• Published 5th Nov 2013
  • 5,550 Views, 25 Comments

Blueblood Humiliates Himself - Queen Constella

Prince Blueblood annoys ponies everywhere. He has attended interviews on new topics, this is one of them, and an interesting week of his.

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The Life and Beginings of a Shadowed Prince

Blueblood raced down the street and turned a corner. He nervously peeked his head around the corner. Gone. No guards, no Princesses just him and some irritated pedestrians. He continued on hoof back to his manor gloomily. He was only 25 and might get kicked out of the family. His usually snobbish attitude deteriorated as he moped up the stairs to his room. Did he deserve to be dethroned of his title? Maybe just a little, his brain told him. The truth was he hadn't always been like this.

15 Years Ago...

Noble Blood looked down at his sobbing son, who had just come home from the school he had attended since Magic Kindergarten, The Celestial School for Foals. It was a school that got good test scores and had been attended by Noble Blood and his wife Fleur-di-Rouge. Who was in fact not related to Fleur-di-Lys's mother Fleur-di-Azure. Blueblood held his father's pristine white leg as he cried. The same bullies that had picked on him since Magic Kindergarten were at it again. One of the bullies, named Good Service was an aqua unicorn colt, with a cutie mark of a glass on his flank with bright green eyes and hair that was also blue. He always teased Blueblood and was considered a nuisance by most teachers and students. Good Service was the son of Lord Honorable Service and Lady Flora. On this particular day Service had been mocking Blueblood's kind and generous nature. Blueblood had just finished helping his desk partner in cleaning up her pencil case that had been kicked all over the room by Service. Blueblood who had on different days, been the brunt of Services' anger, and mockery had never pulled rank as a Prince.

The next years went by and then Blueblood was 14 and 7 months. He was now taller than Service. One day Service called him "Lowly Peasant". Blueblood then did something he had never done before, commit an act while angered. "Lowly Peasant, you call me? You are the lowly peasant, you groveling Lord! I am a Prince and should be treated as such!" He then struck Service across the face and strutted away. Blueblood then had his birthday a few months later and now mares would ask him out more and he was respected. Less could be said for Lord Good Service who lost his title as punishment for walking up to Princess Cadence and swatting her flank.

Blueblood since that day had been a prissy self-absorbed bucket of jerk. His kind and thoughtful parents who send the servants of the palace Christmas cards and volunteered at local charities alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays, were horrified. Noble Blood kept grounding and taking away things from Blueblood but nothing worked. The final straw came when Blueblood said how dark and peasant like the night was and how ugly the moon and stars were. Celestia took great offense. Blueblood's parents then decided to send him to the Finishing School for Young Gentle-colts. There Blueblood became even more narcissistic. When he returned home his parents didn't recognize this cold, deceitful new Prince who left them alone except for the occasional criticism or snide remark. One day he made a comment about how Cadence was a stupid ignorant princess who he could totally overthrow. Cadence who had just walked into the Canterlot Garden Party, (It was her first CGP) heard those remarks and walked over to the table just as Blueblood finished. He turned, "Ah, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. How lovely of you to join us. Would you like some punch?" Their relationship had never been good though.

Present Day...

Celestia strode into the garden party and every pony except Blueblood who was a prince and Cadence who was a Princess bowed. "Ah Auntie Celestia, here to enjoy the party also?"

"No." That one word chilled Blueblood right to his core. "Blueblood, you are needed at once." He quaveringly nodded. Celestia walked over to tell Cadence and then they flew to a tower of the castle, but not before whispering to a guard. He saluted her and flew down to the party.

"Prince Blueblood", the guard announced. "By order of Princess Celestia and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza you are to be brought to the throne room to speak with Princess Celestia.” Guards flanked him as he was brought before the Princess. "You have been brought for two purposes. One is that you visit the castle hospital IMMEADATLY!" Her gaze faltered, "Blueblood I am so sorry, she needs you. Even I couldn't save her." He watched as she turned away to hide the tear rolling down her cheek. "She will be missed." and with that the tall alicorn turned and walked into her private chamber behind her throne.

Blueblood galloped to the infirmary. His frenzied expression deterring ponies from trying to stop him. Who was injured?

He stepped into the infirmary to find a doctor adjusting some IV tubes. His gaze found a limp body of a mare. One mare in fact. His mother. Fleur-di-Rouge. She lay on a bed, with her husband holding her weak hoof.

"Mother!" Blueblood exclaimed as he trotted over to her," what happened?"

"I was *wheeze* hit by a carriage."

Blueblood began crying, "I'm so sorry I left you! I needed this facade so that I wouldn't be mocked. I just am so sorry! Please forgive me!" he wailed.

"Blueblood, I. I. Love you." she drew breath for the last time and all that could be heard was Noble Blood's quiet tears and Blueblood's cries. He then pulled himself together about 20 minutes later. His then semi-stable life had come crashing down. His father walked over to him outside the room trying his best not to look at the bed.
"Blueblood, you know she always loved you. Even when you left and shunned us she was always believing that you would come back." He sighed. "I hope you come home one of these days Blue." And with that he turned and walked away. Blueblood sat in the visitors chair wondering what he should do next in his emotion-laden state. He had never cried this hard and this long. He spent the next few hours wandering around the palace in a numbed state. He blocked out everything.

A few hours later, a new Blueblood had reformed from the ashes of his old personality. He trotted down the hall to the throne room to answer his summons by the Princesses. He bumped into a maid who had been dusting a statue. She stuttered, "I'm so sorry, your highness", she mumbled hoping that she wouldn't be yelled at.

"Nonsense", Blueblood said. "It was an accident". He then waived goodbye after helping her up and cantered into the throne room.
“Blueblood, you are to speak with Princess Celestia.” a guard commanded.

Blueblood walked carefully into the throne room, to find his Aunt Celestia sitting on her throne. “Blueblood, I brought you hear to apologize for striking you the other day. I just don’t know what came over me. After a thousand years I finally lost my temper, but you still need to apologize to Luna, Cadence, Twilight and Shining Armor. They are waiting in the castle garden.”
Blueblood nodded, “I forgive you Aunt Celestia, and we all have our bad days.” He then cantered out of the room where a shocked Celestia sat. He then went and apologized to the others. They too were shocked at his apologies but accepted them. Blueblood bade them goodbye and walked into the converted throne room to hear the big court case today.

Luna was presiding over the court case. “We are here for the case of Crazy Thought versus Princess Celestia and the Equestrian Diarchy.” Luna raised an eyebrow at the name. “Bring them in.” A medium sized peach colored stallion with green eyes that kept moving back in forth like a wild caged animal. Then Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor entered. Every-pony bowed to the group of royals. "Well Mr. Thought why are you suing the Equestrian Government?"

"Cause, of the meteor that's going to kill us all thanks to the Solar, Lunar, Stupid, Love and whatever that stallion does witches! They be using their wands they tape to their heads!"

"You mean their horns?" Luna inquired.

"Yeah! They are going to destroy Equestria kill us all and feed on our souls as they chant the most dreaded chant of all, the national anthem! I reckon if I get their monies I can survive and become a better ruler where we regular ponies are supreme once we kill off all the witch ponies and the demon ponies, ya know the ones with the wings. It just ain't natural."

"And the representative for the Diarchy?"

Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle walked up to the defendant’s stand, "Mr. Thought? Why do you believe that we are evil? This family has ruled Equestria for thousands of years. This NATION has known peace for hundreds of years. Why do you think this will end?" Twilight questioned.
"Because of all of your evil will come back to haunt you. It will ruin this country!" He yelled at her.
Luna sighed with boredom. "So Mr. Thought, this entire case, is you complaining about the government and recent astronomical activity?"
"Yeah, what's the problem in that?!"

"Mr. Thought, you are most assuredly not Mr. Thought." Added Celestia, "That cutie mark is a fake. Your real name is Good Service, formerly Lord Good Service of the Canterlot House of Service."
Every pony gasped. Luna banged the gavel on the stand. "Order in the court!" Luna shouted. "Mr. Thought/ Service, is this true?"

"Yes", he admitted dropping the phony accent too.

"Why go through all the trouble though?" questioned Luna, "Why create the new identity?"

"Well", he began. "After I lost my title, for my, and I quote, "Inappropriate and un-lord like behavior", all I did was smack Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's flank and attempt to kidnap Twilight Sparkle and charge ransom of in excess of ten million bits for the princess's protégé. I mean really, I didn't do that much." The entire court, jury, judge, guards and Princesses stood open mouthed at him. Shining Armor took a more protective stance beside Cadence and Twilight. Then Service continued, “After all that I was about 19 and miserable. So I tried to kill myself by attempting to overdose on air. It didn't work."

All of the officials, guards, lawyers and princesses face-hoofed.

Luna added, "How does one overdose on air?"
"Easy", he replied, "just breathe in and out until you die. I think?" More face-hoofing including double face-hooves occurred.

A short recess later...

Luna, stepped up to her chair once more, "Mr. Service do you have any other crimes or problems that need to be solved legally at the moment?"

"Yes, in fact I do", he replied. "I am accused of theft, breaking and entering, damaging a national treasure, and vandalism." he chirped.
"What national treasure are you accused of acting against?"

"Oh, umm... The Sacred Palace of the Stars." he said while smiling.

Luna stood from her chair as did Celestia, "Sister?" Luna questioned, "Is it THE palace?" Celestia nodded. "Well, Mister Thought, you will be institutionalized at the Canterlot Psychiatric Center, until you can go to prison for 50-60 years with no bail and pay a 50,000 bit fine." Luna banged the gavel again, "Case closed."

After the trial Twilight and Shining Armor were discussing the Crustal Empire, when a worried looking huddle of Celestia, Luna and Cadence walked past. Twilight heard snippets from their conversation like, “If she returns", or, “Mother is coming?" and "Tell no pony, this is too important. There will be mixed reactions and if we don't want a mob on our hooves then..." Twilight looked over at her equally confused brother.

Good Press looked over his mail that had just been delivered by his secretary. It was some business letters to local newspapers, a magazine that he had recently written an article for, and a client letter. He picked up the letter and opened it with his limited edition Royal Wedding letter-opener. He levitated the letter onto the top of the pile of his mail. The letter was from Blueblood, he read it over. Calling for his secretary he told her to cancel all of Blueblood's interviews. The letter had read, "I Prince Blueblood of the Canterlot House of Blood do hear-by fire Good Press of Pressing Matters as my royal publicist. I am no longer in need of one and now you are no longer needed at my disposal. Enclosed is your last payment amounting to 76 bits for your services. Sincerely Prince Blueblood of Canterlot." Press stared at his letter. He carefully levitated the bits from his letter and placed the letter in Blueblood's file. As he trotted from his building to his apartment he wondered what made Blueblood change his mind. Press had hardly ever lost a client. He trotted into Alpine Bar & Grill to pick up his to go meal that he had called in from his office. He placed that in his saddle bag and walked a few more blocks to his apartment on Olivine Avenue. He walked into his apartment and locked the door behind him. After dinner he walked over from 25 A Olivine Avenue to his neighbor's apartment on 25 B Olivine Avenue. His neighbor was Strong Hoof a royal guard. On Wednesdays Hoof, Press, Nautical another guard and Hatch, who was Nautical's cousin and an editor at the Canterlot Times, would get together for game night. Tonight they were playing cards. "Listen Press, you heard about the scoop on Blueblood?"
"No", Press admitted, "He fired me as his publicist today."

Hatch looked shocked, "Gee, I'm sorry, must have been the news. Yeah, you didn't hear about him? His ma died today at the palace hospital."
Hoof looked at the two press ponies confused. "He looked like he was about to either cry or kill Service. When he left the room after the sentence was announced, purple mist was coming out of his eyes." Hoof shuddered, "I don't get scared easily as a guard but that was just unnatural."
The other three ponies nodded and when back to their card game.

Celestia was sitting on her throne. In front of her was Blueblood's psychologist who had done Blueblood's evaluation after his mother's death. "Your highness, he seemed sadden by her death but he also seemed very tense. When I did the ink blot test and showed him a picture of the crystal empire his eyes turned green and began emitting purplish smoke. Could this be a changeling pretending to be Blueblood?"
Celestia stood from her throne, the purple eye mist, the green eyes the rumors of anger towards Good Service, the disliking of Cadence. It was all clear now. She turned to the member of the solar guard that was on duty. "Take a platoon of guards and evacuate every pony except Blueblood from his home, every maid, cook and butler I want out of there and into the palace for safety. Also keep a squad of pegasi with Crystal Empire training above his house the whole time. This is much worse than I thought." he saluted and ran from the room. She then bowed to the psychologist and said, "Thank you for your time, my little pony." before rushing off to find Luna.
Luna had been eating her breakfast of waffles at sunset when Celestia and a group of guards burst into the breakfast nook, mid bite. Celestia leaned over and whispered into Luna's ear. Her eyes shot open, "Have you ordered an evacuation?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded. Together they raced to find Cadence. When they found her they told her the news. The three mares then set out to don their armor. Celestia and Luna summoned theirs out of sun and moon light. Celestia had a golden armor that was a chest plate that went around the ribs and ended at the stomach where a more flexible plate was. Her helm had a spot for her ethereal mane to flow from and it had chinstraps and a spike coming out right in front of the horn to protect it. Gold greaves covered her legs from torso to hoof where there were golden horse shoes. Luna had a smaller set of that except it was in silver and had small knife sheaths on the sides of the large silver war horse shoes. Cadence had a traditional Crystal Empire armor. Her armor was in a crystalline silver with short horse shoes and a piece that went around her flank left a space for her wings and came to the front where it had a little crystal on the breastplate. Her helmet was simple and had a spot for her mane to flow out along with ear holes and cut off partway down the nose (think traditional roman helmet). Together they got into their chariot and prepared in case they were needed to battle Blueblood.
"Cadence, why did you not bring Shining Armor with you for this?" Luna questioned.
"Auntie Luna, he left for the Crystal Empire this morning. I am supposed to leave tomorrow at noon for the Empire." Luna nodded.

Blueblood, who had been hounded by the tabloids was sitting at home. His old nemesis Service was gone now. Service had been the only pony to see through both of his ruses. He was neither kind nor stuck-up. He sat in his swivel office chair facing the window, keeping an eye on the Pegasus guards outside. He slowly turned around. "First I try to shatter an element of Harmony's spirit at the Gala. The tabloids ask me, "Why do I dislike the Crystal Empire?" I don't." His voice deepened. "I just want it for myself." He spoke this as his muzzle turned gray and the rest of him turned black. His horn was curved with a red tip. His light blue eyes turned red and green while emitting purple smoke. Blueblood's styled blonde mane turned black as he glanced out a window from his office. "Good Press, I've never needed you", he mused, "Why have an agent when I have my own empire to conquer again. For I Am King Sombra!" he smirked, as his fangs glinted. "And Celestia never did see how I was reawakened just in time for the Crystal Empire to return. She just got lucky with the elements. But, I have more pressing matters." he rose from his desk and teleported to the library of his mansion. "What is the meteor doing hurdling towards Canterlot? And I just have to meet the neighbors." He looked over at the Pegasus guards currently occupied with overseeing the evacuation. Then he jumped out the window.


Author's Note:

Twist ending. Also parts of this story will be continuing into my next story. Which is what the TO BE CONTINUED... is for. Also, why is there a meteor headed towards Canterlot and who is returning? And finally... Who saw Blueblood being Sombra coming? So all in all a new story is coming, brace yourself.
And while writing the end, I thought to myself, "Hmm, how can I create a plot twist that no one could see coming? I know I'll make Blueblood be Sombra. <Insert Evil Laugh Here>" Yeah this is the second version of this, I may edit it some more later.

Comments ( 7 )

Update: There will be no third chapter. This story will be a two chapter story, with plot twist.

Sorry, but this is horribly rushed. The events are flung together and make little sense, and there was no emotional impact whatsoever. You spent all of ten lines on Blueblood's mother dying, and there was no personal reflection on Blueblood's part at all. Finally, the conclusion is not funny, dramatic or even decent. Thumbs down.:pinkiesick:

Interesting chapter.. well until the twist at the end, I'm sorry but it does NOT make any sense and seems well.. out of context for the story. You explained some of Blueblood's history, show his formal rival has gone insane and then... twist that makes no sense in the context of the story?

I'm sorry. But I just did a bit of editing. So Blueblood grieves more and talks with his father. If any one suggests anything else to better this story I would love some ideas! :twilightsmile:

Dear Readers,
I am currently debating deleting this story.
I don't know?
Please comment and let me know if I should delete this.
Queen Constella the Great

3716678 no- do not delete. is good story.

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