• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 2,338 Views, 115 Comments

Fulfilling - PegasusMesa

In which Luna makes friends, Fluttershy finds romance, Twilight contributes, and Discord...Discordians

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Ch 4: In Which Rarity Makes a Decision, and Discord Trolls Hard

It was a completely exhausted Celestia that collapsed into her bed a week later. The day had been filled to the brim with appointments, activities, and other assorted items that had required her participation. Many of her advisers believed that much of that work fell beneath her, and should be left to those of 'lesser importance', but the princess ignored them. Despite the fatigue that accompanied her at the end of each day, there was a certain satisfaction that she felt in taking such an active role in her country's governance.

It certainly beats lazing around on a throne all day, she thought with a grin.

The alicorn snuggled into her soft pillows happily, relishing the way they shaped themselves to her form. Her horn glowed and a levitation spell draped a large quilt over her prone body. Unfortunately, just as she fell into slumber, something tapped her on the forehead.

Celestia's eyes cracked open and immediately locked onto the grinning face of the being that was, all at once, the most helpful and troublesome creature she knew.

"WHAAAH!" she screamed in surprise, trying to leap up but only managing to get caught in the blankets. She rolled off the side of the bed and landed with a loud *thump*.

"Is this a bad time?" Discord asked in mock concern. "I could come back later... perhaps when you're bathing?"

"And here I had hoped to end the day on a good note," Celestia said sarcastically. "What do you want?"

The dragonequis slapped his hands over his heart, feigning emotional injury. "Celestia, you wound me! Here I am, lending you my invaluable assistance, and all you can think to do is insult me?"

"Discord. What—do—you—want?"

"Sheesh, fine. Somepony got off on the wrong side of the bed..." He snickered, pointedly glancing at the princess still lying on the ground. "I'm just here, as per our prior agreement, to inform you of the success of my foray into the griffon territories."

That's right, she realized as her mind fully woke up. I asked him to go there. And this isn't something he can report to any of my subjects. "Very well," she said in the most dignified tone she could muster (considering she was still tangled up in her quilt and sheets). "What are the details?"

"The candidate that you favored won the crown, of course, likely due to the competition being... otherwise occupied." Discord leaped into a conjured hammock and a glass of lemonade appeared in his hand. "Really, Celestia, I never suspected that you would be the type to sabotage something like a royal election."

"It isn't like I wanted to interfere," she protested. "Strom was the only candidate who I was certain would favor continued peace with Equestria; making sure he won was something that I had to do!"

"You mean it was something that I had to do," he reminded her. "'Credit where credit is due' and all that."

"Very well." The princess gave an exaggerated sigh. "Discord, on behalf of all Equestrians, I would like to—"

"Pfft. I hope you're planning on giving me something more substantial than a 'Good boy, Discord, now run along and stay out of mommy's way!' First (and most regrettable) of all, you're not my mommy. And second of all—"

"Fine," she snapped. "What would you consider an appropriate reward for your service?"

"Ooo, I thought you'd never ask!" A puff of smoke forced Celestia to close her eyes and cough. As soon as she got herself back under control, she found that she had been dressed up like Santa Claus (beard and all) and that Discord now sat in her lap.

"This year, for Hearth's Warming, I want—" he began, only to be shoved off by an irate alicorn.

"I'm serious, Discord, I'm very tired, and not at all in the mood for your games."

"You're no fun..." With a snap of his fingers, the red hat and coat disappeared, leaving only the fake beard behind. The princess shook it off, earning a disappointed 'aaaw'. "I want a break. You've had me back and forth across the map for the past three months, and as much as I enjoy travelling, it's getting to be a bit... wearisome."

"That's it? That's all you want?"

"What, do I need to beg?"

Now I'm really curious. "Perhaps. Where do you plan on taking this 'break'?"

"Well, first I'm going to visit a friend," Discord answered. "Then I'm going to take some good-old down time, kick back at the beach, you know, same-old same-old."

"I suppose that's reasonable enough. Very well, consider yourself on leave."

"If I'm feeling charitable enough, perhaps I'll bring you back a souvenir. Or something. Probably not. Toodles!" He waggled his fingers at her and vanished.

Visit a friend? the princess thought. He doesn't have any friends, who's—Oh. Suddenly, she realized who the dragonequis had meant. "Twilight's not going to like this." Then, with a shrug that said, "oh well, not my problem," she hopped back into bed and within seconds was sound asleep.


The sound of a rooster's crowing floated distantly through the air, signaling that the sun had risen and that anypony still asleep was a lazy bum. Fluttershy's eyes cracked open and she sat up in her bed. After a hoof was lifted to wipe her eyes, she stretched all four of her limbs to their limits. "Another sleepless night," she muttered. "Maybe I'll just stay here for a bit longer..."

An hour later, the pegasus had finally gotten around to making herself some breakfast—her normal blend of oatmeal with a touch of brown sugar. However, the taste was blander than she was used to. She added more sugar and ate a spoonful, cringing at how sweet it had become. The ruined dish was pushed away and soon forgotten.

What's wrong with me? Her bleary gaze wandered over the walls while her mind wandered. I was so happy a week ago...what changed?

Fluttershy had just gathered the effort needed to go for a walk when there was a knock on the door. She walked over and pulled it open.

"Good morning, dear!" said Rarity with a dazzling smile. "How are—why, Fluttershy! You look awful!"

"Do I?" the yellow mare asked, looking at her reflection in a nearby window.

"My apologies, that didn't come out how I meant it," her friend amended. "What I mean is you look like you haven't gotten any sleep! You have bags under your eyes! And your mane, you haven't been taking care of it! Is something the matter?"

Yes, but I don't know what it is... "Don't worry about me," Fluttershy said out loud. "It's nothing important."

"Now, Fluttershy. You know I cannot simply let this go! I'm your friend, after all! You can tell me anything!"

"I suppose talking can't hurt... Oh, where are my manners? Please come in, sit down!"

Within a few minutes, the two mares were seated in the sitting room with a cup of warm tea each.

"Alright, dear, what's bothering you?" Rarity asked.

"I... I don't know," the pegasus answered. "I'm just... there's something wrong, but I... oh, I'm no good, am I? You're wasting your time on me—"

"That is nonsense, and you know it," the white mare said. She put a comforting foreleg around her friend's shoulders. "If you don't know what the problem is, then we'll figure it out together! Alright?"

"I... I guess..." A small smile lit up Fluttershy's face.

"See, you're already feeling a little bit better!"

"I guess I am... Ever since you got here, I've cheered up a little."

Rarity took a dainty sip of her beverage. "Could it be that you're feeling lonely?"

"That's—no, I can't be!" the yellow pony declared vehemently (well, relatively vehemently). "I've—I've got Angel here, and all of my animal friends, and—and—"

"That's true, but—and I truly mean no offense to your woodland companions—they cannot interact with you as another pony could."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they cannot have conversation, for one thing," Rarity stated. "I know that you love them dearly, but it will always be the love for one's children, not a friend."

"But..." Memories of the past few days flashed through Fluttershy's mind. Feeding her chickens, preparing her dinner, getting into bed, playing with Angel... all of those times, she had been surrounded by all manner of little critters. Squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, birds, they had all been there. But despite their presence, she hadn't felt any better. Not like how I feel with somepony else here. "I think I understand what you mean."

"Good! We're making progress!" The unicorn clapped her hooves together. "Well, if I'm right and your problem is loneliness, then I have the perfect solution!"

Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to enjoy this?

"We are going to find you a stallion!"


"AAAH!" Twilight shrieked when she looked in the mirror and saw that her horn had turned into a party hat. "Undo! Undo! Undo!" Fortunately, even though it had changed its form, its function had remained the same, and a quick counter-spell had it back to normal.

"Are you alright?" asked Fluttershy, pushing her way through the front door in a furtive fashion.

"Phew, yes..." The alicorn breathed a sigh of relief. "That was almost a disaster..."

"I'm glad you fixed... whatever was wrong."

"Thanks! Now, what can I do for you?" Twilight's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And why did it look like you were sneaking around?"

"Oh, that—w-well, I j-just—um..." Fluttershy took a moment to collect herself. This is Twilight, I can trust her. "Um... Rarity's going to g-get me a d-d-date, and—"

"WHAT?! You're going to date?!"

"I—yes, and I need a book to help—"

Twilight gave her a hug and began to bounce in place. "Ooo this is so exciting! I've never helped a friend find love before! There's gotta be something on dating in here somewhere! Hmmm..." She regarded the vast selection of books with a seasoned eye. "Aha, here's one. 'Dating and You: Finding and Keeping That Perfect Somepony'. This seems promising!" She placed it on a table and the two mares crowded together to read it.

"Are you looking forward to it?" the princess said.

"I guess... maybe... I don't know..."

"Who's the lucky pony?" asked Discord.

"Yeah, who is it?!" Twilight echoed.

"I don't know, Rarity is—EEEEEK!"


The dragonequis dropped to the ground, rolling and laughing. "You two—HAHA—so predictable—" he said between chortles. "Aah, to mess with Twilight Sparkle's head again... How I missed it."

"D-Discord..." Fluttershy's voice trailed off.

"Don't be paranoid, I'm not going to tell anyone else about your little 'dating' dilemma; I've got better things to do than gossip like a fourteen-year-old school-dragon."

"Seriously, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked with a scowl, clearly unhappy to be playing host to one of her least favorite beings.

"You should be more courteous to a visiting friend," Discord scolded. "If you aren't careful, you just might hurt my feelings."

"Ha, like you have any feelings to hurt!"

Fluttershy gasped and looked at her friend. "Twilight!"

"Don't worry, she's right on the money with that one. Well, mostly. I do love our little tête-à-têtes, though..."

"Anyways, Fluttershy and I were having a very serious, very private discussion, so if you don't mind..."

"I do hope you enjoy talking about stallions and romancing and whatnot!" he said. "Maybe I shall drop in on you again later, when you're in a better mood, Miss Prissy Pants." He closed himself in a book, and when it fell to the floor and opened, he was gone.

"I wish you would be nicer to him," the pegasus said reproachfully. "He's a good pon—dragonequis at heart."

"Yeah yeah..." Twilight muttered, not meeting her friend's eyes. "A-anyway, let's take a closer look at this book. It says right here..."

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