• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 681 Views, 8 Comments

The Beckoning of Nature - Dragonborne Fox

Around a decade after the Elements of Nature were announced as new alicorns, an entirely new threat arises from the ashes. Would the Elements defeat them, or will they crumble into nothingness?

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Chapter 7- Doppelgangers Have Their Uses

"They're planning to rebuild the Crystal Empire with Sombra as it's leader if he takes you to the Shadow?!" Cadence shrieked.

"I am afraid so. I don't think we can do anything." Koto replied, her head hanging low.

"Wait one damn minute!!" Shouted Mikarya. "Who is this 'Sombra' you all speak of?!"

"He was the tyrant of the Crystal Empire before I showed up. He was a nasty ruler, figuratively and literally speaking. He required a blood sacrifice weekly!" Cadence answered.

"He sounds like a really bad pony!" Shouted Miki, whose body was still foal-like.

"He is a really bad pony." Cadence murmured.

"HOLD UP!" Shouted a drone.

"Yes?" Koto squeaked.

"We Changeling drones are expandable. We got our species name because we steal the appearance of ponies!" Replied the drone.

"Wait! I have an idea!" Chimed Shining.

"Hurry up and say it! We're losing time!" Mimi called.

"We will use a drone to 'replace' the real Koto. When the drone is captured, we give the signal to retreat. You said that's what they want, right?" Shining asked.

"Yes. But the drone has to be unscathed." Answered the alicorn mare.

"Koto, hide yourself and the Crystal Heart. At any rate, they'll fall for it." Cadence said.

"Chrysalis, I hope you don't mind." Shining said solemnly.

"I don't mind. I may be saddened by this, but at least the drone did what was right." Replied the Changeling Queen.

"Rekka?" Asked Cadence.

"Yes?" Replied the scarlet alicorn.

"Stay with your mate. It's much safer that way." Answered Cadence.

"Will do." With that, he and Koto teleported out of the room.

The drone's horn began glowing a bright green as changeling fire engulfed his form. His hard, black chitin was replaced with silky, sky-blue fur. An oceanic mane began sprouting on his head. His tiny horn grew longer, sharper, straighter and sky-blue as well. His insectoid wings grew oceanic feathers with mist-grey tips. A set of mist-colored regal armor appeared on his body, though mainly the chest and hooves. His double-ringed irises became single-ringed with white sclera, with the cat-like pupils becoming orbs. Now, the drone looked every damn bit like the real deal. 'She' giggled for a few seconds before looking back at Shining Armor, who was impressed.


Sombra's shadow-engulfed body was rapidly shooting itself toward the Palace of Nature. He was eying his target: the bearer of Water who was carelessly lollygagging on the balcony. She suddenly spotted the approaching shadow, gave off a filly's scream, and then flew off the balcony. She was heading to Canterlot.

"Foolish mare!" Shouted Sombra, who redirected himself in order to follow Koto.

"Let me be, foul beast!" The mare shouted.

Sombra's shadow separated itself from him and continued to tail the alicorn, all the while Sombra himself made another dark crystalline structure to perch on.

The alicorn made a jerk to the left, only for the shadow to catch her and bring her screaming to the waiting Dark King.

"Shall we do this the easy way or the hard way? It's your choice." Asked Sombra.

"T-The easy way?" Koto squeaked.

"Excellent choice, my friend." Sombra hissed, engulfing himself and his captive in the shadows before teleporting back to the Beasts.

"He really did fall for it." Cadence said. Nobody noticed she was watching the whole thing.


"Tell us what you saw!" Bellowed the Shadow.

"No!" Replied the captive 'alicorn' for the sixteenth time.

"Sombra, do your thing." Said the Wyvern.

The Dark King smiled as he pulled a knife from the shadows. He approached the shackled 'mare' before him.

"Now, my pretty, start talking!" Hissed Sombra, who was readying the knife above 'her' stomach.

"No!" Replied the 'alicorn.'

"Stab her." Kelpie chimed.

Sombra stood on his hind legs, clutching the knife between his forelegs. He raised it as high as he could, and in one movement, he cut the 'alicorn' open. Green blood splattered his pelt.

Wait, green blood?!

"You idiots fell for it." Smiled 'Koto,' who revealed 'her' true form to be that of a Changeling drone.

"WE WERE TRICKED BY THE ENEMY!" Bellowed the Shadow.

Sombra, now beyond pissed, started stabbing the drone until no more life was left in him.

"I don't believe this. I'll find her myself even if I have to destroy it all!" Shouted the wyvern, who flew away into the sky.