• Published 26th Sep 2013
  • 1,862 Views, 97 Comments

The Chimera - Scarheart

Book Two of "The Prince of the Changelings" following events immediately following "Rise of the Dragonking". Equestria is at war. The children of the Dragonking are unleashed as their resurrected father begins to weave his web o

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Chimera 3: The Weight of Responsibility

As Silent Wing was confined in the castle garrison, the other changelings who had come on the trip were kept in the city garrison, a larger facility. The guards assigned to watch over them were five times the number of actual changelings they had in custody. They were deeply feared despite the constant assurances from both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, especially when rumors began circulating some guards had been overwhelmed by a changeling. The battle between Chrysalis and Luna did nothing to ease the tension.

Canterlot already looked the war zone. There was a nervous tension in the city as well as the castle. News from the front was nothing but bad. It was already bordering a disaster, but the kingdoms who were able to fight were the ones who had listened to Celestia. Clean up crews were going about their business cleaning up the rubble in front of the cave where Scarheart had emerged. Engineers and geologists were down below checking to see the the integrity of the rock would endanger the castle and city sitting upon it. The garden maze was now a massive hole in the ground.

When he was finally brought from his cell, it was in chains. All four legs were shackled together with steel links leading to an thick metallic band around his waist. It was very heavy; almost a hundred pounds. Once again, Luna's guards were tasked with escorting him. Why was she suddenly interested in his security? Was Celestia's guard not willing to do it? Was there something else going on?

Silent Wing did not know why. Perhaps because she liked him? He had also noted when he had last spoken to her, his tendency for becoming a hopeless stuttering lump had disappeared. Was it because of the circumstances of the situation? Was it because he was not worried about appearances?

He was allowed to visit his mother for an hour each day. The restraints were removed so he could sit with Chrysalis. She had not moved on her own since he had first seen her, but he thought she seemed to have a healthier color to her skin. He hoped this was the case. Silent was pleased to find Luna had arranged for a night light to be kept near her bed. Nopony had offered to sit with the queen, Silent found out in a letter given to him on his first supervised visit. It was waiting for him in a fruit basket set on a table.

At one point, he asked her doctor why magic was not used to heal her. Pulling the colt to the opposite side of the curtain where the Queen slept, he began to explain a part of his profession he excelled at. The old stallion was able to properly introduce himself. His name was Old Bones.

"Healing and magic don't necessarily go hand in hand," he told the colt as he rubbed his chin. It was the same doctor who had escorted the prince to Chrysalis on the first day the prince fought his way to her side. "It can only do so much. For superficial cuts and wounds, we prefer using salves from certain herbs and potions with ingredients we know can safely speed up the healing process. At least you have a substance you can measure and use. It takes an extremely skilled Unicorn - or Alicorn - who can pay attention to minute details and multitask when applying magic for mending cuts, or setting broken bones. For a wound such as what your mother suffered, magic was used to stem the flow and close up the damage to major arteries by establishing barriers. Magic is powerful, but there are fewer doctors skilled in using it for surgery as more modern methods are proving to be as effective."

"Okay, I follow," Silent nodded, not having a clue about medicine. He could follow magic to some degree, but as he could not use it, there was not point in pouring over spell books save for when helping his sister. Medical journals, however were beyond his reach.

"The queen will always have a scar on her chest now. It required a blend of common methods and magic to take care of the wound and it's already healed nicely. A few more days and you'll just see something like what you have right there," he reached out and tapped Silent Wing's chest scar. Doctor Bones peered at it. "That looks as though somepony half-flanked that," he sniffed professionally.

"So why isn't she awake?"

Doctor Bones took off his glasses and cleaned them with the hem of his coat. "That's up to her. The mind is a both a tough and delicate instrument. She has no brain damage, but psychologically she is damaged. There was magic used on the weapon that pierced her, a sort of poison."

The prince's ears went flat against the back of his skull. "Poison?"

"It induced the coma. That's my theory, anyway. I've never seen anything like it. For that, we used magic to detoxify her."

Silent frowned. "But she moved when I spoke to her the first time."

"Look son," Doctor Bones said frankly. "I am no expert on changeling anatomy. Your minds are not like the minds of ponies. There are similarities between our species," - he squinted over his glasses at Silent Wing as if for the first time, looking the colt up and down - "enough for something like you to be running around, at any rate. But I'll venture to guess I've done all I can do within reason. The rest is up to her. We're past the danger. Queen Chrysalis just needs time. The poison was leached out of her. It wasn't a very good one to begin with."

"So you think she'll recover?" Silent asked, daring to hope.

"I would say the prognosis is in her favor at this point. Whoever saved her got to her in time." The doctor glanced up at the clock. "If you'll excuse me, your Highness, I have other patients that need my attention."

Silent offered his hoof. "Thanks for everything, doc."

Doctor Bones shook it. "Oh, believe me it was an adventure for me, son. Good day." He disappeared after giving a final satisfied glance at the curtains concealing Queen Chrysalis.

The colt whispered a quiet, grateful word of thanks to Feidole, his friend who had given his life to give the queen a chance to live. A pang of loss ached at his heart. With a war in its infancy, no doubt there would me more casualties. He wondered how Frakas was holding up. He had to be a mess now that Feidole was...was...

Silent sniffled and wiped his eyes before the tears could begin falling again. He went back to sit with his mother. According to the plain clock on the wall, he still had fifteen minutes of allotted time. He spent that time singing to her in his terrible little singing voice (he regarded it as such), softly pushing out the lullabies she had very rarely sung to him on a whim.

"All right, let's see the next report," Celestia sighed as she came to a stack of papers she had hoped to avoid. There was a war going on and she was anxious to hear from the General Staff the bad news. It had been nothing but the past six days. Philomena, her pet phoenix was perched on top of her seat having recently recovered from renewing herself.

She was seated at the head of a long oval mahogany table in a meeting room, a portion of the library she had set aside so she could let the generals use the main hall as their war room. Her chair was a clever design, with a high padded back and thick armrests, almost like a throne. It was designed to compensate for the loss of use of her lower legs by holding her up with thick cushions. Silken straps padded for comfort were wrapped around her waist in case she wanted to lean forward.

There were two dozen chairs in addition to hers and each one was occupied by representatives from the civilian aspect of government. They could not be ignored. This was to be a total war. Every pony was going to have to lend a hoof, military and civilian. There was her chief of staff for the military

It was warm and stuffy, she noted, leaning back a little to ask a servant if she would be so kind as to open a few windows. With so many pony bodies in the room, having a fresh breeze clearing the room would do a great deal to ease the mood of many of those gathered at the table.

There was a stack of papers containing just about anything a ruler might come across during the day. She always knew before hand what was on the agenda. Politicians knew better than to try and slip something they wanted to push for their lobbyists into the reports. Celestia never raised her voice nor chastised the offender publicly. She would pull them aside when they least expect it and give them one warning and one warning only to not put things before her she did not want to deal with.

The next file was in front of her. She had been looking forward to this. Luna had told her just the day before yesterday and things had moved very quickly since then. Something was driving her sister with an intensity she had not seen since...

She chuckled to herself, dipping her chin as she plucked up the first page before her. "I see we have the ship I want. Good. Were there any problems procuring the vessel?" Celestia dropped the page a little and peered over its top edge at the gathered ponies.

An impossibly skinny Unicorn stallion in a tweed jacket and Burnside beard held up a hoof. "The ship's owners were not very happy when we informed them we were commandeering her for clandestine operations. They have informed me they would file an official complaint with the Skylord." A Skylord was another name for the Griffon King Freidriche and was used almost as an alias rather than naming him publicly. Other such code words were used for other kings and queens in nations Equestria was either allied with or had keen interest in keeping tabs on. It changed on monthly basis to discourage prying ears from making out whom was being spoken of.

Another pony piped up. This was an old Earth pony in a gray continental suit with a bad hair piece. "Highness. you realize you essentially pinched a converted cruiser right from under their noses," he piped with a note of grave concern, his displeasure evident.

Celestia smirked merrily. "If King Freidriche is going to parade a wolf in sheep's clothing, then of course I'm going to take certain steps." She tilted her head slighly, her eyes always serious despite her laughter. "How is her refit going?"

"Rather quickly," grunted a fat Unicorn in a suit a bit snug for him. He didn't seem to mind as he placed a monocle over his left eye and beamed at the princess after sweeping over the table like a territorial bulldog.

This prompted the princess to ask, "Provisions?" She was already going to the next page.

"We're looking at a guaranteed trip of at least three months. After that, they're on their own for restocking food and water and what have you."

"Fair enough. Who is overseeing preparations, again?" She dropped the pages to the desk, trying to remember the name of the captain.

"Captain Gilda, ma'am?"

She found herself looking towards one of her advisers who helped her remember names. "Wasn't that Rainbow Dash's friend from a few years back?" she asked a slight older mare with doe eyes and a bad complexion. Before an answer was given, her own mind sifted through and produced one of Twilight Sparkle's letters from nearly seventeen years ago.

"I believe so. Her records do indicate they went to school together for a few years before the Bearer of Loyalty assumed her first post as a weather pony."

"How in the world was she able to become captain of an airship?" Celestia enjoyed testing the knowledge of those who ran her government. It didn't matter how many advisors or ministers or secretaries she went through or what titles changed with the times. The princess always enjoyed pushing the ponies executing policies and procedures to think outside the box and be proactive in their duties.

There was a rustling of papers as the monocled Unicorn searched for the right page. "Ah, it would appear she went to the Griffon Naval Air Academy. Top marks in her graduation class. Spent several years patrolling along the dragon borders during the Draco-Griffon skirmishes and was one of the few ship captains to keep their carriers intact against a dragon attack. She's rude and crude, but one of the best ship captains out there."

Celestia found the parchment. Ah, yes, there it was. No small feat to earn a command on one of the most magnificent airships in the world. "Where's her service rec - ah, found it!" The princess scanned a blank page randomly selected. Philomena peered down from her perch at her mistress' interest. She ruffled her fiery feathers and began preening. "Independent. Willful. Considered a lucky captain. I hired her for this little expedition."

The robust Unicorn was lost on that statement. Other ponies were searching through their papers, eyes cast down in front of faces ranging from irritation to minor panic as none could find where the princess was getting them. The sound of rustling paper sounded like a waterfall for a few moments.

Celestia chuckled warmly at her meeting. "My little ponies, please! I jest with you. I did some of my own independent research. What I said was taken directly from various crew members who have served with her in the past. I also questioned those who currently served under her." She noted irritably without losing her facade she could not focus, her laughter dying away to a concealing smile.

"Ma'am," said the continental suit. "Would not Flash Sentry be best suited to command the ship? I thought we had agreed -"

"Broken jaw," Celestia cut in briskly, waving a hoof at him, "most unfortunate incident." She had a perfectly straight face when she said that. "We'll let Luna handle the rest. She is in charge of the expedition and obviously will have the last word on who goes with her. Will the minutes please be forwarded to her for when she conducts her nightly duties?" She did not bother to wait for confirmation. Celestia never had to. She had a very good and efficient staff. "What is next?"

"Ah, the dragon, ma'am."

She sighed. "Scarheart?" Celestia knew this would eventually crop up.

"Yes ma'am." said the monocled Ivory Buttons. "The crowing he did the other day caused quite a lot of complaints."

"He only did it that one morning," she reminded him, suffering a small smile for herself. It was funny. Having her morning cup of coffee before the dawn on the day in question, she had observed the Bearer of Laughter speaking excitedly with Scarheart, not knowing what the two were discussing. "Pinkie Pie had him under control. She felt since the clock tower suffered some damage from the incident, the dragon could make up for it by announcing the raising of the sun for everypony. It was a sweet gesture as well as an apology of sorts." Celestia started howling with laughter moments after hearing the first crow come out of the dragon. The whole incident had struck her as enormously funny and set the tone for a very good day.

"Ponies are terrified of this dragon, ma'am!" huffed and puffed the skinny old stallion.

"We have magic enchantments around him to immobilize him if he decides to be too playful," she reassured him. "Now that we know what he can do, Luna and I personally keep tabs on him. If he decides to do anything, my sister and I are prepared to deal with it. For now, he has even helped to clean up his mess, has he not?"

"Uh, well. Yes." This was true as the dragon used his enormous strength to help clear roads and clean up some of the larger bits of rubble.

"Good. Next thing on the agenda." She turned towards a Unicorn mare in a pale green coat and dark green mane. "Blood drives, Futterheart. How are those going?" More paperwork shuffled on the table. The proper file was found. Celestia perused through it, already knowing what was on there. She knew what was on everything.

The green mare smiled. "We've had so many donors, we've been swamped."

"How are your supplies?"

"We're running a bit low, Princess Celestia." Futterheart was looking a bit worn and haggard.

They all were wearing a bit thin. To say the past week had been hectic would have been an understatement. Canterlot was already teeming with soldiers, practically bursting at the seams. The entire Third Army was already bunked throughout the city proper. The Seventh Army and elements of the Fifth were bivouacked between Ponyville and Canterlot. Training camps had seeming sprung up overnight. More troops were coming in every day. They numbered in the tens of thousands, as Celestia had followed her gut and bolstered the strength of her military for the past five years. Her reasoning was the turmoil in the Changeling Kingdom, which seemed logical. It was technically not a lie. Grazeland was a stalemate right now as the bulk of the Fifth was currently holding their ground against changeling revolutionaries.

Changeling revolutionaries. There's a strange combination of words.

Celestia settled back and sighed, her mind lost in her thoughts. Then she lifted her magenta eyes and swept them over the room. "I am so proud of all of your for the efforts of you and the ponies working under you. Given the circumstances, you have all surpassed my expectations. Flutterheart, you will get your supplies. I promise you that." Why could she not focus the way she wanted to?

The mare smiled and thanked her.

"Anything else?"

"Silent Wing, ma'am?" The monocled old stallion spoke up in his wavering voice. What was his name again?

Celestia knew she was tired, but to momentarily forget the name of the Secretary of Defense? Again, she found herself chuckling at her own slip.

"Princess?" Ivory Buttons was confused.

"Oh, it's not you, Ivory," she assured him. "My apologies. My mind tends to wander as there are many things I have to keep in mind these days."

"Of course. I understand." He flushed a bit, settling back into his seat.

"You were saying about Silent Wing?"

The old stallion rolled his lips, smacking them nervously. "Is he a prisoner of war? You still haven't ruled on that."

"No," she answered firmly, "he is not. The prince and his mother are to be considered political exiles. He is currently in prison awaiting trial for assaulting half a dozen militia and breaking General Flash Sentry's jaw. Princess Luna insisted for the sake of public appearance and I support her decision on this. I've scheduled his trial for tomorrow afternoon, though the evidence and circumstances are going to make for a rather interesting day."

"You will be presiding, ma'am?" Ivory Buttons was surprised. "Surely you don't have time for something not as important as the war."

"I am quite serious," she announced firmly, "and don't call me Shirley."

There was nervous laughter as the tension seemed to lift a bit.

"Very well then, is there anything else before we adjourn for the day?" she rang out in her musical voice. No answer came. "Again, I thank you all, my little ponies. Your efforts are invaluable to Equestria."

The ponies gathered save for the Secretary of Defense - who would also sit in on the meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff - smiled their thanks while bowing politely to the princess before shuffling quietly out of the room. Celestia settle back in her chair and let out a huge sigh before smiling at the old stallion.

"If I may be frank?" Ivory Buttons lifted his muzzle to her.

Celestia gazed at him. "Hmm?"

"You're going to kill yourself at this rate, ma'am. I could have sworn I saw you fade there a few times during the meeting. When was the last time you slept, Princess Celestia?" He raised his brow, clearly showing his concern.

"I usually nap between meetings," she deadpanned.

"Please be serious. Your health is no laughing matter."

She smiled gently at him. "Your concern is noted, old friend. I'll admit, I forgot your name there for a moment, Ivory. Perhaps I have been working too hard."

"There are plenty of good, solid and trustworthy ponies to whom you should delegate some of your power, princess." He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, I spoke out of place."

"I'll think about it, Ivory Buttons," she told him with a hint of steel in her voice. "Let me rest for a bit. I have an hour before the generals come in and try to tell me how to run a war."

He was shaken a little by her tone. "Of course. I meant no harm, ma'am."

She sighed slowly, turning her half closed eyes to him. "Do you have a list of names?"

"I do."

Celestia considered for a moment, her gaze flickering towards the ceiling. "Give it to me at the end of the next meeting, if you please," she gave in, rubbing her tired eyes. "No promises, but it won't hurt to have a look at your suggestions." Those beautiful magenta eyes closed and the princess became as still as a marble statue, breathtaking in her repose.

Ivory Buttons smiled and gathered up his paperwork, leaving the princess to her much needed little nap. As he tip-hoofed out, he pondered how much more taxing this war would be to the 'immortal' Princess Celestia. Was she truly prepared for it? Was she truly ready for the horrors sure to come? Would she be able to stand with her sister, Princess Luna and eventually Princess Cadence against the coming tide of darkness? It was an unstoppable force. There could only be one conclusion to this war if things continued the way they did.

As he passed through the shaft of sunlight and into shadow, Ivory Buttons' eyes flashed golden as a smile played across his face. This would be a marvelous time for lunch.

Silent Wing was surrounded by his four Night Guards, properly restrained with his leg irons and headed from the hospital back to his cell. One thing he made sure to do was to keep his head high and proud, as Chrysalis would have expected him to. At this point, he was not sure if he was considered and enemy or a friend to Equestria, the former looming largely in his mind. He had formally asked his guards if he could question Frakas to put together the details of the events surrounding his sister's abduction and the consequent assassination attempt on the Queen. He had to explain his reason for the interview, even though the young prince thought it was some sort of invasion of privacy concerning a family matter to a stern-eyed lieutenant.

The request was taken professionally, perfectly neutral and respectful. It would have to wait, as Princess Celestia would be in meetings all day. This meant Luna, if she had the time, would be the one to allow or disallow. There was a very narrow chance Celestia might have time for it, but matters of state had grown to a worldwide matter in short order. Nopony would tell Silent Wing was going on, but the most glaring clues were the troops who were suddenly everywhere. Whispers of war and rumors of battles eventually worked their way to the young colt's perked ears. They always were swiveling, trying to pick up what they could.

A massive shadow fell over him, coming from behind. Silent Wing stopped and stared at it. His guards had also stopped, turning and staring up behind him. The prince did the same.

Scarheart was staring down at him. There were strange chains wrapped around him, mystical and wrought from magic. They were not unlike what Silent Wing was wearing, as limbs were joined to the waist by glowing links of what looked like steel just pulled from a blacksmith's furnace. Another ring was about his throat, a pair of chains hanging from the base of the throat and to the shackles encircling the dragon's wrists.

"Found you!" said the dragon with childlike innocence. Scarheart look enormously pleased with himself. "Always wanted to meet my twin. Father always said it would happen one day and that it would be a great day if that did happen and that's today right now!" His tail thumped the ground, causing a minor local earthquake.

Silent Wing found the dragon's presence to be...familiar. "I feel I should know you," he ventured, looking at his guards. They nervously were staring up at the dragon but were prepared if Scarheart decided to fight. "What's with your chains?"

"What's with yours?"

"I hurt ponies. I'm being punished," Silent replied with a shrug and sadness.

Scarheart did the same. "Yeah, me too." He rattled his chains, grinning a lopsided grin as only possible on a dragon's maw. "I can't make magic go away or breathe fire or fly very far now." The dragon suddenly assumed a sad drooping of everything. "Nuts."

The changeling prince caught one of the first things Scarheart had said. "Twin?" He remembered the memory. Silent felt this was true, but how? "How is this possible?"

Scarheart's eyes lowered to his claws. "I don't know." He flinched, his claws going to his head as he hissed and pulled himself away. "It hurts when I try to think about it. I can't say more, please!" He held a claw out to Silent Wing apologetically. "I want to tell you, but Father won't let me. Just know Mother protects you still! Remember!" Scarheart leapt away, his wings beating a few times until he found his spot on the parapet. Once he settled, he turned his back to the colt, twisting his head over his shoulder once to stare with his golden eyes. Then he went back to staring out over the valley.

"What was that about?" Silent Wing wondered aloud.

One of his guards shook his head. "I don't know. His mind's been slipping since he woke up. It just ain't been right, Prince Silent Wing. Neither of the princesses can seem to figure it out."

"He's going crazy?" the colt asked in disbelief.

"Seems so," said another guard. This one was a mare and she shared her companion's sympathy. "Princess Luna thinks his mind's been messed with too many times that there's nothing left for it to hold on to. I know there's a lot of ponies who don't care about that and just want that dragon gone."

Silent furrowed his brow, staring at the dragon. "But he seemed just fine."

"It comes and goes. Didn't you notice how he greeted you?" The Night Guard mare then shook her head. "Enough of this. With all due respect, Prince Silent Wing, you need to be taken to your quarters. This is beyond my knowledge and I certainly do not wish to debate insanity and dragons."

Quietly the changeling did as he was told, giving one last glance at Scarheart. Why did he feel so familiar? Was he his twin as was mentioned in that memory with Princess Celestia? He had not seen her since then and it would be a good question to pose to her. "Is he a victim of Flamespyre as well?" he wondered out loud before facing forward and continuing his walk to his cell. How many more are there?

He passed the time in his cell reading books offered to him by one of members of the Royal Library who had heard of his incarceration. It was then he was also informed of his trail the next day. Would he be allowed to play his father's twisted game? There was a hint this was nothing more than a formality to clear a few things up, but Silent Wing had no idea of what Equestrian justice had for him. He simply had to trust both the princesses. Neither had given him reason to distrust, but his anxiety was beginning to grow. He was starting to doubt as the sixth day since Flamespyre returned entered into evening.

"Time is running out," he said to the wall. The wall did not respond. Silent Wing sighed, fidgeting as he tried to get into the book spread open on the lower bunk while he sat on his rump.

It was an Equestrian history book regarding the origins and salvation of Nightmare Moon. For some reason, it seemed a vaguely familiar tale to the changeling. apparently there was once a pony living on the moon and had stayed there for ten centuries. He checked the book's publishing date. It was less than three years old. The forward promised an in-depth look in one of the most tragic and redeeming accounts of Equestrian myth and history and included interviews with the ponies who had participated in restoring Princess Luna...

Changeling views on Equestrian history were lethargic at best and most certainly dismissive at worst. The same could be said if the tables were flipped.

"Huh?" Silent Wing blinked and re-read a particular paragraph his eyes swept over. He found himself reading it out loud. "It took a lot of extensive and exhausting research to piece together this dynamic puzzle to not only dig into the reason behind Nightmare Moon's creation, but the emotional neglect even Princess Celestia admitted to unwittingly falling into as she bathed in the glory of the adoration of her subjects. For a thousand years, the Princess of the Sun hated the act she had done to her own sister, but felt she had been left with no other choice than to banish her younger sister to the moon. Every night she would sing a lullaby to her beloved sister, every night she would shed her tears of mournful regret. Once she returned a thousand years later (the events triggering her release it still a matter for debate; the most popular theory is the banishment spell simply wore off a thousand years to the day the princess was banished to the moon), it was the restoration of the Elements of Harmony and their use upon Nightmare Moon which restored Princess Luna to her true form, reuniting her with her sister and Equestria."

The book had been written by Twilight Sparkle. It was over six hundred pages thick.

"By my mother's horn," Silent swore (the regular oath being 'by the Queen's horn'). He never used it before unless he had just discovered something enlightening. "Nightmare Moon is Luna?"

"Was," corrected a voice on the other side of his bars. There was a hint of sad acceptance behind the single word.

Swiveling his neck, the colt craned to see Luna observing him, bemused. Next to her was Frakas and his own apprehensive face. "My prince!" called out the changeling.

The prince rose to his hooves and went to the bars of his cage. "A little early for you, isn't it, Princess Luna?" he asked her as he tried to give Frakas a hoof bump through the bars. Frakas hesitated, but imitated the motion. The changeling soldier seemed uncomfortable.

"Celestia is tired. I made her go to bed early and assumed a few more of her duties," replied the dark Alicorn dismissively.

Silent could have sworn he heard worry in her voice.

"I take it you wished to question this changeling in regards to the attempt at your mother's life?" She opened the door with her magic, the indigo glow a brief flicker. "Go on in, good Frakas," Luna told the little changeling colt. "I have little time to spare as I must soon set the sun and raise the moon."

Silent could sense her urgency. "I'll keep it quick," he promised.

She said nothing, indicating for him to get on with it with a prod and a nod to Frakas.

The prince nodded, shifting his focus to his friend. "Tell me everything, Frakas. Who tried to kill my mother?"

"It was Captain Myzanum, Silent," grated Frakas with sudden anger. "That gelded mother bucker did it and I could do nothing to stop it!" Pools began to form in his sapphire blue eyes. "There were just too many Ruby changelings for either me or Feidole to get to her in time. She was tired and had almost no magic to defend herself with. Myzanum cut her down like she was a foal. Then he had the nerve to say he loved her. The bastard! Then he disappeared."

Silent reeled after hearing Frakas rattle off his account. "Myzanum?" he stammered the name. "Her captain?" Why him? He was one of the most honorable warriors he had ever known. His dislike for the prince was never a secret, but there had always been some measure of respect. Why?

"I don't know why," sighed Frakas, verging on angry tears. Silent realized he had also spoken his query. "I went for help after the Rubies left. When I came back, Feidole h-h-had used his own life and love to keep the Queen alive. She was crying when I came back. Crying and holding my brother."

So the coma was mentally induced?

Frakas continued, staring at the floor now wet with his tears. "She went still when we got to her, still bleeding but alive. I thought she was dead, but one of the ponies I brought with me said she was still alive after checking her pulse. They bound her up as best they could and brought her to Ponyville. I failed her. I failed...you."

Luna was a display of sympathy.

Reaching a hoof around his oldest and dearest friend, the prince embraced him emotionally. "Dammit, Frakas, it is not your fault," he hissed harshly into his ear. "If I had been there, it wouldn't have made a difference!" Or would it have? "What happened to the Crown Princess. Was she there?" He pulled back and placed his hooves on the changeling's shoulders. "Did you see her?" Silent shook him roughly to break through the pity.

Frakas nodded, his ears perking up. "Yeah, there was this white Unicorn with a mane like yours, but without the black stripe."

Silent already found the name before his friend could speak it.

"Draccaria." The word was hissed with more venom than Silent Wing had ever spat.

He peeled away from the dark form and towards the wall at the far end of the cell. Slowly, he rested his forehead against the thick stone wall and spent a few moments just bouncing lightly off it. Then he drew back his right hoof, cocked it, then punched the stone as hard as he could.


Closing his eyes, he held his hoof there, against the wall, his head still pressed upon the stone. He felt how cool it was, how uncaring. How indifferent.

You must first master yourself.

"One step at a time," he told himself, pushing away and turning on a heel. Taking in a deep breath, he opened his eyes and exhaled slowly, aware two pairs of eyes were reading him from different perspectives. "Two things," he said to Frakas and Luna. "First of all, Frakas, I will absolve you of all responsibilities if you promise to remain - with the permission of the princess here - by the Queen's side at all times. As of now, Mother has no reliable guards to protect her. Prove yourself to me and to her by taking this responsibility."

Luna arched a brow. Unreliable? Those are my guards posted by your mother, little prince.

Frakas drew himself up to attention. "I won't fail again, my Prince!"

Satisfied, Silent nodded and shifted his attention to the Alicorn. She was unreadable, beautiful, perfection incarnate. The prince caught himself staring and shook his mane, flicking his ears irritably at himself. "Secondly," he stated stiffly, "My trail is tomorrow, isn't it?"

Luna arched a brow at him dubiously. "It is indeed."

"Will I be able to make a public statement before the court?"

The Alicorn considered his query for a moment. "Defendants are allowed to do so, if my memory is correct," she replied with a short bob of her head. "I will also allow your friend Frakas here to be at the side of Queen Chrysalis' side. Perhaps she would enjoy his company."

"Thank you." Silent was pondering something else, staring up at the ceiling as his ears went flat, grinding his teeth from side to side until they stopped, slight askew with his lips pursed forward in a pucker. "I'm technically Regent, aren't I?" he asked, lowering his chin to his chest, his eyes going to slits. The prince came up, regarding Luna for an answer expectantly.

"In exile, yes," she replied after a moment. "I can have somepony look into that. I am curious to know now that you have spoken of it. I am unfamiliar with changeling royalty. Does it not require consent of the matriarchs? Do you not need to be of blood lineage for such a role? Are males not forbidden from rule?"

Silent Wing shrugged with a grin, not really willing to answer her. His sheepishness spoke volumes.

"Regent Silent Wing?" Frakas asked, having recovered now that he was given a duty to focus on. "I think Tartarus just froze over."

"What does that have to do with your trial? You are up to something." Luna tilted her neck to an angle, shifting her shoulders and regarding him in a new light. "What is it?"

"Not every changeling is going to fight for the other side," he said, having had several days to think this through. "I would like to propose all changelings who are against this false regime in my home to join under Equestria's banner. Let the world know not all changelings are on the dark side of this war."

"I'd like to kick some flank," muttered Frakas, nodding eagerly. "I want Myzanum's head on a pike. I'm always with you, Silent. Lead and I'll follow. I'd even hold your cloak for you while you tear down the Gates of Tartarus."

"One more thing," Silent said, not wanting to get carried away. "Just to be perfectly clear. As soon as the Queen is well enough to resume the throne, it's hers. I don't want this responsibility. I've never wanted it."

"But your changelings need somepony to look up to," Luna finished for him. "Who better to lead in a fight against impossible odds than one who has faced impossible odds his whole life?" She was completely in agreement on this. "I shall pass this on to my sister. I think she will be as pleased as I am to hear of this plan."

She cleared her throat. Frakas turned and saw her indicating with her chin for him to get out of the cell. "There is nothing else to do here today. Come, changeling. You have a queen to stand vigil over."

Reluctantly he rose to his hooves. "I'm ready. Silent?" Frakas did a quarter turn towards his prince. "I won't let you down. I promise."

"Do you need anything while I am here, Prince Silent Wing?" Luna asked curtly. She was loathe to leave, but her duties beckoned.

He tapped the book he had started to read before she had come up. "Have you read this book yet?" Silent asked her bluntly.

She paused for a moment, then told Frakas, "Go to the end of the hall and wait for me there. I shan't be long."

The changeling looked at her, then at Silent, then back at her. "Of course!" he chirped a little too cheerfully for her tastes. He trotted off, hiding a grin.

"Now," she said as she stepped into the cell, "anything written by Princess Twilight Sparkle will be factual, precise, and extremely detailed. The book is very accurate and truthful. She came to me first when she decided she wanted to write it. I thought it would be a good way to exorcise my own inner demons."

"Did it?" he asked her, oddly not feeling nervous.

Until she pulled herself right in front of him. Luna leaned forward and over, her eyes lingering on the book as she picked it up with her magic. Holding it before her, she flipped through a few pages, ignoring the words and the pictures within. Gently she closed the tome, turned it over and ran a hoof over its spine. "Most of them," she answered with a whisper. Her cyan eyes found his chest scar. "What about you? Your own demons you knew nothing of seem to be sprouting all around you."

Silent swallowed hard, not able to meet her gaze. "If feels like it," he admitted as his voice wavered. "I don't know if what I'm doing is a bluff or the real thing or if it's just going to drive me insane."

He heard her chuckling softly. "Oh, insanity was once my bedfellow. I allowed mine to overcome me in a pit of despair of my own making." Her hoof went to his chin and she lifted his head. Their eyes locked. "If I can, I shall do everything in my power to prevent you from falling into that unhappy abyss."

Silent heard something squeak. Luna laughed, leaned down and forward, and kissed him softly on the lips. Then she was gone, a mist in the darkness, leaving Silent alone to hear the clang of his cell door swinging shut and locking. He stared at the book, her kiss lingering. Then he stared at his cell door.

"Irony. I get it," he said to the emptiness.

Author's Note:

The title of Regent has indeed been held before in the past for changelings, usually if the Crown Princess is simply too young to assume her full role as queen. Regents are typically family members not in direct line for the throne and fill the position of ruler until the rightful heir is ready. Only twice in the history of the Emerald Changelings (Chrysalis' kingdom) has this happened and the male Regent was essentially the voice of the more powerful houses as no matriarch would ever accept a male to rule over them.