• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,127 Views, 11 Comments

Forgotten - Jimena991

There was nothing she could do, nopony remembered her nor the sun or the day... So long ago, she was forgotten.

  • ...

Chapter four: A desicion to make.

Chapter four: A decision to make.

The six corrupted Elements of Harmony rested around me, forming a perfect circle. Using every strength I had, I used the power of The Light, feeling how magical burst of our combined energy reaching for them, trying to freed them from their own corruption.

I felt the darkness coming from them, trying to corrupt me, but The Light keep them at bay. I smiled as the darkness disappeared from me; the Elements letting me purify them.

As I concentrated in each one, I remember something related to the thing they represent. Slowly, Stars became Kindness, Moons became Generosity, Void became Loyalty, Dreams became Laughter, Nightmares became Honesty and Darkness became Magic. Each Element was now purer than before, and powered by the power of The Light, we were invincible.

But then, a light appeared from high above, attracting the attention of everypony in the streets. I flew to it, bringing with me the Elements of Harmony; when I reached it, I distinguished what it was: the seventh Element of Harmony, the Element of Hope.

Carefully, I put on my head the crown of the Element of Magic, its once black border now being golden like the sun that will rise if I win, on each one of my legs the Elements of Laughter, Honesty, Generosity and Kindness and, in my breastplate, the Elements of Hope and Loyalty.

I was prepared to fight my wicked sister, but I was not the only one, I discovered as some scenes flashed before my eyes thanks to The Light…

“Queen, are you ready to fight your sister once again?” asked The Darkness to his creator, the alicorn black as night nodded as she looked at him.

“I ask you to become one with me again, The Darkness…” she said, lowering to the smaller alicorn, “So I can finally kill that traitor that was once my sister”

The purple alicorn nodded as he entered the body of his creator, giving Nightmare Moon much more power that the one she already had. Her now stronger sky blue armor rested on her fur, feeling a chill in her spine out of its coldness. Her eyes looked at the place were was the bright light, knowing it was the Element of Hope.

"She is stronger than before... The seventh Element is with her again..." she said as her horn shined, a sky blue energy covering it.

I flew to the mountain once again, trying to rest until the battle begins. The power of each Element flowing inside me made me fell, how to say it, extremely strong, stronger than even before...

"Are you ready, Creator?" The Light said inside my head, his voice demonstrating his feelings of fear.

"Ready as I ever was, my beloved creation" I smiled as I saw how a black thing flew towards me. My horn began to shine as I prepared the first attack. Before I could even blink, a sky blue beam of dark magic almost hit me.

"Face me, sister! Or are you coward enough to ignore me?" she said as I noticed how her coat became dark purple and her mane pitch black.

"I will hurt you, sister, if it is necessary to bring you back, Luna!" I shouted as my mane became light grey, almost pure white.

I flew to the sky and I threw to my sister a red energy beam, containing the power of every thunder in a storm, powered by the Element of Loyalty. I could hear the queen's cry out of pain, yet she threw me another beam of dark magic.

As fast as I could, I threw another beam, powered by the same Element. Our attacks collided and made a black cloud of smoke. I flew into it, trying to escape from my sister's sight.

I saw a shadow figure entering it, its horn shining with sky blue energy. This time, my magic beam was powered by the Element of Honesty, so it had a orange color and contained the power of the earth. She screamed in agony so I flew to the sky again, escaping from the smoke that irritated my eyes.

I hear how the thunder of dark magic my sister invoked cut the wind, so I let myself fall, closing my wings tightly around my body. I saw the blue thunder just above my head, along with a confused dark alicorn. Still falling, I used the Element of Magic to throw her a beam of pure white magic.

Nightmare Moon noticed too late my attack, so it hit her wings. I saw with my, now, green eyes how her wings lose all of her feather, obtaining a leathery texture I recognized to well: The Darkness's wings.

Now I open my wings to maintain my altitude and used the Element of Kindness, using every strength of the winds to create a tornado to attack my sister, but that was my mistake...

A blast of dark magic hit me between the wings, throwing me to the floor, like a thousand years ago. Her hoof pressed tightly on my neck and her sharp horn touching my head, I could feel how her magic engulfed it.

I looked at the only Element, I knew, my sister was weak to and I decided to use it. My magic, now having a yellow color, threw to the wicked alicorn a flamethrower, burning her neck. I get up, my wings burned and broken from the attack where now restoring thanks to me magic of the seventh Element, the most powerful of all.

I looked at the dark purple alicorn now trying to rise from the floor, her now purple eyes looking into my green ones. I walked towards her and used each Element to create a chain to maintain her on that place.

I concentrated, now, in activating the Elements to purify my sister from the evil that consumed her, but when I felt how they negated my energy containing what I wished for, I felt how the fear engulfed me.

"Creator, you have three options: first, kill your sister and control the sun and the moon" The Light said in my head, "Second, sacrifice your and my life to bring Luna back" tears fell from my green eyes, "Or third, sacrifice us, The Light and The Darkness, to bring your sister back, but losing your control over the Elements" I reach for the Element that, today, came back to me, I felt how every hope that it gave me, now vanished by those simple words, "Think fast, Celestia. You have a decision to make"

Author's Note:

Please, I want you, lectors, to vote for the choice that you would want Celestia to make.