• Published 30th Nov 2013
  • 490 Views, 3 Comments

A Nightmare Undercover - ace122

Nightmare moon was has been defeated, Luna is back to normal... or is she?

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight began to trot around in a circle as Celestia quietly closed the door behind her. He bright smile faded, and she sighed. She held her head down for a moment, then looked up. "Oh Twilight... I'm beginning to..." She had turned fully around then stopped in the middle of her sentence. She stared at Twilight for a moment as she turned around and around and around. The pony was walking in a perfect circle. Her head was held high, and her eyes were toward the ceiling. The pony's tongue was out and her eyes were down. What in Equestria was she doing? Celestia began to cautiously walk over toward Twilight. She stopped right in front of her and tiled her head. " Um... Twilight?" Celestia started. Nothing, she was walking. "Twilight...?" Celestia said once more. Twilight was still deep in her own little world.

Celestia sighed, as her horn began to glow. She lifted the purple pony right off of her feet. Twilight looked down, and then around the the room. She then giggled. "Oh... sorry Princess. I was... deep in thought."

"I could clearly see that Twilight." Celestia lowered Twilight gently to the ground. Twilight then looked up at Celestia will full attention. "Do you think you'll be able to pay attention to me now Twilight?" Celestia asked. Twilight nodded. "Without making odd faces and pacing around the room?" Celestia giggled a bit. Twilight blushed and assured Celestia that she'd be still. "Alright... good." Celestia started. She then sighed and looked Twilight right in the eye. " Twilight... I'm beginning to worry about my sister. I know I told you that I wanted you here to congratulate Luna on her home coming, but I actually wanted you to clarify my assumption. I don't think Luna just suffering from culture shock.... I think it might be something more.

"I do too. She's acting really strange... from what I've read about culture shock and exploring new cultures it doesn't seem like Luna's got it." Twilight stated

"Do you think Luna's depressed... or maybe resenting me for what happened years ago?" Celestia asked the purple unicorn.

"No... it doesn't seem like the depression I've read in books. It actually seems like she's hiding something to me." Celestia fluttered her eyes. She was absolutely baffled. She pursed her lips, then looked away for a moment.

"But..." Celestia stopped. She took a deep breath, then looked Twilight in the eyes. "I don't believe Luna would have any reason to hide anything from me. I can't understand why she'd even think of doing so..." Celestia stated almost breathless. Twilight shrugged and tilted her head. "Hiding..." Celestia said once more as if forcing the air out of her body.

"Well princess..." Twilight started. Celestia turned her attention to Twilight almost desperate for an answer. "That doesn't have to be a bad thing."

"How could it be good?!"

"Well she doesn't have to be keeping secrets from you or anything. She could be planning a party for you. Or she could be working on some type of project to help the people of Equestria. She probably isn't finished with it yet and doesn't want you seeing her finally creation until it's done." Twilight stated to the mortified Alicorn in front of her. Celestia sighed, and a strained smile popped onto her face.

"Always the optimist aren't we Twilight Sparkle?" Celestia said. "You are right, even though I don't believe Luna would be planning a party... maybe if she is hiding something, it's not necessarily bad. I should have more faith in my sister." Celestia giggled. The aura in the room became a little more relaxed. Both ponies were still very tense but, they were more hopeful now. After a moment Celestia walked over to the long pointed windows at the back of the room. Twilight was confused. The princess was smiling wearily and not saying a word, but she followed anyway. Celestia stopped and looked at the bustling city below the castle. "Are you friends with you like I asked?" Celestia chimed.

"Yes..." Twilight said slightly curious. She was tilting in the opposite direction of Celestia. She was trying to see her face, hopeful she could gauge what the princess was thinking.

"Good." Celestia turned around and smiled happily at the purple unicorn in front of her. "After you agreed to stay in Ponyville with the ponies you met before defeating nightmare moon I was delighted. When you are your friends found out how to use the Elements of Harmony, I was completely astounded. I wanted you all to be here to research your elements and what other pony better than you Twilight to help do that?"

"Thank you princess!" Twilight smiled happily. Celestia's strained smile stayed the same. Her face was still weary and eyes still looked a bit off. Twilight's smile faded slight when she realized this. She backed away from Celestia a bit, and became antsy. "Um... princess, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Twilight. Now please... you and friends should go get settled in. I wanted you all to spend a much time learning about your new found Elements as possible."

"You can count on us Princess!" Twilight saluted. She turned and began walking towards the door.

"Oh... one more thing..." Celestia began quietly.

"Yes princess...?"

"Would you mind..." Celestia stopped, then looked down for a moment. She looked up and smiled. "Oh never mind Twilight."

Twilight was a bit suspicious but she didn't ask any questions. She continued out of the room and sighed once the door was closed behind her. The atmosphere in there was murder. Twilight began to walk away, but something stopped her. She cracked the door open a little bit, to see Celestia standing in the same sport staring out the window. Twilight sighed once more and closed the door completely. Great... now both princess were acting strangely.

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