• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 615 Views, 3 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl Smash - Salceleeon

Octavia has a concert coming up and she expects Vinyl to be there this will lead to Vinyl moving out. Will the two be frrieneds after this.

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Dinner Parties Don't Always go well

Whipping the tears from her eyes Octavia was laying in her bed thinking of what she had done. Vinyl was gone, she had gone and now Octavia was contemplating the point to keep going. Uncorking a bottle of wine Octavia poured a glass. Octavia sipped, she found within seconds she had drained the glass and had hastily refilled it. Octavia heard a knock on the door, she proceeded to get out of bed and across the room with the wine glass in hoof to the door and opened it her mother burst in.

"Disheveld mane, unclean manor, and smelling of alcohol. You have many things to learn. Now go get clean we are having lunch."

Feeling pushed into action Octavia relentlessly got into the shower. After the shower Octavia clothed in the pink bow tie.

"Mother what do you want from me?", Octavia said in a very high pitched tone of voice.

"Dear you must stop sounding so uncouth and the reason why I have called on you not only to have lunch with you, but to remind you that the fundraiser party is tomorrow."

"I thought you said that the party was next weekend."

"Oh my little filly when I said next weekend I meant this coming weekend."

Octavia sat in front of a group of party ponies she wasn't really there not in the mind at least, but her body was. Octavia remembererd events of the past like her first kiss it was with a colt named Winstan she was only sixteen at the time, but it was a marvelous experience, the first time she drank alcohol she was young only six, but she thought that the dark purple liquid was only ordinary grape juice, or the first time she went on a date it was with Winstan and even though the movie was bad she did have a good time, or the first time she played the cello and it was also amazing. A upper class pony approached Octavia pulling her out of memory.

"Hello, you must be Carol's daughter Octavia right?", A light red mare asked.

Pulling herself out of memory Octavia responded, "Yes, I am Octavia."

"Well I was wondering if you could decribe to me the life of a cellist such as yourself."

"My life is quite simple I wake up. Eat, go to a rehersal every Wednesday and Friday other days I practice that takes up most of my day, then I do what I want. It has become a quite boring life, only livened by my roommate."

"What did she do."

"She is a D.J. working at some local night clubs."

"Night clubs?," scoffed the pony."What charming places for miscreant rats."

"Excuse, me what the buck did you just say? For a fact my friend is not a miscreant rat and I would say kindly go away, but instead I will say get the buck away from me." Octavia finished with bright red cheeks and an angry expression plastered on her face. Looking as if about to burst into tears the pony walked away. Sitting back down on the bench Octavia huffed and took a occasional sip from a glass of wine. Appearing as if from out of nowhere Octavia's mother appeared. In that large extravegent dress the mare looked younger than she realy was.

"Octavia come with me." She said in a stern voice grabbing Octavia by the arm.

Back in a darkened part of the back stage area away from the party.

"So do you mind explaining yourself from what I have been told you have not been the daughter I taught you to be."

"Yes mother not the daughter you wanted. No now I am the daughter I really am.", Octavia said in an uprazed histarical voice.

"Well if this who you really are then feel free to leave now and just to let you know I am cutting funding from your group. Good. Goodbye, sweetheart." The mare said with a flurish, a smile as she walked back to the party.

Octavia walked along the sidewalk away from the party. Noticing a small bar Octavia trotted into it purching herself on a stool. Octavia got the attention of the bar keep with a ruffled brown coat. He trotted over to her rubbing the wooden surface with a dirtied rag to make the wood shine in the dull light.

"What can I get a fancy mare like you?", He asked.

"I'll have a vodka with a cider shot."

"Sure, might I ask why such a extravagent mare such as yourself is in our lovely establishment.", He said while sliding the drinks over to Octavia and taking a wide glance around the dirty bar with its few patrons.

"Well if you must know I came here from a party," Octavia said with a sign. "Hosted by my mother."

"If you don't mind my asking what is your name?"

"Octavia, what is yours?"

"Jack, wait are you Octavia Melody."

"Why, yes."

"I love your work."

"If I may ask what is a stallion like you listeneing to my music."

"Well a stallion like me is a few points away from a mastery degree and I listen to your music, because I find it quit good. Also may I ask the real reason you are here?"

"Well Jack if you must know I came from that party that I was mentioning earlier were I insulted one of the rich ponies there. My mother pulled me aside. We talked then she decided to cut funding for my group."

"Well that sounds like a great story, but what is the real reason you are here." Jack said sliding a cider down to another patron and refilling Octavia's glasses.

"Okay I am really here, because I kicked my roomate out."

"Who's that?"

"Vinyl Scratch."

"Why is that?"

"She... she didn't come to one of my concerts, "Then breaking into a sob Octavia continued. "She hasn't come to any of my concerts even when she said she would. I had to let her go to unreliable. Then when she got home we kissed, one of the best experiences of my life," Octavia was in full tear flow now. "Then I told her to go to unreaible. She loves me and I love her, but I don't want to."

"Well mam first take this," Jack pasted Octavia a tissue. "It sounds like your in way over your head. Just remember step back and think you have a full life, you are rich, you have money. You have a person who loves you even if not reliable. Rememeber that you have a lot to be thankful for and life is about giving second chances."

Reaching for the wallet strapped to her leg Octavia meant to move the some paper bits onto the table.

"No need miss Octavia the drinks are on the house."

Whipping the tears from her eyes Octavia said, "Thank you Jack."

Getting up from her stool Octavia waved goodbye to Jack recieving a wave back and Octavia trotted out of the bar.