• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,300 Views, 80 Comments

Undisclosed Desire - Dark Enigma

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will grant you three wishes and only three wishes! Choose wisely. I don't have all day for mere mortals like yourself! Trixie has universes to conquer!"

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Trixie Lulamoon

High school, on a Friday, Zack would rather be anywhere else besides school. Even after putting up with bullies and careless teachers for most of his high school career, he still goes. He doesn't know why he goes. Perhaps he goes out of a mindless routine; after going to school all his life, he doesn't know anything else.

The morning goes without incident, though he did have a terrible nose bleed when he woke up. It happens every so often, but this one was worse than previous ones. At school, he only gets a few insults here and there, nothing too serious. Lunchtime goes by with no problem; Zack knows better than to sit with others, so he eats his food in the academy, where most of the security guards hang around during lunch.

It's fourth period, around 12:32 pm, where matters turn for the worse. There's a knock on the classroom door, but, before anyone can answer it, it magically swings open and Trixie walks in, stout and proud. Everyone, including Zack, gawks at the blue unicorn.

"What are you doing here?" Zack whispers to Trixie as she jumps up on his desk and sits down. He can only imagine what others might be thinking. What about the people who saw her walk all the way from his apartment to his school? Unicorns aren't exactly a daily occurrence.

Trixie's horn glows and her urn appears. "Don't you dare leave it unattended again, or Trixie will personally stuff you in it herself." She looks around at the peering eyes and scoffs, transforming into a human in an attempt to regain some inconspicuousness.

The entire classroom gasps while Zack covers his eyes. "Trixie! Put some clothes on," he pleas.

"Oh, very well. You." She points at a girl wearing a blue sweater with a light blue skirt and knee high blue boots.

"Me?" The girl whimpers.

Trixie smirks and, with a flick of her wrist, transfers the girl's clothes onto herself, leaving her with nothing, but her bra and underwear.

Zack groans. "I'm so getting expelled for this."

"So who's your blue friend," asks Kyle, the guy sitting next to Zack.

Trixie answers instead. "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, and Zack, here, is my master."

"Wow, I didn't think you were into this kind of stuff."

"That's cuz I'm not!" Zack exclaims. He tries to bang his head on his desk, but, apparently, he forgot Trixie is sitting there and ends up putting his head on her lap instead.

"Yeah, sure." Kyle chuckles as Zack sits back up.

"Just kill me," Zack says to the ceiling.

Trixie's face scrunches up into a venomous smile. "Is that a wish?"

"What?! No!"

"What does she mean by wish?" asks Kyle.

Zack quickly covers Trixie's mouth to prevent her from saying anything he'll regret. "Nothing! She doesn't mean anything by it!" A strange stinging sensation causes him to pull his hand away from Trixie's mouth.

It feels like someone poured acid all over his hand, but, really, all Trixie did was lick him. She spits on the carpet, creating a bald spot on it. "Trixie is an all powerful genie. She is bound to poor, little Zack here--" Zack is screaming, trying to rub off the acid "--until he makes three wishes, or I kill him."

The classroom explodes in awe, saying how cool she is. This sends Trixie's ego soaring.

"So, you can use magic. Can you show us some?" says a voice among the noise. Others hear it and quickly agree.

"Well, okay." Trixie blushes at the attention. She waves her hand in the air, creating star bursts that pulsate through the entire spectrum of colors. The students coo at the marvelous sight, each one cast in the multicolored light coming from the star bursts. Each speck of light is under Trixie's full control; following her every movement, they dance, swirling around each other in phantasmal shapes.

Through the shapes, she captivates the students, so, in a way, she has control over them too. She wields their attention, able to do whatever she pleases with it, and she loves it. For the finale, Trixie clasps her hand and blows a kiss to her audience, showering them in a glimmering rain. They clap and shout her name, praising her for what she can do.

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