• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2014



Nopony knew how long the war had gone on, only that neither side would back down and Equestria would be destroyed time and time again by the terrifying forces unleashed by both the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic. Amidst the ashes of old Equestria, the Astral Alliance was founded. Drawing inspiration from their legendary founder and figurehead, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Alliance seeks to maintain a safe haven for all refugees and neutral parties, hidden by magic from the ravages of war and protected by their fighting force, the Astral Guard. As part of the Guard's 29th Special Operations Detachment ("Eclipse"), Hindsight fights an increasingly difficult battle to destroy evidence and cover up the existence of the Astral Alliance until there is no enemy, but peace.

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