• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 934 Views, 40 Comments

Steampunk: The start of a new age - Philosopher Brony

A new industrial revolution hits the land of Equestria, along with some old and new foes!

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Chapter 8: Run

Author's Note:

If you are reading this for a youtube video (or anything online in general), please help a fellow Youtuber out by giving my channel a shout out. After all, I did write this story.

My channel is: 1gamer13

I'm sorry, this seems like a low move on my part

As the news of Cloudsdale seceding spread like wildfire across Equestria, Rainbow Dash was making battle plans for the first strike. She analyzed the maps of equestria, and weighing the pros and cons of choosing different locations as targets. Now-a-days, Rainbow's brain was able to process at a high capacity which made her capable of making these decisions after only seconds of thinking. Rainbow Dash was also joined by her advisors during this time to help with the plans.

One of the advisors pointed at Manehattan and said: "Should we attack here? We would be able to curt off most of their connections to other nations, and we would be able to block off their ground troops by blowing up the bridges."

The general thought for a moment about the suggestion, but she said: "No. It would require too many soldiers to keep that city under our command, and that would leave us exposed. Also, their soldiers are probably stationed there already. The tall buildings would provide them with the means to attack us while we are fully exposed in the sky."

Another advisor directed her attention towards Appleloosa and suggested: "Maybe here. It would cut off one of their major sources for food, and the place is almost entirely populated by Earth Ponies."

Again, Rainbow thought about it and responded: "No. For one, That is the farthest town from here which would take to long to mobilize a force strong enough to take on an entire town of Cowponies who were built for strength! Also, there is next to nothing out there for us to gain from it besides a couple of apple trees. Finally, Since the locals there have become friends with the native buffalo, They would destroy us the instant they got word of that town being invaded." Dash looked over the maps and compared them to give herself a better understanding of the ideal target. Then, she found it.

Rainbow pointed at a small town near the center of Equestria and said: "Here. Ponyville It would be perfect!"

"Ma'am, no offense, but it is just a small town with nothing to gain from it." The same advisor said.

"Let me explain. If you compare the railroad map with the map of the towns. You will se that nearly every railroad goes through Ponyville. So, we would be able to cut off their main means of transport. Also, our presence there would cause the bastards in Canterlot protest for better security, which would help eliminate some possible threats."

"Ma'am, you can't be serious. They would easily be able to send in troops before we could secure the railways, and the Everfree Forest would only cause trouble for the soldiers stationed there." Rainbow looked the advisor square in the eye, and smacked him to the ground with one powerful strike.

"DON'T TALK BACK AT ME LIKE THAT! YOU ARE Z-" Sparks flew from Dash's head. "Damn it..."

The first advisor asked her: "Are you alright? Did you blow your optic sensor? The doctor did advise against getting angry after that incident."

"Yes. Buck it hurts. I should go and see him about this, and as for YOU!" Rainbow pointed at the advisor who was still on the floor. "CLEAN UP YOUR ACT, OR I WILL HAVE YOU BANISHED!"

Rainbow Dash enter the doctors office while sparks continued to come out of her broken eye.

"Hello doctor, I broke my eye and I need you to fix it." She said while standing in the doorway.

"You don't need to call me doctor, just call me Clean Cut. Anyways, just take a seat over there, and I'll have fixed in a few minutes or so." Clean responded. The general took her seat and waited patiently for him to prepare his tools. As he worked, Clean decided to ask some questions. "So... what are you going to do with your new army?"

"I'm planning on leading them into that town called Ponyville. Then I'll be able to cut off their trains."

"Isn't Ponyville just a tiny farming village?"

"Yes, but-"

"Wouldn't it be better to attack the capital while they are unaware of our forces? Think about it for a moment. Remember the last time somepony tried to invade Canterlot. They were able to set up a shield within the same day the threat was discovered."

"You do have a point."

"Anyways, Your eye is fixed."

"Thanks. Both for fixing my eye and the advice." Rainbow Dash got up from the chair and exited the room.

"Have a good day Mis. Rainbow Dash."

She turned back towards him and said in a lighter tone than usual: "You can call me Rainbow."

While the news was spreading throughout Equestria, Ponyville was going through rapid changes. The use of technology provided by Sir. Steam and Flim was being used more and more in everyday life. Electrically powered streetlights, airplanes, motorized vehicles, and guns were all over the place. The streets were flooded with cars, airplanes would be flying overhead with banners advertising various businesses, but the sky was nothing but dark clouds. Walls were raised all around the two factories, and their employees were forced to stay within their walls. Ponyville no long felt like a town, but it was now a cage made of copper pipes, wires, and vines.

Meanwhile, Pinkie had Rarity come back to Sugar Cube Corner to finish up what she had been working on. Rarity entered the basement to the site of Pinkie setting up a sting that was hooked up to something inside the hole. She also noticed that the pink party pony was sitting on top of a giant crystal.

Pinkie saw Rarity and said: "You made it! Spike was too busy, so we need to make do without him. Quickly, get on and hold on!" Rarity only looked at her in confusion. Suddenly, Pinkie stopped waiting and just pulled her on. "Hold on tight!" Pinkie yelled while holding the string. The white unicorn looked down the hole to see what it was hooked up to. It was attached to tons of explosives. Without warning, Pinkie lit the fuse and prepared herself.

Rarity looked at Pinkie and asked: "What do yo-" She was cut of by a huge explosion followed by being launched high into the air.

Eventually, everything reached the breaking point. No one knew what was happening, sirens rang all throughout the town, armed soldiers ran through the streets, and shots were fired. Timber Wolfs flooded out of the FF Industries compound along with various other monstrosities that could only be described as abominations of nature. At the same time, flying drones and armed soldiers marched out of Cog's factory and started attacking the Timber Wolfs. The soldiers that came out of Steam's factory were not ponies at all, but they were automated robots that were armed to the teeth with guns.

While this was happening, Applejack was trying to get her family to safety. They just kept running through the streets while ponies died all around them. Everyone was being directed to a location only referred to as 'Haven' and they were told that it would keep them out of harm's way. AJ didn't care where it was as long as they were safe. Eventually, they made it and they were allowed inside, but the orange earth pony refused.

"What do ya mean your not coming with us?" Applebloom asked her older sister.

"I need to help anypony else that might be out there!" Applejack responded.

"But-" Applebloom was cut off by Granny Smith. Granny knew this was the right thing to do, so she let AJ go while they secured themselves inside Haven.

Applejack sprinted through the battle she was in the middle of. The only thing she found was either a burning building, or a corpse that was or wasn't being eaten by one of the plant abominations. Right before she gave up her search, a certain pony came back to her memory: Fluttershy! How could she so foolish as to forget about Fluttershy! AJ thought to herself as she ran for her cottage.

Once Applejack had arrived, it was too late. The cottage was torn apart, and all that was left of the yellow pegasus was a few feathers and a small pool of blood. Tears formed in AJ's eye at the sight of this. It is all my fault! She thought to herself. Her sorrow was cut off short when a Timber Wolf's growling reached her ears. Applejack prepared to fight as the wolf entered the door way. It was the same red eyes Timber Wolf she saw back in Flim's factory. Without any time wasted, they both leaped at each other. The Wolf was able to get in the first hit which sent AJ back across the room. The attack left deep cuts in her front left leg. It came in for another attack, but Applejack was able to turn herself around and she bucked as hard as she could. The Timber Wolf was knocked through the front wall of the cottage, but it left AJ at a really weak state. When the wolf walked back in, it didn't attack. It just stood there and looked at Applejack with the most confused look a Timber Wolf could make.

"What the-" Applejack said as it just stood there looking at her. "Why did ya stop?" AJ was possibly more confused that the wolf at this point. The Timber Wolf tried to answer, but the sounds it tried to make were impossible for it's vocal cords. After that, the wolf started scratching something into the floor. It was a symbol that was unmistakable by Applejack. AJ looked into the wolf's eyes and asked: "Is it really y... you-" Unfortunately, the blood loss caused her to pass out right there.

Haven was not a what anyone would have expected. It was a repurposed section of Cog's factory. The only thing that was changed was that all the machinery in the area were replaced with beds, medical stations, and food distribution centers. The faint sounds of fighting could be heard from the other side of the wall. Twilight stood on the main street with her owl on her back and the baby dragon to her left. She just stood there, trying to comprehend what was happening.

"Hey Twilight? shouldn't we have a look around. Maybe we would meet up with our friends." The young purple and green dragon asked. Twilight only nodded to his request.

"MIS. TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" a pony yelled as he ran towards her. "I have an important message for you; strait from the Equestria Military Division of Canterlot Affairs!" Her levitated a scroll out of his saddle pouch. It read as followed:

This message is from the head officer: Copper Heart of the EMDCA
Equestria Military Division of Canterlot Affairs
This message has been passed through head officer: Strong hoofs of the EMDPA
Equestria Military Division of Ponyville Affairs
This message is intended for Princess Twilight Sparkle

Extra security in the form of Iron Stallions (Which will be provided by Sir. Cog Steam) will be assigned to you by order of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the head officer of the EMDCA. This has been applied because of the recent attacks on Canterlot. You will have at lest two guards on duty at all times, and there are no exceptions to this. You are to rep lie to this message in order to confirm that you have received, and are acknowledging what has been written. If you wish to contact support or if you have questions; please contact a representative of the EMDPD.

Once she finished reading the message, Twilight was greeted by Cog and two large Iron Stallions.

"Hello Mis Twilight Sparkle. Do you fair well?" Cog asked the purple mare. "I have been ordered to assign these FES to you, and Princess Celestia wants me to make sure you are safe." The two masses of metal and wires walked to her sides while trying to avoid the little dragon. Twilight's curiosity was attracted to him mentioning Princess Celestia.

"Wait... Princess Celestia ordered you at ensure my safety?" Twilight asked him inquisitively.

"I was personally told to. I consider it an Honor to help protect a Princess. I already have quarters set up for you and your friends. They are in the northern most building in the residential district. Do you wish for me to guid you there?"

"No... I'm sure I can get there on my own."

"Okay... just send for me if you need me. Have a good day Mis. Twilight Sparkle." He left as quick as he came. All she could think of right now was that this was just the start to all of this horror.