• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 682 Views, 8 Comments

The Beckoning of Nature - Dragonborne Fox

Around a decade after the Elements of Nature were announced as new alicorns, an entirely new threat arises from the ashes. Would the Elements defeat them, or will they crumble into nothingness?

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Chapter 8- The Wyvern Stops Here

The Wyvern was flying to the ruined Gryphon Kingdom, letting off terrific roars of bloody rage as ponies and Q-hybrids alike started to panic en masse. Sometimes it breathed fire on a house or two during it's trip.

"Put out the fires!" Shouted everything in the immediate vicinity of the stricken areas. Fire ponies and firetruck-men attempted to douse the flames.


A series of draconian roars sounded in the distance.

"Elements of Nature, get to the balcony!" Nagare bellowed, drawing his sword. It had been years since he last wielded it.

Everyone rushed to the balcony to see what was going on. The Blazing Wyvern was raging about, heading westward.

"Looks like someone's mad!" Tenmei said, readying his crossbow.

The Wyvern took notice of the group and turned his head in their direction.

"Long time no see, bastard!" Rekka shouted as he materialized his laser gun.

The Wyvern started flapping his enormous wings.

"Looks like he won't fall for the switcheroo again!" Yuuki remarked as she stood on her hind legs to grasp her ball.

The Wyvern began flying toward them.

"I wonder how stupid he really is!" Koto giggled as she clutched her boomerang.

The Wyvern roared as he came closer to the Palace. Apparently, he heard Koto's remark from quite a distance. And he was not too happy about it.

The alicorns started flapping their own wings, and they launched themselves off the balcony.

"Your mother was a cackling hen and your father was a perverted werewolf!" Yuuki hollered as her wing-beats caused sparks to appear around her form.

"Your willy is so tiny no wonder you're still virgin!" Rekka shouted as burning ashes surrounded him.

"I bet ten thousand bits you kidnap innocent children to trade on the black market for a living!" Tenmei bellowed as a brown dust cloud embraced him.

"We laughed at you before, and we will laugh again! I bet you're sterile!" Nagare caterwauled as a mini-hurricane followed his body.

"You will be old and lonesome in the depths of Hell when we're through with you!" Koto shrieked as mist emanated from her wings at a surprisingly terrific rate.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME, YOU PATHETIC BRATS!!!!! YOU WILL PAY IN WAYS YOU NEVER FATHOMED!!!!!!" Roared the Wyvern as he and the Elements stopped in front of each other.

"Oh really? How about we wreck your face!" Yuuki bellowed as her ball became behemoth-sized. She kicked it with all her might and it hit him square in the stomach. The Wyvern roared in pain as he was electrocuted and knocked back with the crushing force of a steamroller.

"You won't punish anyone! You're nothing but a selfish, low-life blemish on all that is holy!" Shouted Tenmei as his crossbow grew in size. It fired a ground-shattering bolt at the Wyvern's right wing, almost immediately rendering it useless.

"How'd you come back from the dead?! What freak of damnation brought you back?!" Nagare hollered as his sword grew until it was just big enough to sever the Wyvern's left wing clean off. The wing landed into the ocean with a loud splash, dousing some of the burning wood on the Wyvern's body.

"You think you're better than everypony?! Why don't you prove it here and now?!" Rekka caterwauled as his gun grew in massive proportions. He fired his destructive laser at the beast, sending his entire hind quarters plummeting to the cold ocean waiting below.

"Your miserable, unfulfilled life of causing untold suffering on others ENDS HERE!" Koto wailed as she threw her boomerang, which grew in size as it approached the burning beast. With one single arc it severed the Wyvern's head, causing what was left of him to fall into the ocean. This, however, made a tidal wave that was quickly approaching the land on which Canterlot was founded.

Instinctively, Koto flew faster than the raging waters in a chaotic storm, and the moment her hooves touched land her horn began glowing a majestic silver, stopping the tide before it even reach the half-mark. She then hoisted it up out of the ocean and flew to the burning homes, dousing them just enough for the ponies and hybrids to finish the job. When all the water was used, she teleported back to her mate and friends, who were now surrounding a rock where the Wyvern had fallen. On it was a fatally injured and not to mention soaking wet stallion who was all too familiar to the group.

"Your efforts.....are but......in vain......weaklings........" Maki wheezed as the last breath of life escaped his body. His horn cracked and turned to dust as his body turned into stone, merging with the rock on which it lay.

"Like I asked: Who the hell brought him back?" Nagare said as he raised his head to the sky.