• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 2,334 Views, 115 Comments

Fulfilling - PegasusMesa

In which Luna makes friends, Fluttershy finds romance, Twilight contributes, and Discord...Discordians

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Ch 11: In Which Celestia Takes Charge, Discord Presents a Plan, and Fluttershy Confesses

"Cadance, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked, jaw hanging open. "What about Shining Armor? What about the Crystal Empire?"

"Nice to see you, too," the pink pony said while chuckling. She threw a foreleg over Twilight's back companionably. "Don't worry, I left the Empire in capable hooves; it won't fall apart overnight. And as for Shining..."

"I'm right here..." the unicorn in question said as he stumbled out of the train. "Oh geez, I don't feel too good..."

"You still get motion sickness?" Twilight asked. "I thought you got over that during your military training."

"If only I was that lucky... urp!" He dashed off, green-faced, to find a trash can.

"Applejack told me about Luna on the way here. Oh, and I sent notice to Aunt Celly, too, right before I left," Cadance added. "She should be meeting us at your house, Twilight."

"See, everything's going to be okay," Rarity muttered to Fluttershy, poking her in the side. "We've got the three other princesses here, ready to help! What can go wrong?"


The specter paced back and forth in the cavern that it had habitated for its entire existence, deep in the Everfree Forest. It was here that it would finally enslave this new body to its will, thus ensuring that Luna would no longer have the capability to wrest control away.

"I would have tasssted their blood," it hissed. "If only you hadn't interfered." It knew that Luna couldn't hear its words—she was unconscious once more, and thus unable to see, hear, or feel anything.

"Well well well, you're doing alright for yourself, I see."

The possessed alicorn immediately jumped to the ready, a spell charged on her crackling horn. "Who daress to—M-Masster!" At the sight of Discord, the specter dropped to the alicorn's knees.

"I'm impressed that you managed to survive for all these years," the dragonequis said, "and I really must ask, how did you manage to take possession of our dear Princess Luna?"

"It wass not eassy," the creature replied. "But you created me to be clever, and I ussed that clevernesss well."

"Well, now that this cow has been rendered inert, I'm going to make sure she's never a threat to us again. If you don't want to disappear from Equestria forever, I suggest you vacate her oh-so-thick skull."

"Of coursse..." it said. Suddenly, a line of dark magic whipped out and wrapped itself around Discord's neck. "Or perhapss not."

The eldritch god of chaos turned his body to liquid, allowing him to easily slip free. "Aw, you figured it out..." he whined. "How'd you know?"

"I knew from the beginning! How many timesss musst I tell you foolss—I have all of thiss meat-ssack'sss memoriess! Of courssse I would know that you're a traitor of your own causse!"

"You know, your kind really was one of my favorites..." Discord reached out and grabbed hold of the magical whip, and the glowing aura began to be pulled up his arm. The specter gasped in shock as it felt a drain on its energy. "But you're starting to get on my nerves, and that I just cannot abide."

"I SSSHALL DESSTROY YOU!" it roared, dispersing the whip into nothingness. "Farewell, my former massster!"

"I think I'm beginning to feel unwelcome," Discord said with a sad expression. He held out his arm, which had retained the magical energy he had sucked from Luna. "Oh well... at least I got what I came for. See you soon!" He exploded in a shower of chocolate milk that drenched the alicorn's body, making the specter shake with rage.

"Yess, sssee you ssoon..."


"The best option is to find a way to use the Elements of Harmony," Princess Celestia said to the assembled ponies. "Fighting with Luna is dangerous for all of us, her included."

"But we already tried the Elements!" Rainbow said. "That monster said that it knew how to deal with them!"

"Yes, but you didn't have Cadance and me there to protect you, did you?"

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Shining Armor added.

Celestia acknowledged him with a nod. "Indeed. With the three of us keeping you safe, there should be no way for the specter to interfere this time."

"I wouldn't be so certain." A *pop* heralded the arrival of Discord, whose arm shimmered with a familiar dark-blue light. "That thing's almost half as smart as I am, which is no small amount, if I do say so myself."

"Oh, good. Discord's here," Twilight said, slowly twirling a hoof in the air. "Hip hip hooray."

"Instead of being critical, why not make your own contributions?" Cadance asked him. "If you know the enemy so well, then surely you have some idea of what we should do."

"I do, and don't call me Shirley."

The rest of the room stared at him in blank confusion, except for Pinkie, who dropped to the ground and laughed her flank off.

"I'm surrounded by yokels..." the dragonequis muttered. "I have taken the liberty of visiting our poor captured Wuna and stealing a portion of her power. Not much, mind you, but enough for what I'm planning." He glanced around as if looking for something before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Twilight demanded when she heard him begin to rummage through the pots and other assorted kitchen tools.

"Aha! This will do nicely." He held up a frying pan. The energy that he had stored in his arm transferred itself into the heavy, iron implement. "If the rest of you lovely, immortal mares would be so kind as to apply your own magic..."

"What exactly is your idea?" Celestia asked. "And why do you need our input?"

"You ponies and your explanations! 'Here's how we do this', and 'What will we need to do that?' Fine. I'm constructing a weapon that we can use to force the specter out of its host."

"That's good enough for me," Cadance said, trotting over. Before the others could protest, she placed her horn up against the pan, and sent a jet of magic shooting into it.

"You're up to something," Twilight said suspiciously.

"I'm always up to something! However, this time, it's something that's not going to make all of you miserable! Probably."

"Twilight," Celestia said, coming up to stand beside her former pupil, "I have come to trust Discord. He has proven, to me at least, that he is a being that we can depend on."

"Seriously, did you have to say it like that? You're going to make me puke..."

"Wait, Princess..." the youngest alicorn started, but she knew that she had lost the debate. "Fine." She trotted over and, almost violently, shot a jolt of her own power into the cooking implement. "You happy?"

"Painfully so."

The only one left to contribute was Celestia, who repeated the other princesses' actions.

"And... it... is...finished!" Discord said as he brandished it above his head.

"Duh duh duh duuuuuuuuuuh!" sang Pinkie, earning more than one curious look.

Fluttershy walked forward and tugged lightly on Discord's arm. "Um... so, how does it work?"

"What, this?" the dragonequis asked, gesturing to the magical pan. "Oh, it's a very complicated piece of equipment. Not just anypony can be trusted to wield it."

"Discord..." Twilight growled.

"Oh fine, Miss 'I-Don't-Know-How-To-Relax-and-So-I-Like-To-Yell-At-Disc-"


"See what I mean? Alright, using this thing's so easy that even the rainbow-haired one can handle it."


"You just bonk 'er on the head with the flat side, and out the little feller comes, leaving widdle Wuna safe and sound. And I think it goes without saying that I shall be doing the bonking."

Twilight's mouth was already open with an argument prepared, but Celestia cut her off. "That is fine. You can be the one to use your magical...frying pan... but only if the Elements fail to exorcise the creature."

"Aw c'mon, are you serious?" he asked with a pout.


"Whatever..." The dragonequis went into the corner to mope.

"Well," Cadance said, clapping her hooves together, "it's getting dark outside, and I think we all need plenty of rest!"

"What're y'all talkin' about? We should go after her now, while we still can!"

"That would be a dreadful mistake," the white alicorn said serenely. "Even fighting Luna during the day will be difficult, but to do the same at night? When she's at her strongest? We wouldn't stand a chance."

Rarity decided to chime in. "Applejack, dear, I understand your concern, but the princess's reasoning is sound. We should do this when we have the best chance of success, don't you think?"

"Ah reckon... shoot, it just grinds on mah nerves, is all."

The unicorn approached and spoke in a quieter voice. "Mine too, believe me. You're not the only one suffering, after all." She pointed at Fluttershy, who stood off to the side, staring blankly into space.

"What's wrong with her?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not completely sure, but the poor dear is taking this harder than the rest of us. We need to be strong for her sake, as well as Luna's."

"Then let's go cheer her up!" The two ponies trotted over to their friend and set about raising her mood.

"Hey, Twilight," Cadance called, "I'm sorry to impose, but could we all stay here tonight? It would be a lot safer if we stick together. Who knows what that thing will decide to do?"

"Sure, that's fine by me! I'll just get my extra pillows and blankets..."


Fluttershy was deep in thought when she felt something poke her in the forehead. She came back to reality to find both Applejack and Rarity standing in front of her.

"Finally!" the unicorn exclaimed. "We've been trying to get your attention for ages!"

"If by 'ages' she means about ten seconds, then Ah reckon she's right. Anyhoo, how're ya holdin' up, sugarcube?"

"I'm... I'm fine," Fluttershy said softly. "Just thinking."

"What about?"

"Um, nothing important."

"Well, ya wanna play a game? Ah bet Twi's got somethin' stashed away around here..."

"No thank you. Oh, b-but don't let that stop you from playing!"

"Naw, that's alright."

"To be honest," Rarity said, "we noticed that you've seemed particularly down during this whole ordeal. We only want you to be happier."

"I don't think..." The pegasus audibly swallowed. "That's not something I can do right now."

"Why in tarnation would ya think somethin' like that?"

"Are you still blaming yourself for all of this?"

The bluntness of the question had Fluttershy rocking back on her hooves. "N-no... Well, I mean, yes, but that's only part of it."

"Then what's the rest? We're your friends, we can help with whatever the problem is!"

Fluttershy clamped her eyes shut and shook her head.

"C'mon, don't just bottle it up," Applejack said encouragingly. "It's good to get things like this off your chest."

Again, the pegasus shook her head, shrinking back a bit.

"You know that we won't judge you for anything." Rarity tilted the the shy mare's face up to force her into making eye contact. "Pleeeeeease?"

"...Do you promise?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course we promise!"

"Yup, it's a deal."

"Do you really promise?"

Applejack resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "You know me, Ah wouldn't lie 'bout somethin' like that. Or anythin' at all, now that Ah think about it..."

"Trust me, nothing you say will make me think any less of you."

"I... guess...*mumble*."

"Sorry? I didn't catch that."

Fluttershy's cheeks grew bright red as she repeated herself. "I think...I'm in love with Luna.."

"One more time, sugarcube."

"I SAID I THINK I LOVE LUNA!" Despite the low volume of her voice, it was so intense and so highly pitched that it cut through all of the idle chatter. Everypony immediately stopped talking and turned surprised gazes towards the pink-maned mare. "I'm—I'm sorry..."

"Did... did you just say that you love Luna?" Rarity asked, wide-eyed.

"U-um, um, I think... maybe...possibly... yes?"

The unicorn held her silence for a second more before a humongous grin spread across her face. "Whahahaha!" she shrieked, pulling her friend into a tight hug. "That's simply fantastic! To have found... oh, I'm so jealous!"

Cadance came prancing over and threw a glowing smile Fluttershy's way. "This means that it's extra important that we bring Aunty Lu home!" she said.

"That's right!" Rarity stood up tall, as if to proclaim something. "We will not fail, for the sake of Fluttershy's feelings for Luna!" she cried.

"You don't, um, have to—"

"For the sanctity of love and caring!" the pink princess added as she similarly positioned herself besides Rarity. However, it was the moment when Rainbow came over to join them that Fluttershy knew that the situation couldn't be salvaged.

"For a chance for Fluttershy to get to second base!" the blue mare shouted.

A soft 'eep!' accompanied the poor pegasus as she fainted dead-away.

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