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chapter 6

They day slowly driffed into night and Luna put the moon and stars up. But then in the morning it was still dark.

"Oh crap why is Princess Celestia not putting the sun up yet?", asked Luna to her self.

She waited for a few more hours but the sun did not come up and the night stayed.

"I better go check on her."

Luna flew to where Princess Celestia was suppost to be but she was gone.

"Ok thats it!", shouted Luna.

She used her magic powers to see where Princess Celestia was. She saw her with Fluttershy on Twilight's lawn. Princess Celestia was not moving and just standed there not even blinking.

"Oh god, I better go check on her!".

Luna flew though the dark sky and then came down onto Twilight's lawn.

"Celestia whats wrong with you, put up the sun!".

Princess Celestia just stayed there looking frozzen.

"Fluttershy what is wrong with her?", asked Luna franticly.

Fluttershy gave Luna a blank look. Then she started to laugh madly.

"EHEHEHEHEH... Princess Celestia attack her please!".

Odd buzzing sounds came from Princess Celestia's body and then she flew up into the air.

"YES MASTER, NOW TO EXTEMANATE LUNA!", Princess Celestia said in a highly robotic voice.

Princess Celestia then fired a powerful red beam at Luna. Luna quickly flew up and dodged it and the beam went into the ground and made a massive hole!

"THAT IS FUCKING IT!", Yelled Luna.

Luna shot a black beam of energy at Celestia and Celestia shot a massive white beam. The two beams hit each other in the air and cause and massive explosion! It shot both the light and dark pony back and they both landed on the ground. Luna got up fast and was able to fire a massive dark energy bomb at Celestia! It hit her and destoryed her. Robotic parts went flying everywhere and landed on the ground.

"I see you are more powerful then I though Luna, I think I will have to deal with you my self!", said Fluttershy with a smug look on her face.

"So you where the one behind all these murders! I will make sure you meet a horrible fate Fluttershy!".

Fluttershy quickly flew up high into the night sky and Luna followed. Luna chased her though the star lit sky fast. She was now close enough to fire a attack. Luna quickly charged a powerful ball made of dark energy and fired it at Fluttershy. Fluttershy quickly put up a magic deflectler shield around her body! But Luna's attack was much to powerful and just smashed right though the shield and damaed Fluttershy. Fluttershy lost controll of her flying and then start to do a nose dive towards the cold ground!

She tried to regain her flight but failed and then crashed into the ground! Fluttershy got up and was now covered with cuts and blood all over her body!

"Arrggg!", Fluttershy said to her self.

Luna then landed infront of Fluttershy.

"Give it up now, I will now take you to trial and make sure you get the worse fate that I can thing of!".

"FUCK THAT SHIT!", Yelled Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then shot magic glowing chains at Luna which tied her up and now she was unable to move. Then Luna tried to fire a ball of dark energy at Fluttershy but Fluttershy just dodged it and then shot a magic disabling spell at Luna. Luna was unable to do anything now.

"Now I will make sure your death is long and fucking painfuly you fucking cunt!", Yelled Fluttershy.

"You fucking stop now Fluttershy!", Yelled Luna.

"Fuck you Luna, Once I'm fucking finished with you I will fucking inslave all of the world and make them do my bidding!".

Fluttershy then summoned a magic knife that she grabbed a hold of! Then then walked up to Luna.

"Good night sweet Luna, It was nice knowing you!".

Fluttershy then shoved the knife into Luna's anus. Luna screamed as blood leaked from her asshole! Fluttershy then cut though the walls of fleash inside her asshole so that they spurted out blood. Then Fluttershy took the knife out and put her mouth inside Luna's wide anus. She started to drink the blood and lick the dried shit off the pulsing walls. Once she was done she went up to Luna's face and puked out blood puke all over it. Tears as bright as the moon where running down Luna's puke covered face like little river. Then Fluttershy took the knife and stabbed it into one of Luna's large eyes. She cut the eye in haft while it was still in the socket. Blood leaked out of the slash wound. Then Fluttershy did the same to the other eye. Luna was now blinded and could not see what Fluttershy was going to do to her.


Fluttershy then put her pube covered pussy up to Luna's blood soaked slashed eyes and started to let out a stream of hot and yellow piss. The piss burned her eyes and more tears ran out of it. Then the eyes fell out of there sockets and was hanging by the muscles and blood leaked out of the empty sockets. The eyes where hanging in two hafts each. Then Fluttershy bit off one of the eyes with her mouth and did the same to the other. Now only the blood soaked bits of muscles hanged out of the sockets. Then Fluttershy summoned a magic rope.

"Now for the finisher, once this is done the world is mine!".

Fluttershy wrapped the rope around Luna's blood covered neck tightly and then started to chock her. Luna gasped for air but could not as Fluttershy laughed madly. The dark ponie rolled on the ground trying to get the rope off but nothing would work. Then the last bit of life escaped Luna and she stopped moving and was atleast dead. Fluttershy looked at the lifeless body and laughed manicly!

"NOW THE FUCKING WORLD IS MINE!", Screamed Fluttershy now mad with power.

Fluttershy flew up to where Clesetia and Luna lived and took controll of the sky. She made it blood red with dark black clouds that poured rain down onto the ponies below and shot powerful strikes of lightning!


She laughed as she controlls the lighting and shot it a poor ponies houses. Burning them to the ground. She watched as familys with children cried in pain as they tried to escape the blaze but ended up being consumed by it. But then Fluttershy remembered something.

"I stll have two more ponies that I have to deal with!", she screamed.

She then flew to the earth below to end the life of these two poor ponies who had lost all of there friends.