• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 556 Views, 5 Comments

Equestrian Rim - Chief Wolfee

Years since the Kaiju first made contact with the ponies of Equestria, and other races, former Jaeger Pilot Solaris is called into action to assist in a plan which can eradicate the Kaiju threat; once and for all.

  • ...

Chapter One: Jaeger Down

Equestria. Once a country proud and glorious, even through all of the dark past of war and tyranny. Would you believe that such a place existed in this world? Well, let me be the first to say this to you...you're wrong. Sure, Equestria was safe...but in truth, the entire world wasn't safe. At night, many of us looked up to the stars and wondered if anything was out there. In retrospect, we should have been looking in the other direction. Downward; not underground, no. We should have looked down in the oceans beneath our hooves.

Ages ago, when I was young, the ground shook and out of the oceans sprung enormous beasts. The most feared threat ever know to pony kind; the Kaiju. Massive in size and scope, these beasts rained terror in the early years. We knew that each time they emerged from the opening, called the Breach, their intentions were always the same; eradicate ponykind for good. Our armies tried to hold them back, but no matter what weapons we used, they were ineffective. Kaiju continuously slaughtered towns, causing many to flee inland to the safe zones; those careless staying in small shanty towns, trying to scrape by. Soon, towns became over crowded, food supplies scarce. We needed a new weapon. We needed monsters of our own.

In the months following the fourth Kaiju attack, the Princesses and their council commissioned the Jaeger Program; an alternate way to fight the Kaiju. I was only a small colt when the fifth Kaiju attack took place; and I would've died there, were it not for the first Jaeger. I knew it would be my destiny to pilot one of those mountains of metal. When announced publicly, I thought it'd just be useless; but I was wrong.

Jaegers are massive bipedal robotic creatures which were created. Unicorns mastered arcane knowledge, thus creating these robotic monsters to fight our battles for us. Sooner than later, after fourteen months of construction, the first Jaeger was created. A mere six months after the Jaeger Program was initiated, we continuously beat the Kaiju back. Many thought that we'd won the fight; but it only got worse by the coming day. Jaegers began to fall, ponies began to question the effectiveness of the Jaeger Program.

Trottingham Shatterdome

EDC Ranger Solaris, co-Pilot of Steel Paladin

"Alarm, alarm, Kaiju detected. Steel Paladin report for combat launch, immediately," a mare demanded over the intercom. Inside one of the dormitories of the Trottingham Shatterdome, two ponies, both pegasi stallions, lay down in their respected beds, trying to get some sleep. Both stallions looked similar in age; one being older than the other. The pegasus in the bed nearest to the door, leading to the corridors, was a midnight blue colour, and possessed a charcoal grey short mane; along with a charcoal grey stubble. The cutie mark and entire lower half of his body was covered with a thin, yet comfortable blanket. The other pegasus stallion, whose bed was positioned on a wall at the far end of the room, tossed and turned in his sleep. His coat was alight crème colour, however it was complete with a short, short spiked light brown mane.

The alarm's constant ringing woke the young pegasus. The pegasus stallion scanned his surroundings, with his emerald green eyes, noticing the rotating red light; the Kaiju alert alarm. How he could've slept through around ten, maybe even fifteen seconds of it he'll never know. In a great haste, the pegasus threw his thin blanket off of his lower body, hopping off of his bed and rushing to his locker in less than five seconds. "Bro, get up. We're getting deployed!" He screamed, throwing several personal possessions out of his locker until he found what he was looking for; a brown leather jacket, with several pockets and pouches and a logo on the right forearm which consisted of a shield and a sword.

The other stallion grumbled in his sleep, turning the other way to block out the younger stallion's demands. "Solaris, what the hell are you hollering about?" He grumbled, burying his head into his pillow. The younger pegasus, identified as Solaris, groaned in annoyance. In response to the older stallion's reply, Solaris retorted by ragging the blanket out of the other's grasp, then proceeded to pull at his leg until he was forced to kick in response. "Seriously? Fuckin' hell, man, you couldn't wait five more minutes?" Moaned the elder pegasus.

Solaris huffed. "Hate to break it to you, Nova, but we've been called to report for combat launch. Another Kaiju has been spotted, and not too far away, either." Solaris informed. "So how's about you get up off of your lazy ass and get ready; we've got five minutes before we launch." Retorted the young pegasus, demanding for his older brother, Nova, to get up out of bed. The two were both brothers, and were the sibling pilots of one of the Jaegers stationed in the Trottingham Shatterdome; a Jaeger by the name of Steel Paladin. Steel Paladin was a Mark III Jaeger, built to house a Triple Magic Internal Core, which can operate on a matrix differently than other Jaegers. Half of the Mark III's ran on a Double Magic Internal Core, and Steel Paladin was more of a pet Jaeger to the egghead unicorns.

Nova trotted over to the bathroom, feeling the swing of his tags at his neck. He looked into the mirror, gazing into his eyes an analyzing his marks underneath said eyes. This'd been the sixth deployment after 12:00 am, and it was heavily effecting his fighting skills and coordination of his Jaeger crew. "Six deployments in under a week, Solaris. They're getting desperate." Nova called from the bathroom. Solaris didn't respond to his brother's remark. Instead, he continued to ready himself for the upcoming conflict. "If anything, I'm thinking of retiring from being a Ranger; probably settle down with Rosemary, have a few kids an' all."

Solaris chuckled. "Yeah right. You know that the Kaiju won't stop until we're all dead, so we'll need all of the Jaeger pilots we can muster. Besides, were will you settle if you do get out? Towns are getting overcrowded, you know?"

Nova walked out of the bathroom, his mane and stubble dripping with water, which streamed down his face. "Listen, little bro, I love that mare with all my heart. It doesn't matter how I get out, it's about what life will be like when we're together." Nova implied, opening his locker and grinning at his own little remark. "Anyway, you get suited up; I'll be up later." Nova demanded, taking out his leather jacket and a pair of pure black aviator shades. Solaris nodded silently, taking his leave from the room and leaving his brother to get himself changed.

The Drivesuit room; the place where all Jaeger Pilots went to get suited up with the Drive Suits, which were a crucial part of the operation of the Jaegers. Each pilot was issued a suit, each tailored to their specific Jaeger. For instance, Fallen Angel's pilots wear a pure black Drivesuit, which was designed to house the bodies of two thin, sleek unicorn mares. Steel Paladin's pilots were outfitted with white Drivesuits, which were tailored to house Nova and Solaris.

Solaris trotted down the hallway, eyeing several of the other technicians, officers, EDC soldiers, and Jaeger pilots. Solaris has known these ponies since twenty-fifteen, when he and his brother signed themselves up to be in the Jaeger Program. Four years of defense against the Kaiju, four years of continuous fighting. Solaris wanted this fight to be over with, and soon; he couldn't handle the pressure of battle any more. Like his brother, he was falling apart.

Two mares, both young unicorns, passed by. Both possessed the same dark purple coat, along with a violet purple mane and golden eyes. However, one thing was different about them. Their mane and tail were both opposite; the one on the left had a swirly mane and tail, coloured in a dark purple with golden streaks, whilst the other had a straight mane coloured gold with dark purple streaks. Like everypony in the Jaeger program, who operated Jaegers, their cutie marks were the symbols of their Jaeger, which was a single trident; which portrayed their talents in operating their specific Jaeger. Anypony who didn't have a cutie mark were recommended to join the Jaeger Program, for it can help them determine if they could be Jaeger Pilots. Thus the symbols of their Jaeger become their cutie marks.

The two mares didn't spare the time to trade words with Solaris, for they had to get some sleep after all. Both mares operated the Fallen Angel, who'd just gotten back from being deployed. It didn't matter if they spoke with him, anyway. In a week, the twins would be gone, transferred to the Las Pegasus Shatterdome for a good few months. Equestria was falling apart. Riots broke out in the streets, poverty spread throughout the inner areas, food rationing, all of the things we wanted to prevent were already here.

It was only a matter of timing before the Kaiju finished ponykind off...for good. The Gryphons, Dragons, and a large number of Crystal Ponies have been eradicated from the face of this world. Solaris was going to make sure that nothing was going to stop him from beating the living hell out of every Kaiju he sees. Solaris pressed the button beside the elevator, knowing that he pressed it when a soft click was heard. He stood in silence, waiting for the elevator to drop down to his level; then take it up to the Drivesuit room a few levels up.

In short, the Jaegers were ponykind's last hope; the final defensive line until eradication. If the Jaegers were all destroyed, then ponykind would be next in line for complete destruction.

Trottingham Shatterdome, Drivesuit room

EDC Ranger Solaris, co-Pilot of Steel Paladin

The Drivesuit room. From what Solaris can see from outside the window, it looked as if several engineers were prepping the Conn-Pod of the Jaeger; not only that, but a few worked in the Drive Suit room to make sure everything was working perfectly. Many of these engineers were earth ponies, selected for their density in such cramped conditions. Pegasi could get to higher places, but that didn't help due to the fact that the engineers were, as always, in such cramped areas.

Unicorns, on the other hoof, could utilize their magic abilities to manipulate objects; but that takes a specific amount of space to lift massive amounts of metal and wiring. As for Jaeger pilots, a third were unicorns, a third were earth ponies, and a third were pegasi; in this Shatterdome, at least. Solaris took off his leather jacket, setting it on one of the pegs in a room just outside of the Drivesuit room. In theory, when a Kaiju breach was detected, the technicians have seven minutes to outfit the Jaeger pilots with their Drivesuits so that they could board the Conn-Pod and initiate the Drift.

Soon as he successfully hung up his jacket, Solaris began to put on the under armour of the Drivesuit; the Circuitry Suit. This was used as the first half of the Drivesuit, which allowed the pilot to feel what the Jaeger is doing in combat. It was all just a black suit, designed to interface with the Jaeger pilots. The second half, the Battle Armour, was yet to be put on. Soon as he was outfitted with the Circuitry Suit, Solaris entered the Drivesuit room. Immediately after entering, the pegasus was rushed into the clamps in the middle of the room.

Technicians began to help the pegasus into the Battle Armour of the Drivesuit, bolting the chest piece, foreleg pieces, hindleg pieces, and other armour pieces required to keep Solaris safe from harm...mostly. After all of the armour pieces were grafted to the pegasus' body, the technicians loaded in a metallic spine; which would connect the movements of the two pilots when in the Drift. Solaris was now fully armoured up in his white Drivesuit; now able to enter the Conn-Pod of the Jaeger. However, he couldn't initiate the Jaeger just yet.

Two pilots were needed to power, and use the Jaeger. One pilot usage would either severely damage the brain or physical features, or even kill the pilot in use. After several minutes of waiting, Nova arrived, being encased in the second layer of the Drivesuit by the technicians. Soon as Nova was encased fully in his armour, Solaris and Nova could now enter the Conn-Pod.

The Conn-Pod was basically the head of the Jaeger, which was mostly just a visor stretched over the head, to give a sort of fish bowl look. However, not all of it was visor. The back parts of it, where the entrance was, was made out of titanium; the lightest of all metals."What took you, Nova?" Solaris asked, tapping a console which began opening the entrance to in the inner Conn-Pod. "Thought you said you'd be a few minutes, now because of you we're two minutes off schedule."

Nova chuckled. "You know where I was brother," Nova pointed out, entering the Conn-Pod first and taking his position on the right side of the Conn-Pod. "If you had a mare, or stallion, I don't judge, wouldn't you wish to see them before you go out on deployment?" Nova questioned.

"I suppose," Solaris replied, unaware of Nova's little joke. Not too long after, Solaris frowned, Nova laughed silently. "Ha, ha, ha, very fucking funny, Nova." Muttered the crème coated pegasus, tapping away at his separate console on his side of the Conn-Pod. The two drivers stood on two, perfectly hoof size platforms which then clamped around the armoured parts of their hooves. Black cables wired themselves into the small pieces in the Battle Suit; these wires connected the movements of the pilots to the Jaeger, which allowed the Jaeger to move and fight in combat.

Within seconds after the pilots were strapped in, the Conn-Pod dropped downwards, plummeting down into the black hole below. It slowed down as it moved down, eventually slowing down to meet the rest of the Jaeger; a massive, silver and blackwashed, headless body. The Jaeger was the pegasi brother's own Jaeger; Steel Paladin. Equipped with dual Chainswords, Angellic Wings, and made entirely out of titanium and steel, the Steel Paladin was one of the finest Jaegers they've ever come across; Mark III Jaeger, as well. With it's triple spell matrix, the only one of its kind, Steel Paladin proved to be the most effective Jaeger Equestria could offer. A loud thud was heard, followed by a series of whirring noises. Outside, the Conn-Pod was being welded into place to the lower body. Soon as it was fitted, Steel Paladin was now fully completed.

"Pilots connected, now initiating the neural hoofshake," the intercom using mare announced. This procedure, known as the Drift, or more commonly as the Neural Hoofshake, was the real doozy part of the Jaeger Program. In order to fully work as a team, the pilots and the Jaeger had to become one with each other; this led to the Drift. The Drift melded the two minds of the pilots, merging into one brain; thus giving the pilots the ability to move in synchronisation. Not only that, but the pilots didn't just combine their fighting styles and motion; they connected in memories as well. By connecting their memories together, it made it more effective to the other pilot what the other was fighting for; ether redemption or survival.

Nova and Solaris zoned out for a moment, both locked in their Drift sequence. With the two being brothers, they basically had all of the same key memories; all except a few which Nova possessed. Through their sequence, several memories played back; their first Jaeger test run, their first fight, Solaris' first kiss, the early life of the two pegasi, etcetera, etcetera. Combining the minds of both pilots was the standard; occasionally, they'd have the occasional three pilots going through the Drift. Both pegasi opened their eyes, a faint flash of blue emitting from their iris'. Both, standing on their hindlegs, motioned into a standard boxing like stance, then moved back into a standing stance. As the pilots moved from standing stance, to boxing stance, then back to standing stance, the Jaeger mimicked the movements of the pilots; successfully executing the movements as the pilots performed them.

"Motion test completed. Jaeger pilots, stand by for mission debriefing," the mare commanded. The internal visor lit up, a blue rectangle like shape appearing in front of the Jaeger pilots. When it materialised, an image of a grey mare, with a tied back dark grey mane, along with dark purple eyes, sat stone faced; staring at the pilots of Steel Paladin. "Pilots Nova and Solaris, I wish I could've given this debrief in person; but, you're needed immediately at the Coast of Trottingham."

"Can we move it along, please? Just tell us where we're needed, what we're up against, and if there's any hazards we need to be aware of." Nova retorted. it was evident that Nova wanted to get this deployment done, most likely because he wanted to get back to sleep.

The mare huffed. "Very well, but you better watch your tone, Nova. Remember who you're talking to."

Nova nodded, "of course, Marshall Martingale. I'll be sure to watch my tone." Nova sarcastically answered.

"Good. Now, as for your deployment, you're being deployed into the Coast of Trottingham. Reports show that a Kaiju has been sighted there; category three, as well. You've went up against the cat ones and twos, but these cat threes are stronger than them. Bigger, faster, stronger; we've never gone hoof to claw on a category three Kaiju before, so be careful...we've already lost at least one Jaeger, and I'd hate to lose another one. Reports have also indicated that there's a cruise ship coming into dock at Trottingham Port. Rangers, your task is to kill that Kaiju; saving those civilians is a secondary objective. Understood?"

Both Rangers nodded in sync, "yes ma'am, we'll get the job done." Solaris responded. The Marshall nodded, who in turn switched off the video link to the control room. "Okay Nova, let's get going." Solaris said. Both pilots began to step forward, which in response moved the Jaeger forward; left, left, left, right, left. Down the hallway, at the end of the hall, the doors began to open; these doors bearing the number three. When they opened, the air turned salty and bitter. Jaegers had to either be deployed by heavy duty carriages, or by being deployed directly into the sea from the Shatterdome. In this case, the Jaeger was deployed directly from the Shatterdome's blast doors; mostly because the Kaiju was only reported to be seen on the coastline, and not far out at sea.

Back in the Conn-Pod, Solaris and Nova continuously moved forward following a left right cadence. "Slow and steady, Solaris," Nova stated. The Jaeger reached the blast doors, stopping on the platform before the drop down into the water. "Marshall, this is Nova, permission to engage thrusters?"

"Permission granted; all personnel keep out of the way of Steel Paladin's thrusters," Marshall Martingale ordered, giving the engineers, pilots, etcetera only one chance to get clear of the blast radius. Soon as they cleared the area, the green light for the initiation of the thrusters flared, giving the pilots the all clear to engage their thrusters. Nova and Solaris began tapping away at the holographic terminals, the standard procedure to activate their thrusters.

"Right wing configuration check," Nova reported.

"Left wing configuration check," Solaris reported. "Ready wings," Solaris informed, flaring his wings up; which were also connected to the Jaeger for flying. As he did so, Nova flared his wings as well; signaling his younger brother that he was ready. "Initiating thrusters is five, four, three, two, one..."

The Jaeger's wings on the back flared open. The thrusters on the bottom of the Jaeger's feet heated up, then propelled the Jaeger upwards into the air. Solaris and Nova extended their wings further, which opened up the wings on the Jaeger even further, giving it the ability to glide in the air at a steady pace. "Marshall we're en-route to deal with that Kaiju, over and out."


Trottingham Coastline


The cruise-liner, dubbed the Queen of the Sea, glided across the great blue ocean, unaware of what lurked below. A young couple, a pale yellow pegasus mare and a dark chocolate brown stallion, stood on the upper deck of the ship, getting a view of the grand blue ocean. It was dark, humid, but above all else it was the perfect setting for the stallion. For months he's waited for this moment, and on this very night he was going to take his relationship with this mare to the next level.

"Honey, there's something I need to tell you," the stallion called, bringing the mare closer and closer, clinging onto him with her hooves.

"Yes?" The mare complied, nuzzling her partner with her nose. The stallion's heart caught in his throat, usually it'd just be a hoof-hold from this mare, but tonight it was as if she was showing true affection towards him. The mare pressed her hoof onto the stallion's muzzle, "what is it? You know me, Choco." She said, playfully.

The stallion breathed in, then exhaled. "Listen, Honeycomb, I love you."

She nodded. "And I love you too, silly."

He nodded, separating himself from the mare entirely. "I know you do, but there's something I need to tell you...personally."

Honeycomb's expression changed entirely, from a happy, joyful expression to a mixture of sadness and anger. "What is it? No, don't tell me. You're going away, aren't you? You enlisted in the military, or you'll be going somewhere and never coming back, or-"

"Shh..." Choco wheezed, pressing his hoof over her mouth gently. "It's none of those things, Honeycomb. Listen, we've been seeing each other for years now, but I feel as if we ought to take our relationship to the...next level." Choco announced, managing to get that by his partner in the most brief way he could think of.

"What are you saying?" Honeycomb asked.

Choco reached into his pocket with his left hoof, fishing for a box which contained something...vital to him. "Listen, what I'm trying to say is...I love you, more than what I do now. I want us to be together forever, darling." At this point, Choco had produced the box in front of the pegasus; open as well. Inside the half open box, surrounded by an array of velvet, was a necklace with a pendant completely made of sapphire. "I love you with all my heart. Honeycomb, will you-"

He never got to finish.

A thunderous roar alerted the two ponies, then after that the floor beneath Choco thrusted upwards, and from underneath a massive beast emerged. Choco screamed as he became food for this creature; a category three Kaiju. Honeycomb could only stare as the Kaiju slaughtered her partner, looking down to notice the necklace staring at her in the face; it's sapphire pendant smeared with his blood. The Kaiju then spotted its next target; the stunned yellow pegasus.

The Kaiju roared, then dived its head forward to munch on its next target. Honeycomb could only watch as the Kaiju came for her, staring into it's abyss of a mouth. Suddenly the Kaiju's advance stopped and was dragged away from the cruise ship. Massive lights blinded the yellow pegasus, illuminating the features of the Kaiju in front of her; not to mention the outline of a massive bipedal creature in the background; a Jaeger. The Jaeger tossed the Kaiju backwards, sending it clashing into the water. Honeycomb looked up at the Conn-Pod of the Jaeger, staring directly at the fishbowl like visor of the massive robot.

Inside of the Jaeger, Solaris and Nova stood analysing the Jaeger's systems, then going to deal with the Kaiju at bay. "Nova get on the loudspeaker, tell that mare down there to alert the ship's helmscolts to get them to safety." Solaris commanded, quickly checking over the scanners to keep an eye out for any signs of Kaiju movement beneath the waves. From the scanners, it appeared that the Kaiju was moving faster than any of the other Kaiju they've gone up against before. "Damn it, Nova, hurry up! If you don't we'll be seafood for this big bastard."

Nova complied with a nod, continuously fumbling on his console trying to find the link to the loudspeaker. In his haste, Solaris readied his side of the Jaeger for an attack. Soon as Nova found what he was looking for, he cleared his throat to speak. "Ma'am, I advise you to inform the helmscolts to get the ship to safety, we'll deal with the Kaiju." Nova advised. The mare nodded, running into the ship's interior and slamming the door behind her.

"Nova, when you're finished fucking around, I could use some help tracking this bastard," Solaris informed, moving his hoof up to protect his face, which in turn protected the Jaeger's Conn-Pod. Nova complied by moving his hoof down midway, tensing is hoof which clenched the Jaeger's metallic fist. Solaris, using his free hoof, tapped away at another console, which kept tabs on the motion trackers. The blue blip in the middle was the entire Jaeger, whilst the red moving blip was the Kaiju; which was moving at a even faster pace around the Jaeger, circling it to draw it's attention. "Ah, the bugger's moving too fast, I can't get a lock on it."

"Shit, right flank," Nova burst out, moving his hoof to protect the right side of the Jaeger. Up from the water, bursting out to reveal itself, the Kaiju used its jaw to clamp onto Steel Paladin's right arm, gnawing at it with its house sized teeth. "Damn it, bastard's clamped on our right arm. Solaris, we've got to shake this mother off, before we're canned food!"

Solaris groaned, attempting to use his side of the Jaeger to shake the Kaiju off. But, to no avail, the Kaiju didn't let go of the Jaeger's arm. "Damn, it won't get off. Nova, try activating the sword, that should wound it enough for it to let go, then we can sake it off," Solaris suggested. Nova agreed with a nod, pressing a button on his right forehoof, which sprung out a lengthy sword from the inside of the Jaeger's arm; which, as a result of it being activated, slashed the Kaiju's jaw, causing it to lose all grip and crash into the water. Solaris, noting this success, activated his sword as well.

With a thunderous roar, the Kaiju emerged from the water once more, attempting to attach itself to the Jaeger and drag it down into the sea. However, the Jaeger pilots countered the Kaiju's move with a quick, and rather decisive, series of slashes to the Kaiju's midsection. Steel Paladin's pilots also responded to the Kaiju's attack by grabbing it by the neck and stabbing it twice in its midsecotion. With one wince of pain, the Kaiju fell lifelessly back into the ocean. Solaris and Nova eased themseleves, honestly glad that the Kaiju was dead, and that the civilians were safe and sound.

"Marshall, Nova here; the Kaiju has been pacified, we're on our way home, over." Nova reported, bro-hoofing his brother as he and Solaris began to move the Jaeger back in the general direction of the Shaterdome. In the distance, just off of the actual coastline, the cruiseliner that was reported to be in the area of the Kaiju was just in sight of the docks, preparing itself to get docked and safe within the boundries of Trottingham.

"Hang on, Nova, we're still reading a Kaiju signature in your AO. Damn it, it's not dead, I repeat, it's not dead; turn yourselves around and fight it!" Martingale yelled down the mic, alerting both Jaeger pilots to change their direction and kill the Kaiju. When they turned, however, the Kaiju attacked and, in the process, used its now elongated jaw to tear and rip the left arm of the Jaeger entirely off. With the arm of the Jaeger completely torn off, a shock of energy was sent right into Solaris' left hoof, which, in turn, shocked him to the point where he fell to the ground in complete agony. Nova, taking the chance that the Kaiju was submerged underwater, disengaged himself from his bonds, trotting over to help his younger brother.

Nova tried to get Solaris free of his metallic bonds, but found it to be quite the struggle due to the fact that he'd have to entirely pry him from his suit. "Hang on, Solaris, we're gonna get out of this." Nova said to his fear stricken brother, who used his right hoof to hold his now slightly bleeding hoof. Because of the shock the now ripped off arm gave off, it caused Solaris' armour to lock up on that side, thus slightly crushing his entire leg. "Marshal, Solaris is hurt, we're dead in the water; what do you recommend?"

Martingale, taking in the pilot's report, responded with great haste over the intercom. "Listen Nova, you've got to hold on. I'm dispatching Fallen Angel to your position, hang in there. Marshal Martingale out."

Outside, the Kaiju circled the Jaeger time and time again, constantly growling at the massive robotic being like a predator playing with its prey. It noted that the Jaeger was hopless without its left arm, and was preparing in finishing off Steel Paladin for good. It readied itself to pounce onto the back of the Jaeger, then in one motion it leaped into the air and grafted itself to the back of the Jaeger. Nova, who was trying to pry Solaris out of his suit, was thrown backwards as the Kaiju tore at the head of the Jaeger. Solaris looked at his older brother, eyebrow raised as if he was asking for advice. "Okay, Solaris, listen to me very carefully. I'm going to get to my side and fight this thing, you just hang back and-."

Suddenly the Kaiju's claw tore the side of the Conn-Pod that Nova resided on. Nova, who was directly in the range of the Kaiju's claw, was tossed out of the Conn-Pod into the raging sea below. Solaris could only, hopelessly, watch as his brother was viciously thrown out of the Jaeger and into the hellish waters below.

Nova was dead.

There was no way in which Solaris could shrug it off. The one pony, the one pony in which he's known for his entire life is now dead; at the claws of that damned Kaiju. Solaris exhaled, breath being seen due to the cold conditions of the night. He had to finish the fight. There was no way only one pony could pilot a Jaeger, it's been done many times before; and all of them ended with bad results. Solaris could always just let the Kaiju kill him, but no; he didn't want to end up like his brother, not today at least. Control of the Jaeger all fell on Solaris' shoulders; it was, as Nova would call it, a do or die situation. His right hoof now controlled the right hemisphere of the Jaeger, meaning that entire Jaeger was under his control; stance placement, combat, etcetera, etcetera.

Not to mention that the one arm he had control over still had its sword out, which added to the combat effectiveness that Solaris didn't entirely have without his brother helping him. Solaris checked the motion tracker quickly, noticing that the Kaiju was approaching from the front in a frontal assault. He tightened his stance, blade shining brightly in the moonlight. "Come get some," Solaris muttered, bringing the blade in a ready position. Soon as it was a few feet away, the Kaiju emerged from the water one final time, its target the Conn-Pod of the Jaeger; with the lone Jaeger pilot still controlling the Jaeger solo.

As the Kaiju reached a high enough point, Solaris jumped upwards, using the blade to impale the Kaiju. The Kaiju, after the attack, was impaled by Steel Paladin's remaining sword, and was slowly losing blood; which glowed a light blue colour. Blood spewed out of the Kaiju's open mouth, spraying the Conn-Pod and Solaris in a thick spray of blue liquid. The Kaiju breathed one last time before Solaris threw it off of his blade, crashing into the sea for a third time and plummeting to the deepest part of the sea.

The Kaiju was beaten. The battle was over. But to Solaris, this day will live on for his coming days...

...Equestrian Rim...

Author's Note:

Note: I'm only going to say this once, guys; I don't regret anything about this new project. Until I can sort things out with Misty Mountains, Equestrian Rim will be filling that void. So yeah, feedback is wanted. I'm trying to make this my own thing, going beyond the borders with Pacific Rim character development, and to get character development with the other Jaeger pilots because I felt like the pilots in Pacific Rim didn't get much...if not, any at all.

Anyway, there's some things I need to get out of the way, first. MLP and Pacific Rim are owned by their respected owners, not only that, but a Jaeger by the name of Delta Dragon is owned by my friend MechaShockwave; after I asked if I could use him for this project. I still need help in several areas; mostly editing. If you think you can edit, then I suggest you contact me here for extra details.

Anyway, ciao.

-Chief Wolfee-

Comments ( 5 )

I like it. I am interested in seeing what you do with the concept. I am interested in seeing what the other Jaegers could look like, since their ponies the designs could be very different than the ones in the films. If you need suggestions on character development, I'd like to see the idea of what it is like for someone to die in the drift, I always thought it would have been interesting if that person's consciousness or at least part of it was then permanently trapped in the other pilots head. Just a suggestion. I'm interested and I hope to see more. See you in Brighter Days!:eeyup:

It's well written, but it's basically a retelling of the movie with ponies. Nothing too unique about it.

Nice story.


It's basically just that. I agree with you. Hell, this is, in fact, the first crossover I've actually done. But, I'm trying to expand it a bit more, to give the other pilots a backstory because I thought that the pilots go zero to no backstory whatsoever. But, I do thank you for commenting, to give out your opinion on it.


Yeah, I have designed and named two other Jaegers, whereas the other belongs to Mecha. They'll be different, but they'll have the same amount of pilots; two in three of 'em, three in one of 'em.

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