• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 290 Views, 2 Comments

A Tale of Arcing Breeze - Arcing Breeze

Arcing Breeze is a Pony like few others, with a past he keeps mostly hidden and a family he's hiding from he takes up a place in Ponyville with some very familiar mares. The only question is, will his past bite him in the flank or guide his eyes

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Warmth spread over my face, light washing over my closed eyelids. I yawned, rolling over onto my side. With an ompf and a startled cry I fell to the ground “What? Who? Where?” Past my lips before I could focus my blurry eyes on my surroundings.

Clouds surrounded me, their dense appearance showing that they were formed to make buildings. I looked around confused seeing the bare walls and empty bookcase. A few boxes rested against the wall and I could see bagged clothes hanging in a partly closed closet. Memories started to rush back to me and I sighed placing my head on the ground to place my hooves over my muzzle. Figures.

My ears twitched as muffled giggles started to reach them and I looked towards the bare window, no glass or boards to block the slight breeze from brushing my feathers. Getting to my hooves I trotted to the sill and looked down. The cyan mare on sitting on her haunches with her hooves over her mouth told me everything I needed.

I looked down at her an eyebrow raised in question. When she noticed that I saw her she lost all her restraint and fell back onto her cloud yard with a laugh. I snorted turning around on my hooves and trotting from the room. I turned down the hall towards what I hope was the washroom. I was right luckily.

I shut the door behind me. This room was one of the few in this cloud house that actually had a door. A mirror hung on the wall and I looked at it grimacing at my appearance. My dark red eyes, darker than the strips of red in my mane were tired looking. My cut mane spiked in odd directions from my tossing and turning in my sleep and my large wings had crocked feathers in more than one place.

I sighed, this is going to be a lot of work. My first step was to wake up. I turned the sink on under mirror and quickly splashed the cold water over my face. Shaking my head at the shock of cold I spread the water back through my mane slicking it into its proper shape before shaking myself dry. Two birds with one stone.

Now wide awake and my mane fixed I focused on my messed up feathers and quickly preened them. I found three loose ones, two on the left and one on the right. None of the feathers were primaries so I didn’t care much. “Hey you almost done in there?” I looked to the door at the squeaky voice. I didn’t notice it yesterday but she sounded like a colt going through puberty. Her voice was raspy with a squeak every once in a while. It was very endearing. “Shesh you take longer than Rarity!”

Who’s Rarity? Shaking my head I pushed open the door raising an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash on the other side. She was turned and balanced on her front hooves with her wings spread for balance, her rear hooves were raised to buck down the door or at least cause a bang to make me jump. “What are you doing?”

She grinned sheepishly and settled back on all four. “Nothing, anyways want a tour before we get something to eat?”

“Might as well,” I shrugged and followed her down the hall to the front door of her cloud house. Opening it revealed a clear blue sky with only a few white clouds dotting its otherwise clear expanse.

“Well you coming?” I shook out my mane and quickly stepped off of the cloud that surrounded her house letting the wind rush past me. Spreading my wings I cut the air just right to pull up at the last second so the barest edge of my hooves skimmed the grass below. Rolling backwards I quickly settled on some thermals and flapped leasurily beside the cyan Pegasus.

“Coming,” I smirked. She blinked at me before a grin stretched her muzzle and she shot off a trail of rainbow marking her path. I chuckled and quickly shot after her letting the clouds and sparks of electricity dance from under my wings. It was odd why this happened when I flew at fast speeds but I didn’t argue it.

I didn’t have to strain myself to catch up, it seemed like she was taking her time. If taking your time meant flying fast enough to feel g-force fighting your every movement and being an almost useable blur to the common eye under us that is. I caught up entering a roll when I reached her side to tap her with my wing on her back a brief shock of electricity passing my feathers and a making her shudder.

Smirking I shot off with a pump of my wings. It was only a second or two before I realised something. I had past over the outskirts of Ponyville and the fountain that was the finish line for last nights race rushed under me. Where was I going? I looked behind me to see a smug Rainbow Dash hovering in place with crossed hooves.

Sighing I banked and slowly looped around. I I angled my wings slowing down to stop before her with a lowered head. “Smooth move,” She snickered.

“Yeah, whatever,” I sighed. Shaking out my head with a chuckle I looked up at her meeting her cerise eyes. “Anyways Miss Showpony where to first?”

“Hey!” She cried slugging me in the shoulder. I wobbled and rubbed my wounded limb with a grin. She snorted but continued to grin. “I’m hungry so I say Sugarcube Corner, ‘sides if we don’t see Pinkie first than there will be trouble.”

Her warning made me gulp and I nodded hurriedly. She dived and I followed taking the second to study the building we were approaching. It seemed to be modeled after a gingerbread house, the brown roof had large candy canes and what looked like icing around the eaves troughs. There were so many shades of pink on its walls that it was tough to name them all and it was made in such a way that it dipped towards the centre of the roof right where a tower stuck up. A simple wooden sign with a pink cupcake hung above the door.

We touched down on the steps and quickly pushed open the two piece front door, a small bell ringing above us. “Hey Dashie!”

I watched as a bright pink Earth Pony literally bounced over the counter that showcased many treats. She stopped directly in front of Rainbow Dash wobbling to a stand still. I backed up not sure what to make of this new Pony. She was talking, I think she was at least. Her lips moved and sound came out but it was moving too quickly for me to fully understand it. “Muffins…Party…Happy…” Those three words were the only that I caught and could actually make sense of. Suddenly Rainbow Dash placed a hoof over the pink ponies lips silencing her, but she didn’t stop talking, I could hear mumbles still rushing from her mouth.

“Pinkie Pie,” Dash said raising an eye. The pink pony silenced and looked at the cyan Pegasus as she bounced lightly on her hooves. “This is Arcing Breeze.”

“Hey,” I waved sheepishly.

Grinning Rainbow Dash removed her hoof and I looked at her wide eyed as I watched the hyper pink pony slowly turn to look at me with a blank face. Suddenly she opened her mouth wide taking in a deep breath of air. I started to flinch not knowing what was going to happen when; “Hey! I’mPinkiePieareyounewhere! YoumustbebecauseI’veneverseenyoubeforeandIknoweveryponyinPonyville!Gasp!Ifyournewherethatmeansyoudon’tknowanyone,wellexceptforRainbowDash,andme,didIsayI’mPinkiePie!Anywaysdoyouknowwhatthiscallsfor?”

I blinked slowly taking in the rapidly spoken words. She talked so fast she didn’t even pause to take in a breath of air but yet she still wasn’t panting when she was done. “Uh,” I paused and looked at Dash who was suppressing a giggle. “No.”

Worst. Mistake. Ever!

“No? No! Whatdoyoumeanno!? Whythiscallsforapartysilly!Yayparty!OhIhavetogosendoutinvites!” With that she was gone only the swinging door showing that she was ever here.

I looked at Rainbow Dash and she could help it, with a loud bark of laughter she fell onto her back with her wings spread out and her hooves kicking the air. I couldn’t help it. Soon I joined in and fell to the ground with her my chest aching as I soon lost any air that I held in my lungs. I’m not sure how long we laughed but eventually I had no more air to laugh with and instead just lay on the floor gasping as I wiped stray tears with my hooves.

“Oh god!” I gasped. “I needed that.”

Dash giggled again before rolling to her hooves and standing up. I followed still letting out a chuckle or two between my pants. Standing behind the counter now with a smile on her muzzle was an earth pony with a light blue coat and a rose mane. “How may I help you sweeties?”

“Hey Missus Cake, can I have a daffodil sandwich please?” Dash asked.

“Uh I’ll have the same please.”

“Of course!” In a few minutes we were seated comfortably at a table munching on what I consider to be the best sandwich I’ve ever had. Peeling back a piece of bread I took a look at what was inside. Daffodil, of course, cucumber, tomatoes, butter and some type of mustard. Hmm, not bad. Shrugging I took another large bite and soon finished the sandwich, leaning back in my chair I patted my now full belly with a sigh.

“That was amazing!” I sighed.

“I know right!” Dash laughed.

“So now what?” I asked. I followed as she got up from the table and with a wave to the nice Missus Cake we left the bakery.

“Now?” She jumped into the air and flew into the sky looking around with a thoughtful look. I flapped my wings and quickly flew up beside her. “Well lets see, that was Pinkie Pie and Sugarcube Corners, I guess we can see Rarity and her Boutique.” She muttered something under her breath and I think I heard dress in there somewhere.

Flipping she flew down the street towards what looked like a small foals ride. It turned out to be another store. This one literally looked like a foals carousal ride painted with light blues and clear whites that matched perfectly. A sign was placed above the door with the picture of a ponyquin wearing a simple but lovely pink vest.

Touching down Rainbow Dash turned to me her face completely serious as she placed a hoof against my chest. I looked down at her my lips curved in a small smile and an eyebrow raised. “Be careful with Rarity, she might try to drag you into something that is really not cool.”

“I’ll be careful.” I told her moving past her and pushing open the door. Inside was a wide room with ponyquins both bare and covered in beautiful dresses and suits. The soft chime of a bell noted our entry and a sweet voice called from a back room before the crystal clear not even had a chance to die down.

“Be there in a moment dear!” A minute later a door swung opened on the otherside of a room followed by a white coated unicorn with a splarkling mane of indigo. Small dainty looking glasses were perched on her nose which quickly floated off in a halo of light blue. “Welcome to the Carousal Boutique where everything is chique unique and magnifique!” Blinking she looked at us just seemingly noticing who was actually there. “Oh hello Rainbow Dash, and who is this stallion with you.”

I reared my head back with a light blush that was hidden beneath my dark coat. She was pretty, I wouldn’t say beautiful, just her looking at me with those soft blue eyes was enough to destroy any confidence I had with me. Moving forward she ran a studying hoof down my side, feeling the texture of my coat before ghosting over my feathers. I shivered at the feeling.

“Hmm such soft feathers,” She muttered. “But such a dreary color.”

“Hey!” I cried snatching my wing from her grasp. She tsked and soon my feathers tingled as my wing was gently forced open by her magic. It was spread to its fullest and soon she was gently moving feathers aside to show the red tinted secondaries underneath.

“I got the best design for a suit!” She told me smiling up at me. If possible I think I was even taller than her than the others. She seemed to be slightly shorter than Applejack and Rainbow Dash but her mane which rose in an elegant style made it seem like she was the same height. “Come I must get your measurements!”

The aura of magic spread from my wing to the rest of my body and soon I was being moved against my will across the room and towards a raised platform surrounded by body length mirrors. I was placed down right there but before I could move I was covered almost nose to tail in cloths of all colors and my wing was extended again. “Hmm lets see now.”

I peeked out from under a bright cherry cloth and looked at Rainbow Dash with a pleading look. She met my look and just shrugged shaking her head and mouthing ‘Sorry.’ I sighed.

Finally what felt like a life time but was actually an hour, unless the clock on the wall was wrong, I was free. I gave a hurried goodbye and a polite bow as I realised she prized manners above all. The second my hooves touched the ground outside my wings snapped open and I was up by one of the few clouds in the sky in seconds.

Rainbow Dash joined me a second later a grin on her face. “I warned you.” She shrugged.

“Warned me!” I yelled incredulously. “You said not to let her drag me into something, not that she’s a fashion designer! That’s like a whole new level of scary!”

“Hey! Easy there Breezey just simmer down for a bit your drawing a storm!” I blinked and looked at the cloud beside us. It was rolling in agitation small shocks bouncing from my feathers and towards what was once a gentle fluffy white cloud. I snorted and flicked my wing slashing it through the cloud to get rid of it and the electricity in one go.

“Fine, sorry.” I shut my eyes breathing deeply and let a smile grow on my face. Opening my eyes I grinned at her. “What’s next?”

“Hmm well I guess we can go see Applejack at the farm.”

The farm was called Sweet Apple Acres and it sad on the eastern edge of Ponyville and covered more land than the whole town itself. Acres upon acres of apple trees lined the land rolling with the hills and jumping two streams that moved through the land at a leisure. Rainbow Dash seemed to slow down for me, our wings gently beat the air as we’d travel at what is consider a normal speed for a relaxing Pegasus.

Everything looked so healthy, so alive. I smiled down at the birds the rested on the lush green branches and stopped to watch as a squirrel climbed up the trunk of a tree. The apples were plump and a wide color that betrayed the wide variety. It looked amazing. Soon a large faded red barn came into view with a good sized country house beside it. I could see a line of hen houses in a large fenced off area and a shed that probably held most of the smaller farm tools.

Deciding to touch down early I let myself drift down and walk the rest of the way to the country house. An elderly mare with a bright green coat and white mane and tail sat rocking back and forth on a worn wooden rocking chair. “Goo’ mornin’ young’uns,” Her voice though aged still held a strength that seemed to command my obedience, her body may be old but her mind is still strong. I’m sure if she was a Unicorn she would still hold plenty of magic. “Wha’ can I do fer yah?”

“Hey Granny Smith,” Rainbow Dash greeted. I nodded my own greeting to the elderly mare. “This is Arcing Breeze, I was just showing him around town and I thought maybe I should show him the farm. Do you know where Applejack is?” In the two days I had known Rainbow Dash I don’t think I’ve ever heard her sound so respectful to another pony. But I think if she even hinted at being disrespectful than Granny Smith would crack down on her in an instant.

“Hmm,” The old mare thought for a moment tapping her chins with a hoof as she rocked gently on her chair. “Ah’m thinkin’ she might be in da East field with Big Mac and lil’ Apple Bloom.”

“Thank you Granny.” Dash smiled before looking at me and motioning towards the sky above. I nodded and with a small gust of wind that drifted the faintest cloud of dust off the ground we were in the air. I followed my internal compass turning east so the setting sun was behind me. I could hear a steady thump get louder and louder as I flew till finally with the barn barely in view I saw a familiar mare bucking apples.

“Hey Applejack,” I greeted diving low and snagging an apple before it landed in one of the carefully placed buckets around a tree trunk. “Nice farm. Let me guess, apple farmer?”

AJ giggled tipping her Stetson back to look at me easier. “What tipped yah off Breeze? The apple trees or mah cutie mark?”

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the tree apples that marked her flank but shrugged letting a grin spread on my muzzle. “Have to say all the trees and that there’s a sweet mare named Granny Smith on the porch of your house.”

“So she was awake fer once eh?” Applejack chuckled motioning to a large stallion off to the side as she moved to the next tree. I watched the stallion with a yoke around his neck as he moved up and easily moved the apple laden buckets onto a nearby cart. Already most of the cart was full of similar buckets but a pile of empty ones that quickly shrunk as a small yellow coated filly grabbed more and set them up. “Most ah the time Granny’s asleep when someponies wantin’ to talk ta ‘er.”

She paused to quickly buck a sturdy looking apple tree. I didn’t expect what happened that’s for sure. Even though this mare looked sturdy she still didn’t look strong enough shake a tree with a simple buck. The tree shook almost violently as the apples fell from their branches and into the buckets. I blinked but shook out my mane with a grin.

“Do we need any more Big Mac?” The large red stallion looked at the cart with a slow motion and I got the distinct feeling of somepony who took great care in mastering his strength.

“Nnnope,” He drawled shaking his head.

“Phew!” Applejack sighed taking off her Stetson and wiping her forehead down with a hoof. “Now Ah call that’a day. Care to join us fer some dinner?”

“Of course!” I looked at Rainbow Dash in shock. I was used to being surrounded by those who politly decline, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Pony just outright agree, isn’t that rude.

“That would be nice, thank you Applejack.” I agreed shooting a small glare at Rainbow at the end.

Applejack laughed replacing her Stetson on her head and nudging me with a shoulder as she walked by. “No need to show yer fancy highend manners here Breeze, in mah family theres nothin’ better then to share our food.”

I followed as she set off down the path the large stallion, Big Mac hauling the cart ahead of us. Set inside the cart with the buckets was the small filly only the large pink box in her rose colored mane visible over the wooden walls.

“So what yah think of Ponyville so far Arcing Breeze?” I looked at Applejack before lowering my head in thought.

A smile spread on my muzzle and I looked up and met both mares eyes. “Amazing, simply amazing.”

Author's Note:

I understand that many of the characters have been...how do I say it AU and I'd appreciate it if any of you Bronies or Pegasisters out there can help me out by sending in tips on their personalities, how they carry themselves, how they talk, walk, anything would be of help.