• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 264 Views, 1 Comments

A DJ's Dream - Deci_Belle

What can she expect from Vinyl Scratch when something comes up about a concert? She told Deci to meet her at the studio. What could it mean? Deci is going to find out by talking to her beloved friends...

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The Call

My phone blared my new remix, my pillow still over my head. I somehow managed to pick it up.

"Ugh, hello?" My voice sounded tired, mainly because I was indeed tired.

"Yo! It's Vinyl, just wondering if you're still up for that interview later, I've been listening to your mixes and I think they're awesome! Stop by my studio later if ya can?"

"S-sure, is Neon there?"

"Nah man, he's on vacation somewhere. Didn't even tell me where he was going, weird huh?"

"Hmm, well hopefully he's enjoying it. You guys do have a lot of work to catch up with, maybe a relaxing weekend will help him make a new album."

"Yeah, you're right...Hey, I got a customer so I gotta spin, you'll come by later right?"

"Anytime Pon-3."

"Cools bro, see ya then." The call ended and Vinyl's picture faded off the screen. I flipped the covers off my body and trotted over to the shower, I wet my mane and rubbed in some strawberry shampoo...It felt good to get my wings wet, whenever I was working on music I've always had to keep them closed since breaking a record by fanning them out when I head bob isn't exactly cheerful.

My cerulean blue and neon green mane swished about after I dried it, my stomach grumbled. Walking over to the fridge my pet dog wagged her fluffy white tail in a happy manor.

"Who's a good girl?" I cooed at her. She barked and I determined that was a 'yes'.

I bumped my side against a chair scooting it out for her to sit on, she jumped onto it, waiting at the table for her breakfast.

"Feel like blueberry pancakes? She licked her lips in response.

After breakfast I went for a walk, I think a lot when I'm walking so I casually do it. It was summertime, the grass was green as were the trees, I walked past town square. I saw Spitfire and Soarin in the clouds up above, other ponies say I'm weird for not flying everywhere. I just like to keep my hooves on the ground more than up in the air.

Besides my talent involves being on the ground, well unless there's a giant party in Cloudsdale...when I was little I didn't exactly want my cutie mark about something in the sky, it's a cloud or rain or snow or a rainbow...didn't really excite me. I enjoyed music as a filly, all kinds. One day my big brother brought me inside a music store, I found my own way to the DJ section...I found a record and started scratching the needle against it, looping recordings and making auto-tuned noises that brought everyone in the store's attention. When it was over the ponies cheered, even my big brother.

"Good job, Deci...I'm so proud of you. Where did you learn that?"

"I-I don't know...I just started and I knew what to do somehow..." I stuttered, then noticed my brother pointing to my flank. My eyes widened in surprise, an electric green and neon orange lightning bolt with a music note over it appeared on my flank with a flash...
I smiled at the distant memory, my big brother and I don't connect as much. He's a royal guard in Canterlot now...I miss him a lot, but hey, life goes on right? Sometimes I get mad at myself for the reasons why we don't talk as much...Other times I get mad at Celestia and Luna for needing all of that protection when they can just cast an easy spell with their oh-so-powerful magic...
I kicked the dirt, I kept trotting down the street. It was the same as it was everyday. Ponies buying things, talking, playing, I like it here though. It's simple.
I opened the door to the gingerbread designed building, hearing the little bell on the door. I loved that little bell.
A flash of pink zoomed toward the counter.
"HELLOOOOOO!! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! I'm Pinkie Pie!"
The pink mare opened her eyes.
"Oh, hey Deci! Sorry, I didn't know it was you. There's so many new ponies around here now, I have to give an introduction every 5 minutes..." Pinkie panted.
"Wha-huh? What do you mean new ponies? Something special going on?"
"You didn't hear? I'd expect you to know because of music stuff...Vinyl Scratch is having a concert this Friday and everypony's gonna be there. There's already a party in the park that's supposed to last to the day of the concert!"
"Sounds pretty sick, you going?" I asked.
"Are you kidding me?! HELLO? I'M PINKIE PIE!! DO YOU SEE THESE BALLOONS?!" She pointed to her flank. "OF COURSE I'M GOING."
I laughed. So did Pinkie...
"Well, anyway can ya give me a Sparkleberry Swirl?" I asked. She placed a shimmery cupcake in a blue box. I took out my purse, she lifted up her hoof.
"It's on the house, don't worry about it." She smiled and so did I, she waved as I walked out the door holding my small blue cupcake box in one hoof. She really does know how to make everypony smle.
Walking down the street once more I decided I'd open my wings and fly a bit. My wings furled open and I was in the air, it was a great feeling I admit but also the air difference in the sky and on the ground takes time to get used to. Other ponies were playing in the air. It was such a different world up here, but I do enjoy it on matter of levels. Everything is viewable up in the sky, we've been needing some rain though, I know it's summer and all but we need some. Bad. I'll inform the weather factory sometime soon, but now I need to focus on meeting up with Vinyl.