• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 1,554 Views, 7 Comments

My Little Wolf - Autobot Lancewing

In an alternate universe where everyone's wolves, they must fight between life and death.

  • ...

Nightmare Moon Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Lancer was chewing on his chain while trying to think of a way to break them. He, Lightning, and Celestia, were captured by Nightmare Moon. They were able to determine where they were, but with their magic blocked, they would have to find another way to break those chains. Granted, his teeth didn’t do any good, but at least ideas are flowing through his head. Soon however, his teeth began to ache.
“Lancer, would you stop chewing on that chain,” Celestia said, “You’re making my teeth hurt just watching you.”
“Ih heps me hink,” Lancer said still chewing the chain.
“How can that help?” Celestia asked.
Lancer shrugged and kept on chewing. “Phides, maybe I’ll guet trou.”
“Don’t bother...I’ve tried…” Lightning muttered.
Lancer shrugged, “Hany hother hideath?”
“Uh...Well…” Lightning thought for a moment. “I got nothing.”
Lancer continued to gnaw. He suddenly stopped when he started to feel a familiar pain… ‘Oh no, not again.’
“Lancer, please, what would your mom think?” Celestia questioned.
But Lancer could not answer because the pain in his head kept growing.
Celestia began to grow worried, “Lancer?”
Lancer’s response was, “It’s… Gnh… Happening agai-,” before he was cut off by a scream of pain.
“Lancer?! What-what’s happening again?!”
But there was no answer as he immediately passed out…
Lancer woke up in a den. He surveyed his surroundings and realized that it was his own. “Okay, that wasn’t what I expected…”
“Lancerrrrr!” A voice called out.
“I’ll be right there.” He got up and walked out of the den.
Lancer looked around for whoever was calling him.
“Lancer!” A different voice called, out, this one sounded like-
“Bright Eyes!” He saw Bright Eyes, laying on the ground. Something was different about her. While it was indeed Bright Eyes, she had the horn and wings of an alicorn wolf. He brushed it off and rushed over to her, “Are you okay?”
“Is anything wrong?”
“Actually, I thought I heard a strange voice.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe I was just hearing things.”
"I hope so..." Bright Eyes sat up and gave Lancer's chest a nuzzle.
“So, she hasn’t been much trouble for you yesterday, has she?”
“You know, little pup, brown fur, has your eyes, calls you ‘Daddy’.”
"Uh, sorry, ‘Daddy’?”
“Don’t you remember?”
"Really? You don't remember our daughter? The only pup we have?”
"W-We have a pup?"
“Yes, don’t you remember?"
“No, I guess I must be going through a bit of amnesia.”
Bright Eyes looked at him, "Maybe I should look you over..."
The voice called again, “Lancerrrrr!”
Lancer jumped. "Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
“That voice.”
The voice called again, “Lancerrrrrr!”
“It’s getting closer…”
“What is?”
“I know I heard it...”
“Look, let’s get back to the den, I need to give you a look over,”
“Uh...okay, but could I see our pup?” Lancer asked, genuinely curious what a pup of his and Bright Eyes would look like.
“You’ll have plenty of time to see her once I know you’re okay.”
“Well...okay…” Lancer sighed.
Bright Eyes gave Lancer a concerned look, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, but I’m standing right in front of you.”
Lancer looked in front of him to see… “Nightmare Moon!”
Bright Eyes furrowed her brow, but her eyes widened when she saw the demon. She gasped, “What do you want?”
Nightmare Moon said nothing as she lunged at Lancer, turning into a dark mist.
Lancer braced himself, preparing for what was going to happen; but everything froze.
“Lancer,” another familiar voice said.
He looked at the source. “Mom?”
“Lancer, thank goodness you’re alright.”
“Yeah, but what just happened.”
“That was only a preview of what is yet to come. Unless Nightmare Moon is defeated for good, you will eventually fall to her.”
“So unless nothing changes, I’ll be one of her victims?”
“No, you’ll be a victim of darkness.”
He looked at Bright Eyes.
“You must stop Nightmare Moon before it is too late.”
“But how do I do it without hurting you?”
“You’ll know when the time comes. Right now, you are the only one who can stop her.” Her horn touched his, transferring a bit of her magic to him. “For now, this should give you what you need to get back to the pack.”
With that, Luna began to vanish.
“Wait! Come back!”
Lancer jolted awake, standing up.
Celestia rushed to her nephew. “I was so worried about you, Lancer.”
Lancer said nothing, for he was still trying to process what he saw.
He put a paw to his head. “Wow, what a rush…”
"What happened?"
“I just had another weird dream.”
“Does it tell us how to get out of here,” Lightning asked.
Lancer chuckled, “I wish. Mom did give me some of her magic, but I don’t know what good that will do.”
Lightning shrugged, “Maybe it’ll get through that frequency jammer-thingy.”
“Hm… Aunt Celestia?”
Celestia thought for a moment, “Well, I don’t suppose it could hurt anything…”
“Except the chains if it works.” He closed his eyes and began to focus on breaking the magic barrier. In just a few seconds, his eyes shot open as they gave off a golden glow. His horn let off a yellow glow before a shock wave was emitted. “Did it work?”
They were gone! Lancer jumped back, not knowing what-
“We’re up here, Lancer,” Celestia said, from above, with Lightning floating next to her, engulfed in Celestia’s magic.
Lancer gave a sigh of relief. “Now let’s get out of here.”
Celestia floated down, and let Lightning down as well. “Yes, we must move swiftly.”
Megan stared at Fluttershy. No words were exchanged. They merely stared at each other, both their jaws open. The tension was so much that one could cut it with a knife. It was odd for the both of them to understand each other, they had both always wanted to know the other’s thoughts (Fluttershy could understand a lot of what Megan said, but there were some things she couldn’t understand).
At last Megan spoke, “How are you able to speak now?”
“I-I don’t know,” she replied, “This is new for me too. I mean, I’ve been talking my whole life, but for you to understand me now is new.”
Megan had to think for a minute. “Oh yeah, wolves don’t communicate the way humans do.”
“Um… Yeah…” Fluttershy laid down, “This feels so weird…”
“Tell me about it,” Megan laid down on the bed. Then something dawned on her. “Wait, have wolves always been able to understand humans?”
“No… I was able to learn how to understand humans after living with you, though there are still some things I don’t understand.”
“Oh?” Megan sat up on the bed, “Like what?”
“Um… Well… Why is it when it starts getting cold, you always leave for several hours, except for a couple days?”
“Uhh...Oh! You mean school?”
“Umm… Yeah… Well, let’s see, I mainly go there to learn stuff like history, math, science-”
All of those words were Greek to Fluttershy. “Um, what is that? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Uh...Well, history is about stuff that happened in the past, like the Revolutionary War or President Kennedy’s assassination, or-” Megan saw this was not registering with Fluttershy. “I’ll explain later.”
“Um, okay…”
“Say, do you happen to know the stories of the other wolves?”
“Well… Some of them.”
“Could you tell me one?”
“Well, Twilight, the one you just rescued, was looking for her pack leader when she was caught in a bear trap. Her sister was looking for help when you showed up.”
“Oh… I never saw her sister, or any other wolf for that matter, just her.”
“Oh… Maybe you’ll be able to get through to Rainbow Dash.”
“Which one is she?”
“She’s the blue wolf who howls every night.”
“Oh...her, yeah, I would like to find out what happened to her,”
“Me too…”
“So does everyone get along? Or do you fight a lot?”
“They get along just fine for the most part.”
“‘For the most part’,” Megan raised an eyebrow.
“Rainbow Dash doesn’t talk with us very much.”
“Ah, well, maybe we can fix that,” Megan grabbed her keys off the desk where the computer also resided, “Shall we?”
“Sure,” Fluttershy’s tail started wagging.
“So what is this, Twilight?” Applejack finally asked.
Twilight looked up from what she was writing, gently laid the pencil down, and replied, “I have no idea, but for some reason, we all had nightmares last night.”
"No kidding."
Twilight sighed, “I know that doesn’t help, but there has to be a reason…”
“And what would that be?”
“I don’t know.”
“Ooh! Maybe it’s that food we ate last night! I knew it needed more frosting!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“I...don’t think so,” Twilight told the energetic pink wolf, “I think it might be something else…”
“Oh! It needed more CHOCOLATE!” Pinkie squealed.
“But won’t that make ya sick,” Applejack asked.
“It’s true darling,” Rarity answered, “I heard one dog died after eating it.”
“Don’t you mean ‘wolf’,” Pinkie asked.
“No, it was a domestic breed of dog that ate a lot of chocolate.”
“Really? I ate a whole box of that stuff and didn’t feel sick.”
Everyone just stared at her in disbelief.
“What? It was when I was little. I’ve cut back since then.”
Rarity nearly fainted.
“Well…anyway, maybe Fluttershy can give us some answers,” Twilight turned to Applejack, “When does she usually come back?”
“Um...well, usually around-”
Applejack was interrupted by the metal door opening, and Fluttershy and Megan entered.
“Right now.”
“Um, hi everyone,” Fluttershy greeted, “Uh, Megan would like to tell you all something, if that’s okay with you.”
Twilight began to raise an eyebrow. “Tell us what?”
“That I can understand you,” Megan grinned.
Every wolf in the room gasped, everyone except Fluttershy that is.
“H-how is that, possible?!” Twilight asked.
“That was what I thought when I heard Fluttershy speak after I put this necklace on,” Megan said.
Twilight walked closer and looked up at the necklace, “Do you mind getting closer, so I can look at it better?”
“Oh. Sure.” She takes it off and holds it closer to Twilight. Twilight sniffed the necklace, and held it with her magic. “Please be careful with that. It’s very old.”
Twilight nodded, looking over the necklace. "Very interesting..."
“What,” Fluttershy asked.
"The design is really amazing."
Applejack rolled her eyes, while Rarity bolted up, “What did you say?”
"I said that it had an amazing design."
Rarity ran over, and looked over Twilight’s shoulder. “Oh...My!”
“What’s the big deal,” Rainbow muttered.
Applejack rolled her eyes, “Well, it’s makin Megan understand us, so that’s kind of a big deal.”
Rainbow “Hmm”-ed, and walked away.
“Could I have my necklace back now,” Megan asked.
Twilight gave Megan back the necklace.
She immediately put it back on. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So what did you guys think?”
“I think it looks absolutely marvelous,” Rarity answered.
“Very nice craftsmanship,” Twilight added.
“Well, I know it’s pretty, but does it mean anything to any of you?”
“To be honest, no. Maybe Zecora would know, that is if I get out of here.”
“She’s one of our doctors, and knows potions and magic.”
“Oh, well, as much as I’d like to let you go and find out, you still need to heal, not to mention we should probably keep you here till your pup is born and can survive out in the world.”
“It’ll be a whole month before I have it. Even then, it still needs to grow to the point where I would allow it out of a den. Plus, my pack is probably worried sick.”
“I know, but it’s just to be safe, do you really want your pup born out in the wild?”
“What you call ‘out in the wild’, is our home, and I don’t know about your kind, but we’d rather have our offspring in our home with our families.”
“But if you stay here, we can make sure your pup’s healthy, isn’t that more important?”
“Oh yeah, I see,” a voice said annoyed. Everyone looked. It was Rainbow Dash. “It’s way more important to make sure a single pup is healthy instead of making sure that one wolf is with her family.”
“What do you mean by that?” Twilight glared.
“You know that pups are more vulnerable than we are,” Rarity added.
“Well what’s the point in having one if you can’t even see him?”
“What in tarnation are you talkin about, sugarcube?”
“I was taken from my mate and pup by a bunch of hunters,” Rainbow huffed.
‘She had a pup?’ Twilight thought.
“So trust me, I know how she feels.”
“Rainbow-” Applejack started, but was interrupted by Rainbow.
“What? Are you gonna tell me how you didn’t know, and that you’re sorry? Or maybe lecture me on how I shoulda told you all?”
“Rainb-” Rarity tried, but was interrupted.
“Well, I don’t want any apologies, alright?! I don’t want lectures either!” Tears began to form in the blue wolf’s eyes, “All I want is my family!” With that, Rainbow storms out.

Author's Note:

WHEW! A long update.

Please let us know what you think.