• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 862 Views, 56 Comments

The Dusk of the Dawn - Dusk775

A story of a pony named Dawn who, with his sister, Dusk, travel the land to search for answers.

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Chapter 1

While on the road to Canterlot, I couldn't keep the thoughts of what might happen there out of my head. What if we get caught by the royal guards and they ask who I am? What will I do then? What if Celestia finds out? She'll banish me to moon like the demon spawn I am...

"Dawn, will you quit worrying?" my sister scolded. "I'm trying to observe the nature around us as we walk, and your constant worrying is starting to annoy me. Everything's going to go smoothly. We'll just sneak into the city at night, gather information from some places, and then sneak back out. It'll go off without a hitch, trust me!"

"I hope so, Dusk." I responded. "By the way, where did you have in mind for us to look?"

"There are many places we can look, brother," Dusk answered, "but I think we will find the most information within the castle itself. A couple good places would be the mirror room, Celestia's room, and-" she stopped to ponder whether or not to say the last place.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, we could look where the "event" happened." my sister quietly replied.

"How did I know you would think of that?" I answered. "Well, if it might hold information, then we'll look there as well."

"You still remember where it is?"

"Of course. That whole night was burned into my head when Luna cursed me."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess something that horrible and painful would be pretty scarring."

"Pretty scarring is an understatement."

We walked in silence for a pretty long time before we saw the city. It sure looked like the city in which Celestia resided. It sat on the edge of a large mountain range, giving a bird's-eye-view of most of Equestria. Still, something was off about it. Something that didn't sit right with me. Something very......peculiar about it.

"Well, I think we should start by finding a cave along the mountains to reside in until night falls. " I told Dusk.

"Why does it always need to be caves? Why can't we stay in a hotel, or a park; somewhere that isn't a cave?" Dusk asked irritatingly.

"Because we would be too close to the city! If we needed to get out, we would be found and trapped easily. Especially that we will be trespassing on the castle." I responded in a serious tone.

"Fine." she responded. An image of Dusk pouting at me came into my mind.

"Hey!" She started, but quickly changed tone. "You make me look cute when I'm sad."

I immediately blushed, with several, erm, personal thoughts coming into mind. I quickly rushed these thoughts out of my head, hopefully before Dusk could see any of them.

"Uh, I'll just imagine that didn't happen." Dusk responded, her probably blushing as well at the thoughts.

"I-I was not!" she stuttered out, her tone making her seem embarrassed.

We had finally found a cave that gave us a good view of the castle, but also was hidden from sight. It also was good enough for Dusk, who appeared as the sun set.

"and now we wait for the castle to calm down, and for that top window-" I pointed at the window in question "-to dim. That is Celestia's room."

"How do you know that's her's?" my sister questioned.

"Because that is the bedroom she had used since she first came to occupy the castle."

"I see. So, when we get into the castle, where will we look first?"

"We will probably have to spread the exploration over two days. After all, it is a big castle, and the extra day will allow us to decipher any information we come across in Celestia's room."

"One thing though, brother. If we knock out all the guards on the way to Celestia's room on the first night, it will heighten the guard for the next night, making getting in the second time treacherous at best."

"You have a point there," I responded. "I think we'll have to stick to one night. If we mess up once, we will not have a second chance." I paused for a moment. "You up for this? Once we get in, there's no going back."

"Dawn, you know me. I was born ready." she responded enthusiastically.

"Alright. We'll investigate in Celestia's room, knocking out the guards with a sleep-til-morning spell. We'll look for some kind of writing by her, something like a diary from the time that I was cursed. At that point, we will go down to the room-" I shuddered as the word caught me off guard "and look around. If we find nothing at that point, we will go into the library."

"Meanwhile, I will remain hidden, ready to respond if anything happens."

"I think we have a plan. Looks like Celestia has fallen asleep. Let us begin."

"Yes, let us." Dusk darkly responded.

Well, at least she's on her A-game.