• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 2,201 Views, 157 Comments

A Scratched Record - Ludicrous Lycan

Have you ever met somepony who claims they can hear another voice in there head besides their own? How about that they're sharing their body with another being entirely? No? Well then you haven't met Vinyl Scratch.

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You’ve Been Running Through my Mind all Day

You’ve Been Running Through my Mind all Day

Luna’s brow furrowed in frustration as she stared into her night’s sky. What has happened to you my young one?

Luna was sitting on her balcony just like the night before. She had taken to doing this ever since noticing that a section of stars had begun lazily drifting apart. At first, she only assumed it was a mistake and quickly corrected it for her charge as a favor, but she grew more and more concerned upon discovering that no steps were being taken to maintain those stars at all.

What’s worse were the sensations she had felt the other evening. She had been dream walking when they first began, but she now had no doubt in her mind of their authenticity. One of her children had been hurt. Luna had felt all of it, dulled as it may have been.

So now she sat there, focused on the sky, constantly making small alterations every hour to keep the sky in sync, and in a constant state of grief and worry. Had she been in total control, it would have been much easier, but alas she had taken steps centuries ago that she might be able to enjoy her night as much as any other pony.

Luna’s complete focus and worry kept her from noticing her sister slip in the room and come up behind her.

“Sister, are you alright?” Celestia asked her softly from only a stride behind her.

Even the soft tone was enough to startle the alicorn princess. Luna jerked, along with her magic that was in the middle of making an idle adjustment. A few stars leapt through the sky, nearly colliding with a constellation. She was able to avoid a nasty collision in the sky as well as right the accident, but only just.

“Oh, my apologies, I thought you heard me come in.” Celestia pardoned.

“No no, it’s fine! I was simply too engrossed in my thoughts. It is at no fault of your own.” Luna dismissed.

“Something obviously burdens you, dear sister. Please do not feel you must hide anything from me.” Celestia pressed.

Luna sighed. She had hoped to tell Tia about her helpers on her own terms, but not so soon, and not under duress. “Tia, I have a confession to make.” she began.

“One of your helpers has gone missing haven’t they?” Celestia asked coolly.

Luna blinked several times in surprise before narrowing her gaze scrutinizingly. “How long have you known about them?”

“In all honesty, since their conception those thousand years ago. I was watching when you made the very first one… him.” Celestia turned her gaze to the floor in solemn silence at recalling the the birth of a creature she had hoped to forget.

Nodding gravely, Luna thought it best to continue. “You know I named them after you… I call them my Celestians, keepers of the night’s sky.”

Celestia’s expression brightened, but didn’t pull her gaze from the ground.

A dour expression now overtook Luna’s own expression, but she continued on still. “I fear one of the youngest of my Celestians has disappeared. I fear she flew too close to our worlds atmosphere, I fear… oh my poor Xila…” Her head drooped in despair until Celestia’s wing was felt draping across her back.

“Come now, surely if she had passed you would have felt it.” Celestia consoled her sister.

“That’s just it. I can’t feel her. I could feel her pain, her anguish when she fell. But it just… stopped. As if something has dulled the connection between us.” Luna shook her head in frustration. “I do not believe her dead… just gone. I last felt her somewhere in the direction of Manehatten, but whether she is still there I can not be certain.”

“I suppose you have not sent out any guards or departed yourself because you were worried I would discover that there were more of them than the one that stole you away from me?” Celestia's eyes burned of a dulled hatred with an overlaying understanding.

Speaking seemed pointless. Her sisters words were true enough, and rhetorical at best.

“You should go. I have watched over our kingdom a thousand years, surely a few more days is simple enough.” Celestia smiled brightly to which Luna returned in earnest.

“You would do this for me, knowing for who I do this for myself?” Luna clamped a hoof to her mouth too late to stop herself.

Celestia chuckled. “I am not so foalish as to condemn an entire species for the act of one of it’s more vile members.”

“You’re right, I should have known better of you.” Luna began bouncing on her hooves, some of her anxiety already lifting. “I shall depart first thing tomorrow. Oh, thank you Tia!” She rushed into an embrace before turning into a gallop to her room.

“Ah, there she is… My dear little Lulu, home again.” Celestia’s smile was as bright and true as the day Luna first returned. She turned her attention to the sky and nearly erupted into a fit of laughter.

A single section of the starry sky seemed to have been unwittingly subjected to the Night Princess’ newly renewed mood. Instead of it’s usual alignment, it was now roughly shaped into the form of a smiling filly.

“I do believe that is a new one!” Celestia chuckled. The solar princess turned away and exited the balcony.

“Well that was... different.” Vinyl muttered to herself as she trotted down the streets of Manehatten, and away from the nightclub she had just finished her latest gig at.

Earlier that day, Vinyl and Xila had discussed a few things about music. Mostly that Xila was supremely ignorant about it. She claimed to have heard music before, but only a few really old classical symphony number, and a lullaby or two. Aside from that, it was all pretty new to her.

Vinyl had thought it would be a treat for her to show her a genre of music like hers for the first time ever, and was proud to find out she really enjoyed it. That is, until Xila started humming along. And by humming, that meant that she played the exact same song back to Vinyl in her head with a delay of about two seconds. The constant bombardment of her own music played back to her in delay had caused her to slip up a few times, much to her shame.

”I Said I was sorry, Vinyl! I could not help it, you really are a brilliant musician. I’ve never heard music like that before.” Xila seemed both apologetic and exhilarated at the same time.

“Yeah yeah, I heard you the first time Zee. But did you have to echo back every note in my head?” Vinyl questioned exasperatedly.

”I could not help myself. This was the first time experiencing something so… overwhelming!” Xila defended herself.

Rounding a street corner, Vinyl decided the night was still far too young to simply go home. She had refused the usual offerings for booze and music and left the club before she could be berated by the thumping wubs she loved so much in an out of sync stereo. “Let's get something to eat, I’m starving.”

Xila chuckled from a corner of the DJ’s mind. ”I assure you you’re fine, but food does sound pleasant about now,” she chirped.

“Figure of speech, Zee…” Vinyl’s mind wandered to something Xila had mentioned earlier that day. “Hey, I know you said you’ve heard music before, but how do you know next to nothing about it?”

”Well, the only music I have heard was sung to me by my mother,” Xila answered.

Vinyl let out a low whistle. “Kinda sheltered, huh? So what’s your mom like?” Vinyl noticed the odd looks she was receiving and realized she must have been speaking aloud the entire time. Ah geez…

Xila’s chuckle increased to a low laughter. ”I was wondering when you might notice.”

A grin crossed her muzzle as she continued down the street to a cafe she liked to frequent. That’s cold, Zee. I’m totally gonna get even for not giving me a heads up.

”Hehe, of that I have no doubt. As for my mother, you may know her as Princess Luna.” A familiar tone of pride poured out of the Celestian’s words.

Not expecting to discover the connection of royalty from the being riding shotgun in her skull, Vinyl stumbled and nearly fell over at the news. “Luna’s your mom!?”

The street grew silent as everypony within earshot of Vinyl's outburst stopped in their activities and stared at her. Vinyl chuckled sheepishly at the surrounding ponies before going into a full gallop around the next street corner and entering the cafe she had been looking for.

”She created me is a more accurate way of putting it, but to many of us, she is indeed our mother.” Xila seemed all too happy to share her heritage.

Could be worse, Scratch… You could have Prince Blue Blood in your head… Vinyl consoled herself humorously. So what do you do? Do you just fly around in the sky all day?

That and converse with other Celestians yes. But at night, I help maintain the stars in the sky. All Celestian’s do.” Xila said.

Vinyl took a window seat near the front of the restaurant. For some reason she felt the urge to stare up at the sky while she ate. Really? I thought Princess Luna took care of the sky on her own.

”She very well can, but for the last thousand years, we have assisted in… oh no…” Xila’s thoughts echoed in dread when Vinyl’s gaze fell onto an odd constellation she couldn’t remember seeing before.

Hey that’s new… Vinyl tilted her head to the side and let out a small laugh. It looks like a filly!

”Oh…! That has to be Zekrom’s doing I know it! When I get up there I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!” Vinyl could almost swear her head was heating up from how badly the irate Celestian was fuming.

Chill, Zee. I’m sure Luna will fix it soon enough… As if Luna had heard this herself, the stars began righting themselves. Vinyl stared in fascination as the stars shifted and danced across the sky. Oddly enough, they did not return to normal right away, and what she saw floored her even more.

The stars shaped themselves into a few simple words before returning to their normal orientation: “Worry not, my dearest Xila.”

The sudden overwhelming joy filling Vinyl’s head caused a few tears to come out where Xila was obviously happy enough to exert herself, had she been able. ”She is coming for me!” she bellowed as loudly as her thoughts could allow.

Wow, guess you weren’t pulling my leg! This calls for a celebration. Vinyl waved down the closest waiter she could find. “Hey, Mac! I’m gonna need two slices of Chocolate Cheesecake, and the biggest sundae you got!” The waiter smiled and nodded before trotting off to the kitchen.

Xila was so preoccupied flinging thoughts of hope around Vinyl’s consciousness that she barely noticed Vinyl’s own thought at all.

Guess this conversation is over, good talk. Vinyl allowed her thoughts to wander until she was stricken with the realization that royalty was about to come looking for Xila, and by extension herself. I should let Octy know we’re gonna be expecting guests.

The food arrived a few minutes later and the rest of the time at the cafe was spent showing Xila a few of Vinyl’s favorite foods. All the while, Xila repeatedly requested that Vinyl continue looking out into the sky. Even though there were no new messages, the sight of the stars did nothing but stir the enthusiasm of the evening.

The trip home after the nauseating amount of food Vinyl consumed was hardly worth mention. Neither of the two had said much of anything, all their celebration spent on the mountain of deserts and junk food. Octavia was on the couch reading when they stepped through the door. The damage to the living room was greatly reduced, thanks to the cellists persistence, but was not completely gone. Vinyl was sure that if she looked in the bathroom, she would find it spic and span.

“Looks like somepony kept busy today…” Vinyl remarked with a grin.

Octavia lazily glanced over her book, but didn’t move from the couch. “Yes, and that pony is exhausted. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get scorch marks out of a carpet?”

Vinyl hopped up onto the couch next to Octavia. “I didn’t think it was possible.” She chuckled, impressed with just how stubborn her marefriend could be. Even stains don't stand a chance against her persistence. “Hey, Octy, what do you think of us entertaining somepony pretty soon?”

Octavia said nothing at first. She continued to read until she found a stopping point. The page bookmarked, the book was closed and set aside so she could give Vinyl her full attention. “Are you sure that’s a good idea right now? Won’t Xila be a problem… No offence dear.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “None taken.” She clamped a hoof over her mouth. Zee, come on, we talked about this!

Sorry… Xila offered weakly.

The hoof lowered, Vinyl began once more. “I don’t think she will be, in fact, she’s the reason we’re expecting some pony.”

This peaked Octavia’s interest. “Oh really? Does that mean that whoever this pony will know about her?”

“Yep!” Vinyl chirped.

“So who is it? Some astrologist pony, or maybe a unicorn scholar from Canterlot?” Octavia guessed, a hoof to her chin.

“Right place, wrong pony. It’s Princess Luna, maybe even a guard or two!” Vinyl presented a wide smile and pushed her glasses up onto her horn. The smile faltered fell flat when she noticed the twitch in her marefriend’s eye.

Octavia seemed at a loss for breath as her mouth flopped open and closed uselessly.

“Not again!” Vinyl glanced over the coffee table and grabbed an empty glass of water that was sitting on it. A flick of her magic propelled the liquid across the cellist's face, snapping her out of her daze.

“Again, Vinyl!?” Freed from her episode, Octavia's thoughts spiked into a light rage. Vinyl didn't even have time to set her glasses down this time before the smack to the back of her head sent them soaring across the room.

Author's Note:

Surprise, I got a a chapter out anyway! Yep, I got sick too and still managed something at least... It isn't nearly as long as I would have liked, and I gave my editor Thanksgiving break to himself so this was all done solo in it's entirety, but at least I'm progressing the story right? ...Right? If you see a mistake it's totally my bad, but let me know if you find any would you? But wait there's more! I have a new fiction I'm working on! It's called 'A Gilda'd Opportunity' staring good/bad/angry/cursed old Gilda and you can find it right about... here! So give it a shot if your hankering for something more of my writing. A new story and some good old fashioned plot... take that how you will.