• Published 17th Nov 2013
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Taylor Talker - taywing

Taylor Talker moves to Ponyville from Maretropolis as the new spokesperson for Mayor Mare. What will his new life entail, especially being the socially awkward type he is?

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Chapter One: Breaking the Ice

Taylor Talker

Chapter One: Breaking the Ice

"Fillies and gentlecolts! I stand here before you as the new voice of your longtime mayor: Mayor Mare. Understand: these are her words, but due to her long-lived candidacy, her voice is neigh what it used to be. I, Taylor Talker, am honored to serve her cause for the betterment of Ponyville. May her term last for years to come."

There were a few cheers from the crowd standing in their team vests-- the tan, blue, and green huddled together, clearly giddy to begin, although antsy about the surprise speaker. The most surprised of which was the violet alicorn to Taylor's right. Princess Twilight adorned her signature vest as "all-team-organizer" and an expression somewhere between nerd-ly betrayal and curiosity. Taylor paused to stifle a chuckle before continuing.

"Moving on to the event at hoof, Winter-Wrap-Up has dramatically improved over the past few years. As we all know, we owe a great deal of that improvement to our all-team-organizer and newest princess: Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

The stage shook beneath Taylor as the crowd stomped an applause at her name. There was an audible "Yee-haw!" from an orange earth pony wearing a stetson, followed by a small flash of a rainbow over the crowd, in turn followed by a minor assault of confetti upon the stage. Taylor closed his mouth to avoid swallowing any and made a mental note to scold the pony who launched the unplanned confetti during a public announcement. He looked in the direction it had come from, but there was no trace of who or what had set it off. No matter, Taylor thought. I'll find out before the day is done. The applause dying out, he resumed speaking.

"I'm sure we all have high expectations from her as always, just as we have equal confidence that those expectations will be met and exceeded. Mayor Mare and I wish her the best in her organization of our treasured day. We also have high hopes for every one of you! Your efforts are what make this all possible, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts!" More stomping and a noticeable grin on Mayor Mare's face to his left. That should do it. "Alright everypony, that wraps up our opening for the Wrap-Up!" There were a few chuckles. "Let's make this the best one yet!. Move out everypony!"

The ponies quickly dispersed, heading for their respective team locations. Wearing a blue vest himself, Taylor flapped his wings in preparation to join the other pegasi in the clouds. However, a hoof on his left shoulder stopped him.

"Yes, Mayor?" Taylor asked, turning his head and re-folding his wings.

"You did marvelously! Consider your position secure," Mayor Mare stated happily. Her grin was contagious. The idea that he was helping her continue her service to such a happy town didn't hurt either. His hoof came up to his snout at the thought.

"I'm as surprised as anypony that the mayor appointed a new public speaker," Princess Twilight pronounced," but I'm glad she was able to find somepony who shares her enthusiasm. Welcome to Ponyville!"

What kind of town is this? Taylor thought hurriedly. One speech and I'm being directly welcomed by a princess? Is it a rhetorical statement? Am I supposed to respond then bow, bow then respond, or simultaneously both? Taylor's panicked train of thought was derailed in an instant as he realized he was now in front of the stage. He reasoned he had been jerked into that position, judging from the pain in his side. In front of him was an odd, wheeled contraption playing cheery carnival music. It promptly spouted confetti in his face. I think that search is over, Taylor thought back to the earlier confetti blast. A pink mare began dancing and singing in front of the machine.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, a fine welcome to you!" the pink mare sang.

"What's happening?" Taylor panicked, his voice unintentionally loud.

The music stopped and the pink earth pony promptly sat and looked on questioningly. He could see the mayor and princess looking equally confused at his reaction from the stage. It was the mayor who spoke first. "What do you mean, Taylor?"

"All I did was give a speech and suddenly I'm being welcomed by a princess, assualted by this confetti machine and-" Taylor began to ramble.

"You weren't assaulted by a confetti machine!" interrupted the pink pony. "This is my welcome wagon, and-" Taylor gave a small laugh at the name before motioning for the mare to continue. "And I welcome everypony like that, but I normally finish the song, and then I make the pony my new friend, and then i run all over town to plan a- oops! I'm not supposed to tell you that part, sorry!" she speedily babbled before bouncing off. Taylor assumed she was looking for an escape from the situation and was finally heading for her assigned work-post. He hoped so, at least.

"I apologize for the confusion," said the princess. "I'm still getting used to being a princess and honestly try not to make a big deal about it. That was Pinkie Pie, and you may as well get used to the confetti bursts. They kind of come with the package."

"Regardless," Taylor started, "thank you for the hospitality, your highness, mayor," Taylor said, bowing to each in turn. "At the moment, I think we are all needed elsewhere." Taylor stretched his wings in preparation for take-off.

"Indeed, thank you again," Mayor Mare stated simply before trotting off to help with the plants. Princess Twilight began to glow in preparation to teleport, staying long enough to say, "Please, just call me Twilight," before popping elsewhere.

With that in mind, Taylor took to the skies, eager for the task ahead.