• Published 1st Sep 2013
  • 535 Views, 37 Comments

Jim in Aquestria - FiMFictionUndaead

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"Hey!" called Kim. "Come back! I need to take a leak really bad and I don't know where the toilets are!"

At this point Rainbow fish was already 10,000,000 micrometers away.

"Aw, crap," Kim cursed. She swam after Rainbow Fish as fast as she could, yelling random obscure obscenities as she went. She chased Rainbow for hours, until Rainbow Fish came to a sudden halt. Bumping into her, Kim screamed some more obscenities.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

Rainbow Fish simply pointed. Kim's gazed to where Rainbow was pointing and gasped. It was the most giant and evil and horrible cave she had ever seen in her life. In fact, it might have even been the most cavernous cave she had ever seen.