• Published 27th Aug 2013
  • 538 Views, 5 Comments

When You Wish Upon A Dying Star - pwniiz

Love can be quite awkward for those who have never experienced it for over 1000 years.

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Chapter 1

She gasped and dropped the blanket re-covering the person lying in her bed. She was about to scream for the guards to help her but didn’t out of curiosity. Instead she pulled the blankets off the bed exposing him and inspected him.

He had dark blue hair with one red streak going down the side with a tail to match. He was very large, probably around six feet tall and looked to be in his late teens. He seemed harmless in his sleeping state and since he had no horn there was no threat of him using magic. But the fact that he somehow got into her bedroom was still a mystery. He had no wings so he wouldn’t be able to fly in through any of the windows.

Luna started pacing and thinking of what to do with this person who mysteriously appeared in her bed. What if she asked her sister for help? No, she must keep this secret. If word got out that a random stranger managed to sneak into Luna’s royal bed chambers it would cause so much havoc amongst security, plus it might make her look bad.

She paced around the room desperate to figure out a way to make this end well. She looked up at the stars that make up the ceiling as if they would magically shape into an answer to her problem. But then she remembered the dying star. Her wish, had it come true? Was he the one? But she didn’t even know this person, how could he be the answer to her wish?

She cautiously walked over to the side of the bed where he lay. Maybe she should check to see if he was alright, that scar on his throat looks very fresh. As she got close he stirred and gave out a squeaky whimpering sound. She flinched at the sound and took a step back. She then took two steps forward, leaned in, and poked his shoulder. He stirred even more as a reaction and it seemed that she actually woke him up.


He felt nothing. he saw nothing. It was total darkness. Was this it he thought, was this really the end? Suddenly a white orb appeared before him. It danced around as if trying to communicate. It gave off a warm light, a happy feeling. But why? What was this orb of light? It suddenly grew larger and larger until it was slightly bigger than him. I came closer to him making him feel warmer. It began to envelope him and he became afraid.

Suddenly he heard a laugh. Not like any other laugh he had heard. I was a mute laugh, as if from a mute dream where you simply know there is someone laughing. It was happy, and it somehow made him happy.

Then, more darkness. He remembered how he killed himself; it didn’t seem real, as he was still thinking. How can a dead person think? Wait, he was dead right? Suddenly he felt brief pressure on his shoulder. He looked around to see what it was but couldn’t see anything.

Then he opened my eyes and didn’t move but could see that he was lying on a bed. He began to lift his head up and lean on his shoulders and looked around. He was in a large room with stars on the ceiling and everything else was some dark shade of blue.

He turned around to see the rest of where he was and saw a young looking girl standing near the bed. But what got his attention was that she had a blue unicorn horn and blue wings and blue clear hair. He panicked and stumbled backwards to the opposite side of the bed which he then fell out of.

Luna panicked and shot a paralyzing spell at the boy which missed as he fell.

“Who are you and what do you want” the boy yelled at Luna.

“What are you doing in my bedroom and who are you” she responded.

“Will you promise not to attack me if I tell you”?

Luna stopped charging magic in her horn. “I promise I won’t”.

“My name is Evan and you”?

“My name is Luna, I thought everyone knew that. But still, how did you get in my room”.

Luna, the name echoed through Evan’s head as he realized, she was Princess Luna. Luna from My Little Pony? But Luna’s supposed to be a pony not a human. It all made sense accept for that, the fancy bedroom, stars for a ceiling and everything was dark blue.

“Umm, I have no idea how I got here Luna, I wish I did thou”

“It’s Princess Luna and I guess we will have to figure that out later”.

There was an awkward few seconds of silence before Evan noticed something wrong with his body. He kept feeling something brush up against the back of his legs. He looked around and saw that he had a tail!

“What the heck, when did I get a tail, where did this come from”!?

“Everyone has a tail did you never know you had a tail”?

“Where I am from nobody has tails, especially colorful ones like these”

A sudden thought came to Evan’s mind and he grabbed at his hair.

“Is my hair the same color as my tail”?

“Of course it is, what kind of question is that”?

“My hair was a light brown before I died”.

“You died, how did you die, and if you died how come you are here”?

“Well” he hesitated “I kind of, slit my own throat” He winced in pain and shame as he glanced at her. She was in shock with eyes bulged and mouth open.

“Killed yourself, why would you do such a thing”!?

“I really hated my life and how the world I lived on was turning out, I didn’t want to be a part of it and I broke down”.

“So somehow you ended up here” She thought somehow here wish upon the dying star and that mysterious scroll had something to do with this. She thought it would be best if she didn’t say anything because it might upset Evan.

“I’m kind of freaking out right now; this is all very strange to me”.

“That is understandable; this is very strange to me as well”

Evan sat down on the corner of the bed and twirled his new tail through his fingers. He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall which read 3:47; it was then that he realized he was getting tired.
“Umm, is there anywhere I could sleep for the rest of the night”?

Luna thought for a moment, the guest rooms were all the way downstairs and down the hall, he would surely be seen if he tried going there. She could just make a bed appear but it would still be odd to have him sleeping in her room. She could simply escort him to a guest room, but then anyone who say would associate him to her. But he was still a guest and there had to be a choice between the two.

“Well I guess I could show you to a guest room”

“Yes, that seems reasonable”

“Follow me then we better be quick about it, I want as few people to see you as possible”

“Why, is that a problem”?

She turned and looked at him with concern “Considering you “broke” into my bedroom that would alarm many people in security. Plus considering a strange mysterious man snuck into my room at night would start to make people think I was

Evan knew exactly what she meant and he blushed at the thought before shaking his head in defiance. Then his stomach growled.

“Umm, apparently I’m starting to get hungry”

“well then we will have to sneak into the kitchen as well” Luna sighed.

Luna opened the doors with her magic and as we walked out the guards snapped to attention.

“Nothing to see here“ she mumbled nervously. Even simply seeing the guards made her nervous. Evan, noticing this, started to feel bad about this odd series of events. He needed a way for this to end well without any disastrous situations.

The silence in the corridors was broken by the slight tapping of footsteps as Luna and Evan walked towards the kitchen. They turned a corner leading to another long hallway with one side having many windows showing that Celestia had started to raise the sun. Luna pointed towards the door at the end of the hallway.

“That is the kitchen where all the food you could ever find is kept, normally the chef would be there to make the food but you will simply have to find something not too complex to eat”.

“That’s ok, I’m sure I’ll find something”.

As they got to the kitchen door it swung open revealing Princess Celestia. Luna quickly shoved Evan to the side blocking him from view.

“Sister, what are you doing here” Luna said nervously.

“ Oh, umm, well I was raising the sun and suddenly I got a little hungry and decided to see if there was any cake available” she said with a sheepish grin. “So what are you doing, were you hungry as well”?

“Umm, no, I was just walking around because I couldn't sleep”.

“I see, does it have anything to do with that boy you tried to shove out of my view”?

Luna blushed but wasn't sure why. “Umm, yes, you see I-”.

Evan stepped into view and gave a slight bow “Hello Princess Celestia, it is an honor to meet you”

“What, it wasn’t an honor to meet me”? Luna questioned

“Well considering how we met no, meeting you, yes, how we met, no” Evan stammered trying to get out of the heat.

“So how did you meet, Luna has been in the castle the whole time” Celestia questioned Evan but then suddenly she had a thought.

“Did he break into the castle”?!

“No it was nothing like that, umm, could we discuss this later after everything has settled down” Luna insisted nervously.

“I still want answers later today” She pointed at both of them one at a time. She looked at her hand and pointed at them one at a time again. Her eyes widened and she suddenly had another thought. “Luna, have you been, going out with him”? She pointed at Evan.

This question shocked the both of them

“What, no”! Luna yelled “Where did you get that idea, we just met this morning”!

“Well then where did you meet”?

This question silenced Luna out of pure embarrassment and fear.

“Well”? She turned to Evan who also fell silent out of embarrassment

“See this is why I am having thoughts about you two, I will be expecting a full explanation later today from both of you”.

There was another long silence before Evan spoke up

“So, where are the guest bedrooms”? Evan asked cautiously.

Celestia looked at him “Do you not have a place to stay”?

“No, but like you said, I will explain it all tomorrow”.

Celestia nodded and beckoned a guard to show Evan to a guest room.

As Evan walked out of hearing range Celestia turned to Luna. “There better be a good explanation for all of this sister”. After that the sisters parted ways, Luna to her bedroom and Celestia to her morning duty’s.

The guard led Evan to a large wooden door and explained that this would be the room he will be staying in. The room itself was neat and clean but very spacious and fancy like a five star hotel. It simply had a bedroom and a bathroom with a small fridge and some other furniture. There was a queen sized bed with large soft blankets and pillows which looked very tempting. Evan collapsed onto the bed and covered himself with the blankets. He then realized he forgot to eat and got out of bed. He looked around the room and saw a small complimentary bag of chocolate chip cookies. After eating the few cookies his stomach finally let him go to sleep.

Luna made it back to her room without any more problems. She was still bothered by the way her sister treated her, and about how she got so flustered around Evan when certain comments were made. Why was she acting like this she thought? She walked up to her bed and got in, covering herself with the nice soft sheets and resting her head on a pillow. “I’ll think about it tomorrow” she reassured herself. But for some reason she just couldn’t get Evan out of her mind. She sat up “What is wrong with me, I just met him and barely even know him”. She buried her face in her hands and groans in frustration.
She then thought about how he said he actually committed suicide. She was still in a bit of shock that someone would actually do such a thing, especially a young handsome boy like Eva. No, what was she thinking. She turned over in her bed “why won’t these thoughts just leave me alone” she pleaded. She sighed and closed her eyes trying to focus on nothing. Eventually she zoned out and finally could get some rest.

Comments ( 4 )

wait is he human or pony?

3114957 Humans, with features such as Unicorn horns, Pegasus wings, and pony tails

this has become very interesting

It's a good story so far...sad that it's canceled.

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