of chores is A.J. doing? It’s like I don’t know what to do with my free time without taking care of them all the time. I need a hobby, maybe there's a fun show I can get into. breaking my concentration is my professor's request for a paper that is not in my backpack.

At home it’s not much different. I sat silently, writing papers or browsing the internet in silence, waiting with bated breath for the alarm to go off telling me that it’s time to pick them up from school. I look down at it, half an hour left. halfway down some random Tumblr page that I can’t even remember how I got on I groan, push my chair back away from my desk, breaking from the arcane power of the computer to waste hours, and head into the small side room. Sitting on the floor are several sets of half built bunk beds, I promised the ponies I would have them built by tonight. Letting out another groan I set to work on the pile of the piles of 4x4s.

Screw this here, attach this to this, move this, super glue the broken bit. I shake my head, they made these too confusing, the instructions don’t even have English on them I’ve been here for so long! I look up at the clock and it agrees, saying that I have been slaving away for an hour on these! Wait… an hour. My heart leaps into my throat! I’m late, I am very very late! I yank the keys off their hook by the door. I can’t believe that I ignored my alarm! I even remember turning it off, How the hell did I forget what it meant?

As I drive all the horrible thing that could have happened to them come into my mind. The school was broken into at they were kidnapped, a gas pipe broke after hours and they choked to death on the fumes, or one of those shut ins were wandering around and took them to do… I don’t even want to THINK about that!

I turn onto a main road and am immediately stopped by a massive traffic jam. I can’t believe this! there are usually like three cars on this road, what’s, happening? I lean out of my window to get a better look ahead. There are two cars blocking the entire street no one can get through! I collapsed back in the seat, this is what I get for being late!

several eons later the cars are moved and they allow the traffic to move through… slowly. the drive their takes far too long and I pull into the parking lot an hour and a half after I should have. I take the stairs two at a time and burst into the main office. Their is a very frustrated looking secretary and five little ponies.


The five stumble over each other trying to get to me I squat down and pull them all close.

“I’m sorry I’m late guys,” I say. I look at the glaring principal.

“Mr. Mason, it is not unusual for a parent to be ten to twenty minutes late, but an hour and a half is unheard of. What kind of a father does that?”

I stand up slowly. I want to punch that bony face of her’s so bad! you try going to school all day, realizing you haven finished a paper and then having to go home and build three bunk bed with a page of instructions in German! then see how well you memory works!

“Thank you for watching them,” I say instead, thinking that i’d rather not have an assault charge. “I’ll be going now.”

“Wait one moment young man-” she starts.

But I’m already out the door.

Dropping the ponies off at home I start to head to Jon’s. it took me so long to get to the school and back that I have to go right back out to pick up A.J. this has been the most exhausting day ever. I have barely enough energy left to stay awake on the drive to Jon’s. My subconscious takes over driving as I turn down the driveway.

I arrive at Jon’s house at 5:30, well past the time I said I would pick A.J. up at. I slam the car door closed behind me and head into the house, Jon, as usual has left his front door unlocked.

“Anybody home?” I call into the house. A shuffling sound comes from a hidden room and a bolt of orange streaks out and tackles my leg. A.J. bounces up and down around my leg and lets out an incoherent babble about how much fun she had. Jon comes out into the hall from the same room.

“‘bout time you showed up!” He says with a half joking half serious expression.

“It’s been a long day,” I reply.

“Is someone there?” another voice calls. Jon turns and calls back.

“Come see fer’ yer’self!”

Out of the front room comes a young woman, she has the same blonde hair and blue eyes that Jon does. But she also holds an heir of sophistication about her, something her brother sorely lacks. she offers her hand out to me.

“Hi, I’m Janice, Jon’s sister. You must be little A.J.’s daddy.”

I take her hand, it’s warm and soft. It looks like this day just got a little better.