• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 19,692 Views, 199 Comments

SCP-███ - Journeyman

Why does Equestria seem so peaceful? Because it's our job to lock up all the monsters. Behind our walls lie demons, darkness, and all the keys to set them loose. Welcome to the Foundation.

  • ...

SCP-724 — Devil in the Dark

Item #: SCP-724

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Temporary Facility ██-██ has been restructured into a permanent facility (Containment Area 23) with its own on-site staff to contain the threat. The top level is sealed off from the outside world with a 3x7 meter carbon steel blast door capable of withstanding unicorn energy discharges up to 9.2 on the Standard Equestrian Index.

A two hundred (200) meter “red zone” surrounding SCP-724 must be patrolled at all times by no less than four (4) armed squads. Should any civilians enter the red zone or its aerospace, they are to be detained and given a Class-A Mnemonic Enchantment before being released. Particular care must be given to the implanted memories to ensure no return trip is planned. A store of gathered false and certified artifacts are on site and must be fully stocked at all times in case distribution to civilians becomes necessary.

A single security station is located on the ground entrance of the facility and must be staffed by three (3) agents at all times. All security personnel and researchers are to remain armed at all times, including unicorns trained for magical combat. Removing personal weapons at any time is grounds for suspension. Unauthorized removal of weapons from the security station is grounds for immediate termination. Armaments can be customized to suit any species and include:

► Spears
► Swords
► Concussion mines
► Alchemist Fire
► Alchemist Acid
► Wrist/fetlock-mounted spring-loaded projectile launchers
► Fragmenting gunpowder grenades laced with anticoagulant shrapnel
► Draconic incendiary flares
► Stonebiter corrosive bile
► A-class unicorn leyline drivers

Brass and iron armor plating for all known races to inflict melee damage including:
► Brass knuckles
► Armored Helmets
► Weights for races with tails or prehensile limbs
► Custom fitting for all limbs to inflict bludgeoning damage

Armor can be fitted with blades or other weapons upon request.

A separate squad of five (5) agents must be prepared to operate a ███████ magic-propelled mass driver on a pintle mount with a clear line of sight into the first floor entrance of Containment Area 23. If SCP-724-1 or instances of SCP-724-2 swarm the exit, agents are to keep firing until all ammunition has been depleted. Agents or researchers in direct line of fire of the entrance are considered expendable.

Two (2) self-perpetuating leyline generators capable of producing 1,000 lux illumination shall be placed on every level of the facility with multiple redundant backup feeds in case of failure. SCP-724-1 has shown to have a slower rate of locomotion through brightly-lit areas, so illumination is the number one priority on site.

Backup generators, lanterns, candles, bioluminescent moss, light-blessed stone, and miscellaneous light sources are placed in a storage locker on every floor. It is required for all staff, including researchers, to be able to find all lockers on all levels in complete darkness. Any faults with the leyline generators or their backup systems are to be immediately reported, regardless of the fault. All personnel are to have no less than two (2) separate light sources on them at all times. Failure to comply is grounds for suspension, demotion, or termination depending on the severity of the infraction. To prevent unseen shadows from occurring, all light sources are to be implanted on the ground and ceiling. If there are any large shadows anywhere under Foundation control, or if activity from site personnel induces shadows, the source is to be reported immediately.

All personnel must undergo a thorough background check and display total loyalty to the Foundation. Due to the nature of dispatching instances of SCP-724-2, marked psychopathy or sadistic impulses is not automatic grounds for rejection. As SCP-724-2 instances learn from incursions with agents, all field agents and security personnel must be experienced in counter intrusion tactics. Should any instances of SCP-724-2 be discovered, they are to be terminated on sight. Any agents showing mercy or pity on instances of SCP-724-2 will be terminated. No D-Class personnel are allowed on any floors not under Foundation control. No physical or linguistic contact is to be made with SCP-724-1 under any circumstance. In case of capture by SCP-724-1 or instances of SCP-724-2, agents are ordered to self terminate.

All agents are instructed to move in squads. All SCP-724-2 are to be engaged in groups, never alone. Should any instances of SCP-724-2 be discovered, they are to be immediately destroyed by any means necessary, if the situation is reasonably practical. Invertebrates must suffer massive bodily trauma in order to terminate. Vertebrates must have the spinal column severed or suffer critical damage to the cranium in order to terminate. If the situation is safe enough to do so, all instances must remain under constant attack until confirmed body death. Any unconventional or inorganic SCP-724-2 entity is to be reported immediately.

Containment Area 23 must be staffed at all times by no less one hundred (100) security staff. The ratio of security personnel to the sum of all other staff must be no less than 2:1. Due to SCP-724’s proximity to civilian residences and inability to be moved, an Overseer-level or other agent of level five (5) clearance is to be on site at all times to observe any gained or lost ground to SCP-724. Should Containment Area 23 lose control of any of the top three (3) underground floors, the Overseer or highest-ranking staff member is to decrypt and consult the Barata Emergency Orders and submit the contained instructions to all SCP Facilities, Mobile Task Forces, the O5 Council, and the Administrator.

In the event of SCP-724 reaches a full breach and escapes, unsealing Containment Area 23’s Singularity Core is authorized. This will result in the complete destruction of Containment Area 23. As the corporeal nature of SCP-724-1 is in question, unsealing the core may not destroy SCP-724-1. Thus, unsealing the core is only considered a last resort in containing SCP-724-1.

Description: SCP-724 lies in an abandoned, dilapidated installation located deep in the ████████ ██████ region filling approximately 50,000 square meters. Most of the masonry is composed of quartz, granite, gneiss, and ██████. The facility has four (4) floors above ground and twelve (12) below ground. Please note that due to the nature and location of the facility, [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-724-1 is a semi-corporeal entity residing in the underground floors of the installation. It uses shadows primarily for locomotion, even traveling through shadows that are not physically touching in normal space. As SCP-724-1’s true form only exists in absolute darkness, no complete description of the entity can be procured other than vague descriptions (See Addendum 724-1-1). Several incursion reports indicate SCP-724-1 to be a fibrous, black creature composed of filament shadows and decayed [REDACTED] that show a severe decrease in locomotion in brighter areas. Dimensions vary widely, from an amorphous 1x2x2 meter entity to a solid 10x12x10 meter shape. SCP-724-1 is capable of phasing through solid rock, unicorn barrier shields, and [REDACTED].

Any biological entity that enters infected SCP-724-1 shadows becomes pliable to mental domination and infection by it, creating an instance of SCP-724-2. Contaminated life forms show an increased propensity for violence, bloodlust, sadism, self-mutilation, narcissism, cannibalism, psychosis, and [REDACTED]. Infected are externally marked by hemorrhaging blood from orifices, blackened sclera, and reverberating voice.

Although SCP-724-1 will willingly attack and infect animals found underground, it appears to have a preference for more complex life forms. Due to SCP-724-1’s manipulation of SCP-724-2 and its ability to learn from incursions with agents, SCP-724-1 is considered sapient. There is no known limit as to how many instances of SCP-724-2 it can control. It has been known to use memories of captured agents and researchers to emotionally manipulate others to step into the shadows for infection.

If SCP-724-2 cannot force agents into the shadows for assimilation, SCP-724-2 have been known to violently attack agents by gouging, bludgeoning, biting, and [REDACTED] even after death has been confirmed.

Doctor ████ ██████ after infection.

Containment History: The Foundation suspected activity in the [REDACTED] region after Incident Report 213. This was further supported by research gathered by Foundation researchers and embedded agents in the Canterlot Court. Mobile Task Forces Delta-7, Sigma-6, and Epsilon-12 prepared to respond to a possible GH-Class end-of-the-world scenario. Upon arrival, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Princess Celestia [DATA EXPUNGED].



The Foundation retained custody of the facility, soon discovering the SCP-724-1 entity. See Addendum 724-27346-1 for details.

Addendum 724-27346-1: Transcript of recording on ██/██/████. Doctor ███ is speaking with Agent Lo concerning an attack on his squad by an entity later classified as SCP-724-1, later classified as Incident Report 224.

Interviewer: Doctor ███
Interviewee: Agent Lo, 2nd Lieutenant


Agent Lo: This thing on? [Agent taps recording device]

Doctor ███: I assure you it is, agent. Now, what happened?

Agent Lo: This records everything?

Doctor ███: Indeed

Agent Lo: [Agent sighs] Okay... I was with a squad doing some standard recon. Nothing’s been down there for fuck knows how long, so it was our job to map the place and set up some lights for the suits.

Doctor ███: How many were in your squad?

Agent Lo: Sixteen. Due to this place’s history, maximum squad numbers were in order. Ten griffons, a unicorn, and five ground pounders.

Doctor ███: Earth ponies?

Agent Lo: Yeah, yeah, sure. [Agent waves his talons dismissively]

Doctor ███: Continue.

Agent Lo: We got nothin’ for the first five hours and got to floor eight. Took a break halfway through and busted out some rations, but nothing of interest happened. Place gave everyone the willies, but what do you expect? We were under a shitload of stone and earth, untouched by time, and it could have all come tumbling down at any moment. The place kept creaking and we kept hearing noises and what sounded like rushing wind. Squad kept getting jittery, but I told them to nut the fuck up and keep going. [Agent laughs] Shoulda’ listened to them while I had the chance.

Doctor ███: When did you encounter the threat?

Agent Lo: Almost five hours on the dot. Just as we were about to head down the stairs and into floor nine, one of my men started freaking out and dangling his lantern back and forth like a jackass. I ordered a halt and asked him what was up and he said the shadows were moving when his lantern wasn’t. He was trying to see if there was something hiding from us.

Doctor ███: The entity did not immediately attack?

Agent Lo: Nope. We knew something was up, though. Heard a bunch of whispering from the lower level, and that’s when it came. Some black... thing came crawling out of whatever hellhole it had been sleeping in. It...[Agent trails off and shudders]

Doctor ███: Agent?


Doctor ███: [Doctor ███ pales visibly]

Agent Lo: Yeah, I did the same. He started coughing up some black crap. Don’t know what it was, but it looked just like a glob of shadows. He looked up and his eyes were all black and such, and it was then I knew how fucked we all were.


He was lucky; got his throat torn out. Died before he even knew what happened. Yana wasn’t so lucky and was dragged off into the dark. Right then and there it stopped being recon and started being search and rescue. I knew better. I should have known better.

Doctor ███: Are you saying the death of your squad was your fault?

Agent Lo: I want to say no... but I know better. It was a basic skirmishing tactic as old as time itself. Attack to get an enemy’s attention, only to lure them into a larger ambush... Yeah, it was my fault.

Doctor ███: Let this go on record that Agent Lo accepts full responsibility for the deaths of his squad. What happened next, Agent?

Agent Lo: We entered the darkness like dumbasses. It was a shooting gallery. Saw a bunch of my men with those blank eyes and a load of animals that looked like they’d been through a meat grinder; some had the flesh stripped right off their bones, but they all had the same black eyes. They were just standing there as we entered the fourth level. They didn’t need to do anything else; we were in enough darkness that it was no problem to pick us off one by one.


I’ve never seen so much blood. I’ve been around the block a couple times. I know seven ways to kill you with that quill you got on the desk there. But I ain’t never seen anyplace get turned into a bloodbath that fast. I was wearing half of my men and the other half were out for my goddamn blood. I could barely see with dirt and blood and crap caked all over my face. Who knows what I stumbled through. Being top in PT and having a functional pair of night vision goggles saved my life. After that, I hauled ass out of there as soon as I could.

Doctor ███: Thank you, First Lieutenant; I have all that I need.


Addendum 724-27346-2: Secondary exploration team of the underground levels of the SCP-724 site. The members consist of three M.T.F. Sigma-6 members (Mr. D, Mr. N, Mr. E), and three agents (Mr. S, Mr. G, Dr. H), and their names have been replaced in this report for security reasons. Members were specially selected for their experience in hostile environments in high risk situations. Due to the uncertainty and scale of the threat during Incident Report 224, Sigma-6 was tasked with tactical recon to measure the danger and instructed to avoid engaging the threat as long as it was reasonably practical.

A security team armed against heavy resistance was placed at the stairs of every floor to protect and backup Sigma-6 as they descended deeper.

Mission time began on 09:00 on ██/██/████. Temporary Facility ██-██’s Tactical Operations Command (TOC) is on standby and cataloging events as they unfold.

D: Weapons check.

N: Armed and ready.

E: Weapons ready.

S: Weapons ready.

G: Weapons ready.

H: Ready as I’ll ever be.

D: TOC, operation is a go. Proceeding into basement level one. Do you read?

TOC: D, TOC. We read you loud and clear. Continue with primary objective. Lethal force is authorized.

D: Acknowledged.

<Inconsequential audio deleted.>

D: TOC, this is D, we are approaching the stairwell to level two. No sign of hostiles. Looks like this floor is clear. No signs of movement or anomalous activity.

TOC: This is TOC. Please hold position until reinforcements arrive. H, what is your report as of now?

H: As the stallion said, no anomalous activity. I’m detecting no memetic tampering of any kind. Nerves are high, but what did you expect? So far, everything is within expected baselines.

<Inconsequential audio deleted.>

H: This isn’t right. Crawlers like this don’t have any predators in this part of the world. They’re blind burrowers. Nothing eviscerates them like this.

G: Doc’s right. This shit’s not normal.

D: Easy, calm your tits. Whatever happened, happened on the ninth floor.

N: Doesn’t mean that whatever it was can’t move.

D: Right. Everyone, eyes and ears open. TOC, approaching third floor stairwell. Third floor is clear, but signs of violence are present. We may have been detected.

<Team proceeds to floor six with little incident>

S: I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.

G: I agree. With all this light, we’re broadcasting our position.

E: That’s why I’m here. I see noth—shit!

D: Fire at will!

<Sounds of unicorn firefight>

TOC: Sigma-6, what have you engaged?

E: Our boys! That thing was wearing SCP gear!

H: S is hit!

TOC: Please elaborate. Describe what you saw.

G: Our guys! We have engaged hostile SCP members!

S: Your six!

<Comms are cut with interference for six (6) seconds. Later analysis of logs determine interference was caused by a unicorn discharge. Remote signature matches the unicorn from Agent Lo’s patrol.>

D: TOC, multiple ho–

G: Not today, you f–

H: Drag him over here!

D: –missing strike team!

TOC: Sigma 6, we are receiving heavy radio interference. If you can hear this message, return to the stairwell.

<Sudden burst of radio static lasting for twelve seconds.>

E: Kill that son of a bitch!

N: Fucker got me in the leg!

G: ...Where is S?

<Four seconds of radio interference. When comms return, the sound of a loud crack echoes over the radio.>

E: Try smiling now you little shit.

H: What is that! What the fuck is that!

TOC: Sigma 6, please respond. Return to the stairwell. That is an order.

<Three seconds of radio interference>

D: Fall back! Don’t touch that thing!

E: S—

H: Leave him!

N: For fucks sake, make them stop laughing...

<Three seconds of radio interference>

S: (eight seconds of a single sustained scream)

<Two seconds of radio interference>

D: Blow the walls!

S: (Voice has taken on a new tenor) You’ll like what she has planned...

Unidentified voice: Make it stop...

<Sounds of heavy artillery fire, followed by five seconds of radio interference>

H: Oh Celestia, on the stars above, please—

D: She’s not the one listening to prayers down here.

<Sporadic radio contact over the next ten minutes before radio failure>

E: Get him off!

G: (laughter)

S: Please don’t leave me alone ag—

N: —I keep shoo—

H: Not again, not again, not again, not again, not again, not again—

D: —in my eye—

G: It’s beautiful.

Sigma 6 returned to the stairwell to floor five with heavy casualties. Mr. E died due to exsanguination from multiple wounds. Mr. S and Mr. G are now listed as missing in the line of duty while exploring SCP-724 and declared infected by SCP-724-1. Doctor H received a commendation and the Foundation Star for rescuing Mr. N and keeping him stable long enough for recovery. A total of eight (8) SCP-724-2 entities were neutralized during the attack, including six former members of Agent Lo’s squad and two (2) [REDACTED].

Defenses were shored up to prevent further hostile incursions on floor five. Subject received official classification and object class of Keter (See Dr H’s Field Report).

The anonymous voice was not one of the listed missing from Agent Lo’s squad, or any part of the Sigma 6 exploration team. Analysis is still ongoing, but the voice is confirmed to be equine, and yet not any known Foundation agent or person of interest.

Addendum 724-27346-3: Transcript of recording on ██/██/████. Doctor Nova is speaking with a captured Doctor ████ ██████ after she became contaminated by SCP-724-1. Doctor ██████ is caged and chained to the floor to prevent attacks on staff. The interview is overseen by Assistant Director Zed.

Interviewer: Doctor Nova
Interviewee: Doctor ████ ██████


Doctor Nova: State your name.

Doctor ██████: [Doctor ██████ is silent. At the start of the questioning, Doctor ██████ is near the back of the cell staring at her hoofs]

Doctor Nova: Do you know what facility you are in?

Doctor ██████: [Silence]

Doctor Nova: Do you know who I am?

Doctor ██████: [Silence]

Doctor Nova: Do you know how you got here?

Doctor ██████: [Silence]

Doctor Nova: Do you know where you are?

Doctor ██████████: [Doctor ██████ stirs but is silent]

Doctor Nova: Do you know who formerly resided in this facility before the Foundation took control?

Doctor ██████: [Whispers] So quiet...

Doctor Nova: Pardon?

Doctor ██████: [Silence]

Doctor Nova: Can you hear me well enough?

Doctor ██████: [Silence]

Doctor Nova: [Doctor Nova pauses before speaking hesitantly] ...Is something speaking to you?

Doctor ██████: [Giggles] Cold... so cold...

Doctor Nova: [Speaking to one of the staff] Up the temperature two degrees. We’re getting somewhere at least.

Doctor ██████: That won’t help.

[Doctor ██████ gets to her hooves and walks towards the bars, but the slack tightens and prevents her from reaching them.]

Doctor Nova: How can I help?

Doctor ██████: Just... listen.

Doctor Nova: [Hesitantly sits down] Very well; I’m listening.

Doctor ██████: Do you hear it?

Doctor Nova: Is there something in particular I should pay attention to?

Doctor ██████: I can hear it.

Doctor Nova: [Pauses] ...What does it have to say?

Doctor ██████: I told you. It’s so cold there.

Doctor Nova: Where is it?

Doctor ██████: Waiting.

Doctor Nova: Waiting where?

Doctor ██████: The lonely... [Doctor ██████ begins thrashing and laughing violently and must be further restrained.]

Doctor Nova: Why do you hurt yourself?

Doctor ██████: [Rapid panting]

Doctor Nova: Can you talk about what you are hearing?

Doctor ██████: Come a little closer...

Doctor Nova: [Doctor Nova slowly approaches the bars]

Doctor ██████: It is so cold in the darkness, to be lost. When you can’t see, you grasp at even the slightest glimpse of light. She thinks she can escape.

Doctor Nova: [Directed towards staff] What’s happening to ██████?

Nurse █████████: I don’t know! Her eyes just won’t stop bleeding!

Doctor ██████: I know the shadow’s last words. I know why it clings to her so dearly.

Doctor Nova: Why is that? Who is this “she?”

Doctor ██████: Because [NAME REDACTED] is wrong. It’s not that ███ █████ ████ ████ ███████, ███ ████████ ████ ████ ███████. And [NAME REDACTED] thinks she can just wish it all away...

Nurse █████████: I can’t stop the bleeding!

Doctor Nova: [Laughter] You’re all going to die down here.

(At this point the interview was abruptly terminated by Assistant Director Zed. All captured hostiles were placed in secure containment and all further interviews were placed on permanent hiatus until further notice.)


Addendum 724-27346-3 seems to indicate a loose telepathic link between instances of SCP-724-2 and SCP-724-1 itself. If this holds true, then it is possible the link works in reverse. No entities of any kind must be allowed to leave SCP-724, for they may be conduits to gather information for SCP-724-1. Contaminated life forms are to be terminated at any cost.
~Assistant Director Zed

SCP Foundation Homesite
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