• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 1,864 Views, 97 Comments

The Chimera - Scarheart

Book Two of "The Prince of the Changelings" following events immediately following "Rise of the Dragonking". Equestria is at war. The children of the Dragonking are unleashed as their resurrected father begins to weave his web o

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Chimera 6: Topaz Tranquility

Welcome to the Shimmering Beacon. Located at the end of a vast expanse of desert, this changeling city was one of the oldest in the world, its inhabitants proud of its more than five thousand year history. The changelings had many names for the ancient bastion of their history and their culture. It was remarkably beautiful, constructed of marbled quartz from the outer wall all the way to the spires stretching up into the desert sun. It rivaled Canterlot in its mystique. The Queens taught their new little charges to call their new home Kahsoon. It was a word to mean 'gleaming' or 'shining' in ancient Topazian (each changeling kingdom has their own ancient dialect).

Behind the city lay the vast expanse of another kind of desert; the ocean. Shimmering Beacon was the largest port city on the continent and constantly bustled with cargo ships going in and out of the harbor. It was a great circle of stones constructed by ancient engineers long ago into an extension of the natural harbor, built to shelter ships from the frequent hurricanes during their season from late spring to early autumn. Designed to accommodate over a thousand ships, there was always a line of vessels waiting to come in. Discussions were being made in expanding the current artificial harbor.

The Shimmering City also had the distinction of being a vacation spot for the rich and powerful. It was a living, breathing city, rivaling even Manehatten. But it was on the side of the world completely unknown to Equestria. Here was the heart of Aquilla.

They were going to the beach! The Queens Tappaz and Tappis had promised both Atalanta and Star Journey they would go if they did their lessons and were very good since coming to Kahsoon. They even asked Uncle Scareye if he wanted to go with them, wanting to share this treat with their favorite uncle. The one-eyed Alicorn politely declined, bending to one knee and gathering them both up for hugs and promising to see them before they retired from the beach for the day. There was just one more thing he wanted to see to.

Uncle Scareye kept his promises.

"Come, children," called Tappaz and Tappis in one voice. "Your uncle is a very busy stallion. He will be along as soon as his duties are done. Fret not. He will come, our little darlings!" Each queen soon had her favorite precious in her hooves, liberally assaulting them with affectionate kisses. At any given moment the queens would switch their favorites.

Ah, how they bathed in the love directed at them! This was the best way to feed. Any changeling who suggested otherwise did not know how to live. Atalanta and Star Journey were both picked up and deposited piggyback upon their respective mother's back. Servants had already prepared a spot for them at the beach, reserved strictly for them. Deciding to make it a walk, the two queens strode side by side, nuzzling each other and their new family along the way.

Star Journey had finally mastered his ability to levitate things with his horn, his magic finally focused after such a long a fuzzy time he couldn't remember anymore. It didn't matter. He was happy and had lots and lots of attention from both Tappaz and Tappis. He also had a playmate in Atalanta and they shared learning together and were now inseparable. As they rode on the backs of the Topaz Queens, the colt and filly engaged in a game of patty cake.

The Queens giggled at the silly game, not minding at all as the love they were getting was simply divine. A thousand soldiers awaited them when they went outside, some in the air, some taking pre arranged positions around their Majesties. Two servants bearing great umbrellas to shield the royal queens from the merciless rays of the desert sun greeted them, hovering with practiced ease. They were to not allow one flare of the hot sun touch the beautiful mares and their children.

One of the umbrella bearers fumbled with his and dropped it on accident. It dropped, clattered, and rolled some distance down the steps where the entourage awaited. Tappis and Tappas stopped in mid stride, regarding the changeling as he scrambled after his umbrella. When he clutched it in his grasp, he felt the shadows fall over him. Immediately, still holding on to his duty, he spun and bowed pitifully to his looming queens.

Atalanta and Star Journey stared at him with curiosity.

The servant banged his head repeatedly against the stone, begging forgiveness, his wings fluttering in his fear. Impassively, the queens both began to share a topaz glow to their horns. An invisible force gently plucked him off the ground. The servant's heart could suddenly be heard beating among those gathered. All movement ceased as changeling eyes fixed on the scene, some with horror, others with gleeful expectations.

Another example in the making.

Tappis began to squeeze his neck slowly as Tappaz began to twist one leg. Both maintained impassive indifference, but their eyes began to gleam with cruel pleasure. One leg snapped. Tappis released the pressure on the neck. The changeling screamed in pain. It was repeated for the other leg. Then the other. Then the last. Each time the servant would scream in agony, beg forgiveness and struggle feebly. The queens shifted their grips, Tappaz taking the neck while Tappis put up a shield between them and their victim. Ecstatic smiles and fangs gleamed in the sunlight as they reveled in the pain. Together they shared in the terror, the fear, drinking it in. With a final burst of magic, the servant's head was crushed. All struggles ceased.

Atalanta and Star Journey stared at the corpse with curiosity.

The body was dropped and the queens daintily stepped around the mess. Tappis dropped the gore-streaked magical barrier and everything fell to the ground with little plopping sounds. A new servant was conscripted to carry a new umbrella. The old one was now messy.

"What did we learn -" started Tappaz. Tappis finished, "- from this lesson?"

"There is no room for clumsy fools in your service!" chimed Star Journey.

Not to be outdone, Atalanta's reply was, "One must always pay attention to one's duty!"

Pleased, the Topaz Queens nuzzled their children as a reward just as a new servant with more shade appeared in the place of the previous fellow. A crew was already in the process of cleaning up the mess. Ignoring them, the odd family set for the beach, not at all bothered by the minor inconvenience behind them. The green glows in the eyes of the colt and filly reflected nothing but complete love and adoration for their mothers.

Twilight Sparkle was surrounded by darkness, a single shaft of white light bathing her battered form. She was battered, having suffered indignities at the hooves - no, claws of Flamespyre. Dry blood caked her coat. Most of her primary feathers had been plucked or cut from her. Her mane had been shorn from her. Worst of all was her broken horn.

Her only thoughts were of her son and how he must be worrying about her. She wished she wasn't in such a sorry state. Twilight Sparkle wept.

"It doesn't have to be like this," whispered Flamesypre from somewhere in the darkness.

The Alicorn raised her head and found herself unharmed. It had been another illusion, another play upon her mind. Another trick. The mind games this monster could play was fathomless. Twilight understood this was her mind, rather the inside of it where the monster toyed with her and worked to break her.

"I have given your son to the Topaz Queens. Tappis, dear sweet Tappis has taken it upon herself to love him as her own. Poor thing. Far more deserving of a mother who will spend time with him, love him, nuture him." She could hear his hoofsteps as he went around her still form, sitting beneath that shaft of light. Her ears followed his voice.

Was this a dream? Was this her mind? She was no longer sure. Sleep seemed to be a memory. Nightmares blended with reality. The familiar black form of the Alicorn stallion remained hidden, though she did catch glimpses of a certain red glow thrown her way. She could not bite at his twisting jab at her. She used her mental discipine, having yet to fall to her own anxieties. Twilight had worked very hard to overcome those panic attacks from her younger days.

"My, my, my, what have we here?" Flamespyre chortled. "Oh this is wonderful walking into your closet of anxieties! Obsessive compulsive. Everything must be organized and re-organized of something is so much as a hair out of place. Certain things must be done at certain times. I'm impressed you've managed to control them. Then again, you are an Alicorn." He chuckled, moving in a clockwise direction and passing in front of Twilight.

"Let me go. Let me have my son," she demanded in a feeble voice with no command.

There was a pause in the echoing steps beyond her field of vision. "Now why would I do that? I have plans for you and for Luna. A new world is coming and there are some things I wish to do. But not without cooperation. Before I tell you what I plan, you will submit to me completely, utterly, and forever. It has come to my attention your kind are endangered. Perhaps I was hasty in deciding to do away with you all."

He was suddenly behind her, breathing over her shoulder.

"So much to do, so little time."

Twilight Sparkle felt utter dread in her heart as she shied from the monster. She could not move as his magic held her firmly in place.

"You are the Element of Magic, yes?" Flamespyre withdrew and resumed his nerve-wracking pacing around her, the sound of his hooves echoing ominously. "Your grasp of the arcane is impressive. Your knowledge is remarkable. Your desire to learn insatiable. Your ability to think critically is sorely lacking in my children."

"What do you want?" Twilight asked tiredly. She so wanted to sleep, but only nightmares awaited her there. Ever since her son had disappeared with those changeling queens, she had been subject to mental torture to go with the physical torture. Some of the visions had been truly horrible, the worst being seeing the dead foals all around her while Celestia wept helplessly, clutching the lifeless form of Luna in her hooves. The killer had been none other that Twilight Sparkle herself as she saw herself reflected in the eyes of the Sun Princess as the killing blow fell.

"How about I tell you instead a story. A very, very old story. A love story, if you will." The ancient monster's voice had gone surprisingly soft. "I was young, once..."

Star Journey pawed at the lapping waves with a hoof, uncertain as he nervously looked up at the encouraging Tappis who smiled a few feet away as the water was halfway up her legs.

"Come, the water will not hurt you," she said, giggling. "You silly colt!"

Atalanta was already splashing with Tappaz. The changeling queen glistened with sea spray as the filly paddled after her. The mare swam sideways, enticing the darker changeling with encouraging words and praise. "Come, Star!" she tossed her mane and regarded him with a laugh. "The water is wonderful and Ata is already swimming well!" Tappis finished again for her sister, the transition seamless. It was difficult sometimes which one was speaking as they could mimic each other perfectly.

"Okay," he said, taking another step. The water was warm, at least. It felt nice lapping up his leg. He took another one and another. Soon the water was up to his plump little belly. It was pretty neat to look and see how his lavender coat darkened when it was wet. He ventured further, a small wave going over his chest and splashing a little sea water in his mouth.

So salty! He spat out the taste. Of course it refused to go away.

Tappis laughed merrily at his expense, but she meant it in good fun. He could feel her emanate warmth towards him. He responded by reaching her legs, his little hooves barely touching the sandy floor.

"Very good, Star," she praised him with a nuzzle. "The beach is such a wonderful way to enjoy a day after working so hard for so long. You have earned with with how well you have done with your lessons. Do you like your reward?" Tappis asked him anxiously. Tappaz paused in her play with Atalanta to hear the answer herself.

"I like it very much!" he decided. "Will I learn to swim, then mother?" Star Journey was hopeful as he gazed lovingly up at her.

"Of course, little one! Of course!" The Topaz Queen began to back up into the surf. "Come to me. Don't think about what your legs are doing. You have swimming built into you. It's natural, so let your instincts do the swimming for you," Tappis and Tappaz pinged off each other, their voices ringing out with perfectly rational instructions.

Star Journey found himself floundering at first, but neither of the queens moved to help him. Instead, they told him to relax, to not panic, to keep a cool head. "Lose your head, lose your life!" was the song the queens sang from time to time. The servant had lost his composure and it had cost him his final payment. Determined, the little pudgy colt focused on Tappis and paddled after her.

Her smile was huge when he finally made it to her, rolling on her back and floating while she placed him on her belly. "Very good, my little rolley polley!" she cried out.

"This is so much fun!" Atalanta told him as she rode on the belly of Tappaz. A wave rolled in, lifting the heads of the two queens before rolling down their lengths, lifting the children and carrying on to the beach.

"Continue to do well in your studies and the both of you can come down here as much as you like," Singly or doubly, the two queens spoke with one mind, weaving around each other in perfect harmony. "Your old mothers never did this for you, did they? They never let you have this sort of fun nor reward you properly for your hard work, did they?"



Atalanta and Star Journey shook their heads fiercely, compelled to think Tappaz and Tappis were the best mommies a colt and filly could ever ask for. They swam with the Topaz Queens for bit longer. Then it was announced lunch was ready.

Twilight Sparkle wanted to recoil from this dragon posing as an Alicorn stallion. He stared at her, reading her reaction, nodding and smiling as if he had expected no other response. "They all have many different mothers, my children. All of them Alicorns, save for the last one. She was special, something I created for myself to keep for myself. She was magnificent, Twilight Sparkle, you have no idea!"

"You're sick!" she spat at him, her ears laid back as she fought the tears she knew were coming. "Even if only half of what you say is true, you're a worse monster than Celestia thought you to be. Why kill them all?"

"I did what any sensible king does when his subjects get in the way of his goals. I had to eliminate them. I cared for none of them, mourned for them not. However, the last one, the one who bore me not one, but three offspring, she meant something to me." He grinned at her, the one eye blazing with amusement. "Which brings me to the question you posed earlier, about what I want."

Twilight did not want to hear the answer. It was already looming in her mind what he wanted.

"I am about to lose some children in this war," he said as if he were describing the weather. "My enemies are powerful and my children will over estimate their own strength. Why, the son I have in Canterlot will soon by discovered by that overly clever Chryaslis and that could set back the work I have had him doing for the past few years."

"Scarheart?" Twilight found herself asking him out of curiosity.

"Him? Oh, no. His mind is all but gone. Not even useful as a tool now. I suppose I should have given him a little more attention in crushing his mind, but his mother's influence guarded him enough to stave off death. He'll be nothing more than a vegetable soon. Pity. He had decent magic." Flamespyre sighed, then broke into another smile. "Sometimes one must start over, start fresh, begin anew."

She felt his hoof upon her cheek. "You and Luna would be a good start, I think. The Princess of Nightmares and the Princess of Magic. Yes, that will do nicely. Once I have the both of you, I can hit the reset button and start again. Learning from past mistakes and applying those lessons should provide for me that which I desire." He mimicked his hoof pressing an imaginary button in front of Twilight with exaggerated movement.

Twilight Sparkle screamed at the idea of him touching her. Her defiance in his face was all she could muster as she was suddenly being kissed by him, violently. She broke into sobs, found his hooves holding her eyes to his, the fanged grin he displayed her a promise of things to come.

"Not until we are wed, my sweet," he whispered. "Then you will be reunited with your precious little Star Journey. Not a moment before. Now if you'll excuse me, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have a beach party to go to. Get some rest. You look frazzled for some reason."

And he was gone.

Twilight Sparkle dreaded her future now. She feared for her son. When she was able to lift up her head, there was a pallor of smoke in the darkness before her. It swirled in place as a globe, coming from nowhere. The ground beneath her hummed and vibrated slightly. The ball flickered, darkened, then became bright. A voice came from within it.


The mass of the black dragon flew out from the citadel, its inhabitants knowing their master and bowing where they stood as his great shadow passed over them. Parents held up infants in hopes their dark lord would see and bless the foal, as it was rumored he sometimes did. He passed constantly from the castle, going out towards the war across the sea, something they knew nothing of other than their armies had gone over a year ago. Reports were trickling back of great success, promises of riches returning from overseas filtering among the populace.

The world was theirs, so they had been led to believe. The changelings were meant to rule over all the other races, second only to the Dragonking and his brood. He had elevated a pair of popular princesses to the throne shortly after returning to his greatest home. Flamespyre to these changelings was to them what Celestia and Luna combined were to the ponies of Equestria. His return had been awaited patiently. The last queen had dared to believe he was just a myth and a legend never to come back. Make believe gods don't exist, she proclaimed.

Fifteen years ago a topaz dragon by the name of Blood Assault heralded his father's return and did what changelings would have considered miracles as he prepared the way for Flamespyre. One of the first things Blood Assault did was devour the astonished queen on the spot for her doubts and elevated her two twin daughters over the chosen daughter to rule.

The eldest daughter was eliminated publicly by the grateful ascendants to the Topaz Throne.

Blood Assault began to mold the two sisters carefully, encouraging them to build up their army, to prepare it to go overseas and join the other changeling armies from the other kingdoms. They were taught of the other monarchs, the other changeling queens. The queens who agreed to join in the up and coming war were promised power and resources. Most importantly, they were promised as much love as they could handle and more. Blood Assault was not the only dragon to walk among the changelings. Each standing kingdom with a queen had one of Flamespyre's children watching over them, guiding them by any means necessary.

Kahsoon of Aquilla was soon graced by the presence of Flamespyre a month ago and all the city fell and worshipped him. Their promised god had arrived and his first announcement was to proclaim their brave warriors were now sweeping their enemies before them. Fifteen years of preparation was thus far paying off. The proof came in as magically sent reports were shared with the general population with glowing success and maps of the battles, detailing how each battle was fought. Casualty lists were not provided.

Blood Assault went to go participate in the unseen war in a far away land only cared about because somepony's son or father or daughter or mother was fighting an enemy they had only heard about. There was great ceremony as the eldest of Flamespyre's sons departed and he was cheered by the masses.

And now the great black dragon with the singular red eye winged his way to the beach, seeking out two particular Queens and their new playthings; his bargaining chips. The brown carapaces of changeling servants flashed in the sun as they scrambled to get out of the giant's way when he landed on the warm white sand. Fanning his great wings while he settled, he kicked up a small sandstorm before folding them to his sides.

There was a great table set out as he approached, digging his claws into the sand deliberately, simply enjoying the sensation between his clawed toes. Idly he plucked up one changeling and popped it in his mouth, snacking as he approached his favorite queens.

"Enjoying the day, my dears?" he asked, lowing his tapered snout to their level so they might greet him properly.

Tappis and Tappaz nuzzled him affectionately, making a mental note to inform the just eaten changeling's family of his sacrifice. They would be pleased to know they were now exempt from paying taxes for a year because of the service as a snack for the dragon.

"We are always please when you grace us with your presence, Dragonking," they purred to him. "The children have been asking for you. Will you greet them?"

"Have they been good?" he asked, turning his eye towards the two little forms bowing with their foreheads in the sand. Atalanta and Star Journey had been taught to stay still and not moved upon the approach of their Lord until they were given permission to move. After a few beatings in the early going, they had learned. They now obeyed without question.

"Very good," Tappis assured her master.

"Star has mastered his telekinesis magic," Tappaz said proudly.

Together they added, "It was a simple matter of finding what motivated him."

"And what was that motivation, might I ask?" The dragon smiled like a proud grandfather.

"Love. Affection. Attention. Listening to his needs."

Flamespyre drew back, sitting on his haunches as he curved his neck, turning his chin towards the filly and colt waiting for permission to rise. "It is so easy to raise them when you know what buttons to push. What of Atalanta? How fares the darling little changeling princess?"

"She is a joy to have and encourages her new brother to do well. They love each other as a brother and sister should," the Topaz Queens sang it out, very proud of their work to this point.

"Would they be willing to demonstrate their love for me?" Flamespyre tilted his head to one side, adjusting his angle so Tappis and Tappaz were in his field of vision. The crimson eye bounced from the two mares to the two children still kneeling in the sand and in the sunlight. He frowned. "Where is their shade?" he demanded with an angry rumble.

The changeling who had replaced the last one came forward, holding her responsibility aloft. Too late, she saw the dragon's wing shield the rays of the sun from Atalanta and Star Journey. At the same time, a foreclaw slammed in front of her, kicking up sand and making her drop her umbrella and fall to the ground in a huddling mass of stricken fear.

It was a bad day for anypony to be holding an umbrella, it seemed.

"Ah, it would appear the demonstration has prostrated itself before us." The dragon grinned wickedly, then assumed a softer tone. "Children, come before me!"

Atalanta and Star Journey rose to their hooves and trotted before him as expected, looking up at Flamespyre with adoring eyes.

"Observe this servant who was supposed to keep the sun from touching you while you had your lunch." His claw delicately caught the little changeling mare beneath the chin and lifted it until her wide-eyed stare was looking into his soulless one. "Do you not love the children adpoted by your Queens as their own, changeling?" he demanded in a voice that might have been friendly, perhaps even conversational.

"I adore them, Master, I swear!" she cried, shaking her head at the thought of the displeasure she had caused.

"Do you hafta punish her?" Atalanta asked in wonder. "Uncle Scareye, do you have to?"

Star Journey dug at the sand uncomfortably, looking at the frightened changeling servant as she cried silently. "It's her first day on the job, Uncle. Can you please show mercy? For us?"

They both assumed wide, innocent and pleading eyes.

Tappis and Tappaz held their breath as their children challenged the dragon openly. They fidgeted, wondering if they were going to lose their playthings and have to start all over again with new ones. These two had been working out so well. They were such darlings! The servant was expendable. They came and went. The lower caste of changelings could never hope to be worth nothing more than fodder for the good of the kingdom. Their lives belonged to the Queen and in this case, to the Dragonking Flamespyre Battlesinger the Shadowdragon, Lord of the Changelings and Master of War and Destruction.

There was a brief pause. A seagull called out mournfully above.

"I will counter your proposal," he said with a smile. Lowering his eye to them, Flamespyre whispered loudly, "I'll spare her life if the two of you pull out her wings." His eye swirled, compelling, enticing. "Do so and I shall go swimming with you. Would you like that?"

My Lord, they are not strong enough for that magic. Cautioned the Topaz Queens. He knew they were worried. Flamespyre chuckled.

I warned you not to feed off them, did I not? You must be punished for your insolence, ladies. I love you both too much to do you harm, but you will witness the discomfort of the children you wish to call your own. You made your choice a month ago. It is time to pay your dues.

Tappis and Tappaz flinched under his mental berating.

With that, he turned to the children, freeing their minds a little from the control they were under. He wanted them aware of what they were doing. Woodenly, he spun them towards the changeling, channeling his magic through their horns. Their eyes were wide, frightened as they no longer had control of their bodies. The changeling stared at them, watching as their horns began to glow pitch black. It was not their magic. The power emanating them could be felt by every changeling in the area. The Topaz Queens fell to their knees as they could taste the power emanating from a pair of tiny horns from a changeling princess and an Alicorn's only son. They quaked in fear at the dark sensation of pure terror crackling in the air with the resounding fury of cold cruelty.

Atalanta could feel her magic and another magic grip the base of one wing. Star Journey had the other one. Both cried even though their faces assumed cruel intent. The pull was slow at first. Naturally they fought against doing harm to another living being, Star Journey more so than Atalanta. The changeling servant squealed, much like the last one did. This one pleaded for the sake of her own offspring. The dragon's face was impassive, instead living the experience through their young eyes, the cruel visages a reflection of his own. The changeling writhed in agony as a tearing sound came from her left wing. The right soon followed there after. Blood was running down her back and sides. Her hooves flailed wildly as she cried and screamed and cried and screamed. The right was the first to fall away, then the left. The final scream was piercing and she was released to writhe in the ground.

Star Journey and Atalanta were released from the hold, the magical aura leaving them. They cried, eyes wide with horror as they stared at the changeling they had just hurt. They trembled with wide-eyed terror, only able to cry loudly, screaming for their mothers. The changeling, in turn only looked at them even as she writhed in agony, her eyes accusatory and unforgiving, morbidly gripped by her own fear and despair.

Flamespyre stared at them with the look of a teacher having just passed great wisdom upon his students. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" He turned and went for the water, expecting it to be a good day for a swim. "Join me when you both are ready. Your Majesties, have them in the water with me in five minutes. It's too lovely a day to be moping about trifling little things."

The Topaz Queens bowed to him before sweeping up their little playthings and trying to calm them down with their magic and their cooing voices.

"Have that one tended and thrown in prison," they said, indicating the wounded changeling with a command. It was done so without hesitation.

"Our little ones," they whispered to Atalanta and Star Journey, "never question the orders of your Lord Flamespyre or he will make you do things you do not wish to do. Do as he commands, let his commands be carried out and your lives will know nothing but joy." They made a group beneath the shade of an umbrella discreetly appearing to block out the sun. The two queens mothered the filly and the colt until the tears were gone and they were able to assert their control over them again. Everything was soon made all right.

Two joyful children were soon playing with the black dragon upon the surf of a wide blue ocean, where deep down in the depths of their souls, they wept bitterly and huddled within the confines of their mental prisons.

Twilight sparkle screamed in rage, screamed at Flamespyre to stop. She had seen the tears in her son's eyes. She had so desperately wanted the madness to stop, the cruelty to end. It had lasted too long. It should never had happened to begin with. The cloud had shown her everything in perfect clarity, every detail, even allowing her to feel her son's horror and fright, how his spirit squealed and squirmed beneath such evil power.

Nopony should be this cruel. She had never imagined such a thing possible.

And now he wanted her for his own.

She cried long after the pallor ball had disappeared, but not for herself. She wept for her only son as she knew there would be only one end for him possible now. Flamespyre was going to kill him.

Author's Note:

Star Journey and Atalanta are completely in the thrall of the Topaz Queens, in case you were wondering.

Anyone absolutely loving the twisted mind of Flamespyre yet?

I hope it was twisted enough!