• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 862 Views, 56 Comments

The Dusk of the Dawn - Dusk775

A story of a pony named Dawn who, with his sister, Dusk, travel the land to search for answers.

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Chapter 4

After running for our lives for a while, we made it back to the cave.

"Now, before you yell at me, let me tell you ex-" Dusk started, but I interrupted her.

"You were lucky I made it out of there alive! What could have been soooo important that it was worth nearly blowing our cover?" I exclaimed at her. If I wasn't outside, I could've been found.

She responded with one word: "This."

She then took the book out of her saddle-bag, and dropped it at my feet. I looked down.

It was a worn, pink book. It looked like it had been around a very long time. There were gold-plated bindings on it, and, in gold, a word was embroidered into the cover: Diary.

"Th-this can't b-" I started.

"This is what I risked our cover for. Celestia's personal Diary." Dusk said with prominence. She then started to tell the story of how she came across it.

After making it up the spiral staircase that led to Celestia's bedroom by shadow-jumping from one shadow to another under the torches to evade conflict, Dusk jumped down into the shadow under the door. She then took her normal form.

Man, shadow-jumping takes up a lot of energy, she thought to herself. I need to take a break.

She let here eyes wander around Celestia's room. It was for sure a room for royalty, with the room being lavished with all kinds of extras. Her balcony doors were lined with silk drapery, along with all of the windows. The fire still burned, but dimly, losing its energy as its fuel source dwindled.

Dusk took one step, and found the floor to be heavily carpeted. Good thing, she thought. I won't have to worry about my hooves making any noise.

Her eyes locked as she turned her eyes over to the bed. In it lie a sleeping Princess Celestia. Her brother did not tell her how heavily she slept. Good thing too; it would have been creepy if he knew, anyway.

She scanned the bookshelves, reading the bindings of each book. Nothing jumped out to her, and she then went over to another, but got the same result.

As she looked over to the sleeping alicorn, she noticed something: a book under her pillow. That has to be her diary, she thought. After all, what other book would be important enough for her to keep it under her pillow?

Dusk schemed for a bit on how to get the book free from the pillow's weight. Then a light bulb went off. Perfect!

She slowly pulled a book out of the shelves, one that was leaning on another, to make sure another book wouldn't move from the weight shift and make any noise. She then slid it under the pillow gently, trying not to wake Celestia.

She felt the two books touch. Time to move the other.

She slowly slid the books.

Quarter of the way there.

Halfway there.

Almost got it!


Got it!

The book was free of the pillow. Dusk walked over to the other size, but noticed something with shock. The book being free of the pillow's grip, it slowly slid down the sheets. Just as it reached the edge, it began to fall.

Crap! Dusk hastily forgot about her need for stealth, and used her magic to grab the book before it hit the ground, slipping it into her bag and securing the strap without a second thought.

But the deed was already done.

Celestia startled, her sleep disrupted by the light that emitted from Dusk's horn when she used her magic.

Her eyes opened.

Being groggy initially from waking up in the middle of the night, Celestia leaned forward into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes.

Should I make a run for it? Dusk thought hastily. No, she would get spooked and send for her guard.

Looks like I have to talk my way out of this one, Dusk concluded.

Celestia noticed the intruder after she was done rubbing here eyes. Her eyes then went to fear. "L-luna?!" she fearfully whispered.

"Fear not, Princess, for I am not Luna, only a messenger with a form similar to her's," Dusk convincingly stated.

"A m-messenger?" Celestia was still shocked, as not many messengers appeared in her bedroom in the night as she slept.

"Yes, a messenger," Dusk continued. "I deliver a message of hope, Princess. Dawn is still alive." she stated.

If Celestia wasn't surprised before, she sure was now. She stuttered as she responded. "M-m-my s-son, d-Dawn?" she managed to get out.

"Yes. I know this information, because I am part of his soul." Dusk stated.

"Luna had not failed when she experimented on him. She succeeded in giving him immortality. I am merely an unintended side-effect, being part of both Luna's and Dawn's souls."

The Princess was dumb-struck. Not only was her son alive, but still in Equestria.

"Th-thank you, young messenger. You have not only given me hope that I may see my son someday, but you also have relieved me of a guilt that I wasn't too late to save him." Celestia responded, tearing at the eye.

"Your welcome, your highness." Dusk responded.

They both stood there, quietly observing each other's presence.

"I shall now take my leave," Dusk stated, flying over to the balcony. "Goodbye, Princess Celestia." she finally said. The winds picked up, and the curtains to the balcony danced. One second, Dusk was there. The other, she was gone.

Celestia chased after her, but only meeting the rail of the balcony as she came out of the room. She was gone.

She sat there for a few moments, surprised.

She then pinched herself, a surprisingly hard endeavor for a pony, but found that the was not dreaming. What she had seen was true.

"I must call the court together to tell them of this news, and to bring together a search party!" She exclaimed to herself joyfully. Her son was alive, and she was beyond happy for it.

She went to ring the call of council bell that she had, but instead, rang the wrong one. The one that she had rang was the alarm bell.

"Whoever installed these bells next to each other was an idiot, but it's also partially my fault. I really should get these labeled." She giggled to herself. I guess the guard would have to deal with the false alarm, she thought.

"and that's how I got this book." Dusk concluded.

"Wow. You really negotiated yourself out of that one, Dusk." I proudly remarked.

Dusk blushed lightly "Aww, I didn't do that much," she said, embarrassed.

"If she had awoken while I was there, I might've gone and just wet myself where I stood," I replied. "I'm very proud of you, sis."

I wrapped my forehooves around her in a light embrace. She returned it. We were truly brother and sister.

A silent moment passed, just us enjoying the embrace.

"So, I guess I should start debriefing you on how my night went." I said, disengaging from the hug.

I began to tell her of what had occurred in the library, starting with the hall.