• Published 10th Sep 2013
  • 523 Views, 0 Comments

Quick Fics, Silly Shorts and Other Musings - AASBA

A collection of quick fics created based on requests I've taken.

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Hats Off

Hats Off

“Conflabbit, where did I put that darn thing?” Applejack muttered as she dug through her closet. A small cloud of dust was beginning to rise around the room and the air smelled like old leather. “I just wore it yesterday, it shouldn’t be THIS hard to find.”

Backing out of the closet, the cow pony shoved the small pile of clothes back in and forced the door closed. Rarity would be appalled at how Applejack cared for the Gala dress that had been made for her all those months ago, but the way AJ saw it she’d probably never end up wearing it again, at least not if she could help it.

She cast a gaze around the room, mentally checking off all the places she had looked. When it came to her kind of work, a mare’s hat was near enough the most important thing in the world. It kept your brow cool, your mane back and the sun out of your eyes. Not to mention it looks quite stylish when worn by the appropriate pony.

“The chest,” Applejack muttered to herself. “I haven’t looked there yet.” She couldn’t think of any reason she’d have put it in the chest, but it was one of the few places she hadn’t looked. Bending down she reached in and pulled the chest from beneath her bed, making a loud scraping noise and scratching up the floorboards.

Opening up the chest brought back a flood of memories. If there was ever something of value in AJ’s life, it eventually wound up in this chest. There was the blue ribbon from the first pie making contest she had won, the empty jar that had once been her first jar of zap apple jelly, a picture of her parents and countless other bits and pieces from her life tucked away where they would be safe.

“Applejack, what are you doing?” Apple Bloom stood yawning in the doorway. Being so young and not having many responsibilities to the orchard yet, the little filly wasn’t used to getting up this early.

Smiling, Applejack gestured for her sister to come over and have a seat. “I ever show you any of this stuff?” she asked.
Apple Bloom shook her head.

“I was a lot like you growing up. All that running around, playing with my friends and the like.” Rummaging through, AJ pulled out an old card decorated with pink ribbon that had faded considerably over the years. “I ever tell you about the first time I met Pinkie Pie? When she first moved to Ponyville? She took over the town hall by force and invited every last pony in town to a big party. She wasn’t throwing the party for herself, mind you. Nah, all she was interested in was making sure everypony had a good time.”

Another yawn. “That’s great, sis. Sounds like y’all had fun.”

Applejack chuckled. “Darn tootin.” Placing the invitation back in the chest, something else caught her eye. “Hold on a minute.” Reaching in, she pulled out a small hat. The style was much the same as the one she wore now, except cut from red materiel and the brim was trimmed with white embroidery. She’d gotten too big for this particular hat years ago, but it was the perfect size for a growing young filly. “Take this.” She pushed the hat down onto Apple Bloom’s head and gave it a tussle. “There, we’ll make a proper cowpony out of you yet.”

Apple Bloom smiled groggily. “Thanks, Applejack. It’s a nice hat.”

“You’re darn right it is,” AJ chuckled. “Now get on off back to bed, little sister. I’ve got to find my hat and get to working.”

“Uh, sis?”

“Yeah, what?”

“It’s on your head.”