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chapter 4

"I must find bigger targets besides all these fucking normal ponies!", screamed Fluttershy while alone in her cottage.

"Hmmmmm, maybe Ill just kill Princess Celestia and then Luna too and rule all of Equestria with a fucking iron fist and make all those other ponies my slaves!".

Fluttershy went to her basement which was infact her evil lair full of the rotting bodies of ponies she had murdered in the past and tubes full of fetuses that she eats. She went to where her weapons where to find one. But then she remember something.

"Wait a motherfucking second, I can't just walk up to her and kill her, she and Luna are far to powerful for me. I must trap them or weaken them somehow before I fucking murder them!".

She sat down and started to think of a plain. After two hours and a few bottles of beer and lots of LSD later she had though of a evil plan to take over the world!

"I must kill Twilight Sparkle and Spike and then build robots inside there dead bodys cleaned out of yummy fleash and orgains and then contact Celestia using there robotic dead bodies and then using the orgain that makes Twilight have magic powers and that will be in my body and give me magic powers and then kill Celestia my self using magic. Then once Celestia is dead I will make her a robot and take her orgains that give her magic powers and give my self her powers. Then I will contact Luna using the robot Celestia and trick her into coming here and then kill her using the robot Celestia and then rule the whole world!1!".

So she got out a massive knife and wentg to Spike's and Twilight's house and hid the knife out side.

She knocked on the door.

The door opened and Spike came out.

"Hello Fluttershy!"

"Hello Spike! Is Twilight home?"

"Why yes she is, come on in!".

Fluttershy walked into the house and sat down with Twilight at a table.

"Hello Twilight what have you been doing?"

"Ohh just reading some books and studying majic!"

"Oh wow that sounds like alot of fun, by the way do you have some rope I can borrow?".

"Yes, Ill get it my self!"

Twilight walked into her carhole and got some rope!

"Thanks alot, Spike I have some think to tell you can you come outside for a second?"


The pony and the dragon walked outside. Fluttershy then tackled Spike agenst a tree and pinned him there and covered his mouth before he could scream. Then she tied him to the tree tightly and got out some tape and tapped his mouth shut. He tried to speak but failed.

"Hehehe Spike! I have something to tell you, I killed Rarity and ate her!"

Spike started letting out muffed screams and had tears in his eyes.

"Hahaha now I have to deal with Twiligh the same way I dealed with your little crush there and then your next!".

Fluttershy went to the place she had put the knife and grabbed and went inside.




"Goddamn it, I knew you where up to something when you lead Spike out there!"

Then Twilight shot a ball of magic energy at Fluttershy and it hit her and sent her aganst a wall.

"I see you can put up a fight unlike those othe ponies I killed!"

Fluttershy then charged at Twilight knocking over some funerture but then Twilight shot another ball of magic energy at her! She rolled and dodged the ball and then tried to slash Twilight! Twilight jumped back before the blade could touch her. Then she tried to shot a magic beam form her horn at Fluttershy.

The beam missed her and went though a wall. Fluttershy then charged at her and slashed her with the knife. She had hit Twilight's leg and the slash was pretty deep. Blood started to flow out of the cut and run down her leg Twilight screamed in pain. Fluttershy tried to cut her again but Twilight was able to dodge it. Then Twilight remember of a spell she had learned a week ago, the sword of magic spell!

A ball of energy formed infront of Twilight that quickly formed into a sharp metal sword! She picked up the sword and pointed it Fluttershy.

"Checkmate bitch!".

Twilight sweeped the sword at Fluttershy and Fluttershy tried to jump back but the sword cut her leg.


Fluttershy blocked the incoming sword and pushed it down. Then she stabbed Twilight in the gut!

Twilight screamed in pain and coughed up blood. The blood dripped onto a pool on the floor from the wound and Twilight colasped into it.

"I will make you death quick and painless because you put up a fucking good flight!" said Fluttershy.

Fluttershy slashed Twilight's neck open and a curtain blood rained out. Twilight head weakly fell onto the floor and she was atleast dead! Fluttershy let out a mighty laugh and then put her vagina into Twilight's horn. She humped the horn until she came all over it! Then she bent over and shoved the horn into her ass. She pumped the horn in and out and then let it out and took a massive wet shit all over the face. Then she pissed all over the dead body.

"Now I must find that magic organ that gives her magic powers!"

She flipped over the body and slashed it open. Then she saw a strang pink and purple organ under her left lung. She took the organ out and it was oddly not conected to anything else in the body. She could fell magic coming from it.

"Now for the hard part."

She got a beer and downed it and took some pain killers and then slashed open the place where the organ should be. She placed the organ inside her self and stiched up the open cut. After the cut was stiched she got up and went outside. She went to Spike.

"Hello my little dragon friend how are you?"

Spike let out muffled screams.

"Hey I'm just going to test my new magic powers on you if you dont mind!"

Spike screams got louder.

"Now how does magic work?"

She though of a spell and held out her hands. Then a blue ball of energy came out and hit Spike.

It was just aborbed by him. But then he started to scream. Then he shat out all his organs and bones and his ass exploded! Blood slowly leaked out the pulsing fleash that was left from the exploson.

"Ill have to stich that up later!"

She then took both of the bodies back to her house and washed them and took out everything from the inside of them. She ate all the organs and fleash and now only had the skins of Spike and Twilight!