• Published 24th Jan 2014
  • 368 Views, 6 Comments

A part played calando - fullmoonbeast

octavia has been murderd , vinyl scratch is head suspect and our local detective trace must find the truth about this murder

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chapter 3 : lyres and cellists

Trace walked to the cello and picked it up. The wooden mainframe felt cold, and the dried blood on it didn't help warm it up.
"Damn it! "Trace signed,"All these cases and i get the one with no direct evidence."
He decided to go for a walk to clear his mind. As he opened the door he saw a pony trying to get over the police tape .
"Hey! would you please leave? Nothing to see here." A police pony said.
"I just want to see my friends! "the mare replied a bit irritated.
Trace ran to the mare and showed her his badge.
"Hello miss , i'm Trace Lighthoof, Detective. Mind if i ask you some questions? "
The mare nodded "s-sure i guess ."
"Well then, miss-"The mare cut him off .
"Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings."
Trace smiled, "Well then . Miss Heartstrings , Can you tell me who resides in that house?" He pointed at the crime scene.
"Well, Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl scratch live there . Why are you asking? Is something wrong with them?"
Trace saw a mild panic in her eyes. He took of his hat out of respect and sighed.
"I'm very sorry Miss Heartstrings, but Octavia Philharmonica has been found dead in her room last night at 3 P.M"
Lyra's eyes grew bigger and Trace saw little droplets of tears beginning to form around the edges.
"You mean....No! She can't be! Not Octavia!!" The tears streamed down her face.
"It looks like a blow to the head did it. She died right away."
Lyra forced her self to calm down and managed to reduce her loud crying to soft sobbing.
"What...What about Vinyl? Is she okay?"
Trace nodded.
"Miss Scratch is fine, but she has been arrested on suspicion of murder."
This seemed to infuriate the mare.
"Vinyl the murderer?! She would never kill her best friend!" Lyra stomped with her fore hooves on the ground in anger.
Trace nodded simply and saw her anger was genuine.
"Miss Lyra , could you kindly describe the characters of Octavia and Vinyl?"
Lyra calmed down a bit and looked at Trace.
"Octavia was.. The pony that was always well-mannered and classy .Whereas Vinyl was a pony of a wild lifestyle," She giggled slightly."I'd always wondered why exactly those two got along so well"
Trace smiled at her.
"You know what they say, opposites attract each other."He jotted down the info he had gotten from Lyra.
"And despite being so different, they lived happily together?"
Lyra nodded.
" As far as i can tell, they never had any fights. Big fights i mean.There was this once.."The mare seemed to trail off.
"Was what?"Trace asked. Hoping this would be some usable info.
" n-No ,never mind, i promised to not ever bring it up again. I'm sorry."
Trace didn't let go.
"We need info like that! Maybe it is one of the reasons why Octavia got murdered."
Lyra looked up, sighing.
"No. It was over three years ago. It simply can't be a reason why she got murdered, I'm sorry"
Trace sighed."More useless info i suppose." He thought.
"Say, did you see anything suspicious last night? " he asked. Hoping this mare would have at least some usable info.
Lyra told him she saw Vinyl go out and come home late that night. She also mentioned the concert that Vinyl had that night.
"Where did she play?"This question was of great importance if Vinyls alibi was true.
"I believe it was at 'The Golden Hoof ' Lyra stated with a straight face.
"And where exactly would that be? " Trace raised an eyebrow.
Lyra looked shocked.
"That's on blueberry! It's the most famous club in town. Are you new here or something?
Trace was taken aback by that question.
"Yes,yes i am. Anyway,thank you for the info Miss Heartstrings."
Lyra suddenly looked strange at him,like she was suddenly full of obsession for him.
"I never saw you around. Ever! Not even in other cities! I know it sounds silly, but a-are you perhaps a human?"
Trace had no idea what in Equestria she meant.
"Excuse me?"
"You know,a human! With fingers and hands and such."Lyra exclaimed excited.
Trace just stared at her as if she was a mad pony. Lyra simply shrugged.
"Well i guess not then. But i can explain it to you later. What a human is, i mean."
Trace raised an eyebrow.
"You do that. Well, i guess i'm done here. I'll come by when i need more questions answered okay?"
"But what if i am away?" Lyra asked.
"Well, that depends,"Trace scratched his head."Are you currently living with somepony?"
The mare gave a sly grin.
"Why? Are you flirting with me? " She laughed while Trace concentrated himself on not face-hoofing.
"No..If you are not home maybe the other pony who resides with you is there to answer some questions for me." He explained to her.
The mare giggled.
"Of course. I knew that. I live with Bon Bon."
Trace opened his mouth to speak but Lyra quickly cut him off.
"Yes,owner of Bon Bon's bonbons. Be sure to check by! We have lots of tasty goods!"
Trace smiled and put his notebook away.
"I will come by in time. I'll take your word for the quality of the goods."
Lyra smiled at him and gave him a coupon.
"Its for a discount. Only this month, so be there or be out of discount!"
Trace put the coupon in his saddlebag.
"Thank you kindly,Miss Heartstrings. If you excuse me? I have to go now." he said shaking her hoof
Lyra nodded.
"Alright, see you around then!"
Trace walked away and waved at the green mare who frantically waved back at him. When she was out of sight,he paused and grabbed his notebook.
"Well here we go." He thought.

Name: Lyra Heartstrings.
Occupation: ? ( probably musician, have to ask )
Address: Bon Bon's bonbons.
Motive/alibi: not yet.
Relation to the victim : friend


Trace put away his notebook again and watched at Celestia's sun standing high in the sky.
"Well. Time for the next step." He thought, and walked further on Ponyville's main road.