• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,127 Views, 11 Comments

Forgotten - Jimena991

There was nothing she could do, nopony remembered her nor the sun or the day... So long ago, she was forgotten.

  • ...

Prologe two: Blinding light.

Author's Note:

From now on, the story will be narrated in Celestia's POV.

Prologe two: Blinding light.

I fell to the rough ground, feeling a intense heat coming from it. I opened my eyes, feeling really weak. My wings and my wounds where banded, and I know who to thank for that, even if she is my enemy. I could get up, feeling a really strong pain, and I saw my surroundings, seas of lava and some rocks was all I could see...

"Is this the sun?" I was astonished, even trough I control it, I never saw it, "I believe this will be my new home for now, correct?"

I looked at the planet so far away, yet being visible: the Earth, where Equestria is located... Wait, did Nightmare Moon should the land in eternal night? I opened my wings and I tried to fly away, yet all I could do was levitate and, than, fall once again. My right wing, being broken, could not support my body.

"Why do you try to escape?" said a voice beside me. I looked at the creature, it was Luna—no, Nightmare Moon, "Isn't this what the all love and cherish you for?"

I contained my breath, the cherished my sun, not me? Did my beloved subjects use me to have light, food, and a kind but blind ruler? I shock my head, that was all lies, those MUST be only lies...

"No, Celestia. That is the truth" she said, looking at my pink eyes, "You were blind until now, that I opened up your eyes" she laughed, "May you be by my side to show them not to abuse of your kindness? To show them how they shouldn’t have used you to have the light everyone wants?"

Even trough her offer sounded really good, I chose not to accept it. She sighted and looked at me, starting to vanish into thin air.

"My offer is still up, until the day you accept it, my sister"

When she was gone I laid on the ground, embracing myself with all I could. The pain, oh the pain... What she said was true? Did they really used me? It brought me real agony every time I think about it. But the tears began to fall when I trough of everything I could have done to avoid this to happened...

Yet, I could not do something to escape until the time to save my subjects has come, the morning of the thousand year... All I could do, for now, was sit and wait until that happens, resisting the heats of the sun, along with its blinding light...