• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 940 Views, 2 Comments

The Shadows of Ponyville - Doctor Umbrae

How do you survive in a world where even your friends aren't who they used to be?

  • ...

The Shadows of Ponyville

She was crying. Twilight remembered that. Twilight’s desk shook a little bit as she slammed her head onto the desk.

“Ow.” Twilight croaked. She lifted her head and rubbed the bruise on her forehead. Twilight casted a look around her to see mounds of paper surrounding her.

Dear Princess Celestia:

Twilight grabbed another piece of paper, crumbled it, and threw it to the ground where a bigger mound of papers was already trashed.

“Why can’t I write anything?” Twilight grumbled as she picked up her quill. The unicorn etched only five words before shaking her head in disgust. “I’m not a good friend...” Twilight sighed. Hesitantly, she picked up her quill and rummaged through her mound for a clean piece of paper.

Dear Princess Celestia:

Today I saw a mare crying. She was being tormented by some of the other ponies around town. Maybe tormented is a strong word, but by the end the blond mare’s eyes were filled with tears. I still remember her face as she looked at me, and I still remember how I turned a blind eye toward her. Why? I--

A soft knock erupted from the door dragging Twilight from her thoughts.

“I got it!” Twilight heard come from upstairs. A small dragon rushed down the stairs in a hurry.

“What’s got you so excited Spike?” Twilight asked as she narrowed her glare to the small dragon.

The small dragon slowed his rush to a stop in less than a second. “Nothing important...” He started to sidle toward the door as if no one could seem him move if he moved very slowly.

Twilight shook her head with a small smile scratched onto her lips. Spike quickly swung open the door to reveal Ponyville’s very own animal expert. Spike’s eyes faltered. “You’re not the mail pony!” Spike left Fluttershy there as he stomped back upstairs.

“I-I’m sorry.” Fluttershy called out to the ascending Spike.

Twilight shook her head. “What’s up Fluttershy?”

“Oh! Right... Well... I came to ask if you maybe... knew where Rainbow Dash was. Nopony else knows where she’s gone to.” Fluttershy pawed at the ground with her head downcast.

“Have you tried Cloudsdale?” The question earned a nod from the butter colored pegasus.

“A random cloud?” Twilight joked.

“It’s clear today...” Fluttershy looked outside where the sky was a sea of blue.

“Hold on...” Twilight walked over to her desk where the unfinished note laid. She quickly crumbled up the piece of paper and threw it into a nearby trash can. “Alright, let’s go find Rainbow Dash.” Twilight uttered, forcing a smile on her face.

Fluttershy’s face brightened. “Oh! That sounds wonderful!” With a slight spring in her step, Fluttershy walked out of the house.

Twilight turned to face upstairs. “Spike, I’m going out for a while!” Twilight then followed her yellow friend.

Ponyville was bustling. The shops were stocked with ponies, and the ponies who weren’t shopping were outside soaking in the sun’s rays.

“It’s a beautiful day.” Twilight stated as she looked around.

“Like a dream.” Fluttershy agreed.

“So where should we check first?” Twilight asked.

“Hm... well I’ve already asked Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack, but they didn’t know where she was either.”

“What are you girls doing?” The voice made both of the girls jump. Both ponies turned around to see a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane.

Well that was convenient. Twilight thought with a smile.

“Oh! Rainbow Dash! I’m glad you’re okay, I was so worried.” Fluttershy responded.

“Thanks, but I’m fine, I was just doing some practicing over by the Everfree Forest.” Rainbow Dash gestured toward the looming forest in the west.

That was easy Twilight thought as she saw both of her friends conversing. Her glance passed over to Rainbow Dash, and for a split second Rainbow Dash’s eyes twitched very slightly. That’s strange. Twilight shook her head slightly. She looked back at Rainbow’s eyes to see that they were perfectly normal. I must be going crazy.

“How was flying?” Fluttershy asked.

“Good. Were you two looking for me?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes!” Fluttershy proceeded to nod. “I needed your help with trying to find some birds that used to stay with me. I want to make sure they’re doing well in the wild.” Fluttershy beamed as she uttered the words.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to start forming words, but a groan from her stomach interrupted her. Rainbow’s face became red, and she placed a blue hoof under her stomach. “Heh... guess I’m a little hungry.”

“Oh no, no, no, no. We can’t have that!” Fluttershy flew behind the blue pony and started to push her toward a familiar cupcake shaped restaurant. “Let’s have some lunch and you’ll feel much better.”

“Fluttershy, I’m not a pet.” Dash retorted.

“Ponies get hungry just as much as pets do.” Fluttershy said almost as if she was about to break out in song. “You’re free to join us as well Twi.” Fluttershy said as she momentarily glanced over to the lavender unicorn.

Twilight took a glance up to the sky to see the sun shining brightly. “Sure, I have some extra time I suppose.” Twilight followed the other two ponies through Ponyville.

Walking through Ponyville, Twilight could not help but scan the other ponies. Every now and again she would see one pony that felt... off. Twilight shook her head. This thing with the letter must be seriously getting to me. Twilight heaved a sigh and turned her head towards her friends and then she stopped. Her hooves hit the ground. What was that?! Something red laid in the corner of her eye. Barely inside of her vision, there was a pool of... red paint?

Celestia, I hope it’s paint.

Twilight turned her head to the right where a small alley was created between two houses. Just behind the house on the right shone a small puddle of red liquid. The light from the sun's rays sparkled danced on the substance.

“Twilight, what are you looking at?” Fluttershy’s concerned voice rang through Twilight’s ears, but she paid it no heed. Twilight walked through the alley. Her eyes were fixated on the red liquid. Something feels off... Why does today feel strange? Twilight stopped before turning around the corner to see where the red liquid was coming from. She heard two sets of hoof-steps following her. Have they seen it yet?

The purple unicorn hesitated in glancing behind the corner. Her eyes were wide, her ears were lowered, her body was rigid, and a numb sensation spread through her. Summoning up whatever courage she had, she glanced around the corner.

Her heart skipped.

She stifled a scream as she reeled back, she covered her mouth, and every cell in her body was begging her to turn away from the scene in front of her. In front of her was a blue stallion with a navy blue mane, his eyes were wide, his mouth was open as if he was trying to scream, and on his flank sat two backward facing music notes. A single line of blood trailed from the stallion’s neck to the ground beside him. The shine of the blood made Twilight dizzy just looking at it.

Fluttershy was the next to see it. Her legs instantly gave out, and she fell to the ground. She let out a small scream as she fell back. She placed her hooves over her eyes, and she shook her head repeatedly, denying the reality before them.

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, from whom she expected a similar reaction. The reaction her friend gave sent a shiver through her spine. Rainbow Dash was smiling. A large smile was etched on to her face. Her eyes were bright. She stood erect and with an aura of... pride? Why does Rainbow Dash feel proud seeing this?

“Who would do this?!” Rainbow Dash barked.

Twilight stared at the cyan pegasus unconvinced. What’s going on?!

“We need to tell somepony now!” Twilight yelled aloud. Dash nodded, and Fluttershy continued to sob softly. Twilight pulled Fluttershy to all fours. “Let’s go see the Cakes; they’re close by, and they’ll know what to do.” Fluttershy gave an incredibly small nod with Rainbow Dash emulating her.

The three ponies trotted over to Sugarcube Corner, which were only a few houses away. The strange building was enough to distract anypony, and along with the sweet odor, the shop was utterly intoxicating. The smell of freshly baked muffins swept through the room with an scent capable of making anypony salivate immediately.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake! We have a problem!” Twilight shouted as soon as she entered the store. Ponies inside of the small store, who were simply snacking on their choices of desserts, turned to face the new unicorn.

“Hi Twilight!” A familiar voice rang out from within the restaurant.

“Oh um... Hello Pinkie.” Twilight said as a pink pony hopped toward the trio.

Pinkie heaved a small gasp upon seeing the other two ponies. “Hi you two!” Pinkie turned to face Fluttershy. “What’s wrong Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy’s eyes were blood shot red. Her legs were wavering and it looked like she could fall at any second. Fluttershy, seeing Pinkie’s gaze fall upon her, turned away quickly.

Twilight walked past Pinkie. The store was eerily quiet with the inclusion of Pinkie’s question. Everypony in the store including the Cakes now found the trio of ponies much more interesting than even the tastiest of cupcakes.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cakes, we need your help.” Twilight told the two ponies.

“What’s wrong my dear?” Mrs. Cakes asked.

“Come with us, we need to show you something!” Twilight bellowed as she beckoned for the two ponies to follow.

“Woo! Field trip!” Pinkie yelled aloud as she happily bounded off toward Twilight’s retreating figure. Fluttershy remained seated by the entrance of the Sugarcube Corner.

Mrs. Cakes, a blue pony with a strikingly puffy mane walked toward Fluttershy. “Dear why don’t you feed sweet Fluttershy a real nice cupcake? While you do that, I’m going to see what’s got these ponies so riled up.” Mr. Cakes gave a small nod, and started to take a freshly baked cupcake out of the oven. Mrs. Cakes then walked past the still figure of Rainbow Dash to follow the figures of Pinkie and Twilight.

Twilight had already reached the alley before Mrs. Cakes had. Pinkie, who was bouncing next to her, was humming a soft song. Twilight stopped in her tracks as she turned in to the alley. The alley looked the exact same as they had seen it only minutes before. Only one difference. Where’s the blood?

Mrs. Cakes had finally came in to view behind the two ponies. She let out a small series of pants, and small beads of sweat were already forming on her. “What’s got you so riled up Twilight dear?”

Twilight stared at the spot where less than five minutes before had been a corpse. Pinkie bounced behind Twilight and took a look at what Twilight had been staring at. She let out a tremendous gasp, and hurriedly bounded for the spot.

Mrs. Cakes walked up to see a Pinkie grasping on to a bag of flour. There was no corpse. There was no blood. There was no trace. Just a bag of flour. “This is what you wanted to show me Twilight? A bag of flour?” Mrs. Cakes asked, confusion lacing every word. Twilight stood there motionless. Her mouth refused to form words as she saw her pink friend wrestle with the small bag of flour. What’s wrong with me?!

Steps resounded behind the small trio. Mrs. Cakes turned her head and with a smile said “Why hello there Noteworthy!” Twilight turned behind her to see a blue stallion with a navy blue mane, and two backwards facing musical notes as his cutie mark.

“Hello Mrs. Cakes.” Noteworthy’s voice was calm and straight. His smile was infectious, and Mrs. Cakes found herself smiling in response.

Twilight’s mouth dropped a bit, seeing the new pony. But I saw you... “How are you here?”

Noteworthy turned toward Twilight. “What do you mean? I was simply walking through Ponyville, and I was wondering why the sweet Mrs. Cakes was here.”

Twilight stared at the pony. What’s going on? “You were dead though...”

Noteworthy stared at the unicorn with a smile on his face. “I believe you’re wrong there miss. I’m perfectly alive as you can see.”

As soon as he finished the last syllable, his eyes twitched slightly as if he had a small tick.

His eyes...

Twilight walked past the blue pony. “Sorry to waste your time Mrs. Cakes.” Twilight called out.

“Strange one isn’t she?” Pinkie said in mock seriousness before bouncing off toward Twilight.

Pinkie, in the matter of seconds, caught up with her lavender friend. “So what’s got you all topsy turvy curvy?” She uttered the sentence at lightning speeds. Twilight always wondered how Pinkie took in air whenever she talked.

“Pinkie! Me, Fluttershy, and Raibo--” Wait... Rainbow Dash smiled. With renewed energy, Twilight raced back to Sugarcube Corner where she could see a Fluttershy who seemed like she was doing better. Rainbow Dash was next to her, drumming up a conversation.

“Wait for me!” Pinkie cried out.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled out to the blue pegasus.

Rainbow turned toward the rushing unicorn and lifted her eyebrow in a questioning stare. “Yeah?”

“What happened to the body?!” Twilight yelled at the blue pegasus.

The blue pegasus smiled. A sadistic smile that should have never crossed the pony’s lips. “What body?”

Twilight stared with a stunned expression at the pegasus. “Don’t play dumb! The body that you, Fluttershy, and I found!”

Fluttershy then turned to face Twilight. “What body?” Her soft voice rang through Twilight’s mind like a nail being pounded through a coffin. Fluttershy’s eyes twitched just slightly.

Twilight turned her stare toward Fluttershy. Twilight laughed. This has to be a joke! Her body began to shake as her chest rumbled with laughter. “You all are playing a trick on me right? Noteworthy was just sitting there with what? Ketchup? Rainbow Dash was smiling because she couldn’t contain herself on the joke, right? And Fluttershy is just an amazing actress right?!” Twilight’s voice raised a few octaves as she asked the series of questions.

“Twilight... are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Tell me I’m right!” Fluttershy flinched, and Dash raised her eyebrow in confusion. Twilight managed to catch a glimpse of Rainbow Dash’s eyes twitching.

“But you’re not right... We’ve been at Sugarcube Corner this whole time... Remember? Fluttershy brought us here to treat us to lunch?” Dash explained.

Twilight lowered her gaze to the ground, and found herself starting to count the blades of grass by her hooves. Is it me?

“So what are we talking about?!” Pinkie asked, entering the conversation.

“Um... I’m not really sure.” Fluttershy said in a small voice.

“Can you honestly tell me you have no idea what I’m talking about?”

Fluttershy stared at Twilight. “I’m sorry Twilight, but I don’t remember any ‘body’.” Her eyes then crossed for a split second.

“Why are your eyes twitching?” Twilight asked inquisitively, stepping toward the two pegasi.

“What are you talking about?” This time Rainbow Dash answered.

“You two don’t have a problem with your eyes... Or at least before today you didn’t. So why? Why are your eyes twitching?” Twilight stared at the two ponies.

“Dun! Dun!! Dun!!!” Pinkie roared.

“Twilight... maybe we should take you to Nurse Redheart, you seem unwell.” Fluttershy cooed as she stepped closer.

Twilight stepped away as Fluttershy stepped closer. “Don’t come closer!” Twilight barked.

“We just want to help our friend.” Rainbow Dash responded as she followed Fluttershy’s league, and stepped closer.

“Wow... things got creepy pretty quickly.” Pinkie noted.

“Pinkie, how about you go inside of Sugarcube Corner and leave us here?” Dash told her.

Pinkie, unaware of the threat stood still. “I’m kind of curious though, it’s not everyday I get to see ponies act like zombies... well not in Ponyville anyway.”

Twilight stared at the trio of ponies, steadily stepping backwards with each passing syllable. “No really. There’s a very nice surprise waiting for you in Sugarcube Corner.” Fluttershy told Pinkie.

“Great! Now you got me curious! Now I have to look!” Pinkie shook her head. “Wait here! And if you can, don’t speak! I don’t want to miss anything!” Everypony there blinked away with confused stares. Pinkie raised her hoof and gave every pony a glare. She then turned her back to the trio and walked toward the bakery.

Pinkie opened the door that led into the shop and stopped short. “Hey guys! They installed a mirror in here!” Twilight’s eyebrow raised as she stared at the pink pony.

A mirror? Twilight took a glance at the other two ponies and saw that both were smiling. What does it mean?

Pinkie then flinched back as another pink figure attempted to tackle her. “I don’t think I like this mirror!” Pinkie stated as the pink blur attempted another tackle. Pinkie rushed out of the store with a pink pony following on her heels.

The pink pony following her had cotton candy hair with three balloons on her flank. Wait is that Pinkie as well? Twilight stared. The pink doppelganger was chasing Pinkie with a tongue out of the side of her mouth. There are two of them... Twilight’s horn started to glow.

These aren’t my friends. The aura around her horn started to grow. She swung her head at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and with shocked expressions they reeled back.

“Why would you attack us?!” Fluttershy whined as she raised herself in to the air. “That’s not very nice...” She whimpered.

“She was right.” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy as she rose in to the air.

“Who was right?” Twilight barked at them. “Where are my friends?!” Twilight roared as her horn started to glow brighter.

“I think you’ve said too much Rainbow.” Fluttershy stated while twiddling her hooves.

“Well she’s getting impatient anyway.” Rainbow said as she crossed her arms.

“Don’t act like I’m not here!” Twilight yelled. Rainbow stared down at Twilight with an annoyed look crossing her face.

“She seems weak compared to Twilight doesn’t she?” Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy stared down at Twilight. “That’s not nice Rainbow, I’m sure both are very strong... but I think our Twilight would have already brought us down...”

Twilight cringed as she heard the two ponies talking. They spoke like her friends. They sounded like her friends, they acted like her friends. They were something so different though. “Who are you two?!”

“I’m Rainbow Dash, the best flier in all of Equestria... on a good day anyway.”

“And I’m Fluttershy.” Fluttershy waved at Twilight with a small smile.

“We can take her down.” Rainbow said with a smile.

“I don’t know if we should do that... I mean she wanted to see Twilight in person...” Fluttershy responded.

The Pinkies were now tussling on the ground, neither one gaining the advantage.

“Pinkie! Just ignore your doppelganger, we have bigger plans to go through anyway!” Rainbow Dash called out. The doppelganger Pinkie looked up at the two flying pegasi.

“Well that’s no fun!” the clone sulked.

“Get over it. Come on Fluttershy, we got plans to make, and besides we can always come back for our favorite nerd. I think we’re the last doppelgangers here anyway.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she flew away immediately.

“What do you mean?” Twilight called out.

Rainbow Dash turned to the unicorn and smiled. “The others have already gone and regroup. We’re the last ones here.” Not waiting for Twilight’s response, Rainbow turned around and flew west.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight, and she gave a quick bow before following the blue pegasus.

“Wait for m-” The doppelganger Pinkie started to say before being tackled to the ground by Pinkie.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Pinkie shouted with a smile. Twilight stared at the two Pinkies in awe.

How am I supposed to tell the difference? As soon as Twilight thought that, the Pinkie being hugged eyes’ twitched for a split second. A smile spread across Twilight’s face. That’s how... “Pinkie! Bring the doppelganger with us. I have a few questions for her.” Twilight called out to her pink friend. Pinkie looked from Twilight to her doppelganger.

“Looks like we get to play a game!” Pinkie said with a smile. The doppelganger struggled against Pinkie’s hold, but Pinkie had the advantage due to the positions each was in. Pinkie started to drag the doppelganger after the fleeting figure of Twilight.

After a few minutes of walking, Twilight arrived to the front of the library. I need to figure out where my friends are. Twilight shook her head and heaved a sigh before pushing open the door. Her desk with mounds of crumbled pieces of paper still laid untouched on her desk. This is more important. “Come on Pinkie, let’s go to the basement.”

“Okie Doki Loki!” Pinkie said as she dragged the doppelganger, who had stopped struggling, across the floor.

The basement was a dusty place that was rarely ever used. Spike was convinced that ghosts ruled over the basement. Twilight would scoff at the remark but one couldn’t blame Spike’s assumption. Layers of dust covered the shelves in there like a thick blanket. The pages of the books were yellowed with age and disuse, and large roots hung from the ceiling.

Twilight’s horn started to glow as a chair from one of the corners of the room was lifted to the center of the room. “Put her in the chair Pinkie!” Twilight called out. Pinkie gave a swift nod and threw the doppelganger on the chair. Before The doppelganger could run, a rope appeared around the pony and fastened her.

“Okay, let’s have a chat.” Twilight said as she sat in front of the doppelganger.

“I won’t tell you anything!” the doppelganger pouted.

“How were you created?” Twilight asked the pink pony.

The doppelganger stared at Twilight. “Well... when a mama pony and a papa pony love each other VERY much... then--” She was cut off by the spraying of a water gun in to her face. Pinkie was holding a water gun with a beaming smile on her face. Twilight stifled a laugh before turning to the doppelganger who’s mane was now damp and straight.

“Okay miss. Why were you made?” The doppelganger yawned as if the question was beneath her. “And why do your eyes twitch so often? Is it a faulty spell?” Twilight asked.

“This isn’t a spell--” The doppelganger covered her mouth as soon as she uttered the phrase. “I mean... the spell just didn’t work right.” The doppelganger gave a smile at Twilight.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. The doppelganger wasn’t created with a spell? A knock then resounded through the giant tree. Twilight turned toward Pinkie. “Could you get the door, but be careful.” Twilight told her. Pinkie gave a salute before bouncing toward the door.

“Now back to us.” Twilight said, returning to the doppelganger Pinkie. “What’s the point of creating doppelgangers? It’s difficult magic, I don’t think a pony short of an alicorn would have the power to recreate a whole new pony.” Twilight told the pink doppelganger as she circled her.

“We’re not doppelgangers!” the pink clone yelled out.

“Then what are you?” Twilight asked with genuine curiosity.

“We’re real. You’re the ones that are doppelgangers!” The doppelganger retorted.

The personality is different from Pinkie... I suppose you can’t really emulate Pinkie’s insanity Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight’s magic brought another chair and she placed it in front of the pink look-alike. Twilight positioned herself on the chair. “This would be easier on you if you told me something.”

The doppelganger gave a mock gasp. “I’ve told you lots!”

“You haven’t told me anything useful.”

“Well you’ll find out soon enough anyway.” The pink pony yawned.

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked the pink pony.

The look-alike blinked. “What?”

“You told me that I’d find out soon enough.” Twilight stood up from her chair. “What does that mean?!”

“I didn’t say anything like that!” the pink pony responded.

Twilight turned away from the look alike and started to pace in thought. You’ll find out soon enough,’ she said. The doppelgangers left Ponyville... Why would all the doppelgangers just leave? They had the advantage of surprise. Would they... regroup? Why would they come back? Twilight looked up the ceiling that would have been the base and ground of Ponyville. They’re coming to reclaim Ponyville. They're coming to start a war! Twilight blinked twice. She then turned toward the doppelganger.

“When does the war start?”

The doppelganger shut her mouth, but smiled at the lavender pony. “We just wanted to be her friend.” Her voice was flat. Without emotion, she uttered the words like a machine. Twilight stared at the pink pony for a second and shook her head.

I’m not going to get anything out of her. Twilight heaved a sigh before walking away from the doppelganger.

“Are you done with me?” The clone called out to her.

“For now I guess.” Twilight responded as she climbed up her stairs. As soon as Twilight opened the door that led back to the main room, a Pinkie bouncing in place to greet her.

“Twilight! You won’t believe what I found up here!” Her voice was bouncy and high, completely unlike her doppelganger. Twilight forced a smile on her face.

“So, I opened the door, and it was this light green pony, you know Lyra-- and she was like ‘so many of the villagers have left!’- and I was like ‘well duh! they were all weird clone thingies. And then she looked at me weird, and I looked at her weird. She was then like ‘is there anypony else here?’ and I was like ‘yep me and my friend Twi.’ and then she just stood there--”

“Pinkie! Get to the point!” Twilight protested.

“Okay! Okay! In short, Lyra and I found twenty other ponies around town!” Pinkie said happily.

Twenty isn’t that bad a number I guess. Better than two. Twilight reasoned as she walked over to her window. Outside sat many ponies that she had seen around town. She found herself scanning the crowd for four ponies in particular. Are they not here? Twilight scanned each face for any of her friends, any indication that there was more of their group left than just her and Pinkie. After a minute of scanning, Twilight shook her head. They’re not here... Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack aren’t here. Twilight shook her head more. Her eyes were getting redder by the passing second. Soon a tear fell from her face.

Twilight turned to Pinkie. “Come on Pinkie, let’s go see if we can make an army out of twenty citizens.” Twilight opened her oak door. and walked out.

“Ooh I love playing war!” Pinkie said happily as she bounced out of the library. Many of the ponies were chatting amongst themselves. Many of them had eyes huge and fearful. Others stood erect and were ready for any kind of action. Twilight found herself recognizing a few faces like those of both Lyra and Bon-Bon. Scootoloo sat alone in one of the corners with an expression mixed with confusion and boredom. What surprised Twilight most of all was the fact that many of the ponies around her were unknown to her. Have I really not seen these ponies around before?

I should have been more sociable. Twilight thought to herself as she made her way to the center of the group. What am I supposed to say to these ponies? ‘Will you sacrifice your life to fight creatures that may look like your loved ones?’ Twilight shook her head and coughed to get their attention. She opened her mouth to speak, still unsure of what to say, but she never had the chance to even start.

“Hello Ponyville!” A voice resounded throughout the town like a shock wave. Every pony there flinched at the booming voice, and turned toward the west entrance to see a pony dressed in a black cloak. The pony was standing in a chariot held up by what seemed to be Celestia’ Royal Guards.

Clones of them too? Twilight thought to herself.

The cloaked pony rode till he was just above the group of twenty. The voice seemed altered to some degree as the pony spoke. The change made it difficult to even determine the gender of the pony, let alone who the voice may have originally belonged to. The pony jumped off of the chariot and fell toward the small group. His grey wings expanded, acting as a parachute until he landed on to a nearby building.

And who is this?! Twilight thought to herself, as her horn began to glow a crimson color. The aura immediately enveloped her, and before the cloaked pony could begin to speak, Twilight teleported to the top of the roof.

“Who are y--” Twilight began to say as she felt a wall of force hit her. Twilight yelped in pain as she fell off of the roof.

“I got ya! I got ya!” Pinkie yelled as she caught the unicorn. On the roof another pony came in to view. The stallion was sculpted with strength as the main key. His yellow mane fell down on his shoulders. His limbs were buffed, and his red coat shined in the cloudless sunlight of Ponyville.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Twilight coughed as she stood up on her legs.

“Big Mac?” One of the ponies in the crowd called out.

“Eeyup.” The stallion replied as he sat by the cloaked pony like a pet.

“This one makes an amazing guard.” The cloaked figure cackled.

If I can’t go over there I’ll just bring you down! Twilight’s horn began to glow. Before Twilight could pick up the cloaked figure, a piece of two by four was coming at her. She quickly sidestepped the piece of lumber and looked up to see a white mare come in to view.

“Hello darling.” the mare said to Twilight.

“Twilight! It’s Rarity!” Pinkie pointed out.

“Oh how I’ve missed you two.” She placed her hoof to her mouth to cover her laughter.

Twilight turned back to the cloaked figure. “What have you done with our friends!”

The cloaked figure turned away from Twilight and started to walk away. “I replaced them with better versions of themselves... consider it an upgrade.”

Twilight’s teeth clenched as she glared at the retreating figure of the cloaked pony. “Come back here!” Twilight roared.

A chuckled resounded through Ponyville. The group of ponies around Twilight started to whisper midst themselves, panic already forming.

“Twilight, if you want your friends back, then come face me. Prove to me that these are merely shadows of your real selves. Though I doubt you can do that.” Twilight started to growl at the cloaked pony’s response.

“Give me a time and place!” Tears had slid down her face. I can only hope that my friends are still okay. Twilight thought to herself.

“A time and place...?” the figure said it as if it wasn’t obvious. “Why Twilight... what do you think we’re doing now?”

Houses began to shake. A tremor started to resound throughout the whole village. “What is that?” Pinkie asked. Twilight turned toward a purple pegasus with a blond mane and tail. An image of a cloud starting to cover the sun was on her flank. The mare was looking around fearful of the new tremor.

“Can you go up in the air, and give us a bird’s eye view of what’s around us.” Twilight asked the purple mare. She stared at Twilight for a split second before nodding her head four times. She jumped off the group and flew high in to the air. She then stopped and started to scout around the village. She then put her hooves to her mouth.

“There’s a bunch of ponies coming this way!” she called down.

Twilight twisted her head to where the cloaked figure used to be. It’s starting now!? She turned her head back to the twenty ponies around her. Twilight turned her head back at the cloaked pony up on the roof.

“I’ll be waiting at Everfree, if you can ever survive through this that is. Lets see who the true shadow is.” As the cloaked figure said this her wings spread out and propelled her off the roof. Rarity and Big Macintosh were each picked up by some of the royal guards respectively. “I’ll be waiting Twilight.” The cloaked figure said before flying toward Everfree Forest.

“We can’t fight them off!” One blue pony yelled as she started to run off. Many other started to follow her lead.

“Everypony settle down!” Twilight yelled at them. Nopony listened. “Come on! We can win if we work fast, and if we work together.” Twilight looked to each pony, looking for any indication that these ponies would somehow listen to her. The ponies, however, kept on their paths. Some holed themselves in side of a store, or a house, some simply decided to hide under vendor stalls. “EVERYPONY CALM DOWN!” Twilight roared. The booming voice stopped everypony for a second, and each pony turned toward the unicorn.

Twilight lifted her hoof and point at four stallions. “You four make a barricade around this town area. We don’t need to fight them, we just need to stay alive for a bit.”

“We can’t just defend ourselves until they get bored!” A light green pony with a harp as her cutie mark who Twilight recognized as Lyra voiced. “They’ll break open our barriers before they get bored.”

“You’re right.” Twilight nodded at the comment. “If this was all I had in mind then we would surely lose, however, there’s something else I have in mind.”

“Care to enlighten us peasants?” Lyra said, her eyes narrowed at Twilight.

“Me and some other ponies are going to go after the leader. If we take her out then maybe the shadows will follow her lead.” Twilight responded, ignoring her comment.

“That’s your plan?! What if the doppelgangers don’t leave!” Lyra asked.

“Well either way we would lose, at least this way there’s a chance we win.” Twilight responded as she saw the four stallions quickly making barriers.

“Who do you plan on taking?” Lyra asked.

“I won’t volunteer ponies, I don’t want them to go unless they’re fully willing to go. So, will anypony volunteer?” Twilight asked. She looked around and felt her hopes dashed. No pony raised their hand. Everypony’s eyes turned toward the dirt as if the ground had suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world. Twilight felt whatever small hope she had simply well up and vanish.

“Pick me!” Pinkie said as she swung her leg in the air. Twilight smiled.

“Pinkie and I will go after the cloaked pony and all of you who stay back... just try to keep the ponies away. The barricades should protect you from direct assaults as long as you fortify them, so all you have to worry about are the pegasi.” Twilight explained to all of them. The tremors had been steadily increasing after each passing second. Twilight then turned toward an alley that led outside of the main area of Ponyville.

“Come on Pinkie!” Twilight called as she trotted through the alley. She then turned toward the four stallions. “Seal this up after we leave, and don’t let us back in no matter what!” Twilight called back. Can’t have my doppelganger sneaking back in. Twilight gave one last glance back at the ponies in the little encampment they were making. A small group of ponies. All still with impeding fear. Each of their eyes staring back at Twilight with silent hope. Each pony wishing beyond a doubt that Twilight was able to get them out of this mess. I’ll get us out of this. Twilight turned toward the outskirts of Ponyville where the alley eventually led to. She turned right out of alley leading out of the small town, still hearing Pinkie’s bouncing behind her.

After a minute of running, a scraping of wood resounded through the area. Twilight cringed at the sound. “You think they’re okay?” Twilight asked Pinkie. After a few moments of silence, Twilight turned her head to see Pinkie staring back at the clearing they had just left.

“I thought I heard some ponies running through here.” A voice resounded from above. Twilight looked up to see a blue pegasus staring down at Twilight.

Twilight nearly cursed her luck as she stared at her friend. “Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. The blue pony stared at Twilight with eyes that would twitch ever so slightly. The pony’s wings were flapping melodically.

“She wanted to see you alive, but I’m sure she will see the necessity of me handling you two.” Rainbow’s smile sickened Twilight.

It’s not my friend. It’s not my friend. It’s not my friend. Twilight kept pounding the thought into her mind, but she found it hard to even scowl at the flying figure.

Rainbow Dash flew down quickly, her wings arched, giving her more speed. Twilight jumped out of the way with Pinkie mimicking her. The blue pegasus picked herself up from the crash and stared at the two ponies. “Are you going to make this fun Smarty Pants?” Rainbow mocked as she started to circle Twilight like the unicorn was her prey.

“Where’s the real Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“I am the real Rainbow Dash, your friend is just an imperfect version of me.” Rainbow Dash flashed her standard cocky smile. The smile shook Twilight off of her feet.

“You can’t make a better Dashie though.” Pinkie chided in as she started to walk closer to the blue pegasus.

Rainbow started to laugh at Pinkie’s implied threat. “Pinkie why’d you even volunteer? You’re weak compared to us. I mean you are just an Earth Po--” a rock hit Rainbow’s face interrupting her small speech.

“Well I’m strong enough to make a fake Dashie stop talking. That must be worth something.” Her smile never faded as she picked up another rock. Twilight smiled at her friend’s antics.

“You’re right Pinkie, Rainbow Dash is much better than this ‘upgrade’.” Twilight said as she prepared to use her magic.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Rainbow trying to keep all the fun for yourself. That is such a horrible thing to do.” A familiar voice rang out. A white mare appeared from one of the neighboring rooftops.

“Rarity?” Twilight asked as the white unicorn jumped down.

“Do you really think that you could bring both of them down by yourself?” Rarity asked the pegasus.

Rainbow dash suppressed a chuckle. “Of course I could, the pink one just got me off guard.”

“I’m sure.” Rarity rolled her eyes. Her horn began to glow a blue aura as she faced Twilight. “You know, I’ve always wondered who was stronger between Twilight and I, I suppose I can test it out on her doppelganger.” She inched closer to Twilight, the aura starting to surround her.

Twilight flinched back, but the crimson aura around her horn escalated. “Well come on then.” Twilight inched closer to the white mare. “Pinkie hold off the pegasus while I take this one down.” Twilight called out.

“Okie doki.” Pinkie gave a small salute.

Dash, with no indication, charged at Pinkie. She tackled into Pinkie, and the duo was sent rolling on the ground. Pinkie pushed the blue pegasus off of her and dodged away.

Twilight stared at Rarity with a glare. Each pony dared the other to move first. In a battle of wits, the first one to strike is always at a disadvantage. Rarity rushed forward preparing to flatten Twilight with her magic. Twilight dodged out of the way of Rarity’s strike and swung her head in response sending Rarity in to one of the neighboring buildings.

Dash picked herself off the ground, and started flapping her wings. She charged at Pinkie who barely managed to sidestep Rainbow’s repeated assaults. Each time Rainbow attempted a tackle a long trail of an evanescent rainbow was left behind. Pinkie rolled out of the way of an oncoming rush, and then she angled her hooves to the ground. She quickly pushed off tackling the blue pegasus mid rush.

“Oof!” Dash heaved as the pink pony knocked her to the ground. “Think you’re a little big don’t you?! Well you’re still years below me in strength!” Dash roared as she shoved Pinkie off of her.

Rarity peeled herself off the building and flattened her mane. A somber look came over her eyes as she flattened out her mane. How similar are the doppelgangers to... to us? Twilight wondered as she stared at Rarity.

Rarity’s eyes changed as they passed over Twilight. Her horn glowed a light blue, and her magic picked up some of the nearby stones. The amount of stones ranged from pebbles to snowball sized rocks. The rocks numbered easily around fifty stones. Each rock started to angle toward Twilight. A smile appeared over Twilight’s mouth as she saw Rarity’s anger.

“Hope you die for what you did to my hair!” Rarity squealed. The rocks flew at high speeds to the lavender unicorn. Twilight’s horn glowed crimson, and the scenery started to change around her. Her view started to spin around her, and in the span of a second Twilight found herself looking at the back of Rarity with the stones striking a vanished target.

Dash’s eyes lowered and a smile appeared over her face. “Time to take you down.” Dash cooed as she rammed into the pink pony. The two ponies, solely driven by Dash’s momentum, flew at mach speeds toward the ground. Pinkie grasped on to the doppelgangers head with all her might, but she failed to slow the pegasus down. The two ponies hit the ground.

A small crater was made by the impact. Dust and dirt flew in the air covering the whole scene. As the dust settled Dash stood over a scrambling Pinkie Pie. The pegasus’ hoof was pressed down on Pinkie’s throat. “I still find it hard to believe that you even though you could go against me.” Dash smiled at the struggling pony.

Pinkie then flashed the blue pony a beaming smile. “I wasn’t trying to beat you, Silly Willy.”

Twilight’s eyes rolled back almost immediately. Rarity turned to see Twilight a meter off the ground and surrounded by a thick crimson aura. Without mercy, Twilight swung her head down at the ground. She’s not my Rarity! The ground opened like the parting of a sea. Rarity in shock from the power fell in to the trap. Don’t mess with me! Twilight’s thoughts roared as she swung her head up. The ground closed shut in response. The white doppelganger wasn’t alive long enough to scream.

Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight with a mixture of awe and fear. Her legs were shaking on the pink pony. “H-how?!” her voice croaked. Not waiting for the answer her wings started to quickly flap. “Y-you won’t get me!” her voice wavered as she started to take off of the ground. Before she could fully escape. Pinkie reached up and grasped on to the blue pegasus’ wings, effectively grounding her.

“No! What are you doing?! You’ll kill us both!” Dash roared as she tried to shake off the pink pony.

“Get us both Twi! It’s okay!” Pinkie yelled at the lavender unicorn. Twilight stared with wide eyes at the two ponies.

I can’t do that to Pinkie! Twilight thought to herself.

Pinkie stared at her friend struggling to come up with a decision than gave a beaming, Pinkie-like smile. “Think of all the other ponies back in town.” Pinkie yelled.

A tear welled up in Twilight’s eyes. The tear grew and grew until a single tear fell from her cheeks. I suppose we’re no better than these doppelgangers who tried to kill us. Twilight’s horn started to glow crimson. She raised her head quickly, and the ground started to bend to her will. The earth arched up in the air like a wave of water and crashed on to the two ponies. I’m sorry Pinkie...

Twilight stared at the ground where three ponies now laid underground. The unicorn felt her face warm under the rolling tears. She shook her head, and tears fell to the ground. She scratched at the ground with her hoof. I swear I will give you a proper burial... That’s the least I can do. Twilight scratched two words in to the ground before turning toward the Everfree Forest and running at full speed toward the thin line of trees.

I’m sorry.

The trees grew as Twilight became closer and closer to the outskirts of Ponyville. Her pace slowed as three ponies came in to view. On the left stood Big Macintosh standing there, looking more like a silent guard than anything else. In the middle of the three ponies stood the cloaked pony standing there with an aura of silence. On the far right was a lavender unicorn with a dark mane and tail, having a thin pink line going through both.

No way...

“Hello Twilight.” The cloaked pony boomed as she stepped closer to Twilight.

Twilight stared at the ground. “Why me?” Twilight asked. “Why did you call me out?!”

The cloaked pony stared at Twilight. “Honestly? It’s because you were the biggest threat. If you were out, who would stop me?” Twilight couldn’t see his face, but she imagined that the pony was smiling. “Besides-” He raised her hoof and aimed it at Twilight. “You’re smart. That’s an ever present danger.”

“Don’t joke around!” Twilight yelled at the cloaked pony.

“Oh but I’m not. I have faith in the fact that you already have an idea of who I am as well... am I right?” The cloaked figure turned away and patted the Twilight doppelganger who graciously accepted the pat.

Twilight bit her lip to calm herself down. “Wings, grey body, a motive--” Twilight looked down to the ground. “And the tendency for the doppelgangers to have eyes that twitch and cross.” Twilight gazed at each doppelganger. Even now, their eyes would cross for a split second. “You didn’t have to go this far Derpy.” Tears welt up as Twilight uttered the name.

All sound left the group of ponies. The cloaked figure pulled back her hood to reveal a grey pony with a blond mane. Her eyes were crossed, making her the object of ridicule for years. “I knew you were smart!” the grey pegasus smiled.

“Derpy, you killed ponies...” Twilight shook her head. “Why would you resort to that!?”

“Twilight, I’ve been so alone. Do you know what it’s like to be rejected from society like... like I’m some useless toy? Some abomination to nature that was never meant to exist?” Twilight chanced a glance at Derpy. Nothing was different about her from the Derpy she saw just a few days prior. Nothing was different about this pony who was being bullied. Nothing was different about this pony who Twilight had turned a blind eye toward to.

“How did you do it?” Twilight asked.

Derpy laughed as she slowly bridged the gap between herself and Twilight. “Have you heard of a plant called Gramen?”

Twilight stared at the grey pony with a confused look planted on her face. Is there such a plant.

Derpy shook her head with a smile. “Kill her.”

“Eeyup.” The Big Macintosh clone started to rush at Twilight. Twilight took one glance at the oncoming stallion, and rolled out of the way.

I can’t get hit by that! Twilight gathered some of her magic in her horn and brought her head down, pushing the stallion to the ground. She then raised her head, and pulled the red stallion in to the air. Time to end this.

“Kill him Twilight.” Derpy called out to the purple unicorn. Twilight stared at the grey pony with shock.

“But... he’s your friend?!” Twilight mumbled just loud enough for Derpy to hear. Big Macintosh squirmed in the air attempting to get loose to no avail.

“Kill him and prove to me that you’re no more moral than I am.” Twilight remained motionless. “Oh? Hesitation? You didn’t hesitate when you fought Rarity and Rainbow Dash... even willing to sacrifice your beloved pink friend in the process. Despite that, you still hesitate? What a riot!” Twilight bared her teeth at Derpy. “Don’t get mad at me if you’re unwilling to accept a simple fact.”

“And that fact is?!” Twilight spat.

“You’re even worse than we are.” Derpy turned toward the Twilight doppelganger beside her. “Kill Big Mac, he’s served his purpose.” The doppelganger stared at the writhing figure of Big Macintosh still struggling in the air. Her horn grew a crimson aura. She then focused on the stallion, and the colt then stopped squirming. His limbs became constricted and tight. The doppelganger then stomped her foot in to the ground.

Twilight closed her eyes as crimson liquid splattered on to the ground in front of the two groups.

“W-why?” Twilight nearly whimpered as she avoided looking at the red blotch,

“Twilight, have you ever heard of the term ‘drink of the gods’?” Derpy asked.

“Nectar?” Twilight responded.

“Correct, but the nectar can’t be from just any plant. It has to be from a specific plant. A plant that was thought to be extinct, a plant that was eliminated because of the power it held. A plant I found by pure accident. A plant that grants its user a single wish. A plant called Gramen.” Derpy shook her head as she explained.

Twilight stepped away from Derpy. “You expect me to believe that?” Twilight barked.

Derpy pounded her hoof in to the ground. “Look around you! There are doppelgangers of all your friends and neighbors and each and every one of them has turned against you.” Twilight cringed at the statement.

“A regular pony was never supposed to drink the nectar though.” Twilight mumbled.

Derpy smiled a broader smile at the comment. “Nectar was only ever meant for a god. When used on a regular pony, it could do anything, even twist that pony’s personality.” She stepped closer to the retreating Twilight. “Don’t hold back. Kill her.” Derpy said to the doppelganger.

The doppelganger’s crimson aura surrounded her and she teleported behind Twilight. Twilight spun out of the way of ball of energy fired off by the doppelganger. Twilight frowned as she saw the doppelganger’s eyes roll back and become white. Twilight focused her magic and tried to bring the doppelganger to the ground, but the clone teleported out of the way of the strike.

Twilight panted as she started to spin around to look for her clone. Suddenly she felt a punch to her stomach that knocked the air out of her. She fell to the ground. Twilight stared up at her doppelganger. I can’t die here. Twilight felt her breath becoming more and more shallow.

“Is somepony tired?” The doppelganger mocked as she stomped on Twilight exposed stomach. Twilight yelped in pain as she grasped her stomach. “You are who I’m based off of? There is no contest apparently.” The doppelganger scoffed as she began to walk away.

“Don’t count me out.” Twilight whispered as a crimson aura enveloped her. She picked herself off the ground, and she stared at the doppelganger eye to eye. Twilight raised her head up, and in response the ground around the doppelganger opened like the beginning of a tsunami. The wave of earth raised until it was almost fifteen feet high. “Survive this!” Twilight roared as she dropped her head down like a hammer silencing its jury. The waves crashed in on the doppelganger, and a mountain of dust and dirt covered the scene of the battle. Twilight’s legs fell from under her. She panted uncontrollably, and held on to her chest, where her heart was attempting to break out of her chest.

“More impressive than I gave you credit for.” Twilight heard from behind her. With a feeling of despair overcoming her, she looked to see her doppelganger unscathed. “However, you’re too weak to even stand up to me in a fight... just the luck of the draw I suppose.” The doppelganger flashed a sadistic smile as her horn began to glow a crimson. Twilight felt her body leave the ground.

“A good effort Twilight.” Derpy called out to her. Twilight couldn’t even bear to keep her eyes open for much longer.

I’m so tired.

I’m sorry everpony.

“I have to say, you and Miss Pie were the hardest to create a doppelgangers for. The most complex personalities of your group of friends. I couldn’t really recreate your personality. It doesn’t matter now though.” Derpy laughed.

Twilight ignored her comments as she was carried somewhere. I’m sorry... I just don’t care anymore. Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see that a noose was placed around one of the limbs on a nearby tree. Twilight closed her eyes again. Twilight started to feel the thread of the rope begin to touch her chin.

“It’s funny... you know I originally took the nectar only wishing to make friends? It’s funny how life messes with our wishes.” Derpy laughed as she began to walk away. “Drop her” Derpy told the doppelganger.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight mumbled. Derpy stopped short, and turned around to face the hanging figure of Twilight.

“What did you say?” Derpy asked.

“I should have been a better pony, I should have been a better friend. Before you were somepony so nice and timid, but now... you’re so merciless, and without any joy. I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry.” Twilight’s eyes opened letting tears rain down from her eyes. “I’m not perfect, and I never insulted you, but I’m a horrible pony for not trying to help, and I apologize for that.”

Derpy stared at Twilight for a few moments. She shook her head. Derpy bit her lip and stared at Twilight’s hanging body as if she was unsure of her decision. She finally shook her head twice. She then dropped her hoof, indicating for the doppelganger to drop the hanging Twilight.

“Thank you” Derpy whispered..

Twilight fell.

“Wake up!” Spike’s booming voice rang through Twilight’s ears.

“Ugh, Spike what do you want?” Twilight asked with a yawn as she picked her head off of the desk. Spike held up a book.

“At least be kind of excited when I get you a present!” Spike responds as he hands Twilight a small book. On the cover of the book, there was a large flower that dripped a golden honey from its leaves. The title of the book was labeled as ‘Gramen’. Twilight blinked a few times as she stared at the book title.

Was it all a dream? Twilight wondered as her eyes fell across her desk. On her desk were stacks of papers, some crumbled up, others with ink stains in the shape of Twilight’s slumbering face. All of the letters had the same heading. Twilight’s frown deepened. I had seen Derpy being bullied, and I really didn’t do anything to stop it. Twilight’s gaze lifted to see a small cracked window by her desk. Her face was cracked and broken in the reflection. Twilight stared at her reflection for what felt like a full minute.

“What’s wrong with you?” Spike asked the purple unicorn who appeared deep in thought.

Twilight sighed. “Nothing is wrong.” I don’t even know where she is.

“Sheesh. No thank you for my present or anything.” Spike pouted.

“I’m sorry Spike, thank you so much for your gift.” Twilight responded.

“Yeah! I meant to get it for you as a Heart and Hooves day present, since well you wouldn’t get a present otherwise.” Twilight ignored the snicker Spike made at the end of his comment. “But the mail just came in today--”

Mail? Twilight’s eyes widened. “Was Derpy here?” Twilight asked her dragon assistant. Spike flinched at Twilight’s new enthusiasm.

“Um yeah...” Spike said with a confused expression on his face.

“Which way did she go?!” Twilight asked enthusiastically.

“Um... I think she went west to deliver more mail.” Twilight immediately picked herself up and ran toward the door. “What are you doing?” Spike asked her.

“Something I should have done long ago.” Twilight said happily as she ran out of the oak door of her library. The day was a cloudless day, a beautiful day. A perfect day for change. Twilight turned left and started to sprint toward the setting sun in the distance. Ponies around her stared at her with strange expression as she sprinted past them.

After less than a minute, a familiar face stood out amongst the crowd. She was holding a brown parcel bag over her side and had a hat on her head. She held a forced smile on her face as she knocked on another door. Her blond mane looked the same as it did in Twilight’s dream, but now the mane, the eyes, the pony seemed to represent a different thing.

Rather than a threat, a tranquility, rather than a defeat, a joy, rather than an enemy, a friend.

Derpy turned with a confused look toward the sprinting Twilight. Twilight lifted her hoof high in the sky and never waved harder in her life.

“Hi Derpy!”

Dear Princess Celestia:

I have never felt so bad in my life. I suppose you never know what situation will crack you and you can never know what kind of situation will make you break you morals until they come. I learned that today but I learned something else as well. I think there is more than one chance in this world. I don’t think we are defined by the past, how horrible I would be judged if that were the case. We are defined by how much we want to change ourselves, how much we want to further ourselves, how much we are willing to do for others. I hope I never forget that in my life. And finally, I hope I never forget that everypony needs a friend. You taught me that.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 2 )

I feel that the word Doppelgänger (although written in an incorrect way) was overly used.

The plot felt forced, but not so much that, given the circumstances, I can't forgive it. The length of the story itself was impressive, but again, it sort of felt forced. By far the better written of the two choices I was given. Loooooots of room for improvement, but not bad.

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