• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 3,623 Views, 78 Comments

Man of Equestria - Brotherhoof12

Human child raised by ponies then slowly discovers he has powers far superior then the entire planet even their goddeses and questions who he is.

  • ...

Going nowhere faster

Perspective: Light

I was walking without my shoes on a soft bright green field out of the forest I always explore in my dreams to find myself finally outside of the demented place and see acres of open flat lands with a giant city made of entirely of bright metal and glass. The building were huge that reached the clouds and above, flying metal birds souring in the sky with ease, and on the ground stood a giant playground where I saw hairless diamond dogs playing with their children.
But with a closer inspection I see beings just like me with a familiar face to each one of them.

A young looking human filly was wearing a orange t-shirt, with light blues shorts that resemble Dawn who was playing catch with what appears to look like the human version of both Swipe with her signature braids and dark blue dress and Crush with his purple kid muscle shirt and khaki shorts. The looks that they have was innocent and full of happiness, which is more I can say about the pony version of themselves in my world. My gaze soon shifted to an even smaller child playing on the see-saw, the boy was wearing a red shirt and blue shorts with a yellow belt holding the trousers. He looked like there was nothing important in the world beside that see-saw that he was sitting on with no one to play at the opposite end.

“Sweetie what are you doing?” said a familiar voice across the playground.

My sights snapped to the young slender female walking to the lonely child, the young women was wearing a bright yellow spring dress with flowers with glitter making it shimmer in the sunlight. Her soothing voice was making me walk toward the happy group of adults and kids before a metal fence came between me and them out of thin air. I lifted both my hands, gripped the fence and started to try shaking the metal barrier hoping my super strength will break it but gave no success and leaving me to only look from afar to the mother and child.

“Hey you two, what are you guys doing?” A second voice said.

My eyes widened and my grip around the fence tightened, the person walking to the mother and her child was a young looking man with his broad shoulders being covered by a dirt covered thick dress shirt, stained jeans, and dirty working boots. With the mother and father playing with their son made me realize that the family was not just ‘any family’ but my ‘own family’! They were just turned to human versions to look like me, they all look so happy without a care in the world. And that just made me sadder about my current state right now. I am now alone (besides Wheatley) and now on the run from the town’s local guards that seem to only care about catching anything that is not like a pony and putting the blame on me for the multiple homicide in Good Springs. Which brings me back to the life I am now on the open road with the clothes on my back, extra belongings in my single luggage, and an advanced A.I from my planet that was destroyed by the machines they created to ‘prevent’ the situation in the first place.

*Sigh* “I only been gone halve a day and I’m already dreaming about you mom and dad, and even more depressing is that I’m dreaming about my bullies only in a human child version!”

I stared at the group full of happy humans before a loud deafening sound erupted from the shining future city. The children began to cry, their parents coming to their pleas and cradled them with their arms hoping to protect them from any danger.

“No, no, no! Not again! Why now?” I yelled trying to break the fence and run to my dream family before stopping to see the city to watch what was erupting out of the buildings.

A large dome of bright light was blanketing over the city with anything it can engulf in itself. With new found adrenaline coursing through my veins I desperately tried to break the fence with still no results of it breaking.

“Look out! Hurry! Run away now before it’s too late!” I shouted but no one listened to my voice but only huddled close to each other for sharing their final hours together.

The first to be gone was Crush with his parents still holding him, then next was swipe clutching her father for protection from the scary light about to eat her, next came Dawn with tears streaming down with snot flowing out her nose her parents held their daughter with closed arms and closed their eyes knowing their lives were over, and finally was my human family still holding each other and closing their eyes. Their once happy smiles and bright happy filled eyes soon became hollow and their bodies soon turn to bone then to ash from the white wall passing in it.

“No….” I said my knees became weak that it could not hold my weight before I fell to the ground.

The light was growing all the larger with no sigh of stopping; I should probably pick myself up and run right? Try and escape the giant white dome of death that just killed my kid self and human family? Doesn’t matter really since I’ve been through this dream before, it was the surprise of seeing my parents and bullies in human version that caught me off guard the most. The light was still heading my way and soon was inches away from eating me like all the others. I really don’t care anymore but I still feel the burning pain when the light soon enveloped my body before seeing nothing but white. The oddest part was that I was happy seeing a dream like this.

After all I still saw my parents in a weird way as well as my childhood bullies for a sense it was the first dream I was glad to have a nightmare of.

[Real World-First Person]

“AAHHHH!” *Gasp* *Gasp* I looked around the dark room before my eyes can adjust to the low lighting of the rented room. My bed sheets were scattered on the bed, sweat on my white t-shirt and my pants half around my legs.

For a moment I looked like was taken advantaged of but quickly moved my eyes to find my only companion sleeping on the wooden drawer next to the rented bed.

“Hey Wheatley you awake?” I asked nudging him with my left hand.

“WAAH! Catch me, Catch me, Catch me!” Wheatley screamed his bright blue eye swearing around his eye socket.

“Calm down it’s me Light remember?”

“Huh? Oh! Yeah! Exactly why I was …um using my alert system.”

“By screaming like a little girl.” I deadpanned.

“Hey I’m not the one waking sleeping A.I’s now am I meat bag.”

“Sorry about that I just needed somepo- I mean some’one’ to talk to.” I lowered my head in shame for the rude wakeup call I gave my friend.

“Hey now don’t be so glum my mammal chum.” Wheatley said softly.

“I just need some things to learn, about my race and all.”

“Well if that what you want then I can teach you a thing or two about the ways of humans.”

“Really?” I asked him.

“I have been asleep for over my designated time frame I’m pretty sure I can stay awake for a couple of hours.”

“Thanks! I appreciate your helpfulness.”

"Great then let’s begin the lesson starting out with basic words, better known as curse words.”

I’m pretty sure I can learn a thing or two that I can apply with equine society with the utmost respect for human way of life.

“Let’s start at the word you human always use both bad and good, the word we learn first is ‘fuck’.

Did I say pretty sure, I meant to say kind of sure it will help me.

[Several Hours later]

“And that takes the lesson of the simple words and turning them into words many parents frown upon their kids when they say it.” Wheatley said ending the lesson and pretty sure sparing me from boredom.

“Oh thank goddam time it’s finally over!” I exclaimed.

“Well look whose using curse words already.”

“What can I say I had a good teacher to learn from.”

“Dam bloody straight you do.” Wheatley replied.

I’ve spent so much time talking with Wheatley that I failed to see the morning glow of the sun was piercing though the black curtains to show it’s already morning. Getting off the bed I straighten my shirt and pulled up my pants and opened the curtains to let the rays shower over me with its radiance.

“What do we do now Light?” Wheatley said cutting the silence.

“Well where out of the town’s law so the local guard have no jurisdiction here making us free.” I said still staring outside the window to see other hotel rooms, stores, and other places open to sponge off of tourists that wander over these parts of Equestria.

“So then what do ponies do for fun?” he asked me.

“We started to learn to make moving film work in color now.” I stated to him. It was with a unicorn named Astral projection that stumbled upon the accident when she was fusing magic based color from rainbows with black and white film.

WOW! Moving picture! With colors! That’s amazing!” Wheatley said sarcastically.

“Ok I get it Wheatley you’re the most advanced and only high tech being in Equestria.”

"What are you talking about? it is amazing that these ponies already grasp the ability to use motion picture."

"Then I'm pretty sure there should be a theater in this town, it is a tourist trap after all."

I grabbed Wheatley and put him around my neck ant went outside to feel the fresh beams of the sun bath over me before strolling over to the main cashier room for one more night stay. The front of the entrance was your simple brown door with the paint slowly coming off the wood and the outer walls. Knocking the door gently and not to hard for the hinges to come off I pronounced my presence then entered inside.

"excuse me miss I wish to stay another night if I can." I asked the mare behind the counter.

The mare was a earth pony with bright green coat, short haired with deep green main, and was wearing a clerks apron covering her pale yellow tank top and bell bottom jeans. She looked very young but still looked older them me by a 3 years, but was mostly surprised to see a very beautiful mare like her being a owner to this dirty establishment.

"Oh of course sir that would be another 40 bits for the night." she said holding out her right hand.

I reached over my pocket to grab the bits and placed them in her soft hand then said "goodbye" and left out the door.

The walk to the theater was a simple at best with how early the day is making the discovery of finding the theater much easier. The entrance of the theater said it was showing a classic 'Spy me a river' staring a celebrity model Fleur de Lis as the main character of a secret agent. apparently it was about how she fell in love with a young colt and defected to be with him and also fighting off the agents that she once worked for. The ticket holder gave me one ticket and I gave him 4 bits and went to theater #6 for the opening credits.

"Mind telling me why aren't we not at the snack bar to get some refreshments?"

"Because I want to see the commercials Wheatley now quiet it's starting."

The large screen soon buzzed with light showing bright colors and a cartoonish earth pony mare wearing a formal dress. She was walking down a road that keeps repeating the same background every 10 seconds. The cartoon soon sees a construction with 3 Grown stallions eating their lunches on one of the metal beams. The one on the right was a bright pink pegasus, the other one was a pale blue unicorn on the left with his hard hat still on his head, and the final one in the middle was a dark orange earth pony eyeing the mare before nudging his friends to look at the mare. the commercial was still only silent motion picture so they still had the sub-titles for the characters to speak.

The Earth stallion said "Hey baby wants some fries with that shake?" the rest of his friend was whistling and laughing at his comment but made the mare confused at the scene before her.

"Stallions doing labor work? how strange." she then started to walk the repeating road before she sees another three stallions with their backs on the all.

In the middle was a earth pony stallion rubbing his knuckles ready to start a fight, the second was another earth pony shifting his eyes left and right like he was hiding something criminal like and the final stallion was a pegasus crouching and flipping a bit with his right hand.

"A group of stallions being delinquents? Even more strange" The subtitled mare said.

She began to look like she had enough of this weird day and decided to return home for the rest of the evening.

The nest area was the mare return home with the drawn sun setting to late evening and the clouds soon covering it's light. with such a long day she was just glad she was out of that crazy town and into a sane house she lives in. All of a sudden a plate was thrown directly at the mare but she ducked her before it can connect to her skull. The one who threw the dinning plate was a young colt that looked like he was barely 14 years old, he was wearing a apron with powder and other ingredients on his clothing, rubber gloves, and was holding a pamphlet saying 'Stallion's rights' in his left hand.

"Cook your own food for yourself!" He then left the stunned older mare before looking at the viewers and raised both her arms and said.

"What has this world gone to now?" she questioned before it was cut to black and replaced with bold words saying.


[Third person]

As the commercial was complete the room soon turned dark and the movie started to play the opening credits. For over an hour it showed the main character agent 8008 (Fleur de Lis) falling madly in love with colt known as Strife Striker a cyan earth pony and decided to start to quit her agency and be forever with her lover.

Light was so in enwrapped by the movie that he did not hear Wheatley snoring thought the rest of the movie. At the end of the final scene she was fighting her boss a unicorn named Emerald Casing who was pointing her crossbow at a badly wounded Fleur before a deafening sound went off taking the shot away from the two agents.

Fleur looked at herself to check if she was hit but showed no pierced flesh. She then looked at Emerald and saw an arrow bolt between her large breasts before she fell face first to reveal a distraught Striker holding the crossbow before throwing it away and running to his injured marfriend. When he was finally within her embrace again she knelt down in front of him and pulled open a velvet box to reveal a large diamond and proposed to him with hopeful eyes. With tears of joy and relief he shouted "Yes of course I would marry you!" He then jumped and hooked his arms around her neck and gave her a passionate kiss before it panned to a 'The End'.

The lights went back on and the screen was then cut to black giving light the signal that it is over and to proceed to leave the theater and outside the building and back to his hotel room. Light was having a good day since he no longer had to worry about bullies and townsfolk looking at him with disgust and paranoia. he felt like he did not have anymore dark thoughts circling around him any more when he left that dreadful town but was still feeling the loss of his family made his chest tighten and his eyes stings with tears threatening to spill over.

*YAWN*" Well that was a good power nap wouldn't you agree light?" Wheatley asked.

"Huh? What was that?" He asked wiping his eyes before Wheatley can see him.

"Just saying that I needed a good sleep that's all." Wheatley stated.

"Oh, yeah sure."

Light was silent for the remainder of the journey to the hotel with Wheatley still talking about sleeping when the community of No-Vac soon stirred from their rest and starting to open their business for the day. since the ponies have seen different species beside Equine in their town they thought he was a shaved diamond dog or young hairless minotaur making Light relieved he does not have to re-live the Good Springs incident again.

"Hey there good looking!" Shouted a mares voice.

Looking around Light could not find out who was yelling before a second time the shouting told him to look above to find 3 mares on top of a half finished 4 story high building. They were wearing construction hats. vests that seem to tight that it barely reaches their thin but slender mid section, and tool belts over their tight fitting jeans showing their curves. The middle one was a pale white unicorn with a deep purple mane with bright green highlights at the tips of her main was lifting her hand and putting them to her mouth and giving Light a wolf whistle making the rest of the mares laugh.

"what's a cutie like you doing in this town of ours?" said the Mare on the left. She had a amber coat with main and wings sticking out of her back making it clear that she was a Pegasus.

"Maybe he was hoping to find some lucky mares to bring back to his place?" said the mare on the right. Her black fur made her more sliming to the other two and her size was also bigger then the two making him realize that she was a earth pony due to her size and muscles.

"If so then just wait right their we'll be off work soon so we can make sure no bad mares take advantage of you." The unicorn in the middle said before put both her arms under her breasts making them look bigger and lights face even redder before she and the rest of the mares in the construction team bursting with laughing.

"I'm just passing though this town." Light said but still felt uncomfortable talking to grown mares with no other ponies with him.

"Don't be like that baby! We'll give a tour of the town personally" The middle mare said before she started to laugh again.

"sorry I just have to go now so......Bye!" Light shouted and ran from the scene but still heard the cackling laughter of the mares behind him.

[Hotel Room]

Light was on his bed with the covers over his head, trying to clear his mind from the scene that transpired just a few minutes before. Wheatley finally broke the soundless room with a question and said "What just happened Light?"

"Just a bunch of perverts Wheatley so don't worry about it."

" I know that I just wondered the whole female hitting on a young boy thing is all."

"The legal age for colt to reach to stallion in 16 Wheatley and the age for a filly to mare is also 16."

"WHAT! That young!?"

"it's been that way since the time Equestria was built, since mares live longer years then stallions making them the dominate sex in society including most of the world."

"Yeah I get that but, the way they treated you like some fresh meat was kind of......gross" Wheatley said disgustedly.

Light was contemplating on the matter for as long as he can remember, it was always like this for stallions and other species that are male. They show no influence in this world if your not female and are mostly used around the house or as a care taker with the young ones.

"Wheatley the way thing work around this world is-" Light was cut off when a loud *Bang-Bang-Bang* erupted out side his door.

"Excuse me sir are you their?" Asked the mare from the casher register.

"Yes I'm here." He replied.

"OH thank Celestia! I thought you were at the accident near the theater."

"What happened to the theater?" Light said propping himself from the bed.

"Seems the construction near the theater had a accident and a couple of worker are trapped."


"Don't worry the guards will be their to help the rescue so just stay in the hotel where it's safe." she in formed Light before he heard her hooves clopping on the concrete floor.

"Wheatley do you no what this means?"

"Yeah I know what you mean, the owner of this hotel must take this job very seriously."

"Not that you aluminum chip!" Light yelled and reached for his bags, taking out his shirts, pants, and undergarments he found the wooden box his mother made and opened the crate to see what's inside.

"Is that what I think it is?" Wheatley said astonished.

"I guess it's time for the big reveal, just didn't think it would be this soon."

"Well what are waiting for? Let's go save them!"

[Accident Sight]

Half of the population was trying to get as many workers out of the crashed building but could not lift the heavy debris that has cut off the rest of the workers escape route to the outside. The fastest pegasus near the area was alerting the guard to help the other survivors from their peril but was still on the thin line between life and death.

The beam holding the heavy solid mass as soon breaking from the sheer amount of reassure it can barely withstand. the beam finally gave in and snapped letting all the debris tumbling to the helpless workers, closing their eyes for the eminent death.

"Are you all alright." Came a mysterious voice said.

The workers eyes opened and looked at the shadowed figure holding the ruble above his head before looking behind the figure and seeing the entrance he made to reach them.

"Go now! I don't know how long I can hold it!" He said his arms slowly shaky to show them that he means it.

One by one the works exit the hazardous area before the last construction mare made it before it all fell down on top of their savior.

"Somepony help him he's still in there!"

"The guards aren't here yet we need to start help-"

"Everypony look at the ruble!" Shouted a random citizen.

The crowd soon diverted their attention to the ruble their noises soon died down when they saw bits and pieces soon rolled down the giant hill of materials.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble* *Ka-boom* A steel beam flew out of the pile of broken steel and cement and landed near the group with out landing on any on them. the crowed remained stunned at the figure slowly emerging from the ruble and awed at his statue.

Atop the pile was a stallion wearing a blue suit covered by a red cape waving in the no existing air, red boots and underpants and a symbol they do not know what is stands for, and his head coved in blue mask covering his entire face with bright white lenses covering his eyes. The most surprising thing was that even under so much cement, rebar, and steel did this stallion did not show ant pain or fractured limbs as if he him self is stringer the steel.

A tourist soon took snap shot of this lone colored figure as asked "Who are you?" he said making everypony's stare intensify for the mystery hero to answer.

The mask was for concealing his face but it also hides his nervousness of how to approach this situation he is now in. 'What does he call himself?' he thinks sweat purring inside his ask and is inly sweating more with the stares of ponies.

"I'm Superman!" Shouted Wheatley making everypony whisper to themselves before cheering their new hero's names.

"YAY! Superman! shouted happy citizens.

"What!" Light whispered to Wheatley underneath his blue suit.

"The symbol on your chest means the letter 's' which means 'super' and since your a legal age in this world then you are a 'man' so the term 'Superman' is made." explained Wheatley.

The crowd was beginning to grow in sound due to them shouting louder and louder making all the more tourists taking pictures and other sights he does not want be discovered. The guards arrived just before Light jumped in to the air and landed miles away from the city before they try and capture him for questions. One thing is for certain the Equis planet will soon know the hero Superman.

[Next Day]

Holiday inn was the new manager of the No-Vac hotel since the original owner was murdered and had no other kin to own his things. Holiday is a earth pony with a pillow was in her left hand to give to a couple in one of her rented rooms, she was wearing her usual green stripped t-shirt and tight brown pants was being covered by her clerk apron sewed by the picture of her cutie mark that was a Pillow with Z's. Holiday was going to remind Mr. Light that his day of rent is up and that the new with the accident with the construction site because a unknown hero named 'Superman' made his debut with tons of the community in No-Vac and soon will be told around all over Equestria thanks to many tourists taking pictures of his good deeds.

*Knock-Knock* "Mr. Light it's time to get up sir it's already morning." Holiday said though the door.

*Thump* "Ow! Damn it! Hold on Ms. Holiday!" *Crash* "OW-OW-OW" *Slam* "OOWWW!"

The creaked open and Lights head showed for Holiday to see Light disheveled hair and dark ringed eyes to see he did not have a good sleep.

"Sorry about the mess I must look terrible"

"Oh no sir! I hope you are alright."

It's ok just had a bad dream, did I miss anything from yesterday?" Light asked Holiday.

"Oh the most wonderful thing happened! a hero called Superman had single handedly saved a group of construction mares." She informed him.

"Must be some hero."

"Not only that but I heard he has a very slim frame but was able to lift a destroyed 4 story building! *Sigh* such small body but can hold so much weight." Holiday complemented him without realizing his face turning to red.

"Well he must be a swell stallion."

"I wish you could see him but you must be busy with packing, would it be alright to help you?"

"NO!" Light shouted making Holiday surprised.

"I mean, I can take it from here you go on to the front and I will be their to get the bill ok?"

"Ok, goodbye Mr. Light hope you have a save trip, many young colts like you can be taken advantage of." Ms. holiday in formed him.

As the hotel manager the human to his room she did not try to force her way in because if she did then she would see Light covering himself with the door while he was wearing his suit with the mask be hind his back.

*Sigh* "Glad she knocked before entering, she had he keys to the room after all."

"Like I said She is very devoted to her job" Wheatley said still underneath the suit.

Light undressed his super hero garment's and put them back in the his mother's box and putting it with the rest of the regular cloths. He made sure that the room is clean and left the room and headed to the front building to grab his check for the rented rooms and began to move to the next destination. Since the first showing of Superman many more will arrive to see where he might be No-Vac will have a larger income of money, but it will increase the amount of more guard and cameras to reveal his true identity.

"Are you sure you want to leave! Your close to your home, ponies here are at least nice to you, and you can be their local hero." Wheatley said to try and make me stay here permanently.

"The more I stay the more likely the terminators will make this place the first landmark for their invasion so I have to keep moving."

"Then we need to go to the general store to stock up on some items then we can go to the next destination," Wheatley replied before asking "Where are we going again?"

Light took the map from his bag and found the next area to go from here and told Wheatley, "Not a town Wheatley a city just a day and a half on foot."

"Great! What's the City called?" He asked.

"A developing city almost as big as Manehattan Wheatley, and it's called Maretropolis." Light said staring down the large road he first set his feet on since he had to move away from his home.

With a new place to explore and a whole world to see and do their seems to be nothing that can go wrong on his new adventure to find people just like him.

[Unknown Area]

[Are you sure that's the Homosapien is no longer in Good Springs?] said a disembodied voice though a communicator embedded on the wrist of a dark red mare earth pony, she was coved in a pale pink shirt and with long dark jeans with small splotches of fresh blood on it.

[110% correct. I have successfully taken the Equine's primitive camera to find photos of the dressed human.] Stated the undercover terminator. It then looked down to its hooves and stared at the dead tourist with the corpse's neck bent 180 degrees with blood soon flooding the carpet floor.

[Then report back when you have cleaned all the evidence of your presence of that town and follow the human discreetly.] The voice soon went off and the terminator soon turned to its present dilemma.

"Cartilage is 34% thicker then the average human so severing will take more then 2 hours, dissolving the body parts and blood on the floor will take another 3, must find chemicals to dissolve them immediately."

The terminator's right arm soon shifted itself to liquid metal then forms a sharp saw reflecting the mare's glowing eyes to show that it is not a normal mare but another scout ready to take down the human and any other that stands in skynet's path of destruction.

Author's Note:

well this chapter is done and it is ready to be read! finally this was done I thought it will never be finished. either way I am glad it is during spring break so I do not have school! yay!

Do not forget to like, favorite and follow me to get new chapters.

Like always this it Brotherhoof12 saying "Happy Spring Break!"