• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 572 Views, 60 Comments

A Hero in need - DrakeFang

It's been a few years since DrakeFang's wife died, yet he never got over it. A fateful encounter forces Pinkie to bring in her match making skills once more, and restore her old friend to who he once was.

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Chapter 7: The Moon or the Stars?

Chapter 7: The Moon or the Stars?

And that presence was none other than his son's best friend, Card Trick. Card had this tendency to appear wherever he believed he was needed. Or maybe he knew he'd be needed. The colt walked up to Drake, smiling and his eyes were shut. Card had this ability to 'see through' ponies, even though he was blind. "Why are you sitting out here all alone on such a beautiful night, Drake?" Drake opened his eyes. "Hello, Card. Knowing you, I bet you already realize why you're here." Card maintained his smile. "Care to enlighten me?", he asked with a playful tone in his voice. Yup, he already knew Drake needed someone right now.

"You know miss Moonshine, don't you?" Card's smile grew a little wider, and the playful tone in his voice remained as well. "Why, yes I do, Drake." Drake sighed. "I'm confused and scared, Card." The colt sat down next to the stallion, his head just above Drake's belly in sitting position. "Most ponies are nowadays." Card was speaking valuable words. Then again, Card had always done so. He was very wise to be just an 8 year-old colt. "But you cannot stop thinking about her, can you?" Card's eyes were still closed as he asked this. He glanced up at the night sky. "Not just her, Card. It's like I'm standing on a road, diverging in two different paths." He glanced up at the sky as well. "And you're not certain whether to follow the Stars or the Moon?" Drake's eyes widened and he glanced back at Card. "You're spot-on..." The colt chuckled. "As usual." His voice sounded teasing. Sighing, Drake held his head in his hooves. "I just- I really don't know what path I should follow, Card." Card tapped his chin for a moment. "You aren't one to follow anypony, Drake. You simply choose your own paths." Drake sighed again. "Card, I can't choose..."

Card tapped his chin again. "What is it you miss about Spectrum, Drake?" Drake looked at Card again. Where would a question like that come from? He chose to answer them anyway. "Well, I miss the attitude she used to have. She'd always act tough and cool around me, but as soon as Hot Shot would appear, she'd turn all kind and soft like a mother should..." Card nodded. "Like Moonshine when around a foal at the inn." Drake went silent. It might have been just a coincidence they shared that trait. "Or she'd call me her 'big strong dragon'..." He chuckled slightly at the nickname. "Like Moonshine calls you 'Hero'?" Now Drake was certain. Card was comparing the two mares. "I even recall her calling you 'Firefly' earlier today when you flew off in your DragonWing form." A short silence followed and Drake chuckled. "Quite the funny nickname." Card replied with "It is, is it not?". "And her eyes..." Card raised an eyebrow, a little grin on his face. "Her eyes showed happiness, and hope. The world could die on her if it meant us looking into each other's eyes, and she'd smile at me..." Slowly, Drake's eyes began tearing up. The emotions were getting the best of him. "Look, Drake, I know not of eyes..." He stood up, grabbing a pebble. "Most say that they're the windows to the soul." As he flicked the stone onto the water, opening his eyes and the image of the moon shining bright in it shattering with ripples, he continued. "Isn't it a shame then that you can't see any happiness in Moon's eyes? She only has hope, Drake. She's had so much sorrow in her life. All she hopes for now...is a Hero." Drake pointed to himself. "You mean...she hopes that...she and I?" Card chuckled softly once more. "If you wish to see it that way. Think of it this way. She ran from home, to Celestia knows where. And then, she stumbled into you. What if Spectrum somehow is sending you a sign?"

Drake raised an eyebrow. "I doubt that, Card. Why would she send me to the arms of another if she's always been the jealous kind of mare?" Card shook his head. "Maybe because she knows you're not letting go? You're clinging too tight on the memories of her, Drake. Perhaps...this Star wishes to fall." Those words pierced through his heart. He indeed couldn't keep clinging on to Spectrum, knowing she wouldn't come back. "I don't want her to fall, Card. Not again." "She never did, Drake. You never let her go. But because you're holding on to her, you can't catch anypony else that falls."

"Listen to me, Drake." Card stood up, now being at Drake's eye height, and lifted Drake's head, staring in his eyes. His face was now a bit more serious and he carried on his speech. It was a funny sight to behold, a colt ranting to a stallion like this. "Everypony dies when they are supposed to, and never without a reason. Have you ever figured Moonshine might've been her reason? Maybe she had to go plainly for letting Moonshine take her place." He let go of Drake's head. "She can never, Card." "And as such, Spectrum has lost, Drake, and she'll forever be lost." He dropped his head and Drake was silent once more. Never before had Card spoken words more true than those. "Think of your heart, Drake. Not of the past." Drake saw his chance for a comeback. "Didn't you say my heart was clinging on the past, though? So what am I supposed to think about then?" For once, Card went silent. "I just don't want you to be making a mistake, Drake." What mistake could Drake possibly make right now? "You miss the mare of your dreams because of a mare that'll only keep existing IN your dreams. Diane has already been working on matchmaking the two of you." Drake scoffed a bit. "I never said I wanted to be matchmade, Card." Card smiled once more. "Ah, but Diane doesn't listen to 'wants'. She listens to 'needs'." Drake was getting confused. "She thinks I need this?" Card chuckled. "Not you, per say. She knows for certain Moonshine needs somepony, and you two fit perfectly."

Drake groaned a little. "I should never have mentioned to Diane I have a crush on Moon... Card chuckled and kept on smiling. "Let's suppose she and I are destined to be together, Card. How can I let go of the past?" The colt's eyes closed. "Don't. Never forget the love you and Spectrum used to share. After all, that love made my brother!" As he said this, referring to Hot Shot, he laughed at his own joke. Hot Shot indeed had always been his 'brother' in the terms of friendship. Drake chuckled along. "Drake, do you like Moonshine?" Softly, Drake nodded. "I won't deny I'm attracted to her, Card." Card nodded as well. "Then love Moonshine and remember Spectrum. Treat Moon like you would the love of your life." Drake looked down. "I don't know if I can, Card."

"Of course you can, you are DrakeFang. Just as I am a Trick, you too have your own legacy." Card and his father, Hat Trick, were known indeed for their...unusual powers and abilities. "By Celestia's name, man..." He grinned and flared his wings. They were metallic, created by the colt himself when he wanted to teach a filly to fly. "Live up to it." Drake watched him as Card flew back to the Sugar Cube Corner. For a few moments, Drake thought things through and stood up, walking back to the inn as well.

His face showed determination unlike he ever had before. And that determination was what he needed.

Author's Note:

So, this colt here, Card Trick. A rather interesting character, no?

Well, he's played by Arreis of Avalon, a writer on this very site. Go check her out, people. I'm not kidding, she's great. Card also stars in her fanfic 'Wild Card'.

OK, I think we're almost through the feelsy stuff. Just half a chapter, probably, and then, ROMANCE AND D'AWWS! x3