• Published 12th Dec 2016
  • 427 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Marvel: Captain Equestria - CuchulainSetanta

During a war against King Sombra's Crystal Empire and the Griffons, a frail pegasus named Firefly is made into Equestria's greatest defender: Captain Equestria!

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Operation Rebirth

Firefly couldn't stop staring. She had never been to the Castle of the Two Sisters before. The size and majesty of the building was hard to wrap her head around, let alone the fact that this was the beating heart of the nation. This was the center of the nation's government. The Princesses lived here. She was treading on the same ground they did every day.

"Beautiful..." she whispered.

"It really is, isn't it?" Doctor Erskine said from Firefly's side. "Don't stare too long, though. We have an appointment to keep."

Firefly nodded, following the griffon into the castle. Guards and government staff were busily rushing from place to place inside as Erskine led Firefly to a small, unassuming door off to the side of the central chamber. As Erskine opened the door, Firefly was surprised to see a bare hallway with a simple wooden desk at the end, just before another door. A frail-looking elderly mare sat behind the desk, looking up at the newcomers with a suspicious gaze as they entered.

"What's the price of carrots in the Canterlot market today?" she asked, her hoof reaching under the desk.

Erskine cleared his throat. "Twelve bits, but I hear the apples are much better," he said as clearly as he could. The mare put her hoof down, then trotted over to the door, opening it for the two without another word. Firefly looked under the desk where the mare had been reaching as she passed, surprised to see a small crossbow with a bolt already loaded and ready.

Turning back, Firefly saw that the room she and Erskine had entered was small and cramped, only large enough to hold the two of them and perhaps another three or four ponies. Erskine reached into the side of the doorway, pulling a metal gate across the entrance, before pressing a small button on the side of the wall. The room suddenly lurched before beginning to move. Firefly started as she saw the elderly mare shut the door, which then slide up and out of sight.

"First time on an elevator, I take it?" Erskine asked. Firefly nervously chuckled and nodded.

The elevator slid to a stop as they came to another doorway, this one opening up into a large chamber crowded with ponies. Erskine opened the elevator gate and motioned for Firefly to step out.

She looked around the chamber as she did so. One by one, the ponies looked up from their work and stared at Firefly. She simply stared back. Looking up, she felt her breath catch as she noticed a small platform overlooking the chamber. Seated in chairs were many of the Equestrian military's top commanders, as well as government representatives... and both princesses.

"My Princesses, mares, and gentlecolts," Erskine announced, "today is a momentous occasion in Equestria's history. This young mare has graciously volunteered to be the first test subject for Operation Rebirth. This operation, if all goes well, will transform her into the pinnacle of pony potential - the first of a corps of super-agents whose mental and physical ability will make them a force no enemy soldier, spy, or saboteur will be able to stand against."

The military commanders and government agents murmured amongst themselves, looking skeptically at Firefly. Her eyes were not on them, however. She was looking up at Celestia, who smiled warmly at the young pegasus.

"Firefly, if you please, step into the middle of the chamber," Erskine said. Firefly did so, the ponies making way for her. As she reached the middle of the room, a unicorn stepped forward, holding a small syringe and an anti-septic pad in his magical grip. Wiping Firefly's foreleg with the pad, he injected Firefly with the syringe's contents, Firefly wincing slightly as he did so. As the unicorn stepped away, Firefly moved her foreleg experimentally.

"That's it? That wasn't so bad."

"That was penicillin," Erskine smiled. He held up a glass bottle filled with blue liquid. "This is the serum."

Firefly hesitantly took the bottle, closed her eyes, and drank every last drop. She smacked her lips. It tasted like apples.

Erskine stepped back, allowing a group of unicorns to circle Firefly. Her eyes widened as their horns charged and they fired bolts of magic at her.

Firefly screamed in pain as the magic made contact. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She sank to her knees, no longer able to stand. Every muscle in her body throbbed in pain as they began to expand. She could feel her own bones increase in thickness. Her wings felt like they were being torn from her sides.

Firefly wondered if this was what it felt like to die.

She opened her eyes, not remembering when she had closed them. She saw Erskine approaching, waving frantically at the unicorns. She strained her ears, faintly hearing him saying something.

"Stop! Stop it! You're killing her!"

"N... no..." Firefly managed to say. "K... k... keep... go... ing... I... can... take it..."

Erskine looked at her with worry, but nodded and backed away. Finally, after a few more moments of agonizing torture, the unicorns stopped.

Unable to take any more, Firefly collapsed. Erskine rushed up to her. "Are you alright, my dear?"

"I... I'll be... fine..." Firefly grunted. "Did... did it work?"

Erskine smiled. "Take a look for yourself."

He grabbed a small mirror off a nearby table and held it up for her to see. Firefly's heart nearly stopped from what she saw.

She had grown at least another two hoof-lengths in height. She was now actually taller than Erskine. Her formerly thin body was now filled out with thick muscles. Her wings were longer and much, much stronger. She experimentally flapped them, surprised when they actually moved her body a little.

"How do you feel?" Erskine asked.

Firefly struggled to come up with the right words. All her life, she had dreamed of becoming stronger and healthier. Now that this moment was here, how did she feel? Excited? Ecstatic? Blissful? Terrified?

"Taller," she finally stammered.

Cheers filled the chamber as the ponies saw that the experiment had been successful. Firefly looked back up at the audience, seeing the military and government personnel loudly stamping the floor as they shouted with joy. All except the princesses, who simply beamed down on Firefly with pride.

Firefly felt herself smile as well.

The scientists and mages crowded around Erskine, congratulating him and shaking his talons. "Doctor, my congratulations to you," said one unicorn approaching from behind. Erskine turned towards him, grinning widely. "And my sympathies to your family."

Erskine's grin fell as he looked at the unicorn with confusion. Suddenly, without warning, the unicorn levitated a quill pen up from one of the desks at the side of the room... and thrust it into Erskine's neck.


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