• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 617 Views, 3 Comments

Octavia and Vinyl Smash - Salceleeon

Octavia has a concert coming up and she expects Vinyl to be there this will lead to Vinyl moving out. Will the two be frrieneds after this.

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Cutting the Connections

It was a dark night which was sure to be Luna's doing, but the darkness could not muffle the unbearable moaning noises drifting through the thin wall and into the ears of Octavia. Taking hooves and dragging them down her eyes Octavia pulled the gunk out of her eyes and yawning she opened opened her eyes. Getting out of her bed and clopping over to the door next to her own bedroom Octavia opened it.

Vinyl screamed, "Octi get the buck out." A light brown Stallion pulled away from Vinyl.

"Shut up Vinyl now I have a big concert tomorrow and I don't need sexual noises keeping me awake," Octavia turned her head to face the stallion. " Now you get out or you will have to face my wrath."

The stallions pupils expanded and he rushed out of the room and out of the apartment.

"But Octi we were just getting started."

"Vinyl it has been at least an hour and if you still want to live with me then you need to keep it down and go to sleep." Rushing back to her room Octavia felt exhaustion fall over her body and she collasped onto her bed and fell into a deep slumber.

Octavia woke to the sound of a knife hitting a chopping board. Walking to the kitchen with a messy mane and a yellow bath robe covering her body Octavia saw Vinyl at the cutting board slicing a carrot, "Listen Octi I am sorry about what happened earlier this morning," Vinyl sighed."So I made you breakfast."

Stubbling to the table Octavia sat down. Vinyl then placed a plate in front of Octvia with a daisy and carrot sandwhich on top of it. Octavia's mouth began to water, because Vinyl's cooking was always simple, but delicious. Vinly leviated the sandwhich for Octavia, she took a bite it was delicious as usual when Octavia was done chewing the crunchy carrots, the soft daisies, and the fluffy bread Octavia gulped, "Vinyl I am sorry how I reacted, rememeber we will always be friends. Are you still coming to my concert tonight?"

"Of course I will be there to cheer you on."

"Okay.", Octavia leaned in and gave Vinyl a hug.

The day progressed on Octavia met at the stage were she rehearsed the piece she would preform that night. One of her orchestral mates was working the piano in accompaniment with Octavia and her cello. It was almost time to begin and Octavia wanted to know where Vinyl was picking up her phone Octavia pressed Vinyl's call button, "Vinyl are you going to get here. The concert is going to begin in a little bit.", Octavia finished in a flustered voice

"Okay Octi cool down I said that I was going to be there I just have to finish this job. Only a few more minutes and I will need to get a drink before I come.", Vinyl said over the roar of the music and crowd she was D.J.ing for.

"Okay just don't forget the concert begins in 10 minutes."

It had been 10 minutes and the curtains began to pull back. Octavia survied the audience for Vinyl there was no blue mane in the crowd. She began with the piano and cello accompaniment. Octavia looked farther into the small sized crowd she noticed her mother. The preformance continued on and as the curtains began to pull again Octavia looked once more into the crowd for the telltale neon blue mane, which was not there. Octavia began to walk off stage she noticed her mother standing in front of her dressing room.

"Hi, honey great prefromance and I am having a dinner party this coming weekend so of course you are invited you have to come.", The mare finished with a forced warm smile. The mare did not look much different from when Octavia was young except for the graying mane, tail, and coat.

Setting the cello down into its case her mother left. Rushing back to the stage Octavia peared out of the curtains looking for Vinyl again, nothing, another prefromance missed.

Vinyl walked up the street from the night club, she reached the apartment when she opened the door, Vinyl looked up the foyer and she saw all of her belongings which were stacked in a small pyramid. Opening the second door to the apartment Vinyl walked in.

Octavia lay there on her bed tears silently flowing from her eyes, muttering to herself, "Vinyl I wish I could really tell you how I feel. How I want to be with you. How I want you to be there for me, but you proved to me tonight that you are unreliable." Octavia heard the front door click close she took a tissue from her bedside table, whipped her eyes and blew her nose and walked out into the living room.

"Octi I feel so bad I meant to get there, but I had to they made me keep going."

"Oh Vinyl shut it you could have been there even if you walked in after I was done I would have been happy anyway. You proved to me that you are unreliable. I am sorry, but I am done with this trying to except that you are never there for me and I want you to move out, no not move out I am kicking you out."

Vinyl could only think of one thing to do at that time she walked over to Octavia and gave her big hug.

"No, Octavia I want to stay, don't kick me out."

"I am sorry Vinyl, but you are too unreliable and this whatever this relationship is I am tired of it."

"Wait Octavia, no I want you to know something."

"Know what Vinyl?"

"Know how I feel about you Octavia."

Then Vinyl leaned in and began the kiss. The two just stood there intermixing tounges enjoying the moment. They both lifted there hooves to each others cheek, the kiss deepened until Vinyl felt tears roll down Octavia's face; Octavia pulled away.

"Vinyl as much as I want you I can't have you."

Vinyl looked into those ameythust eyes she felt her heart break. Octavia saw into those deep ruby eyes and she left them. Vinyl realized what the words of Octavia had said. Vinyl understood taking a pair of scissors Vinyl cut a lock of deep black mane from Octavia's head Vinyl levitated the lock and set the pair of scissors on a stand. Vinyl walked out of the apartment.

That is when Octavia broke.