• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 12 Comments

Letter To Cadence - Luna - Night Princess

When a geek is used, what happens? Especially when it's a beautiful Alicorn mare using him?

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The Letter

Dear Cadence,

Every day, you sit next to me in class. You don't often look my way. When you do, it's out of boredom. I know that the lessons probably bore you, but they intrigue me. But, what it intrigues me more is you.

When you look my way, I get to see your eyes. They always glisten with an eagerness your face hides. I always have wanted to know why they look like that, but I've never gotten the courage up to ask you myself.

I also never had the courage to ever say anything even remotely nice to you. That one time you spoke to me I babbled like an idiot, unable to find the words to speak to a mare like you. I remember how you laughed. It hurt. You laughed and so did the whole class.

But I forgive you for that. You were just trying to fit in and you probably saw all the other mares do it, so you did the same. My heart still aches when I remember that day. My mind still ponders on all the things I could have said.

Instead, I became a laughing stock. Every day, I'm still teased about it. I know that I'm not the best looking, especially with these damned braces on my teeth and the stupid glasses on my face, but it still hurts getting picked on.

You did stand up for me that one time. They were about to throw me in the trash and you told them to knock it off. I was even more surprised when you let me hug you in gratitude. I was shocked that you'd do something like that.

Even today, even as I write this, I'm still shocked. Shocked that a beautiful mare like you would ever put her reputation on the line to help a geek like me. I had actually expected they'd spread rumors...thankfully, at least for you, they didn't.

I know it's wrong, but I wish they had. Maybe then I would have had a chance with you. I mean, if they thought you had a thing for me, they'd stray away and you'd eventually give up, seeing as I was the only stallion that would ever want you.

But it didn't. You still have all of them staring at you, drooling, giving flowers, showing off magic or muscles, trying to prove to you and themselves who deserved you most. My bet is on Solar “Sunny” Armor. He's good with magic and he's already signed up for the Royal Guard...

While you aren't technically a princess yet, every stallion here is your willing subject. You could ask for anything and we would quickly bow to your whim in hopes of possibly getting a chance at being your coltfriend.

Do you remember the mid-terms we had last month? It was the day before the test and you were distraught. I asked you why and you admitted you hadn't studied. I helped you and you promised to give me something special. After you passed, you whipped your tail across my face.

You knew what you were doing. You knew that one little touch would make a geek like me forget it all. You didn't want to have anything to do with me now that your life was saved. But I do remember. It's not like you had to do anything extreme, maybe a kiss on the cheek or something...

You used me, Cadence. You used me and it hurts. Why? I know that I'm nopony, but why would you use me like that? You probably think that geeks and nerds are fine with a grope or a peek, but we aren't. We're just like normal stallions. We want love. Relationships. Happiness.

I don't know if you've done it to anypony else. I don't care. I just want to know why. I potentially saved you from failing and you brushed me off the next day as if nothing happened, like you never needed me.

I'm not mad at you. I already said before that I forgive you, but I want to say it again. I forgive you, Cadence. You used me and I forgive you. You made me a laughing stock and I forgive you. You teased me and I forgive you.

By this time, you probably think even less of me. “How dare he? I saved him from those bullies and he says I used him? That I teased him? Ha! He deserved to be made a laughing stock!” Well, you'd be right. I do deserve it.

Look, I'm not asking you for much, okay? But...please...talk to me. I want to get to know you. I want to know who Cadence is when she's not at school. Who she is when she's home. Who she is when she's alone.

You probably have forgotten who I am, so I'll tell you. My name is Shining Armor. I'm the Unicorn with the two-toned blue mane and white fur. My Cutie Mark, although I'm pretty sure you don't care, is a shield with a six-point star in the center and three above it.

I sit in the second row from the left, two seats back. You sit on my right side in the third row. In fact, you looked at me today. I pretended I didn't notice, but I did. You looked like you were studying me.

You probably were. It scared me. I didn't know how to react. I could have confronted you, but that could have ended very badly. I've seen you practicing your magic and, well, you could have easily blasted me through a wall.

Not only that, the mares you hang out with were right there. They would have beaten me half to death if I said the wrong thing or looked at you the wrong way. But, to be honest, that was the lesser of two evils.

I know for a fact that the three other stallions in our class want you. Being, well, me, I wouldn't have stood a chance. They would have nabbed me after class and I'd be sitting in a dumpster. No...they'd do something much worse to me...

But nothing will ever be as bad as last week. You were whispering, but you pretended you were. You were whispering what you'd do to me if I helped you with next week's science test. Oh, I couldn't even think straight when I got back to class because of you!

I still forgive you. Using your body is the only way you know how to get a geek to help you. It's all any mare knows. Yes, we'd love to buck you and just have the memory, but we want so much more, Cadence. The empty promises...they just make us more insane...

Look, you're the most beautiful mare in school. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Every stallion wants you for himself. Some of us, the geeks, of course, can't have you. That's why we take those touches and peeks.

But I'm going to say this. Stop. Stop it right now. No more empty promises. Either buck one of us or leave us alone. I can't stand it anymore. I'm not going to threaten you, but I'm done. I'm not helping you anymore unless you actually do what you say you will.

I had written this to confess my love to you, but now it's me telling you that I'm done with you. Your teases have gone too far. I'm done. Don't ask me to help you, because I won't. Unless you bend over tomorrow, you're getting nothing from me.

This is Shining Armor, the geek that saved your ass and got kicked in the balls.

Shining Armor

Author's Note:

Shut up, nurse! I'm a doctor! I know what's best!

This linky is something I wanted to add onto the note about Cosmic Guardian. You know, since he knows what's best.

Comments ( 12 )

This is a very interesting concept, I haven't seen anything like this in this context before.

Please write more, you have earned a like because of this:twilightsmile:

3078487 Thanks. I hope that this story gets a lot of love...I just wish I was a better writer.

Hey dude, if you ever want help writing, or need someone to edit , or just want general support I would be more than happy to lend a hoof. I figured from when you said you wish you were a better writer that you could use help. I not trying to offend/exploit you, or patronize your abilities- I just want to help where/if I can:scootangel:

Good to know, tell my anything you need help with and I'll do what I can:raritywink:

3078624 I promise I will. Thank you. *tight hug*

3078487 Indeed this is an interesting take on the Shining/Cadence relationship and I like it very much.

Well... Wedding is off then... :eeyup:


Well she puts out then after the verbal thrashing? Awkward... :twilightoops:

3086914 Check my blog and you'll see...

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