• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 1,555 Views, 7 Comments

My Little Wolf - Autobot Lancewing

In an alternate universe where everyone's wolves, they must fight between life and death.

  • ...

Shadows Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Twilight was carefully sniffing the ground. So far, she was not able to catch Luna’s scent. “Found anything, Twi?” Minty called from a few yards away.
“Nothing yet,” Twilight replied, “I wanted to believe that she left because she was sick, but I can’t pick up her scent.”
“But Eclipse said she was fine when they went to sleep,” Minty pointed out.
“Maybe, but I do remember waking up with a cold the next morning. If it could happen to me, it could happen to her. The lack of scent seems to suggest that she was flying, but that is the last thing you want to do when you’re not feeling well.”
“But you’re pregnant, which would explains your cold, wouldn’t it?”
“Side effects of pregnancy are nausea, mood swings, increased appetite, and exhaustion. Trust me, none of those are even close to a cold.”
“Okay. But maybe Luna’s pregnant with another pup?!”
“Luna’s never left the pack just because of pregnancy. There would have to be another reason for it.”
“Hmm…” Minty pressed her nose back to the ground, continuing to sniff for Luna’s scent, but then another thought occurred to her. “Sis?”
“Are you sure you should be doing all this?”
“Yes I’m sure. I can’t just sit back and watch as the other wolves are looking for her. I can’t afford to let Celestia down just because I’m going to have a pup.”
“Well, okay.” Minty started sniffing, when yet again, another thought came to her. “Twi?”
“I was just wondering why you chose me, and not Comet Tail.”
“I’m angry with him for withholding from me the important fact that Luna was missing. Now can we get back to work?!”
“Yeah, yeah, but tone it down, will ya?”
“Oh, was I being too loud?” A tear began forming in her eye, “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. I- I just-”
“Twilight. Get. A. Grip. You really need to get a hold of yourself.”
“I can’t help it! It’s not my fault Comet decided-”
“ENOUGH!” Minty stormed off.
“Wait!” Twilight began to run after her, but she suddenly heard a loud, metal click. That sound was soon followed by a painful snap in her right hind leg. This resulted in a painful yelp from Twilight. “What on earth-” Twilight looked at the leg and saw that a large bear trap had caught her, blood began to ooze from the sharp spikes in her leg. Knowing what was going to happen, she delivered a howl for help.
Minty immediately heard the cry and darted back. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates when she saw what had happened. “TWILIGHT!” She ran up to her and tried to pry the trap open. “Yow!” Minty yelled in pain, hurting her jaw on the large spikes.
“Minty, we need a large rock to keep the trap from closing if it should open; otherwise, you’ll get caught too.”
“Uh-ok, I’ll go get help,” Minty ran off, howling, leaving Twilight alone to struggle with the trap.
Twilight began looking at the mechanism of the trap, trying to see if maybe there were a way for it to open up. ‘This isn’t good, what if the human who put this here comes back?! And he- No! Stop! Minty’ll get help, and maybe someone heard me. And if you keep stressing, you might hurt the pup, so STOP freaking out!’
She began to hear footsteps. Unfortunately, those were too loud for another wolf. ‘No, no, no! This isn’t good THIS IS NOT GOOD. Please just be Spike? He’s big, right?’ Who was she kidding? Spike is still a cub, too small to make footsteps as loud as those. She suddenly felt a small pinch on her neck. ‘OW! What in the world...’ As seconds passed, she began to feel weird, as if she had too many fermented berries…
“C’Mon, Spike! We’ve gotta get to her.” Comet yelled while rushing through the forest, with Spike following behind. Both of them heard Twilight’s yelp, and Comet instantly identified it as his mate.
“Can you please slow down," Spike yelled while panting heavily.
Comet ignored his adopted son while still trying to get to Twilight as fast as he could. ‘Please be alright, please be alright.’ He thought, ‘And please for goodness’ sake stay calm.’
He finally made it to the scene, only to see the empty bear trap with Twilight's blood. “No no no no no no!! No this isn’t happening this just isn’t happening!! So help me if she got caught by a human and they-” Comet growled and flared his nostrils. “I will KILL whoever did this.”
Lancer began to wake up. His head was still hurting from what had transpired; therefore he couldn't bring himself to get up. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in Cadence's den. He could see her, Aunt Celestia, his father, and Bright Eyes all talking at the mouth of the den.
He let out a groan before saying, "Did we find her yet?"
Everyone suddenly turned to face him. Bright Eyes' face lit up.
"Lancer." she ran toward him and gave him a large hug. He groaned due to the pain. "Oh, sorry," Bright Eyes gave a little giggle as she released.
“Ow… I have to admit, that is some grip. Anyway, did we find Mom?"
Celestia shook her head. “To make matters worse, Twilight was reported missing.”
Lancer’s eyes widened. “What?!” He grabbed his head. Obviously he should have stayed asleep.
"Lancer, you need to rest," Cadence cautioned.
Lancer wouldn’t hear it. "Do you think thats related to Mom’s disappearance?"
"Let's hope they're not," Eclipse stated.
Outside of the den, Shining Armor and Comet Tail could be heard arguing. ‘Great,’ Celestia thought as she rolled her eyes, ‘That’s all we need right now.’
“All I’m saying is that if you had actually tried to get there, Twilight would still be here,” Shining said.
“You didn’t think I would have thought of that,” Comet argued, “You were just as capable, were you not?”
“Now wait a minute, I was too far away to have made it in time.”
“So was I!”
“You were probably slowing down so that that cat could catch up.”
“Spike had nothing to do with this.”
“Well, the way I see it-”
Cadence finally barked, “Will you two just shut up already!” The two males looked at the normally calm Cadence. “Shining Armor, you and Comet have been at each other’s throats ever since he met Twilight, and I’m sick of it! We’re all sick of it! How Twilight can stand either of you I have no idea!"
Celestia was just as shocked as the wolves Cadence was yelling at, not to mention Bright Eyes and Lancer. Celestia went over to Cadence, "Cadence, you're tired, get some rest. We'll look for Luna and Twilight." She nodded, but was still irritated. " Don't worry, I'll deal with them myself."
Cadence sighed, "Yes Auntie."
As Cadence proceeded to the back of the den, Celestia glared at the two. "Both of you come with me right now." Both followed her outside of the den where they were out of earshot of everyone else. Both wolves looked very upset, their heads and tails hung low. Celestia glared at them, “You two have been arguing since Comet met Twilight, and it got worse after the two became mates. This is ridiculous, you two need to STOP.” Celestia looked at Comet, “Comet, Shining is Twilight’s older brother, older brothers are generally protective of their little sisters, accept that.” Then she looked at Shining, “Shining, you are her older brother, but this is absurd. Twilight has a right to mate to a male, it’s been that way for thousands of years. Accept that. Do you BOTH understand?” They both nod. That wasn’t a good enough answer for her. “Say it.”
Comet Tail spoke first, “I understand.”
Shining Armor followed suit, “It won’t happen again.”
Celestia nodded. “Now, neither one of you are to blame for Twilight’s disappearance. Truth is that no one would have been able to help her. Minty explained what happened.”
“What happened?” Both asked in unison.
“As you know, she was caught in a trap, but it was impossible to open. After Minty ran off to get a rock as Twilight instructed, the human almost immediately appeared.”
“Human?!?!” They (again) asked in unison.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, this is Lancewing here. I know a at least seven of you like my story and at least one does not. I do appreciate the likes, but I want to know what you think. Is there anything NotRamjet97 and I are doing right? What needs improvement? Your comment could help this story.