• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,299 Views, 80 Comments

Undisclosed Desire - Dark Enigma

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will grant you three wishes and only three wishes! Choose wisely. I don't have all day for mere mortals like yourself! Trixie has universes to conquer!"

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Dreams of Equestria

It's a haze, smog that veils the eyes. There is a courtyard, pristine and clean. Many people dot the concrete courtyard. There's a fountain in the middle and on that fountain sits her, the one who changed his life. Zack is hiding behind a wall, staring at her. His heart is pounding and a cold sweat runs down his back. She is laughing at a joke her friend just told her. Her sleek blue hair gently caresses her delicate hued face. Her small but cute figure is to die for. Zack takes in one big breath. He knows what he has to do. With all his willpower, he steps forward.

Standing before the human girl--though why she is blue is beyond him--he takes in another breath. "H-hi Trixie."

The girl looks up at him. "Can I help you?"

Where did her friends go? "Um, here." Zack offers her one of those cheesy cracker snacks she likes so much.

Trixie looks at the gift then at Zack. Slowly, she takes it from his trembling hands. "You have Trixie's attention." She opens the snack and begins to eat it. Her tongue lightly touches the cracker as she stick it in her mouth. She savors its taste, slowly chewing it to fully experience what it has to offer. Each crunch of the cracker causes Zack's skin to tingle.

"Um, I was wondering if you and I could, you know, go... out on a date sometime?" Zack's heart stops and time freezes.

Trixie looks at Zack then the crackers in her hand then back at Zack. "Sure." Trixie continues eating.

Zack's heart resumes beating, happiness spreading throughout his being. Color from the scenery drains away leaving behind a black canvass ready to be painted. Trixie and Zack float in this dark abyss. Lights burst to life; stars rush past them dancing around. A flash blinds Zack as a mural of pure white meets his sight. Green drips onto this new canvass, then blue, then yellow. Hues and shades of bright colors splash all around him creating shapes: trees, flowers, a fountain, a sidewalk, a park, and various multicolored ponies.

He looks at Trixie. She has regained her pony form and leans on his leg for comfort. Her warmth seeps into his skin making him feel happy. He never felt this kind of happiness before. It's bliss; it's like nothing can go wrong ever again. He has it made.

Many other ponies come to greet him, sharing a warm welcome with love and care he can't imagine is possible back on Earth. He smiles. He smiles for all the days he never smiled before. This place, this wonderful place feels warm like a caring mother's hug, looks bright like a new summer's morning, this is where he wants to be.

Zack wakes up. His eyes gaze at the aging sky above splashed with colors of orange and purple. The twilight hour is near. How long has he been out? He gets to his feet, the urn rolling off his chest and onto the ground.

Where is he? There was a car fading into the distance, a girl's crying echoing in his mind, and blue... a lot of blue everywhere. Zack's head throbs as he tries to recollect what happened. There was smoke and lights... and the urn... and... her. It suddenly all floods back into his memory. He found a genie's lamp-urn-thing with her inside, promising him to grant any wish.

Zack picks up the urn. Was it all a dream? Is he still dreaming? His body is screaming at him, screaming, "why do you treat me this way!" His injuries rebel against him, nearly toppling him over but he resists. It's getting late. The sun is already dipping into the horizon causing the sky to bleed purple and blue.

Zack slowly makes his way up stairs, then to the left, and enters door number 32. Inside is a cozy little apartment. The living room is the first to greet Zack with its cozy shag carpet and cozy linen couch facing a small TV on a dresser. Further ahead is the kitchen with a checkered tile floor and a single round, wooden table along with other kitchen essentials.

Zack collapses on the couch, setting the urn next to him. His considering rubbing it and releasing Trixie, but their last meeting nearly stopped his heart. He could have whatever he wants though. But what does he want?

He remembers the dream he just had. What was that place? And why did it make him feel so happy?

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