• Published 30th Sep 2013
  • 465 Views, 2 Comments

The Rainbow Trials - Foxes33

Rainbow Dash decides she wants to see more of the world, but gets caught and wound up in trials that may just end her life.

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The Awakening

2. Awakening

This floor is cold, I don't know where I am, all I do know is that I was knocked out, that I left my friends and now I am here, and I don't know where here is.

A cold metal room that seemed more like a box, there was a small washroom and a bed, but there was nothing else, just the cold grey metal walls. There was a door of course, but there was no handle on the inside, what was on the other side was unknown. After being unconscious for about three hours, the young sky blue pony with a rainbow mane awaken. Rainbow Dash groaned as she awoke, as though she had been hit by millions of rocks that had rained down.

"Where I am I?" She mumbled as she rubbed the back of her head, ruffling her mane a little.

She had a few small cuts that covered her body, that caused more pain. The cold ground seemed to chill her to the bone, as though any moment her teeth would begin to chatter just from sitting on it. She gained her wits and was able to stand, her legs only crying in tiny cries of pain. Another groan escaped her mouth, she was so uncertain. She stumbled over to the small bed, seeing the light brown bed stand that had a note on it.

Dear, Rainbow Dash,

Don't worry deary, you are safe now, you may feel pain, but you are safe.

You may not sleep tonight, but you had to come here, the reason can't be

told, but don't worry.

Sincerely, Jasmine Flowers

Rainbow read the note, over and over, all said the same, it didn't tell her why she was here or where here was for that matter. She let out a sigh, still unsure of what would happen, what if the note was wrong and it was morning? What if they were going to hurt her? Calm down, I can't think of negatives, for all I know I could have hallucinated the dart, perhaps I still am hallucinating, but I doubt it. It seems too real. Rainbow thought as she flopped onto the bed.

She still felt tired, even after her 'nap' you could say. She let out a large yawn and closed her eyes, letting thoughts conquer her mind. Who is Jasmine Flowers? Why I am I here? Am I no longer in Equestria? Will my friends come for me anyways? She sighed, slipping over to face the still opened note that seemed to stare at her in a mocking way. She put her hoof down on it, closing it and then pushed it off the table, so she wouldn't have to look at it. She felt lonely here, none of her friends were here, she was alone, yet she felt she wasn't.

If there are ponies running this place, then there has to be a reason, they wouldn't just kill me. Right? Rainbow thought, feeling worried about her fate, but she wondered if they were after her friends too. The pain of leaving now burned inside of her, what if she had lead Equestria into something that could end in fatalities and perils. Her heart thudded with what could be fear, or was it the ever forsaking silence that surrounded her. All she could do was think, there was no one here and she could see the roof so flying was useless.

Even though tired she felt restless, she couldn't sleep, but she had to try, she could maybe stretch or even she could fly a little, or find a way out, but the note told her note to worry, it told her she was safe, but she wasn't sure to believe this Jasmine Flowers. What if Jasmine Flowers wasn't even her real name? She is named after a flower and her last name is Flowers? It all seemed messed up to Rainbow as she laid in the bed.

However she soon shut her thoughts out and began to fall into the deep spell of sleep. It was slow and almost time wasting, but she knew she needed it and she was finally at piece during the dreamless sleep.

The Next Morning

When Rainbow Dash awakened once again, she on the cold floor once more, feeling the metal touch her skin. She remembered going to bed, yet she was on the floor and confusion settled in as she lifted herself off the floor. She looked around, seeing the ceiling was higher then it was before. It seemed like an obstacle course, there were bright red hopes, and a strange box with a hole, she presumed she had to go though, she however wasn't sure what was beyond that, her view being blocked. Then there was a small screech like sound, her ears pricked and she turned to see an intercom, it made buzzing noises until it came through and was on.

"Hello there Rainbow Dash," the voice of a stallion coming though the intercom, "I am Dusty Rose, today I will be giving you some instruction on out Trial. As you can see there is a obstacle course set up, your mission is to go through it, there maybe parts that will confuse you, so you can call my name and I will answer." There was a last noise of Dusty Rose, a mischievous cackle that made Rainbow nervous.

She didn't bother to answer him, as for she loved flying, she took off in an instant, her wings making rhythmical sounds as they flapped. She soon began to gain speed as she twirled through the hopes, adding some originality as she moved easily through. Winding through large bars that went down, her belly and back facing the long poles of metal. She felt no need for the goggles, but decided to keep them with her, they wouldn't give her something useless, right? She went through the entrance of the block to see spinning fan blades, they were fast.

Rainbow landed for a second, just to think, she knew she could blast through, but at what price? The blades were circle, but the edges were knife-like and ready to slice anything that stopped between them. Her heart rate went higher, but she soothed, breathing slowly and getting her confidence up.

"I can do this." She whispered to herself, trying to comfort her.

Her wings began to flap as she backed up and went to the edge of one side of the fan, she could see the exit across from her, and she began to move. Closer and closer she came to the blades, picking up speed as she went, propelling herself forward. She knew she couldn't stop no matter what, she had to try. She blasted through, the blade missing her by a hair and she soon smiled cockily at it. However there was more to be done, so she felt flying and came face-to-face with a large fire.

She cocked her head, a little confused by the giant flame, she looked in all directions and there was nothing else to be seen.

"Dusty Rose?" She called, "What I am I supposed to do here?"

This time a hologram of a dusty brown stallion with a pinkish mane appeared, "You are to fly through the flames and get to the other side." He answered.

"What? That makes no sense, I never heard of a Pegasus who was stupid enough to fly into fire." Rainbow Dash stated, as she crossed her arms, still hovering.

"Maybe so, but if you don't do it, you will never go home and we will be forced to kill you, your choice." He gave a villainous smile and then the image disappeared.

Either way, Rainbow was gambling with her life, she didn't know quit what to do, but she felt there was only one choice, to fly through the high flames of the large fire. She wanted to see her friends and not going through would make her death not a struggle, and she would die a quitter. She lowered the googlies on her head, and back up to the wall of the box, and began to propel forward, her speed gaining as she tried to make air come all around her.

If I want to be the best flier in all of Equestria, this has to be done, I have to focus and gain speed. She thought, stating the obvious in her mind so no one could hear. Faster and faster she went, closer to the flames that flickers close, she could now feel the heat. Then she burst in, closing her eyes for a second. When she opened them she saw all the colors of the flames, she was fine, enough air had been generated and she found it breath taking. The colors of red, orange and yellowed danced together in front of her, until she burst through the flames onto a platform.

There were a few black tufts of lightly burnt fur, but nothing serious, she stood, waiting to be greeted hopefully. She could see the dark hallway and she could hear footsteps coming and she smiled bravely. Then a dart came and before she could dodge it, it hit her in the chest. Her eyes began to cloud with inky darkness again, and she slipped into unconsciousness for the second time.